Upcoming Trial - 2012

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Absolutely the condition was supervised visits.....NOT "that girl" Jeannie.

Bless Linda Fisher's heart....not even the decency of a private bathroom break. She said it well with quite a put down though "that girl" Jeanie.

A few more hours until trial. My prayer tonight is that the PT will get it right this time. It couldn't be much worse than last time, thank you Becky Holt.
Wow! How is that related to the murder of Michelle Young?

It's related to suspected wife killers having access to their young, defenseless children. Much in the same way many of us were extremely relieved to see Nancy Cooper's children safely with her family and away from their killer father. Young children have no ability to defend themselves against the dangers they are forced to be with. I would be horrified if JLY were allowed unsupervised access to that poor child.
It's related to suspected wife killers having access to their young, defenseless children. Much in the same way many of us were extremely relieved to see Nancy Cooper's children safely with her family and away from their killer father. Young children have no ability to defend themselves against the dangers they are forced to be with. I would be horrified if JLY were allowed unsupervised access to that poor child.

Jason lived with his daughter, unsupervised, for years. As custody transitioned to Jason's sister in law, he had unsupervised time with his daughter. There is no comparison ... if he had any intention of harming his daughter, that would have already happened. I suspect any current supervised visitation would be to prevent him from leaving the country with his daughter.
Jason lived with his daughter, unsupervised, for years. As custody transitioned to Jason's sister in law, he had unsupervised time with his daughter. There is no comparison ... if he had any intention of harming his daughter, that would have already happened. I suspect any current supervised visitation would be to prevent him from leaving the country with his daughter.

Actually otto, you have no idea what goes on in the mind of a wife/baby killer.
It happens.
Actually otto, you have no idea what goes on in the mind of a wife/baby killer.
It happens.

There is a difference between family annihilation and spousal homicide. Jason Young is accused of doing all sorts of things, but there's little evidence to support the accusations.
There is a difference between family annihilation and spousal homicide. Jason Young is accused of doing all sorts of things, but there's little evidence to support the accusations.

Was there evidence Josh Powell was going to take out his kids today?
Sick is sick....yes, Jason Young is sick.
I always enter these cases with the presumption of innocence and form my opinion on many factors, including the behavior of the accused. I've seen no evidence Jason Young is capable of the degree of violence the crime scene and Michelle's body reflected. There was no testimony that shows he was provoked before he left on his trip or while he was in route or after he arrived.



Take a look at some of the defendant's behaviors. He and Michelle had not been getting along for a long time. His behavior towards her was uncaring, demeaning, manipulative, and psychologically and emotionally abusive. His hatred towards her escalated and resulted in her death. Michelle stood in the way of him being able to live as he wanted to - a carefree bachelor with no one to answer to.

