CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5

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Right. I do believe that Dylan had a fishing pole and that the fishing pole is probably not in the dad's house anymore. I think the thing some of us are wondering is why is the fishing pole a part of dad's puzzle? Where does dad's concern that a fishing pole is missing fit in to Dylan being missing?


I'm hoping I am wrong, but I am guessing he might be found drowned.
A couple of interesting things from that 9 News story:

- Dylan's dad said before he left to run errands he nudged Dylan on the shoulder, Dylan acknowledged he knew his dad was leaving and Mark told Dylan he should call him if he needed anything.

- There were protective orders issued by a judge during and after the divorce.

as was told to them. They (news 9) is awaiting the court records.
must watch VIDEO
Ugh. Lots of signs of deception in that interview with dad, according to statement analysis.

"you know"
"that's all"
We've been discussing the oddity of no outgoing cell calls/texts after 8 pm Sunday.

We've been told there may have been no cell reception at the home, but many of us still expect that DR would have kept the phone on to keep trying to send or receive calls/texts, especially since his friend(s) were expecting to see him Monday morning.

Previous explanations of why DR would need to leave at 6:30 am to allow time for him to get to his friend's house and still allow his Dad to make his early appointment time make sense.

The thing I don't understand (forgive me if this was discussed earlier) is that the kids according to Colorado public schools calendar were NOT out of school until Wednesday. His friends may be home schooled, but we've read that they were his friends from his previous school year.

So how were the friends out of school that Monday? I had a passing thought that he could have been planning to meet them early before they left for school or he could have planned to go to school with them to see everyone before classes began.

Even if he slept late and his friends were already in school, if he had cell reception, he could text them, right? (I assume they don't collect the kids' cell phones each morning as they enter school.) So we're right back at the same thought. Why wasn't his cell turned on? Why wasn't he at least trying to use his cell?

NM - my reasoning was cancelled by school being out that entire week
Sorry I can't remember who wrote it, but after reading the post about the kids not having the day off from school, I came up with another (dumb) idea. If he woke up at 9 or 10 that morning, he may not have bothered turning his phone on because he knew his friend's were in school, ER and CR were probably working, and MR was busy (or he was just mad at him and not wanting to talk to him). He could have decided to go fishing for a while until his dad got home, and something could have happened while he was out.
He may not have called because he didn't have their numbers memorized. There isn't a need to memorize numbers anymore because they can be stored in your cell phone, and all you have to do is select the persons name to call them.

But he had a cell and a charger, just not great cell service. So he could have easily looked up the #'s and then used the landline.

I just find it really odd, because when my kids were 13, their friends were the most important things in the world. they would move heaven and earth to hang out with a group of good friends. So it makes no sense to me that he would wake up Monday morning and not try an contact his friends, who were all waiting for him. He had a landline and a cell with the numbers, so why no calls to anyone? He was stuck with no ride? Wouldn't he explain it to them? They were all waiting for him to get dropped off. So it makes no sense to me that he would have run out the door to try and find a way 19 miles into town, without at least telling his buddies he was on the way, or asking if they knew anyone who could help him.
Sorry I can't remember who wrote it, but after reading the post about the kids not having the day off from school, I came up with another (dumb) idea. If he woke up at 9 or 10 that morning, he may not have bothered turning his phone on because he knew his friend's were in school, ER and CR were probably working, and MR was busy (or he was just mad at him and not wanting to talk to him). He could have decided to go fishing for a while until his dad got home, and something could have happened while he was out.

Bayfield Middle School kids were OUT of school from Nov. 19-23 for T'day break: 2012-13 Academic Calendar.pdf
Right. I do believe that Dylan had a fishing pole and that the fishing pole is probably not in the dad's house anymore. I think the thing some of us are wondering is why is the fishing pole a part of dad's puzzle? Where does dad's concern that a fishing pole is missing fit in to Dylan being missing?


I thought dad figured the fishing pole was important as a clue where to search. Like at a place where Dylan liked to fish and any water fairly close where he might fish. I don't understand the thinking that there is something sinister about dad's emphasizing the missing fishing rod.

