CA CA - Malibu John Doe, 20-30, UP15043, found with swiss francs in his pockets, Jan'86

<modsnip> He was not buried in the sand ; his body washed up on the beach. He might have spent between 2 to 6 days in the ocean prior to his discovery
if he was washe dup 2-6 days piror to his discovery maybe he was like idk not a new years eve death more like between chirstmas and newyears eve im mostly going step by step just tryna get the small details really since im kinda new to this type of stuff but im trying my best currectly other then that i don't think we can get much out..from what i see about the bag? what did the bag had to do i didn't find ti in the NAMUS so im curious
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Gordon’s hair is noted as having quite the range in color. In the side profile morgue photo the doe has a huge nose. Have you seen that photo?
Gordon’s hair is noted as having quite the range in color. In the side profile morgue photo the doe has a huge nose. Have you seen that photo?
I kept staring at both pictures for a while and though I have a few doubts I don't think it's our doe. Maybe doing a bit of digging about Gordon could help determine more things ?
Hello folks.

We actually do have updates concerning the case, though the whole mystery seems to get thicker with them :

- MJD fingerprints don't match anyone in the swiss LE database. The forensic team that started working on the project is not willing to pursue researches (offically cause they might still be investigating without telling me)

Now :
Remember when someone posted about the Kondratjeva accident that took place 5 or 6 days prior to MJD's body discovery ? Well it turns out that the car crashed on PCH only 3 miles away from MJD and I found an article in the VC star where LE inspectors were investigating both cases as possibly connected to each other.

The boyfriend of Kondratjeva (Vladimir Ratchikhine) was arrested in the suspicion of murder (prosecutors said he strangled her and threw the car in the ocean), spent a few months in jail and was then released. He only got charged with misdemeanor manslaughter, saying he wasn't with her when the car crashed.
Kondratjeva had testified a few months before in the trial of a double FBI agent, Richard Miller. Her testimony doesn't seem extremely crucial in the whole story but I can't stop thinking, what if there's a connection between the cases ?

When I asked for an expertise on MJD autopsy report, I was told by professional forensic doctors that MJD's death was probably not as recent as stated by the coroner's office who performed the autopsy, and that he might well have spent... 5 to 7 days in the water. Which would match the idea that his death could be related to Kondratjeva.

I had big hesitations on posting these informations online because I don't like the idea of getting into trouble with mobs/foreign agents etc... but here we are. I believe discovering MJD's identity is more important than those hesitations.

I have requested a FOIA regarding Kondratjeva's case to the FBI / US department of justice and the status is that they are currently searching for the designated documents. I have no idea what this will bring up and if it'll give us more clues regarding MJD's case but I think it's worth the shot.

Also I think Ratchikhine is still alive because when I asked for his court documents in the FOIA I was told that the information I request regarding third parties couldn't be disclose in order to protect ones privacy. If he is still alive, he is in his 80's.

So... I'm picking your brains here my good folks. Let me know what you think of this.
If there is a link between JD's death and a espionage case (Ratchikhine and Kondratjeva's death), then it's a safe bet that we won't know more.
Thanks to the Swiss website «scriptorium» I found an article published on June 12, 1978 in the Swiss daily «Le Matin» saying that “Mr. Jean-Nicolas Python, 22 years old, from Villars-sur-Glâne”, had suffered a serious fall on his motorbike the day before after hitting a dog and was transported to Fribourg hospital.

One option would be to contact the civil registry of the commune of Villars-sur-Glâne (canton of Fribourg) to obtain more information and possibly photographs of the person concerned.
@ everyone searching for Jean Python, missing from Switzerland since 1985, here’s his doe page:
Hi, I haven't posted in this thread yet. I have sent a match today to Namus and Doe Network for Andrea Mele Jr.
I am not sure if it's actually him but at the same time there are so many links to his person that I thought it was important to send this in.

821DMITA - Andrea Mele Jr.

