State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-12 Feb 2012

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Well, he didn't fix the heat, nor the garage door. One would think, after hearing those noises outside, JLY would NOT have left his pregnant wife and toddler alone in the house without at least fixing that broken garage door.

Yes esp. since he had off all day Thursday and chose not leave to for his trip till after 7 that night. It still remains big on my list of CE and premeditation that he didn't leave earlier in the day and stay at a hotel close to his meeting in Clintvlile!
I thought I saw a CPI sign on one of the doors on a picture of the house. If so, too bad they didn't use that regularly...

had the alarm been on - it would have woken up the entire street if someone had come in. Apparently, the killer must have known if was not used.


I say this because my alarm sets itself "differently" depending on how it was set - if I set it and then leave the house, it knows that someone will be coming home later and allows me to open up and disarm. When I set it to go to bed at night, and it does not record a door opening within 30 seconds, it is set for "instant" - and if the door opens without disabling the alarm - the dead shall be awakened.....

Was their security system monitored and active at the time of her death? Interesting things to know... what doors had sensors, etc.

Usually a security system will dissuade a thief, and add a dog on top of that and those are 2 of the best deterrents you an have. Random this was not.
had the alarm been on - it would have woken up the entire street if someone had come in. Apparently, the killer must have known if was not used.


I say this because my alarm sets itself "differently" depending on how it was set - if I set it and then leave the house, it knows that someone will be coming home later and allows me to open up and disarm. When I set it to go to bed at night, and it does not record a door opening within 30 seconds, it is set for "instant" - and if the door opens without disabling the alarm - the dead shall be awakened.....

Was their security system monitored and active at the time of her death? Interesting things to know...
what doors had sensors, etc.

Usually a security system will dissuade a thief, and add a dog on top of that and those are 2 of the best deterrents you an have. Random this was not.

RaleighNC......testimony confirmed the system was never connected while the Young's lived there.
RaleighNC......testimony confirmed the system was never connected while the Young's lived there.

Monitored? i.e. pay for the service?

Mine will still scream like a banshee if someone opens the door, I just pay to have it call a central monitoring service so they can call the police / fire department / ambulance, etc.

Just having it able to do the former is about 90% of the deterrent.

Crap - if only.....

Thank you, JTF
The inside door from the garage was unlocked

I wonder why Jason didn't call anyone else to go over to Birchleaf, when he and his mommy couldn't reach Meredith ? He tried and then got his mom on the job of trying to reach her. Funny, alot of their friends lived in the vicinity, maybe even other family members were available. But, he wanted Meredith and only Meredith to go to the house, hmm...
Yes, maybe after the crime scene had been completely processed, but not right away.....and, by then , as he was from the start, a "person of interest"

Meredith went on a walk through of the house with LE, she was also subjected to hours and hours of interrogation by them, possibly/probably more, yet she complied. She also was a person of interest from the beginning , since she was the one to discover Michelles' body and Cassidy, unattended. Wow, looks like not only did JY want Meredith to find his murdered wife and unattended daughter, but also to be one of the first suspects in the murder. What a guy !
For anyone that stays in hotels things like this happen all the time. Speak to the employees as the stories they relay are at times comical and other times sad.

Once again there is no forensic evidence to show that JY moved the camera, unplugged it etc.

There were 49 rooms occupied and that leaves alot of people which could of done this

I wonder how many of those 49 hotel guests had their wife murdered during the time the camera was unplugged, plugged back in and THEN later shoved toward the ceiling. These things happened during the exact time it would have taken Jason Young to drive to Raleigh, murder his wife and get back in his hotel room. Coincidentally !!!
Jason's friend testified that Jason was sick in the bathroom at the funeral home.

I've heard murderers sometimes are sickened after the deed, or after viewing their "handiwork", but that might require a conscience or a soul.
I'm making a list of all the "coinky dink's" that happened surrounding Jason Y and the murder of a pregnant Michelle Y. i knew there were many, but not this many. It's a long list and I'm not done. I will say this "If " Jason Young were truly innocent he would be the unluckiest man that I've ever come across.

