17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #25

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Not that it's any big deal, but I'm starting to wonder if GZ had even had this pistol very long before that night.

With his quip about "azzholes getting away" during the 911 call, it seems to me that the possibility could exist that George was worried his self perceived "brothers in blue" may be viewing him as the little boy crying wolf with all his 911 calls where they responded and found no one there.

His most recent call prior to February 26th was on February 2nd at Francis's house. IIRC, the report says no one was there, nothing was wrong, and all doors and windows were secure.

I'm not too big on trying to get into people like George's head, but something had him exceptionally motivated that night to catch a "bad guy". I'm just wondering if the possibility of a new weapon in his bag of tricks could have been part of it.

I think you're right about this.
Good read on CNN - the history of the Stand Your Ground law in Florida.
NRA's Marion Hammer Stands Her Ground

I know people will say the NRA has nothing to do with this story, but that is negated by this story. JMOO :cow: The very existence of the law is traced back to an active member of the NRA.
media trying to unseal the records


lets hope for a doc dump soon!
Good read on CNN - the history of the Stand Your Ground law in Florida.
NRA's Marion Hammer Stands Her Ground

I know people will say the NRA has nothing to do with this story, but that is negated by this story. JMOO :cow: The very existence of the law is traced back to an active member of the NRA.

the problem is that people are idealists, and when they've got their good intentions, they cant always see the way to how something can be abused ... I totally understand what they try to do with SYG laws, over here a fella attacked and disarmed an intruder into his home who later died as a result of the altercation and the homeowner was charged with murder...they later dropped it but it caused such an uproar....a SYG law (not that you can have guns here) would prevent that sort of stupidity from happening....

....but then you always get the jerks that ruin it for everyone, who want to twist the law on a technicality such as in this case IMO (IMO trayvon was the one standing HIS ground)

eta link to case I just mentioned, this isnt the most recent article but tells some facts of the case http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/19/homeowner-bail-alleged-burglar-stabbed

ETA again to add, sorry it's insomnia week I should do it right the first time :D http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/07/householder-cleared-fatal-stabbing-intruder?INTCMP=SRCH
Good read on CNN - the history of the Stand Your Ground law in Florida.
NRA's Marion Hammer Stands Her Ground

I know people will say the NRA has nothing to do with this story, but that is negated by this story. JMOO :cow: The very existence of the law is traced back to an active member of the NRA.

I went to that page and read the article (very interesting) and also clicked on the video "Stand Your Ground Tested in Old Case." Just heartbreaking! A husband and father is dead because someone went across the street to confront a skateboarding teenager and had a gun in his pocket.

Here's a link to a recent article. I will be very interested to see what the judge does in this other SYG case. http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts...issal-in-tampa-stand-your-ground-case/1224750
He has admitted that he is NOT a close friend on more than one occasion and is most definitely not related to GZ. Oliver's wife is only friends with GZ's mother-in-law.

The other common misconception has to do with JO and GZ being co-workers. The company they work for goes over old mortgage applications for loans that are in default. They try to find discrepancies so the mortgage holders can file suit against the parties involved. While both have worked for that company, it is important to note that they have hundreds of employees, the majority of which are actually independent contractors.

I suspect that GZ was not holding a job (which seems to be the case more often than not) and his mother-in-law told him about the "job" opportunity that her friend Mrs. JO told her about. Neither one has stellar work history. JO is on Linked In, easy enough to find. Longest gig was 3 years at WESH.

And Frank Taaffe, ugh, don't get me started on that attention *advertiser censored* cretin, still don't get why no one brings up his violent past. MOO.
Woohoo!! I wondered how long the media attorneys were going to take before filing a motion to unseal the information. I can't hardly wait. If they are unsealed and the autopsy is released, I'm going to have to depend on all of my good friends here to fill me in. I don't think I can take reading it. I'm already having nightmares every night after listening to the 911 call with Trayvon screaming so I've already assumed the worse happened that night.

Woohoo!! I wondered how long the media attorneys were going to take before filing a motion to unseal the information. I can't hardly wait. If they are unsealed and the autopsy is released, I'm going to have to depend on all of my good friends here to fill me in. I don't think I can take reading it. I'm already having nightmares every night after listening to the 911 call with Trayvon screaming so I've already assumed the worse happened that night.


I have never yet been able to listen to the 911 call, I dont think I could bear it :hug:

I'm TORN on wanting docs, I would prefer they keep them sealed til trial....I do think the sheer media exposure had something to do with warping the sense of those jurors in the Case I Will Not Mention here.

I would rather remain ignorant awhile than ever see that again as long as I live.
I think the autopsy will be key here.

Question though, how soon was it done? Was it done by a local (as in Sanford) ME? If TM's parents or the state wanted to have a second autopsy, how much would having already have one interfer with a second opinion? If that even makes any sense???
Is there anyway to find out how long Zimmerman had his concealed weapon permit? I looked through the state of Florida websites but couldn't find anything. I'm just really curious as to how long he had it.
I've been thinking about this. I wonder if Trayvon fell on top of GZ and GZ had to slide out from under Trayvon, but if that is how it happened wouldn't
GZ have blood on his clothes ?? or did Trayvon after being shot just fall on the ground, not even touching GZ, but then if that is how it happened why would GZ be on top of Trayon, was GZ sitting on Trayvon's back???

I would think GZ would have a fair amount of TM's blood on him is he had to get out from under TM, just because of the moving of the body, bending and twisting would cause blood to ooze out. One of the witnesses did say GZ was on TM's back while TM was face down with his arms under him. Possible GZ shot TM while facing him while standing and TM turned and fell with his arms under him. GZ may have then sat on TM to keep him from getting away?? Wish TM was here to give us his story of the events.

As many of the scenarios discussed here, I can assure everyone that all of them plus more go through TM's parents minds relentlessly.
The position of Trayvon's body has always bothered me I really wonder if he was shot in the back

Autopsy would clear that up. Unsure why it is 'sealed' and kept out of sight.
Thought this was interesting too.
(snipped from above link)
Acceptable Training Documentation
Florida law requires you to submit proof of competency with a firearm in order to qualify for a concealed weapon license. A copy of a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION or similar document from any of the following courses or classes is acceptable:
I have never yet been able to listen to the 911 call, I dont think I could bear it :hug:

I'm TORN on wanting docs, I would prefer they keep them sealed til trial....I do think the sheer media exposure had something to do with warping the sense of those jurors in the Case I Will Not Mention here.

I would rather remain ignorant awhile than ever see that again as long as I live.

My husband and I both agree with you, 2goldfish. :)

He always said that the overblown publicity following that other Florida case would force them to settle for a jury that was, how do I put this, less than exemplary. And boy was he was right!
I went to that page and read the article (very interesting) and also clicked on the video "Stand Your Ground Tested in Old Case." Just heartbreaking! A husband and father is dead because someone went across the street to confront a skateboarding teenager and had a gun in his pocket.

Here's a link to a recent article. I will be very interested to see what the judge does in this other SYG case. http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts...issal-in-tampa-stand-your-ground-case/1224750
It's shocking how similar that case is to this one! :( It's hard to believe that we even have to debate what happened when "Armed man with gun confronts man with Skateboard." :maddening: Who is going to win that argument?

They say he was in fear for his life because the other man was younger and bigger. But a gun can drop an elephant, so who is really the stronger in that encounter? Also, who initiated the confrontation? In both the Martin case and that case, the shooter started the whole thing.

Again, the guy should have called police and waited for them to sort it out. JMO
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