I will just copy the explanation I have sent to Doe Network (obviously beside that Andrea and John Doe looked similar):

The MP wanted to leave Brazil in 1981 to move to Italy. His Italian mother approved of it, however it was against his father's wishes which would explain lack of contact since his phonecall to his mother on Mother's Day, May 9, 1981. He was suspected to be in Italy. The UP was most probably a foreigner as he had large number of Swiss francs on him and was in Malibu around New Year's eve, suggesting he was a tourist. He was also uncircumcised. Switzerland is in proximity to Italy, it is possible that the MP ended up living in Switzerland. Additionally, the UP had Spanish and Portuguese made clothes on him and the MP was a Brazilian citizen, therefore spoke Portuguese and possibly visited Spain and Portugal while already in Europe. In spite of UP's relatively young age and apparent affluent background, it seems that no missing report has been made to police either in US, or internationally, after UP's death in 1985/1986, which could be explained by lack of contact with his family and no knowledge of his whereabouts. The death would also explain why the MP never renewed contact with family.
There is an article about the John Doe published a month ago. It's only visible after paying a fee though. Here's the link, in case someone is interested in paying for subscription:

Could you tell us what the comment is ? You have to be approved to enter the group.
It was regarding Gordon Bethel Lopez, I have seen that you have considered him as a match before but someone on Facebook called in this match Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP14306 and it looks like it's probably him. POST MORTEM in the link.
I would add to theories that he was a criminal, a student, a tourist etc. that maybe he came from one of those European families that emigrated to Latin America after WW2. He would be 2nd or 3rd generation so it’s possible he would have some latino relatives making him look a little Central European and a little Iberian. He would be going back home so he would have so much Swiss francs on him because they were all his savings. This would also explain why the nominals were so high. I don’t know if Swiss airlines had any direct flights to Latin America back then, so he would fly to LAX airport in Los Angeles and go to Malibu while waiting for the direct flight for his country. I tried checking Argentinian missing people bases but all I was getting were articles about people who went missing during Dirty War.
Does anybody know if Carlo Lucas Hernandez has been ever submitted? He either comitted suicide in 1976 or left to start a new life.


4866DMBC - Carlo Lucas Hernandez​

Name: Carlo Lucas Hernandez
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: June 3, 1976
Location Last Seen: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Physical Description​

Date of Birth: October 18, 1955
Age: 20 yrs
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items​

Clothing: Green windbreaker, red and white checkered "lumberjack" style shirt, jeans, and a green beret.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance​

Last seen at his Vancouver residence on June 3, 1976, Carlo was reported missing after failing to show up for work. Witnesses reported that Carlo had become increasingly depressed in the days leading up to his disappearance and foul play is not suspected in his case.
Does anybody know if Carlo Lucas Hernandez has been ever submitted? He either comitted suicide in 1976 or left to start a new life.

View attachment 488523

4866DMBC - Carlo Lucas Hernandez​

Name: Carlo Lucas Hernandez
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: June 3, 1976
Location Last Seen: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Physical Description​

Date of Birth: October 18, 1955
Age: 20 yrs
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items​

Clothing: Green windbreaker, red and white checkered "lumberjack" style shirt, jeans, and a green beret.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance​

Last seen at his Vancouver residence on June 3, 1976, Carlo was reported missing after failing to show up for work. Witnesses reported that Carlo had become increasingly depressed in the days leading up to his disappearance and foul play is not suspected in his case.
Do we know his nationality ? Spanish ? Canadian ? Interesting case indeed.
Do we know his nationality ? Spanish ? Canadian ? Interesting case indeed.
The only info I could find about him was on Doe Network and it doesn't specify this so I don't know. I have already submitted the match and they said that it's new and they will look into it. Maybe his family got him declaraed dead so he's not included in official Canadian missing people bases anymore.
Articles that I have added before have been removed because of copyright. I hope this time I'm adding them correctly:
Ventura County Star-Free Press (Ventura, California) · Thu, Jan 2, 1986 - written soon after he was found advising that police was handling it as homocide.
Camarillo Daily News (Camarillo, California) · Fri, Jan 3, 1986 - death by drowning but still possibly considered homocide, Swiss currency found on the body.
Ventura County Star-Free Press (Ventura, California) · Sat, Jan 4, 1986 - investigating the possibility of connection to Ludmilla Kondratieva's murder, the woman who was a witness in FBI agent spying for Russia case, does not bring any evidence connecting two cases.
News-Chronicle (Thousand Oaks, California) · Wed, Jan 8, 1986 - man still unidentified.


  • Ventura_County_Star_Free_Press_Thu__Jan_2__1986_.pdf
    313.8 KB · Views: 6
  • Camarillo_Daily_News_Fri__Jan_3__1986_.pdf
    114.9 KB · Views: 1
  • Ventura_County_Star_Free_Press_Sat__Jan_4__1986_.pdf
    339.2 KB · Views: 2
  • News_Chronicle_Wed__Jan_8__1986_.pdf
    281 KB · Views: 2

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