100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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Prepared or not, she's just an exceptional Liar. Doesn't have to take to much time, they just flow from her lips.
The lies flow from her lips but they are so outlandish that they are utterly laughable
I know this is going to get lost in the madness but I have to ask..

Is anybody so scared by a certain previous jury that they are scared to think of the thoughts of this jury?

Yes, we have all had our foundations rocked by that one.
did she say I was packing all my Cars?

I'm not sure she said "all," but she definitely said cars.

Clearly she is the owner of everything -- everyone and all their stuff, too. No boundaries or respect for others' property.
They are definitely questioning the pedo claim - GREAT!!

I hope someone asks her if the picture was a photocopy, glossy magazine/flyer, catalogue. And there's a second part when she answers she doesn't recall...Then how did you know it was a picture of a young child if you can't recall what type of media it came from?
That really is a pretty powerful statement. You don't go around casting someone in a good light, or memoralizing his t-shirt and panties, if you just killed him.

If by chance you killed someone in self-defense, you wouldn't have a kind word to say about them (and yah, you probably would have called 911).

Nothing Jodi has said in this trial has made any sense to me. And from the juror questions they are as kerflunkled as I am.


That's not the same reason she gave for using them underwear to make it look like travis bought those for her to wear to signify she was his property
Ok, thread is going fast...Does anyone know if the "anonymous" email to LA used the word, "whoredom?"

Also, is that email entered into evidence? If not, and if it includes that word, then I hope JM can recall LA and have her read the email if she hasn't already. (Sorry, my brain is scrambled. Lol, and barf.)

Yes. It did.
Can someone please give a brief synopsis from this mornings testimony? TIA
The question re anal sex and her answer that Travis told her ONLY vaginal was off-limits.

I'm pretty sure there isn't an adult on earth (unless severely lacking in critical thinking skills) who would believe a religion would condone anal and oral, but - ummmm - vaginal is an absolute no no.
I'm sure you all probably know this by now...

But it is not normal for an abuse victim to save objects symbolic of degrading or abusive behaviors for sentimentality.

It just isn't anywhere close to the norm.
Exactly. If he did, he would testify. And, uh, why would you MAKE FUN of someone's bruises? Come on...

If this were true we would have heard him on the stand from Defense already. She is not even naming the person. So who is she trying to protect. Wonder if Juan gets to ask her who the person is????
Vinnie is gonna bust a nut again :floorlaugh:

This jury has been paying very close attention.

That give me GREAT HOPE for justice!
This signals to me there is a Mormon on the jury! Being a Mormon myself, I would have asked the same question.

Yeah she's a big believer now, or says she is. But back then? Not so much.
Recess for audio issue- poquito shaking head on way out- watching jurors like a hawk- none of them seeming like they are buying it ESP the males

YAHOO ..... I sure hope they see right through her
Listening to her answers, I just had a thought, "what if Travis didn't buy her that outfit with his name on, but she herself had it made. That sure fits in with her obsession.
JA: "Travis was close to a little boy who liked spiderman".

Oh, I want to just throttle a barbie doll, preferably brunette with bad glasses....
Bringing in new lies.
My response of, "Arg"!, is an understatement.

I'm hoping that one of the questions goes something like this: "Are you aware that child *advertiser censored* is a crime? If you thought TA was pedophile and you claim he was close to a little boy who liked spiderman, why didn't you call the police?"
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