TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #3

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And they keep the abused one's under their control by isolating them as much as possible.

How did TM show up at the house? AM was staying there to help them pack.
I presume TM had to drive up there?
"The kids would come to visit and he would have the girls in the bedroom and lock the door and not let my sister in there," said Booth.

You know for not talking to her sister for 10 years, which she stated in other articles, this woman sure does run her mouth. I really can't place any truth in what Booth says and think maybe she may be one we see behind bars in the future. I'm not saying this statement isn't true but if so these girls have been molested for some time.
Not sure but I thought NG said AM sold his motorcycle..

I checked craigslist and didn't find anything that could have been posted by him. There is someone of FB that says she purchased tires from him a week or so before this all happened.
I don't think AM has Marfan's. I think, especially given his mother seems to be very troubled as well, he probably has adult fetal alcohol syndrome.

-Small head
-Low nasal bridge
-Small eye openings
-Epicanthal folds

-Short nose
-Smooth philitrum
-Underdeveloped jaw
-Heart defects

Behavioral traits:

Lack of appropriate social behavior
Manipulative behavior
Places self and others in harms way
Likes to stir up chaos
No cause and effect thinking
Failure in school
Poor eye contact
Low IQ
Hygiene issues
Poor memory
(More, but I snipped some that seemed most relevant)

As adults:

Lack of social skills
Inability to read body language
Inability to understand and obey the laws
Can’t take care of personal finances
Thrives in potentially dangerous situations
Inability to tell time on an analog watch
Unable to hold down a job
Sexually inappropriate behavior
Can’t follow directions
No resistance to peer pressure
“In your face” personality
Can’t learn to use public transportation
Likes living on the edge
Drug and alcohol abuse
Memory problems
Mental illness
Inability to focus
Forgets medications
Easily confused
Can’t live independently
Manipulative behavior
Lying and stealing
Argumentative nature
Not saying she should be let off the hook. Simply saying she may not be evil incarnate as some would have us believe. Speaking from knowing several people who, when off their meds, do really stupid things, including, but not limited to, nearly starving themselves by forgetting they need to eat, and making passes at their best friends wives.

Amen to that, I haven't heard anyone say she should go free. I'm sure she will be punished. I've just been around Websleuths long enough to learn that things are not always as they seem and I'm waiting to judge her.

I suspect MM is much more involved as far as the planning and conniving.
I don't buy for one minute she wasn't involved from the get go and I also suspect when push came to shove TM was going to be the scapegoat for MM only TM didn't know that.
Well one thing he doesn't have is a "short turned up nose."
I am not sure why we are diagnosing him with various disorders all of the sudden.
I tend to agree with you. I guess in order to look at the facts without emotion, a woman with a special ed diploma and/or a low IQ with emotional and mental problems would be an easy mark for someone who likes to have subservient females around them. I think I will save judgement on her until I know more. What kind of woman would allow her husband to go spend time with another woman or the children knowing that he has a thing for them? One that is under the man's control. No woman that hasn't been either beaten or drugged into submission would allow her man to go romance other females, much less abuse children. She is either borderline mentally retarded, or she is controlled in another way. I don't believe she would have gone and done this all on her own without being told what to do by AM. She deserves the punishment she will receive. We just don't know enough to be the jury. MOO Do we know if she could have stopped him? Would he have killed her too? Then again, how do we know that she didn't kill JB in a fit of jealous rage and is conveniently blaming hubby for it? I've missed a lot today, so ya'll steer me back the right way if I am way off track here.

There aren't many, but if you read her posts it seems as if she is very depressed. She talks about meds and 'fussin n fightin" with Adam, among other things.
How did TM show up at the house? AM was staying there to help them pack.
I presume TM had to drive up there?

I am confused by this also. Did he call TM and tell her to come? What vehicle did she drive? So he waits for her to get there and then kills mom and daughter? I do wonder if she didn't assist in the killings.
Not quite equivalent to actively participating in the preplanned abduction of children and the murder of one child and one family friend, assisting in transportation of the bodies (one probably drove JB's vehicle to hide it, one theirs, so she could've taken off to get help), and keeping said children captive.

