CT- Annie Le, 24, Yale Student, Missing 9/8/09 #1

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In addition to providing a place for research, the building
stands as Yale’s most recent commitment to a greener campus.
Its design features environmentally-friendly elements
such as high-efficiency lighting, ultra-low flow water fixtures,
use of reflective ceilings and large windows to optimize
available light, a rainwater collection and purification
system for use in toilet tanks, and bike racks and showers
to encourage biking to and from work.

http://www.seas.yale.edu/pdfs/bme-news-spring2008.pdf BBM

Two interesting items there. Reflective ceilings would most likely be removable panels and they have showers which could account for the way a perp cleaned up after leaving the bloody clothing behind.
I also wondered about the possibility of a pregnancy because I read early on -- probably on IS -- that an ob/gyn has offices in that building on Amistad.

I think the FBI agent said that some people had actually seen Annie inside that building on Tuesday, but didn't confirm that the sightings were in or even near her lab; it's a huge building (more than 100,000 sq. ft. IIRC.)

What a roller coaster ride for her family and fiance. Terrible!
Could this be related to her marrying outside of her culture? I keep reading about these women who come from strict cultural backgrounds and how the family controls who they marry etc. It wouldn't be the first time someone was murdered over disobeying or "shaming" the family.

What exactly is her background?
Could this be related to her marrying outside of her culture? I keep reading about these women who come from strict cultural backgrounds and how the family controls who they marry etc. It wouldn't be the first time someone was murdered over disobeying or "shaming" the family.

What exactly is her background?

Interesting SS, but he looks Oriental too. I don't know if there are cultural taboos on marrying between different nationalities in the Orient.

PS: I'm wondering if school has started yet. If not there would be just a select number of people in and around the bldg, right? And do we know anything about the man they put in the police car? Was he a black man? xox
Where is the wedding announcement or was it a announcement for the reception. Did either mention who was performing the wedding ceremony? If it was a rabbi, I would say she was flexible in her cultural beliefs, I know she took a class in Hebrew.
Interesting SS, but he looks Oriental too. I don't know if there are cultural taboos on marrying between different nationalities in the Orient.

PS: I'm wondering if school has started yet. If not there would be just a select number of people in and around the bldg, right? And do we know anything about the man they put in the police car? Was he a black man? xox

She is Vietnamese, I believe (at least partially).. the fiance doesn't look Asian to me, but perhaps he might be fractionally so. In my opinion, there isn't too much of a taboo between nationalities (though an individual family might have a certain negative opinion on a certain ethnicity -- eg, my mother of Chinese-Cambodian descent has in the past mentioned that some Koreans and/or Filipino husbands beat their wives.... I know, I know....) but often the family will at least prefer that their daughter/son marry into the same ethnicity. And of course, there are some families who are very, very supportive of whomever their children choose to date.

Again, this is just my personal experience (if it helps, I grew up in a city with the biggest Vietnamese population outside Saigon!).
She is Vietnamese, I believe (at least partially).. the fiance doesn't look Asian to me, but perhaps he might be fractionally so. In my opinion, there isn't too much of a taboo between nationalities (though an individual family might have a certain negative opinion on a certain ethnicity -- eg, my mother of Chinese-Cambodian descent has in the past mentioned that some Koreans and/or Filipino husbands beat their wives.... I know, I know....) but often the family will at least prefer that their daughter/son marry into the same ethnicity. And of course, there are some families who are very, very supportive of whomever their children choose to date.

Again, this is just my personal experience (if it helps, I grew up in a city with the biggest Vietnamese population outside Saigon!).
Thanks Jackie, I think you must be right about whether he is Asian and SS thought the same. I have only seen a photo of him across my living room on TV, and must be wrong. Maybe I assumed she would marry into her culture and thought he looked like a larger Japanese man. xox
The below link informs the following:

University President Richard Levin said Saturday afternoon that he could not confirm reports of bloody clothes being found at 10 Amistad St., the research facility at which Le was last seen. Levin said a body had not been found inside the building, though two Yale Police Department officers confirmed that 10 Amistad St. is now the site of a crime scene.
Now, this is what's so confusing. This is coming right from the Yale Daily News. It also states 2 Yale Police Officers. This makes me think that the initial report is correct. Or, maybe Annie is the one involved with the crime, like maybe she's the perp? Why would they say "crime scene" if nothing were found? Why declare it a crime scene, knowing that Annie has been missing for a few days now, if they have nothing to back that statement up with? If Annie were a runaway bride, wouldn't there be evidence to support that by now? Also, if no crime were committed on or to Annie, why would they say it's looking grim? I firmly believe the presser was damage control...I really do.

I did not think he looked Asian and it is reported he is Jewish.
I read somewhere that he was Jewish, and that she was studying Hebrew.

