CT- Annie Le, 24, Yale Student, Missing 9/8/09 #1

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Not trying to be sarcastic, but are you seriously kidding me? Comcast pulls from everyone and advises - which is the same meaning as reporting. Once something is put on the radio, is put into print, or is aired on television - it is reported no matter how much you want to argue about it. If one company covers it first and another picks it up, it's still reporting the info. It is what it is.

Don't want to get into a pissing match either over semantics and not to waive my credentials in your face....but I've been in network news my whole life. We are talking about the SOURCE of the report. NO NEWS NETWORK reporters or editorial staff independently reported this. It's the source of the reporting that is important. FOX NEWS and CNN did not REPORT this. They quoted, attributed the report to the original source.
Being a long-time lurker and very seldom poster I hesitate to posit this theory. I was hoping someone else would do it and I could "thank" them for their post.

I wonder if the smirky press conference which failed to acknowledge a "body" was due to the fact that LE believes she is alive.

I looked at the picture of Annie entering the building and at first it looked like she was cradling a baby. I now know that she wasn't, but her outfit and that image stuck with me.

Does anyone think she may have had a miscarriage (natural or otherwise) and that that might be what the bloody clothes in the ceiling was all about. Perhaps we are talking about a fetus and her blood-stained clothes.

One could hope she was recovering somewhere from a miscarriage and did not want anyone to know she was pregnant for any number of reasons. I think she did very much want to get married, but accidents happen.

The theory at least allows that she might be alive.

Feel free to throw tomatoes now.

Goldie Finch

Holy cow! I never even thought of that! I'll have to look at the pic again! tbc...
The FBI agent's strangely chipper and smiley demeanor puzzles me. Is she just awkward, or is there something slightly optimistic which they have found?
As my granpa would have said, she "was grinning like a jackass eating briars."

She definitely needs some refresher training in PR - the situation is too grim for her smiling demeanor.
Hi, would those tiles be like those in a dropped ceiling where one can push the light weight tile up and slide it over?

Hi back!!

That's how I picture it.

That is what I envisoned, too, but do not know for sure what the ceilings are made of in that building. I posted a link yesterday that had photos of the labs and the interior. They may provide an answer.
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Just bumping.
Something else, a person was questioned...we don't know if it was official police questioning or just regular questioning to put together a timeline. What about if they have somebody in mind, at the police station or under surveilance, and can't charge until they can link evidence to the perp? Once somebody is charged, can't they lawyer up immediately and that would stall police questioning? Again, just brainstorming. I can't get the FBI lady's word out of my head...sorry.

Good point, may be waiting to for the blood evidence from the clothing, may not just be her blood but perp's as well.
She definitely needs some refresher training in PR - the situation is too grim for her smiling demeanor.

I agree with both the posters.

The impression I got was slightly optimistic in a snarky kind of way, but she should not have telegraphed that attitude. It was at the very least defensive and unprofessional.

Optimistic Goldie
Unfortunately, I can think of a reason why her clothes might have been hidden in the ceiling. If her clothing was removed in an assault, the perp might not have taken the time to put them back on her - and/or they might have realized they missed something after they had cleaned up the scene and disposed of the body.

I'd love to have answers to a few questions...

1. How often did the "piece of equipment" trigger a false fire alarm?

2. Where was this equipment located in relation to where Le worked?

3. Assuming that there were often false alarms, how seriously did staff take the alarm? Namely, if Le was working on something and the alarm went off, might she assume it was the autoclave (I'm guessing here - steam is often used to sterilize instruments) and ignore the alarm?

I'm still thinking the steam release was intentional, and was used to empty the building - either to attack her or to escape from the area.
What if they found clothes belonging to Annie, that were not blood stained and they believe she staged this and is safe? I'm just throwing this out there in light of the "happy" mood expressed by LE at the pc.

