General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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What's strange about this is that LE flew over to this guy and him cleared before 5:00am. That tells me ron was very happy to have this guy as a witness. rc never fails to mention him when asked who was there. It also seems that rc knew him and where he lived.

But what really bothers me is why ron didn't have LE go to Chelsea's STAT. That would have made more sense. RC should have been perked up and leading them to JO not the AC guy. Ron likes this guy at the mh and I can't figure out what is so darn important about that A/C guy for ron.

The officers that arrived were given no leads. OH...sorry they were, after talking to TN, TN decided to give Crystal a call to see if she had Haleigh. She should have left LE call but that I'm sure TN wanted to do it.

Why did n't JO come to ron or misty's minds when LE arrived?

Your questions about the AC fellow opens our minds, Whisperer. Maybe this is the person Ron relied on to remove the firearms from the mh. And Ron is forever thankful for that deed. jmo
Because all he's ever said was "I was at work."

What's most offensive about that is that he suggests this as his answer and seems proud that he was at work while fiends were doing unholy things with his daughter.
I wish I could recall the exact words bc they were stunning; but in more than one interview Ron described himself, something to the effect of -- he was at wrotk.. he's just a man trying to work... and make a living... for his kids... and then this thing happened to him....
We do know Crystal, Chad, Ron C and Misty took the LDT..MG stated she took a voice analysis test...
WBG stated he was given a polygraph
Tommy stated months ago before he took a LDT he never took one or was offered a LDT..

Who else was offered a LDT, I don't know but I would think IF they offered MG the opportunity to take a LDT, LE would have offered TN and GGMS the opportunity to take one also..
We have no information as to whether TN and GGMS were offered one and took one or declined the offer...I suspect they graciously declined...Maybe Merchant knows...
IMHO...Tim Miller should have told Ron C, TN and GGMS he would gladly arrange for Misty to take a LVA but ONLY IF they also agreed to do one... JMHO...
Yes, THIS.

Even if there were no funds available and no one intended to actually go thru with it, I wish GGS and TN were asked - simply asked the question - if they would be willing to take a polygraph test bc declining the invitation (read "refusal") would speak volumes imo.

Hell, look at what Ron wore! Sunglasses and all. The only one dressed for this wedding was Misty.
actually, I thought Lisa looked pretty good...diminutive, but good. I swear if that woman gets any smaller, she'll blow away.
Because all he's ever said was "I was at work."

What's most offensive about that is that he suggests this as his answer and seems proud that he was at work while fiends were doing unholy things with his daughter.

BBM......I agree with you wholeheartly regarding his answer....

You would think, Most fathers would be emotionally upset..If they were AT WORK..and not AT home...They would be saying..."If only...If only...and very unforgiving of themselves...

Ron seems, like you point out, very proud, he was at work..Much too confident....
I've come to the conclusion that if a security guard witnessed Ron leaving his children locked in his car at work and did not report it, then we really can't expect this same security guard to come forward with honest information that Ron left the plant that night. I sincerely hope that this guard did come forward to LE and actually told the truth. I'm also curious as to the relationship between Ron and this security guard at the plant. Were they friends? Was he afraid of Ron? Did Ron bribe him to keep his mouth shut? Did he get the customary "dead rat" in the mail box greeting? Why would a security guard risk his job by not snitching Ron out and allowing toddlers to be neglected so blatantly? There are people every day being arrested for leaving their children locked in cars outside of casinos, bars, hotels, shopping malls, you name it; why hasn't Ron been charged with child abuse/neglect? :banghead:

ETA: If the car was parked in a dark spot in the parking lot with the children locked inside, then you can bet that any surveilance cameras could not pick up the movement of the children. Ron would have made sure that any camera would not video the children in the car. Therefore, the car could not be seen on the video. If that was the case, the car could not be seen leaving the parking lot either.
I don't think rc left work and returned. I think he got off earlier than he implied. His "I just got home from work and my daughter's gone" never sat right with me. The order is off. "My daughter's gone" should have been what he said to 911.

When he was questioned about Jr. hearing or seeeing anything and maybe he DID see a man in black, rc says, "I don't know, I was at work". WTH kind of an answer is that?

Misty tells 911, "I just woke up" and rc says, "I just got home from work" ya know, he should have called but since he didn't, he sure as heck should have been outside looking for Haleigh if he wasn't going to make the call. NO, rc was too worried about misty and the darn call. He wanted her off that phone quickly too.
I just reviewed the first interview again. When ron says he would give his life to have his child's life back...he catches himself. That is when he falls to the ground to distract from the words he said. She was the most well-mannered child he ever had....hmmm.

He said clear as day that his child was stole from his bed. He was whining and crying. He told tim miller no one slept in the bed because the bed was made. WTH? What is going on here? TM was right..."Nothing is as it seems"..
I think Ronald's comment that he would give his life to have his child's back is a confession and he is taking responsibility for murdering his daughter. Ron said his daughter was well-mannered which I interpret to mean she was willing to oblige those who wanted something from her. HaLeigh was very physically attractive and I think Ron feared she would be sexually exploited when he wasn’t there to protect her. IMO Ron should not have agreed to work the night shift if he felt this way. The reason I believe Ron said their bed wasn't slept in the night she went missing was because he was afraid HaLeigh was going to be molested and he wasn't going to allow that to happen to her and hence his comment, "No, the bed was not slept in" which I interpret to mean "HaLeigh's virginity is still intact".

