17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #24

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I posted a link on page 29. I must be on everyone's ignore list. :(. Insert dragging blankie going to bed pouty here.

I saw your link and appreciate it. :blowkiss::goodnight:
Of course Zimmerman can change his story. We have seen it before during trials. The question is will the jury believe him. Heck, he's already had his people change his story for him in the media. Unfortunately for Zimmerman Trayvon was on the phone during the critical time period when Zimmerman claims that he was being beaten and having his nose broken. The time stamps for the phone call between Trayvon and his girlfriend and the phone calls of the concerned neighbors that called 911 are going to be huge in this case. I suppose that Zimmerman can say it is all a big conspiracy between the phone companies and the people that are out to get him, but, I seriously doubt that a jury is going to buy that.

Found it!!! Wait, is huffing ton post msm? If not then delete :(


States that weeks after the shooting mr Martin noticed the timing of the call from the gf and contacted her. Article goes on to criticize Sanford LE for not looking at the cell records.
This actually makes what was heard more suspect. If the gf goes to the viewing finds out she was the last to speak to him and has a panic attack and is taken to the hospital I would think if she knew any important info she would
have let TM's family know then or soon after. But weeks later TM's dad contacts her and that is when she tells someone about what she heard. Moo

LOL Not ignoring you..... what I am trying to find is any statement that says when this girl called police. Thank You for this link. I have found that on the 19th it was publicized that the girl signed an affadavit for the family attorneys. On the 20th it was on ABC she was interviewed by phone. What I'm looking for is anything that pin points when the girl actually came forward. :)
I don't think it will rest on her testimony alone, but it will be crucial. GZ is probably locked into his version of what was said between he and TM. And her testimony is going to dispute that version of events. Her testimony, if believed by the jury, can put him in prison for life.

The jury will have concrete evidence presented to them that TM was on the phone and he could not have sucker punched this idiot. If you are planning on sucker punching someone you definately do not stay on the phone as it would not be in your best interest. Funny thing is that GZ never stated to the police that TM was on the phone. Why didn't he do that?
I honestly do not think that Zimmerman knew that Trayvon was on the phone. I suspect that if he did, he would have never chased after him in the first place.
What I find interesting in the account given by Trayvons girlfriend is after she told him to run home he says "I think I lost him" and then talks about someones right behind him again but he's going to walk fast but not run.

If I'm going to try and "lose" someone on foot it's from me running, not me walking fast. And if the person that I'm trying to elude finds me again I'm going to run not walk fast. I'm not so sure about this account. JMO

"She tells him, 'baby, be careful, just run home,' " Crump said.

According to the girl, Trayvon says, "I think I lost him" then moments later says, "He is right behind me again. I'm not going to run, I'm going to walk fast."

The jury will have concrete evidence presented to them that TM was on the phone and he could not have sucker punched this idiot. If you are planning on sucker punching someone you definately do not stay on the phone as it would not be in your best interest. Funny thing is that GZ never stated to the police that TM was on the phone. Why didn't he do that?

I don't think GZ even knew that TM was on the phone. Didn't he have an earpiece in? If he had a hoodie with an earpiece, then GZ probably did not even know he was talking on the phone.

If he did know he was on the phone, then he wouldn't have been caught in this lie over who said what during the confrontation. imo
What I find interesting in the account given by Trayvons girlfriend is after she told him to run home he says "I think I lost him" and then talks about someones right behind him again but he's going to walk fast but not run.

If I'm going to try and "lose" someone on foot it's from me running, not me walking fast. And if the person that I'm trying to elude finds me again I'm going to run not walk fast. I'm not so sure about this account. JMO


At that point in the conversation between Trayvon and his girlfriend we have no idea how far behind him Zimmerman was. Trayvon was not that far from home and may have thought he would reach the safety of home before Zimmerman caught up with him. It would not surprise me at all to find out that Trayvon then turned around to see where Zimmerman was, found out that Zimmerman had ran up behind him and then we hear Trayvon ask him why he is following him.

As far as this account goes, to me, it makes a heck of alot more sense than the numerous versions that have come out of the Zimmerman camp.

I think GZ is sorry he's in jail, that's all. Why else post his self serving website (Justice for Zimmerman and all that bs)? Yeah, he sure turned sorry once he got arrested. Jmo.
I'll go so far as to give him the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he was sorry the entire episode happened--maybe. But his self-righteousness on his website leads me to doubt that. Jmo.
The way I read it is the first person who mad contact with her war Mr. Martin
When he recieved the phone record of Trayvons Calles he wanted to see .
who Trayvon was talking to.

Yes she said she tried to call the police and they did not respond.

After going to his funeral she collapsed.

AFTER 3 weeks she was on TV after giving her account of things to the police.

Am I going to believe everything she sais NO.
Here is why she did nt freak out and keeplooking to what happend to her boyfriend.
Everyone cryes at a funeral, she took it hard.
I think that when they got off the phone she had no caue to worry so she did not worry.

