Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #4

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The vehicles are listed on Wake County website. I am just getting the feeling the ones listed would be Brad's, ie (Z3). If Cisco is providing a vehicle it would have to be the SUV that is not listed in Wake County. I still can't see Brad being the driver of the SUV...thats all I am saying. In which vehicle was the purse located in?
FWIW, they had submitted the papers to the DA in the Peterson case, long before they actually arrested him. As you said, the DA wanted them to continue looking for the body.

They may have eventually charged SP without the body as evidence, but Laci and Conner coming home on Good Friday? was icing on the cake and a padlock for SP's cell.

He deserved it too!:mad:


IIRC, and it has stuck with me all this time, Laci surfaced on Good Friday and Connor was found on Easter Sunday. I may have the who on what day wrong, but not the when..
Your right, they probably would have, but Geragos is a skilled attorney, sans the body he may have had a shot. I say it is divine intervention that made that happen.
**gagging at** "Geragos is a skilled attorney". What big cases has he won? You don't have to answer here. Totally off-topic. lol
Ah-ha! I never thought of that!

He was washing her clothes from the night before because they had 'evidence' on them?

That would make sense. LE would need to find them so he could show she came home and THEN went running.

I bet she did drive the car to the party. He had to account for the car being home. 'She went running.' (not her usual MO, but he thought that would work, imo)

Good thinking!

If the rumor is true and it's BFT ( we can assume it is outward trauma none the less) I highly doubt he would change her and wash her clothes.
Bleeding is bleeding, and he would have made more of a mess moving her around. If she were strangled, which imo is the more likely scenario, than I would say it is possible. I just think that if she were found in the running clothes they would have released that because they are going out of their way to not name him a POI yet and that would have taken the heat off.
I think she was either naked, in PJ's, or in the clothes from Friday eve.
...If his attorneys are trying to seek a deal already he's sunk...
I think that his ship had sunk when they immediately placed crime tape around his house even after he said that she went jogging and was found miles away.
Did anyone notice on the emergency custody order it says that a neighbor reported Nancy missing? Was Jessica a neighbor?

#6 pg 1 of 3
From the court docs, one thing that really struck me was on page 7, item 9. Wow.

"Upon information and belief, Defendant claims that Nancy Cooper went joggin on the morning of July 12, 2008. Upon information and belief, Nancy Cooper never went jogging on July 12, 2008. Upon information and belief, Defendant was the last person to see Nancy Cooper alive.
IIRC, and it has stuck with me all this time, Laci surfaced on Good Friday and Connor was found on Easter Sunday. I may have the who on what day wrong, but not the when..
Your right, they probably would have, but Geragos is a skilled attorney, sans the body he may have had a shot. I say it is divine intervention that made that happen.

OK, I think they were identified and SP arrested on GF?

It's been so long I just can't specifically recall.

Laci washed ashore on April 14 (my bros bday)
SP was arrested on April 18 (my wedding anniv)

Just recall it was around Easter. It's different date every year.


PS IMHO, MG completely blew the defense case! He was a, ok, I don't want to commit TOS, :rolleyes:so,...........suffice to say I don't think he's that good of an attorney......fran
I may get thumped on this, but, see an attorney( hopefuy you have at least one in mind via referral), share your concerns and follow their advice to the letter. Being scared for your physical safety is not normal and if you are concerned about his reaction upfront you have reason to be.
Good luck and back to topic.

Just my 2 cents - the week I decided to get a divorce, I saw an attorney, a therapist and a tax adviser. The hour I spent with the tax guy was immensely helpful to me as I negotiated the settlement. And I wouldn't have made it through the divorce without the therapist.

One thing I would suggest is that you do NOT share with him what the attorney tells you - not if you are afraid of him. With my (now) ex - when I came home from the attorney and told him what the child support would be - he totally went off the deep end and said it would be cheaper to hire a hit man. I wasn't asking for alimony - only child support - and in my state that amount usually is set using a table they have. Yet - it set him off and he made those threats in front of the kids. Unfortunately, the tenor/tone of the divorce and or communications post-divorce have not improved much. He just never forgave me for being the dumper and not the dumpee. Good luck.
Just my 2 cents - the week I decided to get a divorce, I saw an attorney, a therapist and a tax adviser. The hour I spent with the tax guy was immensely helpful to me as I negotiated the settlement. And I wouldn't have made it through the divorce without the therapist.

