TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #13

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while i agree with you what i dont understand is if le has a description of a suspect why are they not releasing it to the public or trying to reassure the public of their safety? thats the only reason i keep coming back to the original story - not because i dont believe the brothers story, its because of the total absence of any info from le to the public, ie. "no one has been cleared"... that and the 50,000 reward offered out of the state coffers...

I don't know, but I don't think LE thinks the general public is at risk. I think this was a targeted abduction. The perp wanted Holly, he got her, and LE doesn't have reason to believe he will attack anyone else.

I don't know, but I don't think LE thinks the general public is at risk. I think this was a targeted abduction. The perp wanted Holly, he got her, and LE doesn't have reason to believe he will attack anyone else.


i agree but le usually says so too - their total silence bothers me for some reason...
I don't know, but I don't think LE thinks the general public is at risk. I think this was a targeted abduction. The perp wanted Holly, he got her, and LE doesn't have reason to believe he will attack anyone else.


Respectfully, I don't agree with this. I do believe that Holly was targeted. I believe that Heather Sullivan was targeted before Holly and I feel that if he is not caught, someone else will be targeted at some point. It might be months or years, but a person like this doesn't stop.
I've heard that Clint wears glasses/contacts, but didn't have them on or in at the time of the sighting. That accounts for a lot IMO as far as misinterpreting who the abductor was (thinking it was her boyfriend).

What I'm wondering - as far as not releasing the 911 calls and the family not speaking out (per LE request?) is - is there another witness? Perhaps Clint wasn't the one who observed the "dragging/leading" part, but the neighbor or someone else, and LE is allowing everyone to believe that it was Clint for some reason.

ETA for further info: A local on NG FB page had reported that Clint got up w/o his eyewear (perhaps to use the restroom?), looked out and saw the "boyfriend," and went back to bed. The neighbor was the one who called the mother after she heard the scream, who in turn called Clint to go outside to check on Holly. It was then that Clint saw the blood, and the calls were made to 911.

To me, this scenario accounts for the weird reporting initially (drug vs led, the time span it took to call 911, etc.) and points to a second witness IMO.

All MOO and other disclaimers.
I cant remember who posted on here about messaging the girl who claimed a man attempted to kidnap her, anyhow you had suggested she change her profile to private and she replied thanks. I'm curious if she actually did change her settings. I'm not convinced that story is legit to begin with.
Respectfully, I don't agree with this. I do believe that Holly was targeted. I believe that Heather Sullivan was targeted before Holly and I feel that if he is not caught, someone else will be targeted at some point. It might be months or years, but a person like this doesn't stop.

We can agree to disagree and still be friends. That's why I love Websleuths!

I cant remember who posted on here about messaging the girl who claimed a man attempted to kidnap her, anyhow you had suggested she change her profile to private and she replied thanks. I'm curious if she actually did change her settings. I'm not convinced that story is legit to begin with.

It is a case that happened only 40 minutes from Holly and she reported it to the police at the time it happened. So, it's not a story that she just "came up with."
It is a case that happened only 40 minutes from Holly and she reported it to the police at the time it happened. So, it's not a story that she just "came up with."

Thank you I did read that as well but has it been confirmed and by who?
Ugh the media has me so frustrated the way they reports things as fact!
I cant remember who posted on here about messaging the girl who claimed a man attempted to kidnap her, anyhow you had suggested she change her profile to private and she replied thanks. I'm curious if she actually did change her settings. I'm not convinced that story is legit to begin with.

I'll admit I thought it a bit fishy, too, but LE confirmed it was reported at the time.
Providing the dogs used were well trained and handled trailing dogs, they should have found Holly's scent in the woods around the Bobo home.

If no scent trail was found around the home then it would indicate she was transported by vehicle from the area. (Not saying that happened)

Providing the right kinds of dogs were used.

I remember from past searches (Haleigh Cummings) LE determined how far she could have gone on foot in 3 hours and drew a perimeter, they searched that perimeter and determined she had to have been transported away from the area.

Anyway, this case is mass confusion. I'd like to know if they really found her purse and/or phone. So many questions, so little answers.

