The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

You are correct. LE did retrieve the bag from the dumpster.

Common sense should tell you that there would be remains or DNA on the outside of that garbage bag if it were laying in the trunk with Caylee's remains. GA stated that the bag was on the left side of the trunk while the stain was in the middle. I don't expect to find anything on the inside of garbage taken from Tony's apartment. I believe LP was 100% correct.

We do know there were bodily fluids, blood etc. taken from the trunk of that car. The maggots and decomp would be on the outside of the bag where the decomp occurred, imo. (There WAS no pizza.)

Where can I find the report that says blood and body fluids were taken from the car?
If the stain is indeed from Caylee's body it is likely to be from what is know as "purge" which occurs around day two. Graphic warning: It is from the build up of bacteria in the body, mostly in the digestive track, once the pressure builds to a point that it must exit the body these fluids leak from all orifices but mostly via the rectum. That would likely be the basketball size stain, the fluids found to have leaked through the carpet and on to the spare tire cover, and the source of the continuing to worsen smell. It also makes sense with LE saying they can see the position her body was laying in and the dogs hitting to the corner of the trunk and the stain being in the middle.

I think the garbage bag that was in the trunk was carried down from Tony's apartment when Casey went down to the dumpster, checked to see if the timing was okay, popped the trunk, dropped the bag, moved whatever Caylee was in and moved her to the dumpster. She then closed the trunk and got the hell out of there.

Good catch Impatient. I remember the remarks that they could even tell what position she was laying in, in the trunk. I assume the fluids had formed her body outline.

More IMPORTANTLY, I think you have hit on Klee's burial site. Light bulb moment here. :doh: She takes the garbage out for Tony and switches bags. She throws the bag with Klee in the dumpster at AL's and keeps the real bag of garbage in the trunk, to be disposed of at a later date. Never happened since car was towed.
It would be a courtesy, but given their disbelief of anything coming from LE, I would guess that they would continue to ignore. They are not, however, owed information. They are not the next of kin. It would be information given to Casey.

Right, and if Casey is going to act like she didn't kill her child one would expect her to reach out to her family upon hearing that news. They have had months to orchestrate an "appropriate human reaction" to such news when it comes in. Considering Casey is not great with human reactions I would expect she has been coached in this area. It wouldn't look good to a jury that she took that news in stride and let her family continue to labor under their "belief that Caylee is alive" and keep <ahem> "searching". Everything that happens now is about the trial, Baez would want her to act a certain way, and the Anthony's to do a press conference thanking the public for all they have done and to help them <ahem> find Caylee's real killers.
You are correct. LE did retrieve the bag from the dumpster.

Common sense should tell you that there would be remains or DNA on the outside of that garbage bag if it were laying in the trunk with Caylee's remains. GA stated that the bag was on the left side of the trunk while the stain was in the middle. I don't expect to find anything on the inside of garbage taken from Tony's apartment. I believe LP was 100% correct.

We do know there were bodily fluids, blood etc. taken from the trunk of that car. The maggots and decomp would be on the outside of the bag where the decomp occurred, imo. (There WAS no pizza.)

Here is the link to the NG show that this was discussed:

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

WILLIAMS: Well, apparently the CSI -- the crime scene investigators found this bag, and it apparently contains the bodily fluids of little Caylee, and it was initially found, of course, or was probably in the back end of -- in the trunk area of Casey`s car.


LP seems to be confused.
Interesting point. Perhaps they DO have tissue samples. Since this "air sample"technology is so new--it would be great to work it into trials as much as possible. If the tissue DNA is Caylee--then the air sample is just icing on the cake. It validates the technology.

Exactly...and since they are fairly new and may not be readily accepted in the case, they were given to the public via Sunshine Law and not the more damning evidence that proves Caylee was deceased.
Where can I find the report that says blood and body fluids were taken from the car?

Either in the forensics reports or could it be LE is holding that incriminating evidence close to the vest? Would they be allowed to do that? Legal eagles, puleeze.
Question? With all the circumstancial evidence suurounding this case, would the GP's who never saught legal guardianship of Caylee ( remember CA lied to FBI about seeing her lawyer to get legal rights to representation of Caylee in case a father showed up ) be told there are remains of Caylee before their daughters trial?