A thought that crossed my mind when they said they were still determining if a crime has been committed is that they were considering the possibility that she either "ran away" or possibly committed suicide.
Goldie Finch brings up an interesting possible scenario about her possibly being pregnant:
It would explain carrying object, bloody clothes...and most of all...leaving her belongings behind. But on the otherside...where did she deliver the baby? There would have to be massive cleanup. What about her boyfriend...he would have to know about this. And while we know people have hidden pregnancies, they're usually people who are big and can easily hide.
Did I hear the person/student being interviewed got into the Front seat of the car and the 2nd FBI agent got into the Back seat?
Don't want to get into a pissing match either over semantics and not to waive my credentials in your face....but I've been in network news my whole life. We are talking about the SOURCE of the report. NO NEWS NETWORK reporters or editorial staff independently reported this. It's the source of the reporting that is important. FOX NEWS and CNN did not REPORT this. They quoted, attributed the report to the original source.

Televison or Print? :)
Is it possible for a mod, or someone, to start another thread? This one is over 600 responses and getting confusing. :)
Don't want to get into a pissing match either over semantics and not to waive my credentials in your face....but I've been in network news my whole life. We are talking about the SOURCE of the report. NO NEWS NETWORK reporters or editorial staff independently reported this. It's the source of the reporting that is important. FOX NEWS and CNN did not REPORT this. They quoted, attributed the report to the original source.

Ok, I understand what you're saying. You see, when I watch the news, I consider it reporting...always have, but then again, I don't work in the media...ya know? I consider what is being aired as being "reported" no matter who aired it first or who had the first source. When I mentioned Comcast, it's not as you thought. My homepage is set to comcast.net, sort of like msn or yahoo, with several news stories and several links, that's what I was talking about. Hope that explains it a bit better. And no, I wasn't getting smart with you, just don't agree with everything you do. It doesn't mean I'm totally disagreeing with your point of view, as a matter of fact it makes it much more interesting to look at it from different aspects and prove myself wrong. As for my mention of comcast, this is what I was talking about so sorry if I'm wrong in thinking it's reporting:
As far as the source with "bad reporting", I'm not sure it's considered a "bad source" yet. I sort of think it's damage control b/c the police shouldn't have released that info yet, especially without conferring with the FBI. Some people don't think that...and that's fine. However, I come from a very big family filled with le, an ex fiance that's a sergeant detective, his brother is a fbi agent in Arlington, and I still think there's a reason the FBI lady phrased that statement about a "body" the way she did...therefore, I think it may have been bad reporting due to the fact that it was premature, but maybe the actual source really is le and confirmed that statement but told the reporter not to run with it yet but she did so they didn't back her up...I know, run-on sentence, but you get what I mean. xo - please don't throw stones...pretty please :)
Search Continues in Missing Yale Student Annie Le Case
September 12, 2009 / Updated: 20 mins ago
Contrary to published reports of a body and bloody clothing found Saturday, federal, state and local authorities in Connecticut said investigators were still searching for clues to the disappearance of missing Yale graduate student Annie Le of Placerville.

The New York Daily News Web site reported early Saturday that investigators discovered bloody clothes stuffed in the ceiling of the building.

The paper also reported that New Haven police sources told a New Haven television news channel that Le's body was also found in the building.

"I will categorically say a body has not been found," Mertz said.

When asked about the bloody clothing report, Mertz said, "All I will say is that items that could potentially be evidence have been seized. None have been associated with Annie Le."

VIDEO REPORT: Police Say Student's Whereabouts Remains Unknown

VIDEO: Where is Annie Le? Search Continues for Missing Yale Grad Student: Cornell Barnard's Report; 9/11/09, 11 p.m.

VIDEO~ News Conference: Evidence Seized in Missing Yale Student Annie Le Case; 9/12/09, 2:30 p.m.


Goldie Finch brings up an interesting possible scenario about her possibly being pregnant:
It would explain carrying object, bloody clothes...and most of all...leaving her belongings behind. But on the otherside...where did she deliver the baby? There would have to be massive cleanup. What about her boyfriend...he would have to know about this. And while we know people have hidden pregnancies, they're usually people who are big and can easily hide.

I'm thinking if this is what happened that she was early on in the pregnancy and he did not necessarily know. There could be several reasons for that, not the least of which would be that she was very close to her doctorate and her life was already very complicated and stressful. It is also possible her fiance was not the father, although it bothers me to say it. Cleanup difficulty would depend upon where and how it happened.
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