Ron was harshly criticized for sleeping with a minor prior to HaLeigh's disappearance, he was having difficulty getting HaLeigh to school on time, DCF was interfering in his personal life, working evenings separated him from his children and placed their lives at risk, he was addicted to pain killers, and his girlfriend didn't understand him. Ron was under a huge amount of stress and he likely felt victimized and suffocated living under these conditions which would have a strong impact on his daughter who he was close to and treasured.

If I was in Ron's shoes, I would have been very uncomfortable leaving my daughter in the company of Misty's male relatives when I wasn't home to protect her. Misty was promiscuous and she was unable to ward off any sexual advances made towards her. She didn't stop Ron when he made inappropriate sexual advances towards her which must have made Ron feel ill-at-ease and anxious when HaLeigh was in Misty’s care. This is perhaps why Misty agreed to babysit only if it was okay with Ron, which obviously it wasn't. I suppose TN didn't understand how Ron felt or she wouldn't have been so eager for Misty to babysit and become Ronald's wife; or she did and she chose to disregard and disrespect his feelings. Ron became very distraught after he couldn't reach Misty on the phone after 8 pm which was HaLeigh's bedtime so he had no reassurance from her that HaLeigh and Jr were safe. Ron, like most loving fathers, except Hank Senior, are overly protective of their daughters and their presence is key because one of their greatest fears is that they will be sexually exploited and emotionally scarred for the rest of their life. It is important to note Hank Sr was absent the night HaLeigh disappeared. Where was Hank Sr when his daughter needed protection from sexual predators? I doubt Ron trusted Joe or any of Misty's relatives and Ron knew they were regularly under the influence of drugs. Ron told Crystal if he hadn’t been at work, HaLeigh wouldn’t have been taken which means he would have been there to guard her from the danger he perceived she was in while Jo was in Satsuma.

There was a dream posted on the Dreams/Vision thread where HaLeigh is in the woods and a wolf is stalking her and she is oblivious of the danger she is in. I feel Ron was afraid his daughter would be sexually attacked and he wanted to remove her from this environment and put her in a place where she would be safe. Perhaps this was Ron's real issue with Joe and why he denied their argument was over a gun. JMO
I think Ronald's comment that he would give his life to have his child's back is a confession and he is taking responsibility for murdering his daughter. Ron said his daughter was well-mannered which I interpret to mean she was willing to oblige those who wanted something from her. HaLeigh was very physically attractive and I think Ron feared she would be sexually exploited when he wasn’t there to protect her. IMO Ron should not have agreed to work the night shift if he felt this way. The reason I believe Ron said their bed wasn't slept in the night she went missing was because he was afraid HaLeigh was going to be molested and he wasn't going to allow that to happen to her and hence his comment, "No, the bed was not slept in" which I interpret to mean "HaLeigh's virginity is still intact".

Ron was harshly criticized for sleeping with a minor prior to HaLeigh's disappearance, he was having difficulty getting HaLeigh to school on time, DCF was interfering in his personal life, working evenings separated him from his children and placed their lives at risk, he was addicted to pain killers, and his girlfriend didn't understand him. Ron was under a huge amount of stress and he likely felt victimized and suffocated living under these conditions which would have a strong impact on his daughter who he was close to and treasured.

If I was in Ron's shoes, I would have been very uncomfortable leaving my daughter in the company of Misty's male relatives when I wasn't home to protect her. Misty was promiscuous and she was unable to ward off any sexual advances made towards her. She didn't stop Ron when he made inappropriate sexual advances towards her which must have made Ron feel ill-at-ease and anxious when HaLeigh was in Misty’s care. This is perhaps why Misty agreed to babysit only if it was okay with Ron, which obviously it wasn't. I suppose TN didn't understand how Ron felt or she wouldn't have been so eager for Misty to babysit and become Ronald's wife; or she did and she chose to disregard and disrespect his feelings. Ron became very distraught after he couldn't reach Misty on the phone after 8 pm which was HaLeigh's bedtime so he had no reassurance from her that HaLeigh and Jr were safe. Ron, like most loving fathers, except Hank Senior, are overly protective of their daughters and their presence is key because one of their greatest fears is that they will be sexually exploited and emotionally scarred for the rest of their life. It is important to note Hank Sr was absent the night HaLeigh disappeared. Where was Hank Sr when his daughter needed protection from sexual predators? I doubt Ron trusted Joe or any of Misty's relatives and Ron knew they were regularly under the influence of drugs. Ron told Crystal if he hadn’t been at work, HaLeigh wouldn’t have been taken which means he would have been there to guard her from the danger he perceived she was in while Jo was in Satsuma.