I have to believe that if Caylee's remains were found the family would be told.I think we would know .What would be the point of keeping that a secret from everyone? LE has said they have forensic evidence that Caylee is dead. I suspect they have more of the testing back and it's more conclusive.
The A's choose not to acknowledge the evidence.
Either in the forensics reports or could it be LE is holding that incriminating evidence close to the vest? Would they be allowed to do that? Legal eagles, puleeze.

I don't know if they'd be allowed to withhold that information or not, but as far as I know nothing that has been released says blood and body fluids were found in the trunk. I'm curious where SS got that information.
Yes, they can withhold them for investigative purposes. It was reported early on that bodily fluids, blood, and hair were found and being tested. CW can find that information in the same place as everyone was in the information released after LE took possession of the car and began testing. Soil was also mentioned at the time.
Here is the link to the NG show that this was discussed:

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

WILLIAMS: Well, apparently the CSI -- the crime scene investigators found this bag, and it apparently contains the bodily fluids of little Caylee, and it was initially found, of course, or was probably in the back end of -- in the trunk area of Casey`s car.


LP seems to be confused.
It did not come out until recently there was no pizza. I think LE allowed Cindy and others to believe this for whatever reason.
So if LE has proof (like the body, part of the body) more than the one hair with the death band why take the DP off the table?
If it's overwhelming why wouldn't the jury be given the choice of the DP?
You can take this with a grain of salt if you so wish. I talked with LP via phone to discuss forensic psycholinguistics being used when KC is being interviewed. LP son is getting his PHD in psycholinguistics in ottawa canada. After we shared our experiences in this area LP stated the LE know where her body is and possibly ( just conjecture not fact ) may have the body or parts. There was more to our conversation but nothing that changes the fact that there was foul play against this child.

I would LOVE to believe LP on that one but it's difficult to think LE would know where her body is and not recover it. Or that they might already have her body, or any part of it, and haven't released the information.

Just throwing this out, because I'd really like to know, but does anyone else know of a case where LE recovered a body and didn't tell the family or the accused murderer? It just seems an odd way to operate - even for a case like this one.

Either in the forensics reports or could it be LE is holding that incriminating evidence close to the vest? Would they be allowed to do that? Legal eagles, puleeze.

I agree that they are holding things close to their vests.
Logically thinking, why would they say they could tell the position the body was in, in the trunk if they didn't have evidence of it? Maybe it was a leak, but so far no leaks yet have turned out to be untrue, that I have seen anyways!
"Pizza leftovers" probably means the pieces of cheese, bits of meat/vegs, grease, etc that are left stuck to the inside of the box, even if the box is technically "empty" of pizza.
It did not come out until recently there was no pizza. I think LE allowed Cindy and others to believe this for whatever reason.

I have a difficult time believing LE would tell LP about finding decomposing tissue yet not tell him that there was no pizza. Actually, I don't see why they'd tell him anything at all.
Here's the problem i'm having with this. If this info was in fact true, then the A's would have to have been told. Am I correct in this? Why is JB continuing to hang the balance of his defense on the fact that they believe Caylee is alive? It's a precarious defense as is with what we know, if there is more, it's a ridiculous defense!!!

Its all about reasonable doubt. If they can put a shred of doubt in the jury, then they've won.
Yes, they can withhold them for investigative purposes. It was reported early on that bodily fluids, blood, and hair were found and being tested. CW can find that information in the same place as everyone was in the information released after LE took possession of the car and began testing. Soil was also mentioned at the time.

Nope, can't find it. Could you help, please?

If we already knew that body fluids and blood were found, why are we even discussing whether LP's story about body fluids being found is true?
They do not have an arm or a leg, imo. They do have parts of Caylee as in tissue, blood, bodily fluids, and it is my understanding there are more hairs...but one showing definite banding. This is sufficient to prove she is dead and the A fam discounts it because as near as I can Cindy says, "Science is science". Whatever that means.
Its all about reasonable doubt. If they can put a shred of doubt in the jury, then they've won.

"Reasonable doubt" and a "shred of doubt" are 2 completely different things.
Nope, can't find it. Could you help, please?

If we already knew that body fluids and blood were found, why are we even discussing whether LP's story about body fluids being found is true?
How could I know this was discussed early on if it wasn't?! How did this come out and I am the only one who could possibly have seen it?! GMAB! I am not going to research it for you.

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