Quoting myself here...So is this Durango Herald report accurate and in context? It quotes Mark as saying Dylan was “out like a light", which obviously doesn't seem to jive with the above quote that Mark gave 9 News.
I think it's still a little bit possible that Dylan left on his own. I'm leaning towards him leaving the house sometime through the night, if that was the case. It's all just speculation of course, but if MR and DR argued and the phone was turned off, or confiscated at 8pm, then I can see D being so angry that he would just pick up his backpack and leave. Maybe he had some kind of accident in the dark. :twocents::twocents:

He's not just a runaway kid, hiding somewhere though. A runaway kid would plug that phone in asap, charge it up and start calling friends etc. imo

Kinda O/T - I googled KT and honestly don't see what you are all seeing. Not one bit. Sorry Ladies.:moo:

but the possibility of his having left at some point over night is negated by dad's stating that he not only saw, and spoke to Dylan that morning, but now even that he nudged Dylan that morning while Dylan was in bed..and supposedly Dylan nodded or acknowledged that dad was leaving and that he was missing his ride..
So Dad nudged Dylan and told him if he needed anything to call. At this point Dad knew Dylan was not meeting the friends and expected him to be home when he got home? So when did Dad go to the friends house where he thought Dylan would be? I guess what I'm asking is did Dad go home to find Dylan gone then headed back to Bayfield or did he try to call Dylan and no answer so he headed to the friends home directly from running his errands? At what point did Dad go to the friends house? Anyone know?

Early on I read that Dad went to the home where he expected Dylan to be. Why would he expect him to be there and how did he expect him to get there?
the county people don't know how to handle this??? (Dylan's dad on video - may not have got quote exactly right

--I believe you told them he took his fishing pole and to look where they were looking!

because in everybody's eyes, I was the last person to see him."

--yeah, because at this time Dylan has not been heard from or seen!!

somebody is getting a little attitude

I hope LE looked long and hard at any weapons or such that may be in home

I'm afraid this is not going to end well.....

It seems he is a little mad at LE now that they seached the house and had an official interview with him...

I think it's still a little bit possible that Dylan left on his own. I'm leaning towards him leaving the house sometime through the night, if that was the case. It's all just speculation of course, but if MR and DR argued and the phone was turned off, or confiscated at 8pm, then I can see D being so angry that he would just pick up his backpack and leave. Maybe he had some kind of accident in the dark. :twocents::twocents:

He's not just a runaway kid, hiding somewhere though. A runaway kid would plug that phone in asap, charge it up and start calling friends etc. imo

Kinda O/T - I googled KT and honestly don't see what you are all seeing. Not one bit. Sorry Ladies.:moo:
Well, if he left somewhere in the night then dad would not have seen him in the morning.
I keep getting the feeling that the dad story needs to be completely verified. Not quite sure if that can be accomplished. Not because he's lying, but because the area is so rural.
However, no offense to the dad, but we need to verify his stories.
He seems very guarded, nervous, and negative. My guess is that he's stretching himself to his limits to maintain his composure.
I thought dad figured the fishing pole was important as a clue where to search. Like at a place where Dylan liked to fish and any water fairly close where he might fish. I don't understand the thinking that there is something sinister about dad's emphasizing the missing fishing rod.

But the issue is that in many of our opinions Dylan did not leave out with a fishing pole..(that definitely would have been noticed if Dylan was on foot with backpack and fishing pole..yet not a soul saw him), if there ACTUALLY IS A MISSING FISHING POLE where and why is it missing?..this IMO is where the sinister possibilities come in..but just opinions at this very well could be correct that there is a missing fishing pole and its missing for completely innocent reasons..time will tell..
The LaPlata sheriff's office is not behaving like Jefferson County's sheriff's office did when precious Jessica Ridgeway went missing. Within 72 hours we knew a monster was out there.

What does not make sense is that the divorce is from 5 years ago and any rage should be long gone. In addition, the moving parent must pay costs for visitation. I pay $220 per month for that in Colorado. Even if the parenting time plan was re-done and MR's time got below the magic number of 93 overnights, the visitation costs would've negated any increase in child support. In addition, my bet the Mom's new job was a substantial increase in salary (state Fort Lewis College versus elite private Colorado College) and it could be that MR got a reduction is cs through that. Even if he paid any cs. I know Moms who pay cs because they have the better job.

There should've been no rage about money. There should be no rage about the divorce because that fury was five years ago. There should be no rage about lack of parenting time because the Mom stated MR did not exercise all of his decreed parenting time and a poster at a news site stated MR worked away from home a lot in the O&G fields.

There should be no unhappiness about changing houses because Dylan had done that for five years. There should've been excitement about seeing childhood friends. I put no weight in the scowl emoticon because a child can do that to please the other parent.

Nothing makes sense.
Quoting myself here...So is this Durango Herald report accurate and in context? It quotes Mark as saying Dylan was “out like a light", which obviously doesn't seem to jive with the above quote that Mark gave 9 News.

Could be just a change in Dad's story once the case evolved.
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