She has never been on TV.
This is what I have found. I haven't found the link of when the father found the phone records. I know I have seen it but didn't bookmark it.


Though early on in the investigation police asked for anyone with information related to the shooting to come forward, Martin's friend did not — because she was highly emotional, Martin's mother told TODAY Wednesday.

“She is a 16-year-old teenager who just lost a friend very special to her,’’ Crump told Lauer. “Her parents are very concerned. They did not want her to get involved, and it wasn’t until Mr. Martin found the phone records and saw that she called him at 7:12. The police got on the scene at 7:17, and he was shot and dead on the ground.’’
At that point in the conversation between Trayvon and his girlfriend we have no idea how far behind him Zimmerman was. Trayvon was not that far from home and may have thought he would reach the safety of home before Zimmerman caught up with him. It would not surprise me at all to find out that Trayvon then turned around to see where Zimmerman was, found out that Zimmerman had ran up behind him and then we hear Trayvon ask him why he is following him.

As far as this account goes, to me, it makes a heck of alot more sense than the numerous versions that have come out of the Zimmerman camp.


Yay. You just hit 1000 posts. I feel that if Trayvon ran home from GZ he should have been able out run him. I may be wrong and GZ is a faster runner than TM, but that would be hard for me to believe. JMO.
Yay. You just hit 1000 posts. I feel that if Trayvon ran home from GZ he should have been able out run him. I may be wrong and GZ is a faster runner than TM, but that would be hard for me to believe. JMO.

LOL, thanks I don't post all that often.

I don't think that Trayvon ran at all. I think that he did walk fast after Zimmerman began following him. I also think (thanks to the recorded call between Zimmerman and the dispatcher) that Zimmerman did run after Trayvon. I believe that once Trayvon rounded the corner behind those condos where Zimmerman could not drive his truck behind him that Trayvon slowed down. I can only imagine his surprise when he turns around and sees Zimmerman chasing after him on foot.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsutj4U4LZU"]In Living Color Dickie Peterson (Jim Carrey) Cherub of Justice Season 2 Episode 10 - YouTube[/ame]
I think GZ is sorry he's in jail, that's all. Why else post his self serving website (Justice for Zimmerman and all that bs)? Yeah, he sure turned sorry once he got arrested. Jmo.
I'll go so far as to give him the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he was sorry the entire episode happened--maybe. But his self-righteousness on his website leads me to doubt that. Jmo.
I looked at his website for the first time tonight. I couldn't believe he used an American flag as his background. There is nothing American about shooting an unarmed teenager and seeking $$ for your defense. After seeing his website, I do not think he was truly sorry. I believe he may be sorry now that he is sitting in jail, and is charged with murder. A little too late. He can apologize at sentencing, or in his plea deal.

The other night I was watching one of the news shows that had Taaffe on and he said the last talking point Zimmerman gave him was to stress the officer who took him into custody did not know him. (the one who noticed the grass and water on Zimmerman's back and said he over heard Zimmerman say he was yelling for help and nobody did help).

It turns out that is not true.

The first officer on the scene knew George Zimmerman. On 2/2/12 24 days before the shooting officer Smith went out on a call of a home unsecured called in by George Zimmerman and they checked out the inside and locked it up the best the could.

3 days before that call Officer Smith responded to a call by George Zimmerman about kids playing in the street.

LOL, thanks I don't post all that often.

I don't think that Trayvon ran at all. I think that he did walk fast after Zimmerman began following him. I also think (thanks to the recorded call between Zimmerman and the dispatcher) that Zimmerman did run after Trayvon. I believe that once Trayvon rounded the corner behind those condos where Zimmerman could not drive his truck behind him that Trayvon slowed down. I can only imagine his surprise when he turns around and sees Zimmerman chasing after him on foot.


Yes you could be right and Trayvon didn't run from GZ but "lost him" in another way. Perhaps hiding from him?
This is what I have found. I haven't found the link of when the father found the phone records. I know I have seen it but didn't bookmark it.


Though early on in the investigation police asked for anyone with information related to the shooting to come forward, Martin's friend did not — because she was highly emotional, Martin's mother told TODAY Wednesday.

“She is a 16-year-old teenager who just lost a friend very special to her,’’ Crump told Lauer. “Her parents are very concerned. They did not want her to get involved, and it wasn’t until Mr. Martin found the phone records and saw that she called him at 7:12. The police got on the scene at 7:17, and he was shot and dead on the ground.’’

At this link, they have a picture of the girlfriends phone logs. It verifies the 7:12 phone call. If you look at the picture, there is a 911 emergency phone call made from her phone on 3/02/2012 at 12:45 p.m. Hmmm.. This might be the phone call her and her mother made to LE. It would add up to 4 days, not 3 weeks. Wonder if there is a recording of this 911 call?

ETA: Is this the logs from the girlfriend's phone? It can't be Trayvon's, they were searching for it, right?
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