Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #6

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I think it was a rage killing.
If the narrative that he’s been moved out for a few months is true… then, it is very possible he came over for the party, maybe they told Maddie they’re getting back together.
If Jenn was knocked out sleeping or not at home yet, he probably tried to abuse Maddie again. After months of respite, and growing into a young woman, Maddie had enough. Tried to fight back, he most likely either strangled her or he hits her hard enough.
Jen comes home or he wakes her up. Tells her it was an accident.
She covers for him.
Except if that were the case they probably wouldn’t have added premeditation.

ETA: as awful as a rage killing would be, it’s even worse that it was premeditated. This guy is just evil.
Another issue was when she commented something to the effect of “I’m not sure how much I can say.”

That’s an absolutely insane concern at that stage, as there’s literally nothing she could offer that would jeopardize the case.

She simply didn’t have the answers, as that would require thought. The truth requires no such thought.
When I heard her make that statement (“I’m not sure how much I can say.”) my immediate thought was how much info SS was OK with her saying.
When I heard her make that statement (“I’m not sure how much I can say.”) my immediate thought was how much info SS was OK with her saying.
Yeah we know it wasn't law enforcement, so if that was a concern, he was all that was left. I wouldn't be surprised it the "we" thing was his idea, but she just lost her nerve.
Except if that were the case they probably wouldn’t have added premeditation.

ETA: as awful as a rage killing would be, it’s even worse that it was premeditated. This guy is just evil.
I was thinking the same thing, but just recently learned that premeditation can literally mean a minute before. It doesn’t have to mean days or hours of planning prior.
I think it was a rage killing.
If the narrative that he’s been moved out for a few months is true… then, it is very possible he came over for the party, maybe they told Maddie they’re getting back together.
If Jenn was knocked out sleeping or not at home yet, he probably tried to abuse Maddie again. After months of respite, and growing into a young woman, Maddie had enough. Tried to fight back, he most likely either strangled her or he hits her hard enough.
Jen comes home or he wakes her up. Tells her it was an accident.
She covers for him.
not being critical of you or anyone's opinion.

I do not understand why a scenario of JS being drugged is a suggested reason for her being unaware if something happened sunday nite into the morning. there is absolutely no information available JS was drugged that nite or at any time in the past. its human nature to want to hear a reason we can wrap our heads around, but unfortunately, sometimes its as simple as a parent passing the baton when it comes to care for their child without much thought.

he didnt have a job, mostly off than on. he had extensive opportunities if JS was working outside of the home. or any time she left the home for periods of time. the sheer number of documented abuse is evidence he had easy access.... Madeline was probably alone in his care alot.

if one goes with the thought process 'she had no idea' what was happening between SS and Madeline, ok, place her away from the home when ALL separate events of the abuse occurred coupled with Madeline never disclosed and Madeline did not have any physical presentation of abuse. but its very possible it occurred while JS was home and allowed them to be alone together with the door closed and she didnt blink.

many are hopeful she was simply a mom who didnt want to get up that morning and made arrangements and didnt want to be judged.... but why not just say 'I made arrangements to sleep in and BF took her to is what he told me'. instead, she presented it as a joint event, but then the listener has to put the pieces back to see there was no 'we' travelling together to school.

was there a 'we' sunday nite into the morning? thats the big question.

press conference: when asked about long they were in a relationship: LE said they are still investigating how long SS and JS were in a relationship...sheesh....that needs an investigation and cannot be answered outright? :rolleyes:
I was thinking the same thing, but just recently learned that premeditation can literally mean a minute before. It doesn’t have to mean days or hours of planning prior.
That’s true, but it also excludes “in the moment” crimes of passion. Killing her in a rage would not qualify for premeditation IMO. But I could certainly be wrong.
That’s true, but it also excludes “in the moment” crimes of passion. Killing her in a rage would not qualify for premeditation IMO. But I could certainly be wrong.
Curious: could premeditation be only regards to the story that she was dropped at school and went "missing"? Does it HAVE to mean that the killer(s) gave any thought to how to kill her? Or can it just be they thought about how to explain to fam, friends and LE that she never attended school that day and was, "missing"?
Curious: could premeditation be only regards to the story that she was dropped at school and went "missing"? Does it HAVE to mean that the killer(s) gave any thought to how to kill her? Or can it just be they thought about how to explain to fam, friends and LE that she never attended school that day and was, "missing"?
The coverup is evidence of premeditation if there were acts taken prior to the murder that show planning. So if he dumped the bag before he killed her or something.