Moo moo moo moo

Excellent ! I think there will be plenty of posters ready to help you with that. Hopefully, Prosecutors will see it as well. No one has as many coincidences in a 24 hr period, the same 24 hr period his wife just happened to be murdered as Jason Young.
MY said "I'm pregnant, and Jason said he wants me to abort the baby or he will resent me and the baby for the rest of our lives,”


Yes, it is ! Jason testified in the first trial that he felt the exact opposite of that, he and his mother both testified how excited Jason was before and after the birth of his daughter. Hmmm...
I wonder why Jason didn't call anyone else to go over to Birchleaf, when he and his mommy couldn't reach Meredith ? He tried and then got his mom on the job of trying to reach her. Funny, alot of their friends lived in the vicinity, maybe even other family members were available. But, he wanted Meredith and only Meredith to go to the house, hmm...

And not only did he leave his own daughter to stumble around in the gore all alone, but then he sets up Michelle's sister to find her body. Cold. Cruel. So abhorrent.
It's a sign of how much he trusted MF to take care of little CY...I believe that's why she was selected out of anyone else. Plus, she had keys to the house, which others would not have had. JY could not very well tell someone else the inside kitchen door was unlocked and that printout from ebay was certainly not important enough to get some neighbor or friend to go over there.

He would have been better off "getting worried trying to reach Michelle" and using that as his excuse than a total lame-o expired auction printout. But either way, he needed to get someone over there. No wonder he started calling early in the morning. He knew he had left CY alone since approximately 3:30am.

Cold, heartless, cruel indeed.
He did ? How do you know ?

Shelley Schaad testified that before he left for his business trip while she was at the house, he told her about going to Cracker Barrel and that he would be back for the NC state game.
Excellent ! I think there will be plenty of posters ready to help you with that. Hopefully, Prosecutors will see it as well. No one has as many coincidences in a 24 hr period, the same 24 hr period his wife just happened to be murdered as Jason Young.

Prosecutors need to ask him about those when he testifies again(I think he will) - there really is no excuse to not have been prepared the first time to question him. As someone else mentioned, in the Casey Anthony trial they were prepared right from the start. I've always thought preparing for the defendant to testify was standard procedure for prosecutors *just in case*.
Yes, maybe after the crime scene had been completely processed, but not right away.....and, by then , as he was from the start, a "person of interest"

Some may not like it, but there's human emotions in play when a SO is first in contact with LE. It can be as simple as saying they're fishing 90 miles from home on Christmas eve, when there are 100's of much closer watering holes, yet they'd told others that were at the scene, they'd been golfing. Or, it could be the person's demeanor, like hanging up on LE when they're first talking to you about your deceased spouse or your refusal to even listen to what LE has to say, much less talk to them from the get go.

So if LE considered JY a POI from the get go, he brought it on himself. It only went down-hill from there. But don't be fooled that they gave him that label, because just as they had to have all their i's dotted and t's crossed before they could arrest him, they also had to eliminate anyone else, first as well. The problem is, the 'evidence' always pointed back to Jason.

I wonder how much of this will show up at trial. (The things we chat on here about have an uncanny way of making their way into the court rooms here.)
I wonder how many of those 49 hotel guests had their wife murdered during the time the camera was unplugged, plugged back in and THEN later shoved toward the ceiling. These things happened during the exact time it would have taken Jason Young to drive to Raleigh, murder his wife and get back in his hotel room. Coincidentally !!!

I want to know of the 49 rooms occupied, how many entered to their rooms say between the hours of 4am to 6am after leaving around 12am. Seems like most would be coming in at 12am and leaving at 6am, instead of leaving at 12 and returning at 6. I guess that hotel did not use key cards huh?

He could have cleaned up at the home and then dried the shower taking towels and clothes with him to dispose on the trip back to the hotel.
I can see how he had no defensive wounds. He struck while she was sleeping!!! When I was 5 months preggers with a toddler I slept like a ROCK!
Shelley Schaad testified that before he left for his business trip while she was at the house, he told her about going to Cracker Barrel and that he would be back for the NC state game.

Thanks, I missed that.
And not only did he leave his own daughter to stumble around in the gore all alone, but then he sets up Michelle's sister to find her body. Cold. Cruel. So abhorrent.

And, being the one to find her body also made her a right off the bat, even before him !
Boy, he really put some thought into this...
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