Is a "10 yr old" capable of murdering his sister

Yes, a 10-year-old boy can murder. From what I think, it could be that the sister was bullying him or they were playing together and accidentally got her injured
Some children can truly hurt another individual, perhaps they may not understand their own doings but they're certainly capable of doing some terrible things... And 10 years old is not that little too.
Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.

I think Burke did it. I think he killed his sister Christmas night. I think he was so jealous of his sister always getting the attention of everyone and new clothes <modsnip>. I think that John and Patsy knew that it was BR. And the ransom note was to buy them time to stage the house. To break the window, to place JBR in another room and stage it. Thats why they lawyered-up and why they would not talk to the police. They called the neighbors to destroy the house and crime scene and John went straight down stairs to search for JonBenet and not start upstairs as directed. They wanted to fly away immediately. In one interview, BR put this paper thing over his head and cowered down. He was hiding. Body language doesn't lie. The parents shielded him as much as possible from everyone. I do think PR wrote the note. It was too long for a ransom note. Also, it had too many details of their life that no one would know but them. The exact amount of money JR was to receive. The handwriting was very close to PR. I believe we know that it was Burke who killed his sister JonBenet. The reason it has been so hard for us to believe it was Burke is because of his young tender age. Also, we didn't get a chance to view him enough to get a good profile him. However, if we look at everything else, it all points to a massive cover up with all evidence pointing to Burke. When I took away the prejudice of Burke's young age, looked at the body language of PR when questioned and her hostility. And we think about trained officers and gut instinct that said this officer was in fear for her life when in the presence of JR. I think we just need to focus on the facts! Their son killed their daughter and they had all night to restage the crime scene and build a plausible plot in a few hours. Last but not least... when a guilty murder is caught their affection for the deceased loved one is over the top and they smile real big just like the way Burke smiled. I also thought S.B.T.C. was very interesting. In the Hebrew language YHWH means "Yahweh". I think it was like a secret code from school for Sister Patsy. S.P.T.C. or S.B.T.C. ???
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Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.

Certainly an almost-10-year-old could strike his sister hard enough to kill her. Whether he could understand murder well enough to form legal "intent" or even "culpable negligence" is an issue for professionals.

But NO 10-year-old wrote that ransom note! (Well, maybe there's some genius child somewhere who can, but Burke, while seemingly bright, doesn't strike me as THAT brilliant!)
Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.
I don’t think his brother did it. I honestly think her mother killed her, known fact that she has been sexually assaulted for a long while! I believe that her father was sexually attracted to her and acted out on it! And the mother knew about it and that night she actually seen it happen and got really jealous of it! Maybe because the dad wasn’t giving the mother that attention anymore! And in a jealous rage she killed her daughter! Orrr to keep her quite and not say anything to her mother the dad killed her! Because if you enhance the 911 call you can clearly hear her brother say “ what did you do to her?” And they lied to the police officers and said her brother was sleeping at that time! And the hand writing was that of the mother, from the mothers note pad, she was strangled with one of her mothers paint brush handles! The ransom note was more of a ransom letter! As if they had to much time on their hands! And facts from the police officers, they were trying to leave for their trip that day as well! And how come the dad knew where to look when the police looked in all the other places? He moved the cabinet out the way to get to the cellar! When it wouldn’t be possible to move the cabinet out the way for the intruder to get into the home or to place the cabinet back in place after the murder occurred! Or what about them calling the police even after the ransom note said not to or she will be beheaded? Why call not only the police but your family and friends a pastor your neighbors etc etc! They was not worried about anything the ransom letter stated because they wrote it to cover their own tracks! And again HOW COULD THE KILLERS PLACE THE CABINET BACK TO WHERE IS WAS BEFORE ENTERING THAT CELLAR AND LEAVING FROM THAT WINDOW! And the window was broken from the inside! Not the outside!
I don’t think his brother did it. I honestly think her mother killed her, known fact that she has been sexually assaulted for a long while! I believe that her father was sexually attracted to her and acted out on it! And the mother knew about it and that night she actually seen it happen and got really jealous of it! Maybe because the dad wasn’t giving the mother that attention anymore! And in a jealous rage she killed her daughter! Orrr to keep her quite and not say anything to her mother the dad killed her! Because if you enhance the 911 call you can clearly hear her brother say “ what did you do to her?” And they lied to the police officers and said her brother was sleeping at that time! And the hand writing was that of the mother, from the mothers note pad, she was strangled with one of her mothers paint brush handles! The ransom note was more of a ransom letter! As if they had to much time on their hands! And facts from the police officers, they were trying to leave for their trip that day as well! And how come the dad knew where to look when the police looked in all the other places? He moved the cabinet out the way to get to the cellar! When it wouldn’t be possible to move the cabinet out the way for the intruder to get into the home or to place the cabinet back in place after the murder occurred! Or what about them calling the police even after the ransom note said not to or she will be beheaded? Why call not only the police but your family and friends a pastor your neighbors etc etc! They was not worried about anything the ransom letter stated because they wrote it to cover their own tracks! And again HOW COULD THE KILLERS PLACE THE CABINET BACK TO WHERE IS WAS BEFORE ENTERING THAT CELLAR AND LEAVING FROM THAT WINDOW! And the window was broken from the inside! Not the outside!

