Is a "10 yr old" capable of murdering his sister

Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.
I've always wondered if it was a tragic accident covered up by the parents. However after reading that they later did newer DNA testing, and the sample was determined to be from a male of likely Hispanic origin on her underwear I'm now wondering who fits that description that had access to the Ramsey residence? Maybe hired help, contractor? The plot thickens!
The Ramsey's paid John Douglas, a well respected profiler, to interview them to prove that no one in the family killed her. Its in the book, The Cases that Haunt us.
Author: John E. Douglas; Mark Olshaker
Publication date: 2000
I never thought it was the parents or the brother. What I do think is, someone who knew / knows the family did it. Someone who knew that her father got a $ 118,000 dollar bonus. Also, the partial DNA doesn't match anyone in the family.
“The match of male DNA on two separate items of clothing worn by the victim at the time of the murder makes it clear to us that an unknown male handled these items.” I know that there are some disputes to this however, they are unproven.
I think they need to DNA swab everyone who worked for her Dad, the neighbors , anyone who worked for the family, males who attended the pageants ( father's of other girls, etc. ), people who worked on the house and all other male family members. It is someone no one expected. Just my 2 cents.
This person was stocking her for a while. Also, notice it happened during Christmas time which seems a bit punitive to me. Someone who wanted her and who also had anger / Jealousy towards the father. Both. She ate pineapple without screaming because she knew the guy. Unfortunately in these cases, its someone no one every thought would be the guy and was never suspected.
Could her brother have done this, whether accidently or jelousy set in. I saw his interview shortly after his sisters death. Kinda of an odd attitude, no sadness in his features, almost puppet like.
Can a 10 year old kill another child? Yes it has happened before
Can a 10 year old kill a sibling? Yes it has happened before
Can a 10 year old commit sexual crimes? Yes it has happened before
Can a 10 year old get their younger sibling to go down to the basement and then proceed to assault her which results in killing her? Yes
Can that same 10 year old participate in moving the body around and some minor staging? Yes
Can they write the ransom note? Not likely, said 10 year old would need help

Additional Questions:
Can a 10 year old manage to notify ONE parent that something bad had happened and needed assistance without the other parent's knowledge?
Can a 10 year old just go to bed and "let" the parents find the scene and draw their own conclusions?
Since everyone is posting their theory here, I will give mine:

It was totally Patsy.

Someone upthread said that the ransom note bought them time. Why did they need to buy time, when as someone else noted you could just go out the front door?

If it were Patsy and John together, covering for Burke or not, out the front door would have been much easier than calling the police and having them investigate the total house.

But if it were just Patsy, and she needed an excuse to make for John, the wishful thinking of an attempted kidnapping makes perfect sense.

IMO, that was Patsy's true fear, accident or not, was losing John through the divorce that would likely follow when he found out his wife was responsible for killing his little daughter.

According to their story, when Patsy reported to John that there was a note and that JonBenet was missing, he immediately said to call the police, before even finishing the reading of the entire note. So she called the police, then called all her friends to protect herself from scrutiny by the police and John.

If it had been a ruse by both John and Patsy for whatever reason, why call the police? Get the body outside of the house, then report JonBenet missing. But Patsy alone could not remove the body by herself. She had to tell John something.

IMO, as time went by it may have become very apparent to police, investigators, John, and the DA exactly what had happened.

And John and the DA through an unspoken agreement chose to believe that Patsy did not deserve jail time for what had been a tragic accident. "Tragedy", as John described it.

Had she just called 911 and reported the accident, she would never have come under investigation or broken any law or faced jail time. Her crime was trying to remain in John's good grace. The grace that supplied her with her social status and wealth that she desperately was trying to preserve. Her marriage. And the DA chose not to prosecute that.

edited to add: this is the reason that the crime will never be officially solved. The person who committed the crime is now deceased.

