17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #15

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They should have tested him, but if they didn't, nothing can be done about it now. But he doesn't look all drunk on his police walk tape, does he? I mean, people were saying how he has no sever injuries since he can walk normally with his hands behind his back.

BBM The way I read the statute is that if he did not look drunk/intoxicated there was no probable cause for testing. Only if he was lawfully arrested(which he was not) , the "must do the test" comes into the picture.

790.153 Tests for impairment or intoxication; right to refuse.—
(1)(a) Any person who uses a firearm within this state shall submit to an approved chemical or physical breath test to determine the alcoholic content of the blood and to a urine test to detect the presence of controlled substances, if there is probable cause to believe that the person was using a firearm while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or that the person is lawfully arrested for any offense allegedly committed
Because most states have implied consent laws that state anyone operating a motor vehicle can be compelled to undergo a chemical test for intoxication. When you sign for your license, you essentially agree to this. If you refuse, you lose your license for something like a year, usually.
That because driving is a privilege and not a right. Sadly, some people don't see it that way.

That must be what happened. What are the chances it was actually black teens committing those burglars? Much more likely it was GZ doing it and calling it in just to blame them.
wow...just wow....this is really stretching. I didn't think these kinds of statements were allowed here.

There is NO way he d' get a fair trial, many people here think he is guilty.

exactly....and if he is arrested and gets off...omg, imagine what would happen then.

Not that he would call police beforehand but I do believe he might have been setting his "self-defense" and reasonable doubt up with some of the things he said. He said all the right key words - hands in his waistband; he's up to something' he's checking me out; etc. etc.

Like I've said - I really think GZ thought TM had a gun. If TM had bought a can of Iced Tea and had that can in the front hoodie pocket - it would make a "bulge" that GZ could have interpreted as a gun.

GZ now thinking this suspicious guy has a gun - he (GZ) thinks if he does shoot that it will be justified as the other guy had one too.

I think so too, and have from the beginning.

We know that is what he claims he was going to do.
Just as the "claims" are that TM was just walking to the store. (was it raining when he left, why would he go out in the rain)

Please don't take me wrong, as I am not trying to argue with anyone. I am just so surprised that I am the only one that seems to hear "homie" regularly. Just a few years ago my son used it so often that I finally told him "I am not your homie, I am your mother". LOL
I also went to youtube and put in "homie" 132,000 results come up, including current rap songs.
I can see Travon using the term.

homie is said a lot around here too along with dude, man, etc.
I don't know. But saying someone deliberately put those marks on his head is ridiculous. I don't recall a single post saying the original video was doctored in some way not to show any injury whatsoever.

Lots of claims I read here are ridiculous IMHO.

And when they want to hang someone they listen to no reason at all.
They just want t be right.
BBM The way I read the statute is that if he did not look drunk/intoxicated there was no probable cause for testing. Only if he was lawfully arrested(which he was not) , the "must do the test" comes into the picture.

790.153 Tests for impairment or intoxication; right to refuse.—
(1)(a) Any person who uses a firearm within this state shall submit to an approved chemical or physical breath test to determine the alcoholic content of the blood and to a urine test to detect the presence of controlled substances, if there is probable cause to believe that the person was using a firearm while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or that the person is lawfully arrested for any offense allegedly committed

They probably never heard any slurring words on the 911 tape either. I don't think they even listened to it. IMO
It's standard procedure when there is a shooting. Didn't they test TM? He was the one who was dead???? Isn't it important to know when someone discharges a gun and kills another person to know whether or not they are under the influence just in case it's needed for court. Or did they already make the decision right there on the spot that there were never going to be any charges?????? Might want to check that hinky meter it might need batteries. jmo

Is it? The law specifically states when it's mandatory. Zimmerman cannot be compelled to submit a test unless either condition is met.
Dad and fiance went to dinner.

Trayvon goes to the store.

Trayvon never makes it home.

Dad and fiance get home.