Thank you I did read that as well but has it been confirmed and by who?
Ugh the media has me so frustrated the way they reports things as fact!

Yes, it was confirmed by LE and has been discussed several times in these threads. That's the problem with a case with so many threads, it's virtually impossible unless you go back and read each and every post to keep up with. I have read every post from the beginning, so I know you don't know me, but trust me please that Heather did report this the morning she had this happen....a couple of months before Holly.
Providing the dogs used were well trained and handled trailing dogs, they should have found Holly's scent in the woods around the Bobo home.

If no scent trail was found around the home then it would indicate she was transported by vehicle from the area. (Not saying that happened)

Providing the right kinds of dogs were used.

I remember from past searches (Haleigh Cummings) LE determined how far she could have gone on foot in 3 hours and drew a perimeter, they searched that perimeter and determined she had to have been transported away from the area.

Anyway, this case is mass confusion. I'd like to know if they really found her purse and/or phone. So many questions, so little answers.


I believe that the only thing that has been confirmed so far that has been found is the lunch sack with the lunch inside. The tape found has not been confirmed to be a part of this case yet.
I think if HS made up her story (which I don't believe she did) it would have been pretty coincidental that she was able to make up a story and report it a couple months before Holly's, considering the similarities. But I do think there's a good possibility that the two cases aren't connected, just similar. But I don't think HS was making it up. Now, if she had only come forward after Holly's abduction, that would be different.
The county next to me (Polk County, FL) was for years the Meth Capital (so I guess it lost that honor?). At least down here Meth labs did not seem to be in the woods but were in cheap houses, trailers, apartments, etc. Somehow I dont see these toothless slackers having the capacity to plan this kidnapping. This took some effort and planning and pulling off a kidnapping like this really isnt the MO for the local junkies.

One of the big problems with meth is it can so easily create manic psychosis. People really get crazy behind it, as in totally delusional. I say this as one with a certificate in addiction studies.
while i agree with you what i dont understand is if le has a description of a suspect why are they not releasing it to the public or trying to reassure the public of their safety? thats the only reason i keep coming back to the original story - not because i dont believe the brothers story, its because of the total absence of any info from le to the public, ie. "no one has been cleared"... that and the 50,000 reward offered out of the state coffers...

I've followed a lot of cases and often it's not so simple as LE having a suspect or no suspect. Many times LE are running different degrees of parallel investigations. In this case that has probably manifested itself in the varied search areas...maybe this happened so we search here, we found something that could possibly be involved so we search somewhere else, or we search another place based on a profile, a vague tip or just being thorough...that kind of thing.

Same thing with suspects...there could be different people LE is looking at very closely. We've seen many cases where initially strong suspects have not panned out. In the Somer Thompson case they had a very strong suspect early in the case, a guy who lived right next to the elementary school. But they weren't confident enough about him to tell the public. It probably takes a much higher degree of confidence than most of us think to name a POI. The guy in the Somer case turned out to be innocent.

The bottom line is that nobody with the means or opportunity can be cleared unless LE is very confident they have their perp, often when an arrest is made. Doesn't mean that everyone is a probable suspect in their mind, some people may have the means and opportunity but still have a very small possibility of being the perp. They obviously can't clear the brother at this point but that doesn't mean they think he did it.
Brasher said the mood in the fairgrounds has been somber at times, but the spirit to continue the search is strong among the volunteers.

"I think the people are willing to keep going; the hours spent here doesn't matter," Brasher said. "The people are willing."

Outside of the fairgrounds building, D'Lynn Burton, of Parsons, loaded boxes of black T-shirts for sale in a pick-up truck.

So far she's sold 2,000 shirts in support of the Holly Bobo Fund.

"We've sent shirts to as far away as New York, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky and Texas," said Burton, who lives next door to the Bobo family. "I've got four children so I couldn't go out in the search, but this is a way I can best help the family."|head
Seems the shirts are also bringing comfort to the community...just saying.

Hundreds of people gathered in western Tennessee for a prayer service for a missing western Tennessee woman.