-He slept with two women while his wife was pregnant with their child within a couple of months of Michelle's murder - one of which became an intense emotional and sexual affair
-He wrote an undying love email to his former fiancee within a couple of months of Michelle's murder
-He wrote an email to a former camper he met while working a summer job in which he denied being married
-He told a friend of his that he loved Michelle Money and that he wished she was pregnant with his child and not her husband's child within a couple of months of Michelle's murder
-He told a friend of his that the only thing worse than being married to Michelle would be to be divorced from her
-He wrote in an email to Michelle that he "could kill her" for not letting him get the yard work done on a morning that she had to work
-In the same email, he lashed out at Michelle because his daughter had peed on herself and on the floor and that he was just going to take her to the pool and drink beer
-He told a friend within a couple of months of Michelle's murder that he was done with the marriage
-He told Michelle that he didn't need counseling but she did
-He told Michelle that she needed counseling for her sexual issues - there's no telling what kind of perverted things he wanted Michelle to do in the bedroom that she was not comfortable with and he probably used this to convince her that she was the one with sexual issues
-He only agreed to "counseling" if Michelle's sister would be the mediator, therefore, robbing Michelle of a natural ally - her only sister who in this "counseling" role would have had to stay neutral; he manipulated MF and used her against her sister
-He added stress to Michelle's life while she was pregnant with their son by arguing about and restricting Michelle's mother's visits even though Michelle had miscarried their previous child a few months before
-He threw a remote control at his pregnant wife during an argument on the Wednesday night before she was murdered in the early hours of Friday morning - his psychological and emotional abuse escalated to physical abuse
-He told two of his female coworkers who he was not close to that his sex life with his wife was bad
-He told these same coworkers that the only reason his wife was pregnant was so that he could have sex
-He told one of these coworkers that he was a "boob man"
-He warned at least one of these coworkers that he was a horny man
-He exposed himself at parties in front of men and women while his wife was there
-He did tricks with his penis at parties while his wife was present
-He urinated on a couple's rug in front of mixed company
-He told people that Michelle heard noises at night when he was away on business trips, yet he didn't fix the garage door or alarm system
-He refused to answer or return LF's 4 calls after she left 2 urgent messages on Friday afternoon after he had called Michelle 3 times that day and couldn't reach her. They had lost a child that Michelle was carrying just months before, but LF's calls didn't alarm him
-He never helped LE try to find Michelle's killer
-He refused to help LE by doing a simple requested walk through of the home with his lawyer present to see what had been stolen
-He refused to sit down with LE and answer questions even with his lawyer present
-Anytime someone would bring up the murder, he would say he couldn't talk about it instead of saying he didn't do it and that's all he could say about it at that point
-He wrote in an email to his sister Kim that he hoped there would NEVER be an arrest
-When Kim asked him in the email how CY would feel when she was old enough to realize that her father had cheated on her mother, he said that it would be tough for HIM and that he didn't know how she would feel - again his only concern was for himself
-He refused a polygraph exam so the police could clear him and look for the "real" killer
-He never offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer of his wife and unborn son, yet he, his mother, and CY took several expensive trips after Michelle's murder
-He stayed in contact with MM even after the murder and had at least one visit with her in Myrtle Beach
-He used pictures of himself with his daughter on a website to get dates with women and exploited Michelle's death by sympathetically describing himself as a widower and single parent
-He would not allow his daughter to receive Christmas gifts from her maternal grandmother and aunt
-He cut off CY being able to visit LF and MF when they would not publicly support him, therefore, putting his needs above Cassidy's
-He refused to defend himself in a WD lawsuit to avoid being deposed
-When Michelle's sister sought custody because he had cut off MF's and LF's visitation with his daughter, he willingly gave up custody of her to avoid being deposed
-He never claimed the 1MM life insurance policy on Michelle to avoid answering questions
-While having multiple affairs, telling a friend that he loved MM, telling MM that he loved her, communicating with MM around 900 times within a month, telling a friend he was done with the marriage, saying that the only thing worse than being married to Michelle was to be divorced from her, telling Michelle she was the one with the problems, writing an undying love email to his former fiancee, writing a girl he met at camp denying he was married, and throwing a remote control at his pregnant wife, he testified that he loved Michelle and was working on their marriage
-The only time he spoke about his and Michelle's marriage and his whereabouts on the night of the murder was after he knew what the prosecution had against him and he could tailor his story to fit the facts

JY's behavior before and after the murder showed nothing but disdain and disregard for his wife and unborn son. There is nothing he ever did to suggest that he ever wanted his wife's killer brought to justice. His behavior does not in any way exhibit a man whose life was torn apart by this tragedy. In the words of Alan Fisher, Michelle's father, JY seemed to be on top of the world after the death of his wife.

Take a look at some of the defendant's behaviors. He and Michelle had not been getting along for a long time.


Wasn't she a few months pregnant? How long had it been that they weren't getting along?
There is a difference between family annihilation and spousal homicide. Jason Young is accused of doing all sorts of things, but there's little evidence to support the accusations.

You are good.....!!

Jason was with his daughter for 3 years after the murder.

One of my biggest arguments has always been that if LE thought Jason killed Michelle, why would they allow Jason to have CY?

My other argument has always been if the words Daddydidit were really on the tape, they could have had CPS get involved, get an emergency custody hearing and remove CY.