I worked for years with special ed, learning disabled, mentally troubled and at-risk youth. Differently abled does not equate to lacking a conscience. Moo but the posts defending TM and suspecting GB are offensive and distracting. Two little terrified girls are being held captive.
Possibly as distracting as are posts bashing TM. MOO
If she did drive to the house in the middle of the night that would be a long drive.
We know that mother and her husband did let him spend time with the children. So they must have not believed there was anything strange going on.
I really don't see why it's out of realm of possibility that he actually did date the mother before she married her current husband.

Anything's possible before JB and GB were married, but didn't he live in Florida around that time? TM's sister however is repeating what TM told her right before she was arrested.that she thinks JB and AM were having an affair. When Andersen asked her if she thought they were, she said yes. How would she know, she wasn't around any of them.
Anything's possible before JB and GB were married, but didn't he live in Florida around that time? TM's sister however is repeating what TM told her right before she was arrested.that she thinks JB and AM were having an affair. When Andersen asked her if she thought they were, she said yes. How would she know, she wasn't around any of them.

I don't know when any of them lived where because they seem to be moving around quite a lot.
Well one thing he doesn't have is a "short turned up nose."
I am not sure why we are diagnosing him with various disorders all of the sudden.

Well FAS is a lot more relevant than Marfan's is what I am saying, and a lot more probable. It's relevant because it's known to affect impulse control and planning.
First stop saying you are ugly. Feel good about yourself the way you are. Hard lesson to learn and for me it is taking me till after having kids to see that Im very hard on myself. I raise both my kids to not question what others think of them only to do it myself. My 4 and 6 yr old are quick to tell me to stop worrying about others and they use my line, " Do you like your clothes, hair etc ( whatever they are worried about)?, Do you think and feel you look good?, Then stop worrying about everyone else."

And while men might turn the other way and not look, a female will look and pick every part of her out that they find odd. I have to say I would remember a tall woman like that especially since Im only 4'8.

Thank you.

I've actually grown to see my lack of physical beauty as a blessing of sorts. When I was younger, I had a horrible time in school and I would have given anything to be pretty or cute. Back then, I could never have admitted out loud that I'm ugly! At least, not without crying for 3 days over it.

I grew up and have had 3 great loves in my life, which is more than some people get. I came to realise that my ugliness is a pretty good filter that turns away people who are just interested in surface appearance.

Unlike some truly beautiful women, I have never had to wonder if my lover appreciated *me* or just my appearance.

As observed by the immortal bard Garth Brooks: "thank God for unanswered prayers."
How did TM show up at the house? AM was staying there to help them pack.
I presume TM had to drive up there?

Agree. Which is one of the reasons I keep going back to read through the latest affidavit. Honestly I still can't tell if this theory could be possible from the wording.

I've been wondering if TM drove the girls back in one vehicle, and AM drove the bodies back in another.

I swear I've read that affidavit 5 times, and I still can't decipher whether the statement about TM driving included both the live victims - and the bodies.

If it was possible, I would think they wouldn't have wanted the girls to yet know about the murders. They still might not.

And they would have had to drive both vehicles away, so wouldn't that be a plausible scenario?
Teresa Mayes told investigators Adam planned to kidnap the two younger Bain sisters and the murders are connected to that. She said Adam Mayes, a family friend of the Bain's was fascinated with the girls, especially one of them.

"The kids would come to visit and he would have the girls in the bedroom and lock the door and not let my sister in there," said Booth.

Booth said the Mayes family moved to Mississippi soon after that because someone contacted authorities.
Who contacted authorities about what and when?
Well FAS is a lot more relevant than Marfan's is what I am saying, and a lot more probable. It's relevant because it's known to affect impulse control and planning.

Instead of "short upturned nose" he has a long narrow nose. His philitrum isn't smooth. His jaw doesn't look small or underdeveloped to me.
Dylan Groene was 9 years old and Shasta was 8 years old when Joseph Duncan was holding them hostage in the woods.

I think having two children hostage might actually be easier than one because AM could threaten the well being of one child to keep the other child in line. And I doubt he's terribly concerned about giving them good nutritious meals and snacks or making sure they are sleeping in warm, dry beds...

I remember that case for sure, and Dylan being murdered leaving Duncan with one child.

My comment was still on the discussion of Eric Rudolph not traveling with anyone.

Of course, snacks, meals and warm beds would not be Adams main concern. :crazy:
I don't think AM has Marfan's. I think, especially given his mother seems to be very troubled as well, he probably has adult fetal alcohol syndrome.

And wide set eyes. The first time I saw his pic I thought of fetal alcohol syndrome.
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