The service took place Easter Sunday morning at the Decatur County Fairgrounds, WSMV-TV in Nashville reported. The gathering came as volunteers continue to search for 20-year-old Holly Bobo, who was last seen April 13 being led away from her home into a wooded area.

Balloons were released along with the prayer service at the fairgrounds.
I've followed a lot of cases and often it's not so simple as LE having a suspect or no suspect. Many times LE are running different degrees of parallel investigations. In this case that has probably manifested itself in the varied search areas...maybe this happened so we search here, we found something that could possibly be involved so we search somewhere else, or we search another place based on a profile, a vague tip or just being thorough...that kind of thing.

Same thing with suspects...there could be different people LE is looking at very closely. We've seen many cases where initially strong suspects have not panned out. In the Somer Thompson case they had a very strong suspect early in the case, a guy who lived right next to the elementary school. But they weren't confident enough about him to tell the public. It probably takes a much higher degree of confidence than most of us think to name a POI. The guy in the Somer case turned out to be innocent.

The bottom line is that nobody with the means or opportunity can be cleared unless LE is very confident they have their perp, often when an arrest is made. Doesn't mean that everyone is a probable suspect in their mind, some people may have the means and opportunity but still have a very small possibility of being the perp. They obviously can't clear the brother at this point but that doesn't mean they think he did it.

ITA. And even if they are certain or nearly so, of who the perp is, they still need to collect enough evidence to obtain probable cause for a search warrant or an arrest.

In the meantime, they could very well have someone under surveillance, but they aren't going to release that information to the public at this time.
There have been several sites that have stated that the money from the T-shirt sales would go to the reward fund. One news channel that originally wrote this had to go back and correct their claims after a friend and neighbor of the Bobo's said that she had spoken with Holly's mother, who wanted them to do something so that Holly would have money for a vacation when she returns...or for "anything she wants." That is why they created the Holly Bobo Fund, which is separate from the Holly Bobo Reward Fund.

This is my understanding and I will link the article here. As with everything in this case, who knows the actual truth. But I do know the neighbor made the quote and it has appeared all over the internet.

This article is entitled "Update," and at the bottom half of the article they explain that,
"the proceeds are NOT going to the reward fund, but to the Holly Bobo Fund."

It also says, ""When Holly comes home, [Holly's mother] wants her to have some money so she can go on a vacation, or just treat herself with anything she wants."

Most people who are questioning this are not being mean or trying to take the focus away from Holly being rescued. I, for one, find the whole thing unusual....that's all.,0,1689775.story

I also find this highly unusual, as well as inappropriate at a time when the focus is on searching for Holly. Searches cost money and it's just bizarre to be selling t-shirts that are going to be used for a holiday when hundreds of people are spending their own time and money on trying to help the family and find their daughter.

I can understand that Holly's mother may not be seeing straight right now, and who can blame her, but surely the people around her and supporting her, can see that this could be seen as being .. well ... just plain wrong.
I also find this highly unusual, as well as inappropriate at a time when the focus is on searching for Holly. Searches cost money and it's just bizarre to be selling t-shirts that are going to be used for a holiday when hundreds of people are spending their own time and money on trying to help the family and find their daughter.

I can understand that Holly's mother may not be seeing straight right now, and who can blame her, but surely the people around her and supporting her, can see that this could be seen as being .. well ... just plain wrong.

If you read the first link in my post a copule up you will see that those supporting her mother are comforted by being able to participate in any small way. Not to mention, there are other comments, such as one by the manager at Parson's Flowers, the seller of the shirts, that it will also be used to cover the reward that the family offered.

If it bothers people, they don't have to buy a shirt. It means nothing. Her mother is doing what she can and what she feels is right. Never having had a missing child before, she likely feels or hopes that Holly will come home needing nothing more than a good vacation. MOO.

ETA - The media in this case is just wacky, all over the place from the first day. Personal opinion, I think that some of the money will be going to the reward fund, LE judt didn't feel it was a good idea to let the community know that the reward was not fully secured yet, as it could keep certain kinds of people from coming forward.
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