That argument became even more obvious when I saw what the Coopers did to get custody of their grandchildren and away from Brad..

Time after time I posted that if LE thought CY. was a witness, as they suggested, they were taking a huge risk and placing her in danger.

I have also seen suggestions or accusations that Jason was trying to keep CY away from being asked questions..

Wasn't there some kind of doctor or therapist notes found in one of the search warrants, that CY had seen a counselor sometime during those years?

Does that sound like Jason or the Youngs were trying to keep her from talking?

Also, all you have to do is look at some of the photo exhibits from court, that show them together and how much they love each other..

@tarheel8600 - it certainly sounds like they had a lot of ups and downs in their marriage, but it cannot be denied that they continued to remain married and expand their family.
@tarheel8600 - it certainly sounds like they had a lot of ups and downs in their marriage, but it cannot be denied that they continued to remain married and expand their family.
Jay was obsessed with sex....the more perverted, the better..
You knew that right?

Most immature males I know don't consider pregnancy when the testosterone rages.
He was NOT with his daughter again. A SUPERVISED visit was to be considered.

I believe it was ordered, not considered,

Hey, once the Judge let him out on bail,other than the fact he could not contact any of the witnesses in this case, he has pretty much been a free man.

That means for the last 7 months, Jason has not had to answer to anyone.

If he was going to hurt himself or CY , he had years alone with her to do so..

I think the biggest punishment in Jason's life would be to lose CY.....not prison.

That is why I can not believe he would kill Michelle.

Jay was obsessed with sex....the more perverted, the better..
You knew that right?

Most immature males I know don't consider pregnancy when the testosterone rages.

They were married adults. Is there any reason to assume that they weren't planning their family? To suggest that they weren't getting along for a long time, but they were expecting another child a few months after the murder, doesn't really add up.
They were married adults. Is there any reason to assume that they weren't planning their family? To suggest that they weren't getting along for a long time, but they were expecting another child a few months after the murder, doesn't really add up.

Cassidy was an accident.....need I say more?

He killed the 2nd child 6/06...IMO
He killed the 3rd child....11/06
@tarheel8600 - it certainly sounds like they had a lot of ups and downs in their marriage, but it cannot be denied that they continued to remain married and expand their family.

Otto, they were defintely having problems and Jason was not a good husband, by any means..

But, skip over the drama as none of Jason's g/f's ever said or testified to anything weird about Jason........

They could have been asked that on the stand.

They were married adults. Is there any reason to assume that they weren't planning their family? To suggest that they weren't getting along for a long time, but they were expecting another child a few months after the murder, doesn't really add up.

Not only that, but there was testimony, and I am sure we will hear it again, it was Jason who wanted more children
Cassidy was an accident.....need I say more?

He killed the 2nd child 6/06...IMO
He killed the 3rd child....11/06

Jason did not kill any child. His wife was pregnant and had a miscarriage. Shortly after that miscarriage, she was pregnant again.
Otto, they were defintely having problems and Jason was not a good husband, by any means..

But, skip over the drama as none of Jason's g/f's ever said or testified to anything weird about Jason........

They could have been asked that on the stand.


None of his girlfriends got pregnant either, so I think we can assume that after the first surprise pregnancy - one that Michelle wanted to keep quiet and Jason wanted to immediately share with his mom - Jason and Michelle practiced family planning.

Wasn't she a few months pregnant? How long had it been that they weren't getting along?

According to their friends, JY and Michelle's arguments were frequent and public. All of their friends described their relationship as volatile. Since they had only been married for about 3 years, their arguments probably started shortly thereafter. My thoughts are that they probably argued before they got married. They got married because Michelle was pregnant.

It is not unusual for couples who are having marital problems to continue to have children. It happens all the time.

Remember JY told 2 coworkers that the only reason Michelle was pregnant was so that he could have sex.

I truly think that if Michelle had not gotten pregnant, they would have never gotten married. I think the relationship would have eventually ended because of their incompatibility.
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