Trayvon is not home. Dad assumes he went to the movies with a cousin.

Next morning, Trayvon is still not home. Dad calls cousin. Cousin hasn't seen Trayvon. Dad calls LE.

It appears that Dad got the information about Trayvon leaving during halftime from the 13-year-old. Maybe he misunderstood Pre-Game for Half-time. His son had just been killed so I am not going to fault him for making a simple mistake. Which is what it appears to me what it was because he was not actually home.
Accusing a news agency of faking something is a pretty serious allegation. People get fired over that.

As I said, I pulled several screen shots out of that video and used PhotoShop to enhance the color and contrast. NO ONE of those showed the kind of marks on GZ's head as shown on that image.

I'm not a professional photo editor but I have worked with thousands of my own photos, edited and restored antique photos, and have a good amount of experience with PhotoShop. I believe if those marks had been on GZ's head, they would have shown up on at least one of the screen shots I got. They did not show up on a single one.

I did not do extensive enhancement, because that can introduce artifacts that distort the actual pixelization. Maybe I was overstating it - maybe it was not faked but accidentally introduced artifacts.

BUT the distinct edges of the marks on the back of GZ's head in that image do not look to me as though they are accidentally introduced artifacts.

Again, JMO.

Did he? I thought he was walking home from his dad's house to the girlfriend's house during halftime of the All-Star game and decided to pick up some candy for his brother along the way. Oh, wait... No... Dad and the girlfriend went out to dinner. He was walking to the store to get his brother some Skittles... Oh, wait... No... He might have been at the movies with his cousin... Oh, wait... No... He wanted to get out of the house because his dad had kept him pretty much grounded while he was there and that was an excuse to leave.

From the evolution of the story, it doesn't sound like dad knew much of anything about what Trayvon was up to.

This is a misconstruing of the facts as we know them - please link it up. The facts as I understand them from MSM & LE are that prior to the start of the game - he went to 7/11 for snacks. Dad & GF were out to dinner. When TM did not return home - Dad thought maybe TM was with his cousin/uncle. I believe Dad also said that TM was wanting to get out of the house because Dad had been keeping close tabs on him. All of this is consistent basically with what you have said above - except it is all the SAME story - not a changing story with conflicting facts.

People tend to get very defensive when it appears they are losing ground. Blaming the victim is something GZ seems to have been good at. Not sure what excuses some of his supporters are using but blaming the victim is on top of their list.

I do think, too, Mr. Wolfie is being very defensive about a meeting with the Chief and trying to distance himself from him. So they ask the Chief to step down, Mr. Wolfie volunteers to step down as to not cause a conflict of interest and it appears there are leaks in the PD. I'd say something is about to blow. Too bad GZ messed up his chances for PD. Looks like there might be some job opening at SPD soon. jmo

LOL Yeah, too bad. Sounds like he might have fit in real well with the current crew. :D

As I said, I pulled several screen shots out of that video and used PhotoShop to enhance the color and contrast. NO ONE of those showed the kind of marks on GZ's head as shown on that image.

I'm not a professional photo editor but I have worked with thousands of my own photos, edited and restored antique photos, and have a good amount of experience with PhotoShop. I believe if those marks had been on GZ's head, they would have shown up on at least one of the screen shots I got. They did not show up on a single one.

I did not do extensive enhancement, because that can introduce artifacts that distort the actual pixelization. Maybe I was overstating it - maybe it was not faked but accidentally introduced artifacts.

BUT the distinct edges of the marks on the back of GZ's head in that image do not look to me as though they are accidentally introduced artifacts.

Again, JMO.

Some of us could see a spot on his head before the tape was enhanced. And posted so on the thread. Even with a still from the video with arrows pointing to this spot.
This is a misconstruing of the facts as we know them - please link it up. The facts as I understand them from MSM & LE are that prior to the start of the game - he went to 7/11 for snacks. Dad & GF were out to dinner. When TM did not return home - Dad thought maybe TM was with his cousin/uncle. I believe Dad also said that TM was wanting to get out of the house because Dad had been keeping close tabs on him. All of this is consistent basically with what you have said above - except it is all the SAME story - not a changing story with conflicting facts.


