FL - Chad Oulson, 43, killed in Wesley Chapel theater shooting, 13 Jan 2014 *Former LE arrest*

I too am very shocked. I don't get it at all.

I do have a question if anyone knows. I thought they had to decide NG/G on the 2nd degree charge as well as a Manslaughter charge? I thought the jury had to decide his guilt on both of those charges? Did I miss something somewhere?

I too am very shocked. I don't get it at all.

I do have a question if anyone knows. I thought they had to decide NG/G on the 2nd degree charge as well as a Manslaughter charge? I thought the jury had to decide his guilt on both of those charges? Did I miss something somewhere?

Good question.....when I heard ng on 2nd I was fully expecting manslaughter. I hope someone has an answer to this one. It was all such a rush rush they probably just forgot it. I doubt we will hear from any jury members given the decision....although maybe in Florida they will be heros?
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i would love to get the demographics of the jury on this one. My opinion was that if some are older (over 60) and I think they were ...the age defense would not fly...I am older and can't imagine thinking I have any more right to do what CR did when I could have moved seats or brought a manager in. Apparently the jury had empathy and "sympathy" for this guy just like the instructions say not to. Then you have to think in that short period of time they ate dinner (judge had said we will provide dinner) chose a foreperson and discussed the case. They had to be 100% in agreement to get the paperwork etc. done and be out of there that quick. Someone elsewhere made a comment that this community is behind CR and much has to do with the "blue wall" or some such reference to his police background. I think the judge is right there with him...they almost treated him differently as he had been with the Tampa PD. A reasonable person (at least my opinion) is all that police background would have put him in a better spot to diffuse the situation and was the reason I was a solid Guilty.
I agree completely. The defendant thought he was entitled to shoot someone because after all, he is former law enforcement.

I can think of many cases that meet your criteria of ridiculous delays but that is for a different thread.

I think he will be found guilty.

sadly and shockingly a Florida jury acquitted Reeves, the smug man who
Felt he had ( and has ) the right to take a life because the decedent was
On his phone in a movie theater!!!!!!
"Reeves was charged with second-degree murder and aggravated battery, however, Judge Susan Barthle told the jury they could find him guilty of a range of lesser charges including manslaughter, justifiable homicide, or excusable homicide."
This case was well charged giving a reasonable jury options if for some reason 2nd did not seem right. How could they not at least come up with one of the lesser charges??????
sorry for over posting here but you can see I woke up thinking about this very strange verdict. I am going to do some searching...my only thought is I feel I have never really seen the BEST video showing the actual time leading up to and including the shooting. Everything I see I can't make out much. Is it possible there is a video that is much clearer and you can see Chad "going over the seat"? There should have been marks on the seat then right? Did Reeves get off due to the shoddy police work after the murder....was that enough to overlook everything else. Maybe they agree he is guilty but too much doubt thanks to the investigation?
sorry for over posting here but you can see I woke up thinking about this very strange verdict. I am going to do some searching...my only thought is I feel I have never really seen the BEST video showing the actual time leading up to and including the shooting. Everything I see I can't make out much. Is it possible there is a video that is much clearer and you can see Chad "going over the seat"? There should have been marks on the seat then right? Did Reeves get off due to the shoddy police work after the murder....was that enough to overlook everything else. Maybe they agree he is guilty but too much doubt thanks to the investigation?

Yes, there is a video that shows Chad going over the seat. The video was the best evidence in the trial and there was no way he was going to be found guilty after the jurors saw the video. You can watch it here

CR kept poking the bear and then is surprised at Chad’s reaction. Move your seat, old man. I missed the testimony of the manager…what was his response to CR when he went out to complain? Did he just tell him to return to his seat??
The verdict is awful, but the prosecution may have overcharged. Manslaughter might have been more appropriate.

Now if anyone happens to see this trigger-happy angry man sitting near them in a movie theater, please keep your cell phone turned off and not visible.