But anything after the fact doesn’t affect the premeditation element. That’s simply a coverup, and shows consciousness of guilt.

If there was anything that showed that he intended to kill her, then that helps prove it. It doesn’t matter if he hadn’t decided on a method.

And from google AI:

Premeditation is sometimes called malice aforethought, which is defined as the intent to kill. Premeditation and deliberation require the time it takes to form the intent, consider the crime, and then act. Defendants can premeditate and deliberate in a matter of minutes, as long as the thought process occurs before the act.
Curious: could premeditation be only regards to the story that she was dropped at school and went "missing"? Does it HAVE to mean that the killer(s) gave any thought to how to kill her? Or can it just be they thought about how to explain to fam, friends and LE that she never attended school that day and was, "missing"?
Premeditation goes with “malice aforethought,” which is before the act. It doesn’t really mean the killing is “planned,” it just means they had the thought and intention to kill and carried out the act in malice.

ETA: just saw Massguy’s response, sorry.. google AI is faster than my recalling my few criminal justice classes in college, ha.
Not a reasonable assumption at all IMO. She literally came out with a negative comment about where LE was planning to search. Her statement was within 24 hours. Any mother who frantically wants her 13-year-old daughter found quickly and safely would respond positively to ANY search by LE with sniffer dogs. To negate searching an area "because there had already been people there all day" is negating what LE had planned to do, based on the information she and her bf had given them. Instead, she was discouraging their plan. Why might someone do that? MOO.
Someone might do that if they are impatient for their child to be found. If the trail had been searched all day extensively, with items being investigated as to whether they were my child's stuff, I would likely say the same thing. I would be impatient for the search to be widening, I would be panicking for the search to start moving out. Is it logical?
At the time, I think we can excuse a parent for not being very logical when panic and stress are overwhelming.
There were no sniffing dogs present when it was searched by friends and family though. Big difference! LE would have been searching for any clues, not necessarily her body, such as ripped clothing, footprints, blood, etc. Getting on television and negating the one and only thing JS mentioned that LE planned to carry out early in the search is not a good look for her unfortunately IMO. SS also negated the tips being received in his interview, saying they were not useful. Maybe they're just two negative peas in a pod who can't focus on the positive. MOO.
She may not of had much faith in LE at the time, I mean, it did take them hours and several calls to respond to a missing child report.
I've not seen the slightest hint of panic or stress in Jen. Much less overwhelming panic and stress.
For me it was her "I'm a wreck right now", as she calmly stared, doe-eyed into the camera.

At the time I was like .. hun, really? That's you as a wreck? Cuz I can't find my car keys for 10 minutes and I am a MUCH bigger "wreck".
For me it was her "I'm a wreck right now", as she calmly stared, doe-eyed into the camera.

At the time I was like .. hun, really? That's you as a wreck? Cuz I can't find my car keys for 10 minutes and I am a MUCH bigger "wreck".
Yeah, I believe her being "a wreck," about as much as I believe she saw Maddie getting ready for school that morning.
True. But in my experience they are visible much more than invisible.
Yeah, I can't tell you how many cases I've followed on here where stress and panic were visible. I actually can't think of one where someone had this affect and was innocent. One cool cucumber. As bad as that was though, her own words that are far more incriminating.
Respectfully snipped for focus.

I've not seen the slightest hint of panic or stress in Jen. Much less overwhelming panic and stress.

IMO, some people hold their stress and panic within and shut-down, into "freeze" mode, while their mind is racing.

Yeah, I can't tell you how many cases I've followed on here where stress and panic were visible. I actually can't think of one where someone had this affect and was innocent. One cool cucumber. As bad as that was though, her own words that are far more incriminating.

The case that comes to mind for me is Dulce A. (Bridgeton City Park, NJ). I believe severe depression, among other things, can lead to this affect.
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