One thing I would suggest is that you do NOT share with him what the attorney tells you - not if you are afraid of him. With my (now) ex - when I came home from the attorney and told him what the child support would be - he totally went off the deep end and said it would be cheaper to hire a hit man. I wasn't asking for alimony - only child support - and in my state that amount usually is set using a table they have. Yet - it set him off and he made those threats in front of the kids. Unfortunately, the tenor/tone of the divorce and or communications post-divorce have not improved much. He just never forgave me for being the dumper and not the dumpee. Good luck.

Phenomanal advice.
...I think she was either naked, in PJ's, or in the clothes from Friday eve.
Brad said that he saw her before she went running. So, he would be a total idiot to dump her in pj's or her evening attire. She may have been naked, but I don't think so. I bet that he cleaned her up and dressed her to stage the scene of "gone running." Why else would he say that he saw her? He could have said that, when he awoke, she wasn't there. They were in the midst of a divorce. So, he figured that she was off with her friends.
CARY - Nancy Cooper's father and sister filed an emergency request to take custody of Cooper's two young daughters.

Cooper's husband, Bradley Cooper, had been caring for the children since his wife was murdered over the weekend.

In a custody petition, Nancy's father Garry Rentz and Nancy's twin sister Khrista Lister asked to take Isabella Cooper, 4, and Gabriella Cooper, almost 2, to Canada.

In the petition, Rentz and Lister allege that Bradley Cooper had been having an affair and that in the months leading up to Nancy's death, he'd been yelling at Nancy and belittling her in front of the children. They also say in the petition that Bradley Cooper was emotionally unstable and "poses a danger to the physical safety of the minor children."

ah, ok...this makes perfect sense to me as to why the children are now with Nancy's family......thank goodness!!
From the court docs, one thing that really struck me was on page 7, item 9. Wow.

"Upon information and belief, Defendant claims that Nancy Cooper went joggin on the morning of July 12, 2008. Upon information and belief, Nancy Cooper never went jogging on July 12, 2008. Upon information and belief, Defendant was the last person to see Nancy Cooper alive.

I saw that in the FOX report just listed above. I can't believe I missed that too!

I musta' been reading that with my eyes closed!:crazy:

I did see in the FOX report that LE is distancing themselves from the 'civil matter' and say they have nothing to do with it. However, they WILL use any pertinent information deemed from it, that will be useful with the criminial investigation.

Bet Brad's not likin' that one bit! :bang:

Yeah, what I am going to like is seeing what option Brad chooses. If he chooses to fight for custody, I hope to heck that this turns into a full-blown trial which reveals lots of information that can and will be used during his criminal trial. If he chooses not to fight, I can't wait to see how much child support he will have to pay to her family to care for the girls. Aaahhh...the irony of it all...
To top it off, Brad didn't let Nancy's family know she was missing!

It will make me *happy* when he is arrested for this. I hope they throw the book at him and that he is convicted of murder one.

I am sick of people killing their spouses.


RC I also heard his own family did not find out till after she was found.
Fran You are correct the DA in the Peterson case was going to try him even without the bodies.An I will have to go back years to find a case GEragas won.:crazy:
OK, I think they were identified and SP arrested on GF?

It's been so long I just can't specifically recall.

Laci washed ashore on April 14 (my bros bday)
SP was arrested on April 18 (my wedding anniv)

Just recall it was around Easter. It's different date every year.


PS IMHO, MG completely blew the defense case! He was a, ok, I don't want to commit TOS, :rolleyes:so,...........suffice to say I don't think he's that good of an attorney......fran

Your right, they washed ashore 4/14 and 4/15 respectively and WAS arrested on GF, that is apparently what stuck. thanks for the clarification Fran!
If the rumor is true and it's BFT ( we can assume it is outward trauma none the less) I highly doubt he would change her and wash her clothes.
Bleeding is bleeding, and he would have made more of a mess moving her around. If she were strangled, which imo is the more likely scenario, than I would say it is possible. I just think that if she were found in the running clothes they would have released that because they are going out of their way to not name him a POI yet and that would have taken the heat off.
I think she was either naked, in PJ's, or in the clothes from Friday eve.

Could that be why the parents, in their petition, said they believe she did NOT go running? She has on the clothes from the night before?

Oh, heck, I dunno!:waitasec:

Guess we'll have to wait until or IF they release the information..

If you look at Picture 32 at the below link, it states that Nancy was found in front of the fence. (not in the pond) I bet in the dark Brad was shocked to find a fence in his way of the pond and left her there.

thanks Suzi....they must have added some of these pictures since yesterday....i hadn't seen that he never made it past that fence with Nancy's body.....
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