As we have found out,young boys are very capable of brutal murders.The Ramsey boy didn't murder jonbenet.That murder was done by a man that came in thru that basement window with a stun gun,made a garrot from a paintbrush in that basement.. Someone that was familiar with that house. Unfortunately they had an open house before Xmas to show their home fully decorated.Over 1,000 ppl came in. Yet I believe it was someone closer to them. Pedophiles can hide in a group easily.Coach,teacher,priest,Dr...most often it's someone your child knows.Mine was my dentist. NO,it wasn't her family.
Remember those "leaks" the police gave media? All were FALSE!!! Thomas and Arnet were the worst!!! Watch The killing of Jon'Bonet,The Father Speaks.
You can see the whole picture and let this poor family rest. We 've learned how often the police lie. Utube has a plethora of videos catching them.
YES!! This was done by a grown man and a sadist.What he did to that baby will have him burn in he'll.
This family has been drug thru the mud because of the police.They leaked lies to the media to bolster their case bc they didn't have a clue who did this and they went in there sure it was a family member & didnt bother to look anywhere else.
Channel 5 expressed it perfectly!!!
That male DNA that didn't belong to any family member is very damming to the police case,along with all the other lies police leaked to media. The D.A. didn't want to go on with this case bc it stunk!
It was done by some freak they know!
Remember that nut job that kidnapped the Smart girl and kept her as his 2nd "wife" for all those months? He did work in their house for her father,knew where her bedroom was and snatched her out of her bed with her sister in next bed!! Pedophiles will do whatever it takes. This killer knew the Ramseys
While I agree that Burke's behavior (then and now) is definitely unique, I suspect that is because he is on the spectrum.

Do I think he was jealous of his sister? Sure! Do I think that he had hurt her before? Absolutely! Do I think he killed her? No way.

Here is why... I want you to take a moment and put yourself in Patsy and/or John's shoes. If you are a parent and you are covering up a murder that your 10-year old committed, the LAST THING IN THE WORLD you would ever do is let that 10-year old out of your sight; otherwise that 10-year old would . The Ramsey's sent Burke to a friend's house to play. The Ramseys would never have done that if Burke knew anything at all! MOO, obviously...
Yes, a 10 year old is capable of murder. The reason I don't think John or Patsy Ramsey murdered her, is because of her pageant career. She was their golden goose and was on her way to win more pageants and more money. However, it is certainly plausible that she was killed by her brother and the parents helped cover it up.
While I agree that Burke's behavior (then and now) is definitely unique, I suspect that is because he is on the spectrum.

Do I think he was jealous of his sister? Sure! Do I think that he had hurt her before? Absolutely! Do I think he killed her? No way.

Here is why... I want you to take a moment and put yourself in Patsy and/or John's shoes. If you are a parent and you are covering up a murder that your 10-year old committed, the LAST THING IN THE WORLD you would ever do is let that 10-year old out of your sight; otherwise that 10-year old would . The Ramsey's sent Burke to a friend's house to play. The Ramseys would never have done that if Burke knew anything at all! MOO, obviously...

Is there any hard evidence proving that he WAS sent to his friends house? They could have fabricated the story to throw law authority off the scent. There is also reason to believe that he is not on the spectrum, as he was psychoanalyzed multiple times.
Yes, a 10 year old (9, actually) boy could kill his six year old sister. 100 percent

Could he fashion a garrot and do the rest? Oh.....maybe 1 percent.

Could he write the letter? 0 percent.

Could he face down two police interviews without folding if he had knowledge of ANYTHING? At ten years old? 0 percent
I have a working theory that Patsy did it. The kid could have wet herself, and the perfectionist mother snapped. Hit her too hard and covered it up.
The Ramsey's paid John Douglas, a well respected profiler, to interview them to prove that no one in the family killed her. Its in the book, The Cases that Haunt us.
Author: John E. Douglas; Mark Olshaker
Publication date: 2000
I never thought it was the parents or the brother. What I do think is, someone who knew / knows the family did it. Someone who knew that her father got a $ 118,000 dollar bonus. Also, the partial DNA doesn't match anyone in the family.
“The match of male DNA on two separate items of clothing worn by the victim at the time of the murder makes it clear to us that an unknown male handled these items.” I know that there are some disputes to this however, they are unproven.
I think they need to DNA swab everyone who worked for her Dad, the neighbors , anyone who worked for the family, males who attended the pageants ( father's of other girls, etc. ), people who worked on the house and all other male family members. It is someone no one expected. Just my 2 cents.
This person was stocking her for a while. Also, notice it happened during Christmas time which seems a bit punitive to me. Someone who wanted her and who also had anger / Jealousy towards the father. Both. She ate pineapple without screaming because she knew the guy. Unfortunately in these cases, its someone no one every thought would be the guy and was never suspected.
I agree with your comment I think the same thing basically happened just saying it definitely wasn’t family and they also like u said about the pineapple also she had 2 know the person maybe he dress up like Santa that if she didn’t know this person but trusts him just saying
A ten year old is more than capable of killing a sibling.

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