IA IA - Jodi Huisentruit, 27, Mason City, 27 June 1995 - Anchorwoman

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Anyone ever heard if this person (Anthony Zappa) has ever been ruled out
as a suspect in this case?
" . . .Capt. Mike Halverson said "our interest has been piqued" by the
disappearance Friday of Anne Sluti, who Nebraska
investigators suspect was kidnapped by Anthony Zappa. . ."

". . . Halverson said there appeared to be similarities between the Sluti and Huisentruit cases.

* Police found Sluti's purse and other personal belongings scattered near her car in a
Kearney, Neb., shopping center parking lot. Huisentruit's possessions were found near
her car in the parking lot of her apartment complex.
* Both incidents appeared to involve a hasty abduction.
* Kearney investigators said witnesses told them a man approached Sluti as she was
walking toward her car. She was struck on the head and forced into a stolen minivan.
The vehicle was recovered in Colorado on Sunday with no trace of Zappa or Sluti.
Witnesses in Mason City said they saw a van in the early-morning hours near Huisentruit's
apartment complex when she vanished. . . ."

Jodi Huisentruit: Nancy Grace America's Missing


Jodi Huisentruit woke up late for work as the morning anchor at KIMT in Mason City, Iowa on June 27, 1995. Her producer called her to wake her up.

Jodi said she would be to work within 20 minutes. She only lived five minutes away from work, but Jodi didn’t make it to work for her broadcast. Co-workers became worried enough to send police to her apartment to check on her. While everything inside the apartment appeared to be normal, police found signs of a struggle near Jodi’s Mazda Miata. Her hairdryer, hairspray, a pair of red shoes and earrings were strewn across the parking lot. Drag marks were also found nearby, but the 27-year-old blonde beauty was no where to be found.

More: http://nancygrace.blogs.cnn.com/
I was 15 when she went missing :( It's about an hour away from me I've always wondered if her body would be found.. it's been a very long time :(
Former KAAL anchorwoman’s book probes Huisentruit case

MINNEAPOLIS — Former KAAL-TV news anchor Beth Bednar has written a book about the 1995 disappearance of KIMT news anchor Jodi Huisentruit.
The book, “Dead Air: The Disappearance of Jodi Huisentruit,” is being released at the end of April.

more at link.


I am definitely going to buy this book!
New Book On The Disappearance of Jodi Huisentruit

On Tuesday morning, June 27th, 1995 Jodi Huisentruit overslept for her job as a television anchorwoman in Mason City, Iowa. Her co-worker called and woke her, Jodi said she’d be there right away, and that’s the last anyone every heard from her.

Police believe she was abducted next to her car in the parking lot of her apartment building.

A new book has just been released, which the author hopes will trigger some new leads in the case.

More: http://wjon.com/new-book-on-the-disappearance-of-jodi-huisentruit-audio/

Former TV Anchor Authors Huisentruit Book

It is a missing persons case that has puzzled investigators for nearly 16 years. the disappearance of Jodi Huisenturit. The popular TV anchor vanished while on her way to work in Mason City back in the summer of 1995. Now, Beth Bednar, a former news anchor at ABC 6, is talking about her new book which explores what may have happened to Jodi.

"I couldn't believe, after 15 years, nobody had written anything on it. I thought it is a really important story that needs to be told," says Bednar.

More: http://kaaltv.com/article/stories/S2105739.shtml?cat=10151
Wow, yeah. What similarities are you referring to? A big one struck me after I googled Laurie Depies's name and came across this blog post about her that mentions a possible suspect who traveled around to attend Civil War reenactments (and killed a 15 year old girl in Illinois).

Some of the articles about Huisentruit's disappearance mention that there was a Civil War reenactment the week she disappeared, too. So, yeah, big similarity there. I hope it's been looked into!

The man you are referring to was looked into just recently about the Jodi Huisentruit case but was excluded as a possible suspect due to the fact he was incarcerated at the time awaiting charges in the killing of the Illinois teenager.
Recently i had an astrologer do a forensics astrology chart for Jodi..After a couple weeks of work on this it became clear that a few points conflicted with the known and supposed facts..because of this inbability to manipulate the reading to fit certain things, the hart is considered "not viable"; even so, i find much in this chart to have interesting parallels and tidbits relating to other aspects of this baffling case. In fact, even the conflicted parts makes one stop and think...
In this post i will list the first 5 attachments to the charts themselves.. In the next i will post the last 3 plus the summary of the interpretation.