I already did. :)
I guess my question would be, why go all the way to Target for milk when there is a 7-11 right there?

I would just like to see the tapes from 7-11 just to make sure Zimmerman didn't go there? I think it's a fair question?

For me - and I haven't seen this anywhere, so forgive me if someone else has wondered - it begins to beg the question of how long George had been in his car, whether he had begun to watch Trayvon when he walked to the store, and perhaps followed him there and back again.

Or - another scenario - George was on his way home from Target and saw Trayvon walking back to the development, so he parked somewhere to watch him?

How long had George been watching/following Trayvon in a car? I think that's a valid question the Feds are probably asking. Did he think he was allowed to "stake out" every teenager who walked in or out of his neighborhood or beyond? He may have thought so because the police responded to every 911 because they have to. But George may have thought he was somehow a police informant working almost as an undercover cop, which explains his behavior. JMOO :cow:


So, why didn't the brother mention that he had gone out to buy skittles and never returned? Moo


No mention of the brother. Weird.

I could have sworn that there were articles that said he was walking to his dad's house, but mea culpa on that one.

The story shifts over time; it's obvious.

So he called his dad to beg him to go ? If my kid was suspended (he was recently too) and he left the house and I couldn't reach him on his cel, I think I'd be too mad to sleep till I got hold of him. My hubby would be a lot calmer I think. I'm trying to think of how long it would take for my anger to change to fear when I couldn't reach him.
This is a misconstruing of the facts as we know them - please link it up. The facts as I understand them from MSM & LE are that prior to the start of the game - he went to 7/11 for snacks. Dad & GF were out to dinner. When TM did not return home - Dad thought maybe TM was with his cousin/uncle. I believe Dad also said that TM was wanting to get out of the house because Dad had been keeping close tabs on him. All of this is consistent basically with what you have said above - except it is all the SAME story - not a changing story with conflicting facts.


The only thing that has ever changed was Trayvon leaving at Half-Time and then leaving Pre-Game, which I believe was a simple misunderstanding on Trayvon's fathers part. His son had just been killed. He obviously got the information from the 13-year-old because he was not home. IMO, it was a simple mistake and was cleared up quickly.
So he called his dad to beg him to go ? If my kid was suspended (he was recently too) and he left the house and I couldn't reach him on his cel, I think I'd be too mad to sleep till I got hold of him. My hubby would be a lot calmer I think. I'm trying to think of how long it would take for my anger to change to fear when I couldn't reach him.

Well, Trayvon was not your child and what his father did or didn't do to discipline him is none of any of our business? MOO

ETA: I'm sure Trayvon's dad knew him well enough to not be too worried and that he would be home that night? When he seen he didn't show up the next morning, he did get worried and called LE.
Because most states have implied consent laws that state anyone operating a motor vehicle can be compelled to undergo a chemical test for intoxication. When you sign for your license, you essentially agree to this. If you refuse, you lose your license for something like a year, usually.

I understand. My point is that when there's a fatality it's imperative. No choice. - you can't refuse. It's the law.
Well, Trayvon was not your child and what his father did or didn't do to discipline him is none of any of our business? MOO

ETA: I'm sure Trayvon's dad knew him well enough to not be too worried and that he would be home that night? When he seen he didn't show up the next morning, he did get worried and called LE.

it would not take me until the morning if my child had not come home. especially one that was on suspension from school. but that is just me.
Movies don't usually get over until 12:00am. I believe Trayvon's father said they got home at 11? 11:30? Something like that. Maybe they went to sleep? Figured Trayvon had a key and would make his way in the house?

I wonder what time they woke up to see that Trayvon was still not home?
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