MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #4

People back in the day put PCP or whatever in weed. So, i can imagine people doing it with fent as well. There are some people who sell illegal substances who apparently don't care what kind of effect the customer expects from the product. Also, idk the reason for the PCP, but fent is much more addictive.
Here's another, more recent episode of 4 young people dying of fentanyl overdose while taking cocaine during a Super Bowl party.

This chit is not worth dying for.

"They’re not drug addicts,” Katrina said. “They’re not even regular users. They just made a bad choice in a moment of wanting to have a little fun with kind of a socially acceptable party drug."

My god, it's so similar to the KC case. Tragic.
Thanks for response.

Increasing weed potency idea doesn't hold much water for me - not the same kinda high. There are no reasons a reputal black market weed dealer would risk killing their customers with deliberate spiking.

However cross contamination potential makes absolute sense, especially given the high potency of fentanyl. The case mentioned upthread regarding the West Point incident highlights that.
“reputable black market weed dealer” sounds like an oxymoron to me. JMO
"They’re not drug addicts,” Katrina said. “They’re not even regular users. They just made a bad choice in a moment of wanting to have a little fun with kind of a socially acceptable party drug."

My god, it's so similar to the KC case. Tragic.
I hope these news stories continue to be published (rather than covered up in shame) and there soon comes a time when the idea of illegal drugs stops being associated with fun, and becomes associated with corpses. JMO
Cocaine is not a socially acceptable party drug.

It is a DEA Class II drug with substantial potential for abuse. Use and possession of cocaine is illegal. Possession of cocaine without a medical prescription is illegal, for very good reason.

I despise people trying to make excuses for illegal and dangerous drug use as if it was just cool to be using.
Back in the day, before cocaine commonly had fent in it; people died of using it. I don't mean from being addicted to it (although obviously that happened), but just using it at a party. Maybe it was cut too strong or they used too much, or the side effects of coke caused them to have a heart attack or they were using it in some weird way that was in itself dangerous.... whatever the case, people did die and these stories made the news. This is how I know about it.

I have heard people say "everyone" in the 80s used cocaine. No. They did not. People need to quit glamorizing drug use or acting like it's no big deal. Understand that drug dealers aren't pharmacies, and something like cocaine goes through a lot of people before it gets to the dealer who finally sells it.

There are also people who don't die, but become addicted to something more easily than others AND have a more difficult time getting un-addicted. That's also a bad consequence of cocaine (and other drugs). Addicts are, by nature of their addiction, having to buy cocaine regularly and the chances of them dying (especially now) goes up. Any ex-addict knows people who died of the thing they used to be addicted to.
The wife of one of the decedents at the Lake Tahoe deaths is an RN and gave a description of the events that transpired. She fell asleep during the party and did not partake of any drug. She fully recognized the problem was that the party took a huge risk with an illegal drug. She ended up doing CPR on her husband. She notes the bag of white powder there the morning after was almost full and LE told her it was about 20% fentanyl. It doesn't take much.

I need to be more charitable about the family reaction. ( I requested to have my prior critical post removed).

What needs to come out is that there is NO safe party drug nowadays. NONE

You don't have to be an addict to come in contact with a fatal drug. You cannot trust anyone at all in the illegal drug trade. They don't care about you, they just want your money and they want you to become addicted.

This is the point: NO illegal drugs are safe. NONE.

Have respect for your own life, for the life of your friends, for the lives of your family.
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The wife of one of the decedents at the Lake Tahoe deaths is an RN and gave a description of the events that transpired. She fell asleep during the party and did not partake of any drug. She fully recognized the problem was that the party took a huge risk with an illegal drug. She ended up doing CPR on her husband. She notes the bag of white powder there the morning after was almost full and LE told her it was about 20% fentanyl. It doesn't take much.

I need to be more charitable about the family reaction. ( I requested to have my prior critical post removed).

What needs to come out is that there is NO safe party drug nowadays. NONE

You don't have to be an addict to come in contact with a fatal drug. You cannot trust anyone at all in the illegal drug trade. They don't care about you, they just want your money and they want you to become addicted.

This is the point: NO illegal drugs are safe. NONE.

Have respect for your own life, for the life of your friends, for the lives of your family.
I think you said some things that needed to be said.

I do have sympathy for family who have lost loved ones in this way. I really do, but we can't do anything for people who have died. We have to protect the living and the living need to understand that they are engaging in dangerous behavior. The risk is just not worth it.

That being said, with that much fent, it's fortunate she didn't o.d. trying to help people (even though she didn't use the drugs).

ETA: i understand people who survive saying someone was not an addict, i kind of mentally translate that to mean maybe this person didn't even know the person used or had any cocaine. Although, i imagine quite a few addicts try to hide what they are doing from their families.
We know the deceased men were highly impaired. But has it been explained why they were all sitting around the back door and not stumbling into their cars trying to drive home? I was wondering if the home owner had enough company late at night snd threw everybody out the. went to bed ignoring them knocking and banging trying to get bsck in to be warm if they lost their keys or couldnt t navigate to the cars.
But has it been explained why they were all sitting around the back door and not stumbling into their cars trying to drive home?
Speculation and MOO: My impression from the posts throughout this thread is that fentanyl poisoning can result in a sudden collapse -- suppressed breathing, extreme lethargy, unconsciousness. If that was the case here, there was no opportunity to think about going out to a car, getting back into the house, wandering around, etc. because they were down and in the process of dying.