The explanation for all the stuff being out of place in the basement, e.g. chair, suitcase etc, Is that it was part of an abandoned prior staging. Obviously the idea was the intruder escaped via the broken window.

John's explanation for the broken window is contradicted by the housekeeper and her husband, i.e. they saw no glass shards anywhere when they moved the Christmas decorations out of the basement.

John's story about the suitcase sounds contrived, why is he bothering about a suitcase at Christmas time, i.e. John appears to be more houseproud than Patsy, and he is a CEO. Moving suitcases is the housekeepers role.

Then there is all the Ramsey forensic evidence left on JonBenet which should not be there as John says he lay JonBenet down on her bed and never saw her again that night, Patsy says she never visited the basement again after the 24th and her alleged gift wrapping session.

So neither parents forensic markers should be on JonBenet who was wearing fresh on clothes, i.e. size-12 underwear, or on the pink barbie nightgown regardless of how it arrived in the wine-cellar.

Using the paintbrush seems to make it look as if they wanted PDI to be the default theory?

Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.
My opinion has always been the brother hit her over the head, probably with the heavy flashlight, and accidentally killed her. The parents then covered it up.
Yes a 10 years old can kill somebody. But a 10 y.o. is just a kid.
You can't try and convict a kid.
Yes a 10 years old can kill somebody. But a 10 y.o. is just a kid.
You can't try and convict a kid.

For those in USofA or even Colorado State the more interesting question is : was Burke charged with his sisters death?

Is this allowed under Colorado statute wrt to a Grand Jury?

BTW if you are the prosecutor and its a child on child homicide then you might definitely want to arraign a Grand Jury, then forget to file the results?

what I think has happened is that a predator or just a man has broken into the house and raped her realised they were looking for her and ran and jumped out of the window when the husband/father sees the girl they all get scared but the mother thinks that the father has committed to the crime and because she loved him she didn't want him to be arrested so she wrote the randsom note to make it look like a man has broken in and up until she died she thought her husband did it and carried on with her story and because she did so the media thought that the family had done it as there are holes in the story all because the mother thought the husband had done it.
Can a kid kill another kid? Yes, rarely. Can a kid as young as Burke lure his sister into the basement and do all the horrible *advertiser censored* that was done to her? No.

This was the crime of an adult.
Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jealousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.
In my honest opinion, no. I believe that Burke, Patsy and John are all innocent. There was male DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails. The strangulation along with molestation is something that you see in a lot of sexual assault cases, repeat offenders. There was time for the perp to lure her downstairs or bring her downstairs. She might have fought back or struggled. I do believe the perp used the flashlight because it was an available object on his way to bring her downstairs. I don't believe that the perp intended to take her away from the home because it would have been too difficult to get her out of the window. If he intended to take her then he would have went right out the front door. He had what he came for. There was no reason, if he intended to take her, for him to carry her downstairs. Just go right out the door. I believe that the ransom note was to throw people off, giving the perp more time to get away. They were waiting on a phone call that never was going to come, of course this gave him more time. Again, in the chance of opportunity he grabbed the notepad from Patsy's desk. It was there. This was going to give him time to get away. The specified amount could have been known by anyone that John had mentioned this to or even other's spilling the beans. Which makes me think that it was someone that the family knew or that they worked with. As for why John didn't go with the friend to search upstairs, well, they kind of already had. When the ransom note was found, they did go upstairs to look for her in her room. They probably checked the other rooms in the process, maybe not thoroughly, but they still did go through the rooms. They had to at least check JonBenet's room to know for sure that she was missing. If John had a history of sexual assault or child molestation then it might sway my opinion. Making this strangulation device and the DNA on her underwear I believe that this was a person who had premeditated this crime. I believe that this perp had a sexual fantasy about her and finally got the opportunity to live it. The other theory, it was a pair. Maybe a female went with this male (who left DNA). She could have been a mother of one of the beauty pageant competitors. It could have even been 'friends' or acquaintances. They could have sought the 'fall' of the Ramsey's. They could have been neighbors. As for Burke's interview. Burke is a very awkward person, even as a kid. I personally know a person who has been awkward since he was younger. He laughs or makes weird comments in conversations. He almost looks like he has an attention problem which contributes to his social awkwardness. I'm hoping that in the future that they can use these 'DNA' services to make a family connection that might lead to a suspect. Patsy fought to her death of the families innocence. I believe that everything is just 'weird' about this case and it makes everyone suspect the family. If the first investigator had done her job and secured the scene from the beginning I think there wouldn't be so much suspicion about the evidence. If the cops kept the family separated and the cops should have found the body first. John complicated the scene and the body. I really believe in Patsy's innocence. Burke is just awkward. If John had anything to do with it then he is a chimera and some of his body creates different DNA than the samples that they tested (highly doubt that).

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