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these are the last 3 links...in the next post is the summary


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courtesy of C. Luley

The chart for 4 am shows her getting the phone call from work. First house ruler, Mercury in Gemini, conjunct the sixth house ruler, Venus. The Moon is also in Gemini in the first house and Gemini describes "communications". So we can assume the charts are showing her waking up to answer the phone. But there is danger in this chart. The Moon falls under the Sun's beams by 7 degrees (from Gemini) and will enter Cancer (the same sign as the Sun) later in the morning. This is called sinister and void of course. It means the Moon is losing power in the sign it is in, makes no aspect from that sign, does not aspect another planet until it leaves that sign (Gemini) and then enters Cancer, where it conjoins the Sun. This is not good. This is a harbinger of danger and possible death. Adding to the insinuation here, the Sun rules the fourth house, which often describes endings and is a house often seen in death patterns.

In comparing Jodi's birthchart with the event chart, I see tremendous similarities. You sent me links and I looked at the sites. One of them talked about Jodi playing Golf. There are strong markers in the event chart and strong matching markers in the birth chart that describe the game of golf. She had played Golf the day before, I remember reading, or even earlier the same day? This would dovetail perfectly with the event chart. The seventh house ruler describes this person she was with the morning she disappeared. The planet is Jupiter which describes sports and athletics in the sign Sagittarius, a strong descriptor for outdoor sports. With Jupiter in Sagittarius and cluster in the sign Gemini in both the event chart and the birth chart, this is a standout. Gemini is a standard descriptor for Golf and many golfers are Geminis or Sagittarians. Of course, many athletes in general are Sagittarius. I beleive, from this set of aspects, that someone either followed her home from the Golf game or came with her. I cannot tell from the charts if he was invited along or came along uninvited. But he was definitely in her home that morning when she got the call from work. And he had something to do with her game of Golf.

There is a T square in this chart with an opposition between the first and seventh house rulers and the short leg of the T being Mars in Virgo. The person who abducted her knew her and had an issue with her. The opposition implies a power struggle. Mars as the outlet or short leg of the T square shows aggression as the outcome. Only through aggression can the struggle be resolved. But then Mars in Virgo is opposed by Saturn in Pisces in the eleventh house. This shows her surrounded by other people on previous occasions when this person had attempted to move on her in the past. This had created greater frustration. There is no doubt that this is why she was targeted. Mars in Virgo is disposed of by the first house ruler, Mercury in Gemini. This person had probably tried to get to her in the past and would have been known to her, even if only slightly. This is why I cannot tell if she took him home willingly or if he followed there and attacked her. Had Jodi ever mentioned a "stalker" or anyone who had an interest in her that she did not share? If so, then this person should be the suspect.

The charts appear to show this person in her bedroom as early as 3:30 am. He is there when she awakens at 4 am to answer the phone. Again, I do not see forced entry at any point in the analysis so I cannot say that he was not there on her invitation. He may well have been. And it is very possible that his presence in her room was the reason she was late for work to begin with. At the same time, in the chart for 3:30 am, the seventh house ruler reaches the seventh house cusp, showing confrontation. Pluto in Scorpio is just under the seventh cusp, telling us that she was constrained in some manner. He had, at the least, put her under his control by physical means like grabbing or holding. The restraint could have even been more than this but at the least, he had her under his control. Mars square Mercury shows a physical male presence in conflict with the subject. So was he a stalker who entered her room without permission and forced himself on her? Or was he someone she had seen before and decided to "date"? There is no doubt that this event originated at the Golf game the day before. So was he a fellow Golfer or a rabid fan? I get the distinct feeling she knew who he was so he was not a nameless face in the crowd.

Between 4 am and 4:30 am Mercury moves into the twelfth house, showing Jodi to be unconcious. To support this conclusion, the twelfth house ruler, Venus, is at the first house cusp, describing Jodi to be "in the dark". She is not awake and this makes me think he either knocked her out or drugged her. With Neptune moving into the eighth, he may have drugged her. At this same time, Mars moves into the fourth house, showing him to be going through her home. He is going through the rest of her home while she is out cold in the bedroom. I am suspicious of her sleeping in when this was unusual for her; could he have drugged her the night before? Could she have awakened from that and then been drugged again? Or could she have been poisoned? Neptune, a standout marker in the eighth and seventh houses as the event progresses, is a traditional ruler of drugs and poisons. I am thinking this is what happened to her.

Also, I must note that the node is in the fifth house in Scorpio. With Pluto nearby, also in Scorpio, and moving into the fifth house, I am inclined to think there was a sexual element in all of this. Perhaps he was a pickup? Or a regular "booty call"? Or someone she had been noticing for awhile and then had the chance to hook up? There are other omens that tell me that Jodi was in grave danger and is most likely dead. With the Moon in Gemini separating from a square to the eighth house ruler, Saturn in Pisces, this is a traditional reading for death. At the same time, the first house ruler, Mercury, is sinister to a square with Saturn in Pisces at a distance of 11 degrees. This could well be an indicator that she was actually killed eleven hours after she was taken. The charts show that she was not killed at her apartment. The chart also shows that she was held in confinement for a period of time. You can see that by noting the first house ruler to be in the twelfth at conjunct the twelfth house ruler. He abducted her, took her somewhere, held her for awhile and then dumped her.

