FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #28

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Understand fully everyone, THIS IS NOT BASHING DT, but I find that statement very hard to believe. For one thing, how does LE think they know all the people DT knows? So, to tell her they don't think it was anyone she knows is doubtful. Not saying it didn't happen, just that it's a very weird thing for LE to say unless they know EVERYONE DT knows.
I also do think LE might have someone in mind who might have done this.I hope so.I hope we hear some news about something soon.
Yes, I read it, since it was linked here. Normally I dont read those sights, they give me a headache the way they cap lock and cuss with signs. I did laugh at the suggestion. Ive already stated where I was on here. LE hasnt asked yet. The worst though to me was the theory that im having an affair with ST and did this to somer so that he wouldnt have to pay child support. But, hey, no stone unturned, right?:sick:

I have never said nor have I ever felt hatred toward DT. I think that comes from those idiots speed reading, retaining little, and hitting on any posts at all that mention bashing DT. Which I have gone back over repeatedly because they keep getting brought up, and most posts that mention it are really bashing other posters to stop bashing DT. :waitasec:

Hey Sad, & 4mer... is there a link to these posts, I would like to see them!
Noway do you feel this guy is irrelevant even though he has a scatch and a bruse he's myspace info is to good to be true kind of guy and he makes ref to knowing and talking to a klemm and that "he is good".

If he has accounted for his whereabouts (preferably verified by a date- stamped video tape) during the time Somer disappeared (say 2 .m. to 5 p.m.) then I would think he was irrelevant.

I don't know who/what klemm is.

I found myself looking at his friends, then clicking on a friend's FB and then clicking on their friend's FB and so on and so on.

I'm not sure what I was looking for.
If he has accounted for his whereabouts (preferably verified by a date- stamped video tape) during the time Somer disappeared (say 2 .m. to 5 p.m.) then I would think he was irrelevant.

I don't know who/what klemm is.

I found myself looking at his friends, then clicking on a friend's FB and then clicking on their friend's FB and so on and so on.

I'm not sure what I was looking for.

I was looking on his MS only .. Fb shows nothing since I am not a friend
Also I am not saying he did it either
My number one person is unchanged but everyone is still a suspect
You're right. But remember it's just a vision. We need real facts.

True, and fwiw, I don't believe anything about this "vision", I was just answering a question on what color car the poster said it was. IIRC, the poster even named the perp - his name is Kevin somethingorother according to the poster and he has a dog named Frito with pups and the sire of the pups is named Sampson and on and on in great detail. I agree, we need facts, but I don't think we have very many in this case. Mistakes on the MPR, what appears to be inconsistencies almost everywhere by almost everybody who has been quoted in newspapers or video taped.
I will look at both his MS later. I have to run out for a bit.
I was looking on his MS only .. Fb shows nothing since I am not a friend
Also I am not saying he did it either
My number one person is unchanged but everyone is still a suspect

Did you try getting on there by changing where you live (your network) to his?

I'm interested in tight jeans. (Well, actually mine are tight from cookies)
True, and fwiw, I don't believe anything about this "vision", I was just answering a question on what color car the poster said it was. IIRC, the poster even named the perp - his name is Kevin somethingorother according to the poster and he has a dog named Frito with pups and the sire of the pups is named Sampson and on and on in great detail. I agree, we need facts, but I don't think we have very many in this case. Mistakes on the MPR, what appears to be inconsistencies almost everywhere by almost everybody who has been quoted in newspapers or video taped.

To not believe my vision you sure do remember a lot about it. Why is that?
My friend is raking up leaves for me, so I thought I'd sneak back for a moment or two or three.
Anyone have any idea why Tricia is showing banned under her name?
My friend is raking up leaves for me, so I thought I'd sneak back for a moment or two or three.

Girl, you've got more "friends" than I've got teeth!! What's your secret?? Never mind - don't answer that one.
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