I have learned something from this thread: deaths from fentanyl poisoning IS an epidemic. For examplee, 5 people die everyday from fentanyl poisoning in my state of Texas

For examplee, 5 people die everyday from fentanyl poisoning in my state of Texas
According to total deaths in Texas according to The Texas Department of State Health Services that works out to only 0.00732064421 percent of total deaths. Personally I think money should be spent on deaths due to other reasons that cause a greater percentage of deaths. Texas Health Data - Deaths
Thanks for sharing your experiences.

While we can't know what happened, the scenario you propose makes sense. It's never made sense to me to think JW just did a little less of the tainted cocaine or that he survived a large lethal dose that killed the others simply from being indoors. What doesn't make sense to me though is why the (tainted) cocaine was used so late at night and apparently used only late at night. IF the men had the bag of cocaine with them when they came to the house around 7 pm OR JW supplied it when they got there (unlikely IMO) wouldn't it have been "burning a hole" in the men's pocket?

Admittedly, we don't absolutely know that the cocaine was used only late at night but 1) both JW and AWL seem to have attested to the men being alive as late as midnight. There was also a mention by a family member of knowing his/her family member was alive after midnight. We don't know why the family member said that or how reliable that info was, of course. (Phone info may be helpful.) But I can't quite see JW and AWL colluding with each other to lie about the men being alive late in the evening. But IF the men were alive late, and IF they did have more than a borderline amount in fentanyl in their bodies, it's unlikely IMO they used cocaine from the same bag earlier in the evening.

My best guesses (and we are all guessing while we wait for more information) are 1) The men thought JW didn't want them using in his house so they waited for him to pass out or 2) they didn't want to pull it out while AWL was there or 3) they didn't acquire the drug until late at night.

I'd like to know more but I'm not so puzzled by JW's behavior during that 40+ hour period. I think the statements from his attorney have muddled things. He said he misspoke when he said JW was in and out of the house and he also clarified JW did not sleep for 48 hours straight. (I don't think he ever said JW had been asleep for 48 hours but media reports were full of claims--including claims from family members-- that JW had said he slept that long without waking up.)

If JW is a "binging alcoholic," I can imagine he could have been extremely hungover for those two days. I remember very long ago in college having some "lost weekends" myself after indulging in too much alcohol on either a Thurs or Friday night. And if I didn't have to go anywhere the rest of the weekend, I didn't even if it meant missing a planned social activity. And I "napped" a lot. By Sunday night I was usually feeling ok (but panicking about classwork I hadn't yet done.)

While we don't know how much alcohol was actually consumed, people have said the amount of alcohol seen carried in that night (neighbors saw 2 men bringing in 60 beers) wasn't all that much for 5 men to drink. Well, maybe. Seems to me drinking 12 beers in an evening is a lot even for a larger man since they undoubtedly drank while watching the game elsewhere before coming to JWs. We don't know why JW went to rehab but if it was for alcohol, I could see him being laid up on the 8th and most of the 9th just from alcohol.
It's my opinion that the lawyer didn't "misspeak". The lawyer can only relay the information he's given. I misspoke sounds a whole lot better than my client's recollection keeps changing. jmo
It's my opinion that the lawyer didn't "misspeak". The lawyer can only relay the information he's given. I misspoke sounds a whole lot better than my client's recollection keeps changing. jmo
Could be. But it's also quite possible if JW did heavily indulge on Sunday night (even just alcohol) his memory of the night would come back in bits and pieces over time, pieces that sometimes seemed to conflict. That isn't at all unusual with a night of heavy alcohol use. I seriously doubt though JW was in and out of the house during those 2 days (unnoticed by any neighbors and without leaving evidence like car tracks in his driveway or footprints after it snowed Monday night.) I do think that was misspeaking or misunderstanding what was said. I can imagine JW saying something like "I was in and out [of it] on Monday and Tues" and not meaning he ever left the house. I also found it pretty odd the attorney was willing, almost anxious it seemed to me, to speak to reporters so early and so often. I wouldn't think the client was forcing him do that. MOO
Not really, speaking from a non-legal location. Killing off regular customers would be a pretty stupid business model.
I meant from a legal perspective. “Reputable black market weed dealer” sound to me like a reputable used electronics distributor who sells stolen property. JMO
Interestingly, I just heard a short feature on the radio while driving to work today from the Poison Control Center. The discussion was regarding a sharp increase in poisonings from people smoking marijuana that has been laced with other ingredients that is causing sickness.

No link since it was a radio broadcast so JMO.
Thanks for response.

Increasing weed potency idea doesn't hold much water for me - not the same kinda high. There are no reasons a reputal black market weed dealer would risk killing their customers with deliberate spiking.

However cross contamination potential makes absolute sense, especially given the high potency of fentanyl. The case mentioned upthread regarding the West Point incident highlights that.

By that rationale, then there is no reason any drug dealer would risk killing customers?
I hope these news stories continue to be published (rather than covered up in shame) and there soon comes a time when the idea of illegal drugs stops being associated with fun, and becomes associated with corpses. JMO
Unfortunately even though drug users know they could die, and often have friends who have died, they continue using drugs.

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