Looking at the 5 am chart I am having a hard time getting past the death pattern. I realize her keys were found next to her car outside and this indicates that she was alive when she left her apartment but I am now wondering if someone else had not used her car. The death pattern between 5 am and 5:30 am is really strong. It looks as if he not only knocked her out but he killed her, either at that point or later on. The cluster of planets moving from the first house into the twelfth includes the first house ruler and the Moon. This is a death marker. Two planets in the eighth house are Neptune and Uranus, which both rule the midheaven during this hour (Neptune first and then Uranus). The eighth house ruler is in the tenth and is Saturn, which rules the body, the bones and death. These are all death markers. And, then, Mars is in the fourth house, showing force or violence ending in an "ending". This house describes the coffin (as well as the moment of conception). To top all of this off, Mars is disposed of by Mercury, the first house ruler, which is in the twelfth house of the afterlife. This just adds up to probable death. So I doubt very much that Jodi survived this event and was most likely dead by the end of the day.

Now, there is something more I want to point out. Mercury, the first house ruler and marker for Jodi, was conjoined Venus. Node was in the fifth house. Moon was in Cancer in double dignity. Moon was conjunct the Sun, which describes male energy. I am thinking that Jodi was pregnant. I am thinking that she was pregnant and this man was her lover, someone she knew from playing in tournaments, and he was not happy about it. It is possible that he was married and this is why Jodi was single and was not known to be involved with anyone. A woman like this, as young as she was? It is a thought.

At just past 5:30 am, the Moon and the Sun both cross into the twelfth house. This is not a good sign for Jodi. There are markers that show she may have been shot or stabbed but there was no blood in the apartment, so I will stick with the markers for drugs and / or poison. Saturn takes over the seventh house at 5:30 am and Saturn enters the ninth house just before 6 am. This shows him getting into a car. The third house ruler, the Sun, conjoined the Moon in the twelfth house shows her body in the trunk. She is in a "hidden spot" in the vehicle. Mars enters the third house just after 6 am so this shows him taking the car out for a "ride". He drives really fast, which I think was dangerous, considering he had a body in the trunk. But I think he was a little crazed; Saturn in Pisces opposes Mars in Virgo so the man was at odds with himself. He didn't want to kill her but he had to. He was in doubt and riddled with guilt. But it had to be done.

He goes back to Jodi's apt. parking lot; Saturn is in the ninth as Mars leaves the third sometime between 6:30 and 7 am. Charts are never exact with times and timing, always giving variables because of the relationship between the earth and space, but this is none the less a close call with the cops arriving around 7am. Saturn remains in the ninth for awhile, so he was nearby, watching them. I do not know if he dropped the keys and other stuff accidentally or on purpose to send them on a red herring. He had taken Jodi's body and put her away somewhere, with her planets still in the twelfth, showing her to be hidden. When he left her apartment he took her body west. This is shown by Moon in Gemini. That would be west by south, to be exact, which means west with a southerly drift. Moon in Gemini also describes either a garage, an upstairs room or attic, stairwell or closet under a stairway, a top shelf in a storage unit, a nursery in a home (abandoned or occupied), or somewhere where silverware or hand tools are kept like cabinets in a kitchen or a shed with tools. This is where he took her and stashed her temporarily. Moon in Gemini describes a temporary place. Moon changes signs to Cancer within a few hours so this will be when he moves her again. In the meantime,goes back to the parking lot and hid nearby to watch the police. At 7 am, the tenth house ruler, Mars, is in the third house, showing the authorities around her car. The seventh house ruler, Saturn, is also int he ninth house, showing him to be in the garage or parking area, watching. Saturn is in Pisces and disposed of by Neptune at the seventh house cusp, showing him to be successful in remaining unnoticed.

