April 15th Hearing

i wonder if she doesnt show again if he'll put her in contempt.
Since she seems to have provided some sort of psych analysis of Phil, she may be asserting doctor/patient privelege. Even if the court respects this assertion, I suspect that the court will expect her to respond in some manner other than just not showing up. If she fails to appear again, she will probably be found in contempt. (IMHO)
So is she someone the DA's office learned about and want to bring to court or is she a defense witness? Just a tad confused. But, then again, that is not unusual. :)
I think the tent city happened gradually not in 4 years. The dude was a hoarder. Takes time to gather stuff. And we are talking about a child here not an adult. That being said lets see how adults have handled similar situations - lady in the box was 18 and yet she felt she was a prisoner. She was even made to believe that she was legally the person's slave. She was allowed to visit her parents after only what 3 or 4 years and did not cry for help. Mentally she was a prisoner. There are other situations when adults have become mentally captive after being held physically captive. Even Katie, at 24, nearly did not yell for help when the police officer arrived, thinking it was a trap and not a chance for freedom and that was merely hours not years. Again we are dealing with a child when taken not an adult. So to mentally enslave them would be in fact easier.

It is easy for one, who is home safe, warm, surrounded with people who truly love you, sitting behind their little computer to say "if this were me I would have...." whatever dude. Safe, warm, with loved ones is not the same situation these people are stuck in. And a 11 year old girl is totally powerless against a man, who at the time was never two feet taller than her, or perhaps over two feet taller.
The Associated Press
Posted: 05/12/2010 11:51:54 AM PDT
Updated: 05/12/2010 11:51:55 AM PDT

PLACERVILLE, Calif.—The Northern California couple charged with kidnapping and raping Jaycee Dugard won't be getting any face-to-face visits while they remain jailed. An El Dorado County judge denied Phillip and Nancy Garrido's request to see each other in an order issued Friday and made public Wednesday.
Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister says the couple can have one five-minute phone call in May and in June. He says the calls may be monitored by jail officials and recordings provided to prosecutors and defense lawyers.
Phimister did not give a reason for nixing the visits. more at link: http://www.contracostatimes.com/ci_...contracostatimes.com-www.contracostatimes.com
There will be a hearing May 20th to deal with Barbara Cerf-Major's failure to appear at the earlier hearing. I will be there if I can get free that day.
There will be a hearing May 20th to deal with Barbara Cerf-Major's failure to appear at the earlier hearing. I will be there if I can get free that day.

ill open a new thread for the hearing

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