Hi Julessleuther, I just watched a news video and boy was I wrong. :slap: His last name is Wisnowski and I bet what you said is correct.
Ok, I understand what you're saying. You see, when I watch the news, I consider it reporting...always have, but then again, I don't work in the media...ya know? I consider what is being aired as being "reported" no matter who aired it first or who had the first source. When I mentioned Comcast, it's not as you thought. My homepage is set to comcast.net, sort of like msn or yahoo, with several news stories and several links, that's what I was talking about. Hope that explains it a bit better. And no, I wasn't getting smart with you, just don't agree with everything you do. It doesn't mean I'm totally disagreeing with your point of view, as a matter of fact it makes it much more interesting to look at it from different aspects and prove myself wrong. As for my mention of comcast, this is what I was talking about so sorry if I'm wrong in thinking it's reporting:
As far as the source with "bad reporting", I'm not sure it's considered a "bad source" yet. I sort of think it's damage control b/c the police shouldn't have released that info yet, especially without conferring with the FBI. Some people don't think that...and that's fine. However, I come from a very big family filled with le, an ex fiance that's a sergeant detective, his brother is a fbi agent in Arlington, and I still think there's a reason the FBI lady phrased that statement about a "body" the way she did...therefore, I think it may have been bad reporting due to the fact that it was premature, but maybe the actual source really is le and confirmed that statement but told the reporter not to run with it yet but she did so they didn't back her up...I know, run-on sentence, but you get what I mean. xo - please don't throw stones...pretty please :)

It's all good. Comcast, Yahoo are NEWS aggregators. They just cull info from all around the net...not news organizations.
Hi, I’ve lurked a long time, but never registered until today. I live very near New Haven and I’ve been following this case closely. I so want her to turn up safe and sound.

Here’s what I’ve been wondering about. I saw a picture of Annie’s wedding invitation, and only her mother’s name was on it, not her father’s. That was here: http://www.wpix.com/news/wpix-missing-yale-grad-update,0,5297144.story No, her fiancé is definitely not Asian.

The Yale newspaper names her parents as Robert Linh Nguyen and Ngoctuyet Bui. On the wedding invitation and in another article, her mother is called Vivian Le. Are her parents divorced? Also, the Yale newspaper quoted her uncle in California as saying Annie was “hell-bent on getting married.” Something about that struck me as odd, as if maybe everybody in her family wasn’t too keen on her getting married. Just a thought.

That article is here: http://www.yaledailynews.com/news/university-news/2009/09/11/ten-hours-days-and-still-smiling/

As to the FBI agent saying “I will categorically say a body has not been found,” she was answering a question that started “Will you categorically say –“

I hate that this has happened, but I am glad to find other people who are just as interested in this as I am.
She is Vietnamese, I believe (at least partially).. the fiance doesn't look Asian to me, but perhaps he might be fractionally so. In my opinion, there isn't too much of a taboo between nationalities (though an individual family might have a certain negative opinion on a certain ethnicity -- eg, my mother of Chinese-Cambodian descent has in the past mentioned that some Koreans and/or Filipino husbands beat their wives.... I know, I know....) but often the family will at least prefer that their daughter/son marry into the same ethnicity. And of course, there are some families who are very, very supportive of whomever their children choose to date.

Again, this is just my personal experience (if it helps, I grew up in a city with the biggest Vietnamese population outside Saigon!).
I also thought she was Vietnamese or Chinese from her last name. He is Jewish.
The below link informs the following:

University President Richard Levin said Saturday afternoon that he could not confirm reports of bloody clothes being found at 10 Amistad St., the research facility at which Le was last seen. Levin said a body had not been found inside the building, though two Yale Police Department officers confirmed that 10 Amistad St. is now the site of a crime scene.
Now, this is what's so confusing. This is coming right from the Yale Daily News. It also states 2 Yale Police Officers. This makes me think that the initial report is correct. Or, maybe Annie is the one involved with the crime, like maybe she's the perp? Why would they say "crime scene" if nothing were found? Why declare it a crime scene, knowing that Annie has been missing for a few days now, if they have nothing to back that statement up with? If Annie were a runaway bride, wouldn't there be evidence to support that by now? Also, if no crime were committed on or to Annie, why would they say it's looking grim? I firmly believe the presser was damage control...I really do.


Hi JerseyGirl, I'm thinking blood was found, maybe blood transfer from the clothing smeared onto the aluminum frame of that ceiling or on the tile itself. If the perp was in a state of trauma he might not even notice it there. And it could be clothing he used to wipe up blood and they would be able to tell how fresh it was.

Whatever it was, there had to be something like this found to establish the area as a crime scene, don't you think?

That comment from 'Joe' still haunts me about this being done to her in the women's bathroom. I wonder if that ceiling was in the bathroom?
Do we know what hours she was working? If I got this right. They said she left her office around 10 to go to the lab. Ok, Does she work from 8 to 5? If so, she would have been headed to lunch after her lab work. Twelve oclock you would think she would be leaving and have plans for lunch. So what it is. Were there plans for lunch and what time did she usually go.
What was she carrying into the lab?
Hi, I’ve lurked a long time, but never registered until today. I live very near New Haven and I’ve been following this case closely. I so want her to turn up safe and sound.

Here’s what I’ve been wondering about. I saw a picture of Annie’s wedding invitation, and only her mother’s name was on it, not her father’s. That was here: http://www.wpix.com/news/wpix-missing-yale-grad-update,0,5297144.story No, her fiancé is definitely not Asian.

The Yale newspaper names her parents as Robert Linh Nguyen and Ngoctuyet Bui. On the wedding invitation and in another article, her mother is called Vivian Le. Are her parents divorced? Also, the Yale newspaper quoted her uncle in California as saying Annie was “hell-bent on getting married.” Something about that struck me as odd, as if maybe everybody in her family wasn’t too keen on her getting married. Just a thought.

That article is here: http://www.yaledailynews.com/news/university-news/2009/09/11/ten-hours-days-and-still-smiling/

As to the FBI agent saying “I will categorically say a body has not been found,” she was answering a question that started “Will you categorically say –“

I hate that this has happened, but I am glad to find other people who are just as interested in this as I am.

Robert Linh Nguyen and Ngoctuyet Bui are VIENAMESE names. Not sure how she got or why she uses Le.
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