At 8 am, Uranus rules both the seventh and eighth houses, showing this person to be "the bringer of death". Uranus is conjoined Neptune in the sixth. Somehow this man is able to go to his place of employment and get past any scrutiny. Neptune shows him being deceptive and successful at it. Both of these planets are disposed of by Saturn in the ninth house, where at this point we see her body, so his first concern was doing something with that. He must have a fairly flexible job or otherwise he claimed to be ill to get free, but he left his job and went about the business at hand. The charts for 9 am show the actual body dump. With Saturn in the eighth house showing the dead body and the Moon and Sun in Cancer in the eleventh house, he then drove southeast from the temporary hiding place to find her a permanent spot. Saturn in Pisces with Moon in Cancer show her body to be in the water. Saturn in Pisces disposed of by Neptune in the sixth tells me that she is hidden in a body of water near farms or sheep ranches. There may be an Army or Navy base nearby. Neptune in Capricorn describes rocks or stones and she may have been weighted down. Pisces usually describes a large, deep body of water but the Moon in Cancer modifies that. It could be a lake, pond or estuary that has plunging pockets of water that drop off into the very deep. Overall, though, the size of the lake, pond or estuary would be modest and you could see from side to side. There were would be small crustaceans like crabs, sea snails, crayfish, clams and oysters. There would be good clam and oyster fishing in the area and lots of nightime fishing going on. Moon conjoined the Sun in Cancer says she was left in the sunny side of the bay, lake, river or pond while Saturn in Pisces says her body is way deep down in a drop off. Neptune in Capricorn says she was weighted down somehow, perhaps dropped in with an anchor or other weighted item.

All this while, the seventh house ruler is Uranus. He is flying by the seat of his pants. This was not planned in advance, although he had had an idea he would like to get rid of his "problem", I am pretty sure he had thought of more benign solutions along the way before resorting to this. So he had no idea what to do with her. Uranus is in Capricorn while the body markers are in water signs, so it is probable that he took her out there on a boat. This is a rocky area near a deep drop off. He must have known where the drop off was so he was likely used to boating in these waters. It would be a hard area to maneuver, especially with Neptune in Capricorn, which would show hidden objects like rocks and large debris in the area. I am assuming this was a smaller boat just because of this factor. However, it would have to be a large enough boat to hide her body so it was probably an outboard boat with a small cabin. He took the risk of running aground with this configuration but he was lucky. His starting marker was Jupiter, the sign of luck and chance. This brings me back to the fact that this man was also an athlete. He played Golf. That is where he knew Jodi from. So he was probably capable of getting into the water to drop her body in a certain place. If he weighted her down, she might have plummeted into a very deep hole. Jupiter so close to Pluto supports this idea. Pluto in Scorpio would define a very deep, very dark area of the water, perhaps with undercurrents. There would be constant change in the water flow from underneath somehow. I'm not an oceanographer or even know much about waterways but there would be something on the floor of the lake or pond that would create a constant flow near the bottom.

In case anyone was wondering why i didnt post this in the astrology forum, it seems that is a private group and even though i can reply to threads i cant post new ones as i dont know how to do the kind of charts that the forensic astrology forum interpret.
Just bumpimg back up to remember its been 16 years since Jodi was abducted with no resolution...
The FindJodi.com investigators still tirelessly search for answers and have recently been looking into new leads...More info will be detailed soon on that website.
Incidentally, one of the investigators, G. Peterson, has been assisting with the recent Lauren Spierer disappearance... read about that here:

Those of us who care (MANY) still try diligently to find answers to your disappearance. We know you've moved on to a place of peaceful acceptance, but many of us still need and want to find out what happened and who took you away..

Investigators, LE, family, friends, fans, media, authors and devoted sleuthers continue the search...

I'm confused about these "newly acquired letters."

They seem like they could have come from an unknown stalker, or possibly from someone that she actually knew. Wasn't she "dating" a man who was 10-15 years older? The letters sounds like they could have come from someone like him. This was 1995, before email was universal, so these may have been a slightly-creepy, but within the realm of normal, way of communicating. Are the letters signed? Has the man she was dating been asked about them?
Cursive writing, probably older then she is. Perhaps Catholic schooled for the writing reminds me of such, yet IF a man, Catholic schools forced cursive on the guys too in the older days.

Doesn't everyone still learn cursive in school?
I'm confused about these "newly acquired letters."

They seem like they could have come from an unknown stalker, or possibly from someone that she actually knew. Wasn't she "dating" a man who was 10-15 years older? The letters sounds like they could have come from someone like him. This was 1995, before email was universal, so these may have been a slightly-creepy, but within the realm of normal, way of communicating. Are the letters signed? Has the man she was dating been asked about them?

The letters werent signed in any defintitive way that could identify the person.
Apparently, though, the author has been identified. He is deceased, and not the man you referred to as "dating" Jodi.

LE have been given the original copies to further determine if they are connected to Jodi's case. At first i thought they might be, but after some discussion on the findjodi.com website and investigating a few links, I doubt the author of the letters had anything to do with Jodi's abduction. However, i do find it odd that these letters come to light now, and the motive behind that.

Just another mystery in this case...
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