Yes, the judge was ridiculous. Sounded half drunk. JMO.
what a shocking verdict -- then again it occurred in Florida
So maybe we shouldn't be that stunned.
Though I admit that Florida can deliver some strange self defense verdicts (Trayvon Martin, this case), Florida juries also rejected the self defense claims of the "Parking Lot vigilante" and "Loud Music" shooters.
Florida 'Loud Music' Shooter Michael Dunn Gets Life In Prison
Florida Man Who Shot And Killed A Black Man Over Parking Dispute Gets 20 Years

A Florida prosecutor is also pursuing murder charges against a creatively manipulative tow truck owner citing his uhmm...."bidness" practices constituted "bait" that led to a contrived self defense claim:
Florida tow truck owner shoots, kills driver in tow yard brawl, deputies say

In the end, I think though Florida quirkiness was a factor in the verdict, attorney skill was a larger factor. I have a suspicion that the defense hired a defensive "A team"- though I have no idea where he got the funds for that.

This defensive "A team" then went up against competent, but "Ordinary Joe" prosecutors and beat them in every inning from motions, to juror selection to trial arguments.
The judge was TERRIBLE and her final comments were disgusting. Wish Nicole could sue her. Judge was too nonchalant, kept saying she was tired. I hope CR and family have a bunch of lawsuits against them. CR finally met his match with Chad and CR didn’t like it one bit. He expects everyone to always do what he says at all times, no questions asked.
Too bad they didn’t have a prosecutor like in the Jodi Arias trial. Amazing that the Arias trial had one prosecutor and this one had 3 prosecutors.
Yes, there is a video that shows Chad going over the seat. The video was the best evidence in the trial and there was no way he was going to be found guilty after the jurors saw the video. You can watch it here


I've seen the video and I am sure that jury is wrong. If they based their verdict mostly on one thing, it was all the talk about what a great hero cop he was, but which was all irrelevant. Only relevance is it makes it even worse that he did this with all his experience of dealing with worse situations and never shooting anyone.
I have reviewed the video linked above...from that I can't tell what part of Chad's body is coming over other than hand...I don't see him in Reeve's face other than Reeve's leaning into him. That video is about what I have seen...I was hoping there was something actually showing Chad in Reeve's face. Lighted object is clearly his shoe...at no time did Reeves recoil after being hit by a phone. Sorry but this jury just got it wrong and CR is back on the street with his guns. He is an arrogant nasty old guy with a love of his gun.
I just read this whole thread and the media links. It took most of the day.

Thank you for keeping up with the trial and updates. They are so important for us who came late to this case and will be for the ones reading this in the future. So my humble thanks, such excellent work!

I kept on reading and reading even though I had planned something else, because of the rotten smell this thing started having very early on. You could just sense that he would somehow get off the hook. It felt so hopeless. The evidense was there. That bit seemed to be in the background though.

I have so many questions about the trial and those legal circus tricks that seemed to rule over the whole justice aspect.

Well anyway, I'll take a short break since reflection does good. I'll be back soon with my "list of weird". Just came to say THANK YOU for the updates for these 8 years.

all of this is MOO

I'm off to roll my eyes..

***Edited a few typos
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I just read this whole thread and the media links. It took most of the day.

Thank you for keeping up with the trial and updates. They are so important to us who came late to this case and will be for the ones reading this in the future. So my humble thanks, such excellent work!

I kept on reading and reading even though I had planned something else, because of the rotten smell this thing started having very early on.

You could just sense that he would somehow get off the hook. It felt so hopeless. The evidense was there. That seemed to be in the background though.

I have so many questions about the trial and the whole legal circus tricks that seemed to rule over the whole justice aspect.

Well anyway, I'll take a short break since reflection does good. I'll be back soon with my "list of weird". Just came to say THANK YOU for the updates for these 8 years.

I'm off to roll my eyes!

i am look forward to the list of weird...I did not follow much except for the SYG hearing and this trial but I smell something very fowl here as 2 +2 ≠4 just does not add up right in this trial. I will concede that Pros. was mixed...clearly Rosenwasser was the best and I thought he was good however Garcia and especially Martin were downright bad.
this seemed to be a done deal even before jury went in. Judge already knew it would be fast. How did she know??? She said it would be fast on Thurs. night. If I were the State I would launch an investigation on this judge and her connections to the players in this case.

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