AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

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BOMBSHELL NOW!!! Nancy Grace just corrected her guest, who was speculating about what Isabel *might have* written on the wall!!!!

For once, it actually IS a bombshell! Stopping her guest from speculating...who'd a thunk?
NG now has a surgeon MD on saying the family is deeply enmeshed in family secrets because Isa colored on her closet wall.

How can that pathologist on NG talk about the contents of a note/message on the closet wall, when the contents of the note have not been released? He is describing the contents of the note. Is there more information out there that we are not getting? He is acting as though he knows what is in the note. WTH?
NG now has a surgeon MD on saying the family is deeply enmeshed in family secrets because Isa colored on her closet wall.


Can't make this stuff up!:silenced:
How can that pathologist on NG talk about the contents of a note/message on the closet wall, when the contents of the note have not been released? He is describing the contents of the note. Is there more information out there that we are not getting?

No. He's just making chit up. :moo: OH, the drama!!!
I'm not watching. What did she say? TIA

Oh, it was that Joe Vega, who is SC's bf, had never been in the Cellis home. Yes, they were friends through the ball park, but Mr. Vega is protecting SC like a pitbull and doesn't know a thing about the serious CPS issue that happened in Dec. Is getting his 15 minutes that important to him, and why?

Pat Brown went in that direction right off. I think Pat Brown makes sense usually, JMO.
Not that there is a "normal" case, what is so different about this one, in your mind?

LE has never said they believe Kyron is dead, or Lisa or I don't take their word for saying they believe her to be alive all that seriously, especially when they are searching in places where she could not be alive. JMO

What I think is different is that they acted as though Isa was dead from the very beginning. It took them extra long to confirm an actual abduction took place. They constantly tell the media that they haven't ruled out the parents. They separated mom and dad. They voluntarily tell media 3 weeks later that they have no reason to believe Isa isn't alive. Usually by this time LE would be saying that statistically speaking, it is not looking good but we will remain optimistic blah blah blah the usual. This time the statement really was optimistic IMO.
Sorry, OT, but I want a boxer so badly. One of my friends is an ultra marathoner and his boxer goes with him on 2-3 hour runs, though, so I know that at this point in my life I can't properly care for one. I just think they are so cool.

My turn to go OT Yes you can we got one from a rescue she was more than content to play in the yard and take walks every other day. Not long ones either. Boxer are the comedians of the dog breeds.
What I think is different is that they acted as though Isa was dead from the very beginning. It took them extra long to confirm an actual abduction took place. They constantly tell the media that they haven't ruled out the parents. They separated mom and dad. They voluntarily tell media 3 weeks later that they have no reason to believe Isa isn't alive. Usually by this time LE would be saying that statistically speaking, it is not looking good but we will remain optimistic blah blah blah the usual. This time the statement really was optimistic IMO.

I think they just do not have evidence that shows a murder, IMO...and can hold out hope based on that.
I'm struck by the fact that LE has determined that Isabel didn't leave of her own accord but was carried out/taken out by someone else.

If we are to judge that by the same strict criteria that the 'no reason to believe she's not alive' statement, it must mean they have evidence in the form of visual that she was taken (video, for example) of physical (a lot of blood, for example).

Something to consider.
NG now has a surgeon MD on saying the family is deeply enmeshed in family secrets because Isa colored on her closet wall.


Now that's interesting! I had thought that a surgeon would be an authority on surgery, but it turns out that he's an expert on family dynamics. So...perhaps the next time I need surgery, I will make an appointment with my local family counselor.
And I'll throw in enough for lunch in South Tucson that everyone said had such good food! :)

I am soon behind in reading...
but I couldn't help but giggle at your generosity!!!

by the way... I will give Starbucks cash for whoever takes the trip to the court house and report back to us!
Well, someone did.

Yes someone did. They = making stuff up = NG, Pat Brown, that MD dude and that yelling/rhyming woman (sue moss?), etc. Lawdy. I wasted another hour of my life with this chit. Oh well ... 100% my fault.
Just speculating....
We don't know what the writing in the closet is, but this is just a thought as to what it possibly could be based solely on a very recent thing that happened. I was at a garage sale and bought a cheap coffee table that was nicely sanded on top. When I got it home, I realized the reason it was sanded was because there was scratches and pen marks all over the table in spots that were harder to sand and could not be sanded.

So, I ended up having to sand the table down myself in other spots, and when I flipped over the table, on the very bottom of the table in obviously a child's hand writing, there were these words under the table...."i hate you". It just struck me as probably some grandchild or child that obviously was mad at the person in the house and was just being mean, but once we find out what the message is, I would not be surprised if it was something along these lines. Just speculation of course.
I was following WS while at work today, but do not post while working. Some random thoughts and opinions:

I don't understand why so many posters are twisting themselves in knots and jumping through hoops to put a good spin on Sergio.

There have been several posts questioning Jr.'s involvement, up to using the word "" about him (in relation to Jr. using the word "vato"). I live in the "flyover zone" of the US where there is very little gang activity, but I don't believe that gang bangers play baseball with community little league when they're 14. I dated a Mexican man while when I was in the Air Force. He used the word "vato" all the time (this was in 1988-89), so I don't believe this word is a secret code for gang members.

Then we have those that are sleuthing JM and his whereabouts in December. Speculating that CPS was called due to JM's presence in the Celis home. We have no proof that JM ever lived with the Celis family, and if he did, that the CPS visit(s) were due to him.

Several posters have stated that Sergio was very calm on the 911 call. They go on to say that they have training, or are calm themselves and would sound the same on a 911 call that they would make. I am not arguing their claims, as I don't know them personally. I believe there is a big difference in remaining controlled during an emergency, giving out information and not getting hysterical and joking with the 911 operator, denigrating your wife, and laughing at least twice during a 911 call.

The fact that CPS was involved in December could mean nothing if it were a one-time visit. The fact that 5 months after at least one visit by CPS your daughter goes "missing" is a huge deal, and points directly at someone in the immediate family.

I have always believed that if it looks, swims, and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck.

As said above, this is my opinion only.
Yes someone did. They = making stuff up = NG, Pat Brown, that MD dude and that yelling/rhyming woman (sue moss?), etc. Lawdy. I wasted another hour of my life with this chit. Oh well ... 100% my fault.

You had me at "yelling/rhyming woman."
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