There was a dream posted on the Dreams/Vision thread where HaLeigh is in the woods and a wolf is stalking her and she is oblivious of the danger she is in. I feel Ron was afraid his daughter would be sexually attacked and he wanted to remove her from this environment and put her in a place where she would be safe. Perhaps this was Ron's real issue with Joe and why he denied their argument was over a gun. JMO

IIRC it was Ron C who adamantly denied Jo was ever at the MH that night..He also adamantly denied there was ever a fight or that he had any enemies...
And IIRC it was Ron C who stated he drove Haleigh home from the bus stop and he let her sit in HIS lap..
Also there is absolutely no proof Jo, Tommy are any of the Croslin men are SO's.
But I am interested in where you think he put her so she would be in a safe place...
Also, I suspect Misty told TN she would babysit IF it was OK with Ronald due to the fact they had not reconciled their differences after he had thrown her out the week before... And had absolutely nothing to do with Misty thinking Ron C was thinking someone in the Croslin family was going to molest Haleigh...IMHO.. thats all just BS..
Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out thats the Cummings/Neves/ Sykes latest strategy though.....JMHO..

Edit.. And I will believe Ron C had taken responsibility for his daughters death ONLY when he admits he was directly involved and he and his family orchestrated a coverup and even attempted to frame those they solicited help from that night... JMHO
BBM......I agree with you wholeheartly regarding his answer....

You would think, Most fathers would be emotionally upset..If they were AT WORK..and not AT home...They would be saying..."If only...If only...and very unforgiving of themselves...

Ron seems, like you point out, very proud, he was at work..Much too confident....

Yep! He was almost chanting how he was at work. Alibi! That was his first concern starting with the 911 call. Why? One would think that where he wuz would not be the priority in his conversation......yet time and time again we hear his whereabouts before we hear how his daughter is missing.
While browsing the old threads for links I found the articles below. Actually one article had the other article link inside the article. I thought that I had seen all of the different versions of what happened that early predawn period just prior to the 911 call, but I guess I thought wrong. Ron is the storyteller in both of these articles. He actually puts himself at the MH prior to the discovery that Haleigh is missing. You need to read the entire articles, there is a lot of subjects covered here.,2933,491008,00.html
WOW! Is there any end to ron cummings lies.
Ron has lied continually from day one and misty gets all the organized press for being a liar....:furious:
And then we have Lt Greenwood's initial release to the public:

Law enforcement officers with boats and aircraft are searching an
area of southern Putnam County for a 5-year-old girl last seen at
home about 10 p.m. Monday, authorities said.
A missing and endangered child alert has been issued for
Haleigh Cummings, last seen in the Hermit's Cove area of
Satsuma when she was in bed. About 3 a.m. the girl's father
came home and saw her missing, said Lt. Johnny Greenwood
of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
A woman believed to be
the father's wife or girlfriend was also asleep in the residence.

Greenwood said the father noticed Haleigh missing and woke the
He said there is no immediate evidence of foul play but
that the home off Seven Sisters Road is very near the St. Johns
River and that there are canals reaching into the neighborhood.

Can anyone please explain Lt Greenwood?
I've come to the conclusion that if a security guard witnessed Ron leaving his children locked in his car at work and did not report it, then we really can't expect this same security guard to come forward with honest information that Ron left the plant that night. I sincerely hope that this guard did come forward to LE and actually told the truth. I'm also curious as to the relationship between Ron and this security guard at the plant. Were they friends? Was he afraid of Ron? Did Ron bribe him to keep his mouth shut? Did he get the customary "dead rat" in the mail box greeting? Why would a security guard risk his job by not snitching Ron out and allowing toddlers to be neglected so blatantly? There are people every day being arrested for leaving their children locked in cars outside of casinos, bars, hotels, shopping malls, you name it; why hasn't Ron been charged with child abuse/neglect? :banghead:

ETA: If the car was parked in a dark spot in the parking lot with the children locked inside, then you can bet that any surveilance cameras could not pick up the movement of the children. Ron would have made sure that any camera would not video the children in the car. Therefore, the car could not be seen on the video. If that was the case, the car could not be seen leaving the parking lot either.

Isn't it possible that he took her to work with him that night and she disappeared from the car and this other story is all a coverup? She may have gotten out and wondered off on her own or maybe someone took her but he didn't want to be arrested for neglect. Or as someone else said maybe he drugged her so he could work and she got an overdose. Would explain why he married her so she would cover for him.
Isn't it possible that he took her to work with him that night and she disappeared from the car and this other story is all a coverup? She may have gotten out and wondered off on her own or maybe someone took her but he didn't want to be arrested for neglect. Or as someone else said maybe he drugged her so he could work and she got an overdose. Would explain why he married her so she would cover for him.

bolded by me.....I have often thought about having these small children confined to the car for hours on end, they are so active and inquistive, to stay still for hours seems impossible...So if Ron took them to work with him on occassions, and his work hours started in the afternoon until late, for these kids to keep quiet for 8-10 hours, and to sleep THAT long...Most kids don't/can't sleep THAT long...IMO..He MAY have used drugs to "knock them out" while he worked..Assuring himself, they would/could not get out of the car and be seen by co-workers...For most companies, it is against their policy to leave your children..while you are working..unattended..and confined within your vehicle...on their property...all in my own opinion
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