Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #4

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Originally Posted by bourne
"The friend who rented a flat to the family said the father, Anzor Tsarnaev, was a talented car mechanic and aspired to open his own garage. But he never mastered English, the friend said, or opened his own workspace. He tried to make ends meet by doing odd repair jobs for $10 an hour.

About two years ago, the father was stricken with brain cancer, and departed to Germany last year for treatment, according to a friend of the family.

The family lived modestly in the top floor of a multifamily house on a side street in Cambridge, the friend said, helped partly by Section 8 housing funds and the largesse of their landlord, an elderly woman who also tutored and helped the family place the children in good local schools. The family got some financial help from Mr. Tsarnaev's brother, who was employed by a western oil company in Kazakhstan, said the family friend.

Both boys were good students, the family friend said, but Tamerlan dropped out of community college and was soon drawn into religious matters, he said. Dzhokhar "had a gentler demeanor," the family friend said, but had also apparently taken a deeper interest in religious affairs.

A spokeswoman for Bunker Hill Community College said Tamerlan Tsarnaev was in an accounting program there but didn't receive a degree or certificate."


IMO, from a psychological perspective, ironically and tragically, what the uncle Mr. Ruslan Tsarni had called his nephews, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev -- that they are "losers" or rather, how the two brothers perceived themselves as rejects and losers even by their own uncle, his evidently well-adapted “American” family, and by society at large -- might have been the very trigger that broke the last camel's back and set the two brothers on the path of carnage destruction.

The above quotes from the WSJ article paint a very bleak picture of the two suspects' family life. They were rife with economic hardships -- living on Section 8 government funds, their dad with his limited English needing to scrounge for part-time work for meager $10 per hour jobs to make ends meet -- and their dad suddenly stricken with brain cancer 2 years ago which likely skyrocketed the expenses for the poor family, plus from other media sources, the older brother Tamerlan getting married also 2 years ago and having a child and his abandoning the college accounting program at the same time -- all this must have compounded to the brothers'

already heavily negative view about their "station" and "status" in life in America.

No doubt it must have been hard for the family to adapt to America, notwithstanding the language barriers, but particularly as refugees who already felt unwanted, persecuted, and betrayed by their own motherland Chechnya... One can only imagine how desperate and helpless the brothers must have felt, working so darn hard in school trying to better themselves with education and sports and to adapt to the American way of life, only to find that they appeared to be fighting a losing, uphill battle against circumstances they believed were beyond their control -- their dad's brain cancer, Tamerlan’s wife’s having a child perhaps unexpectedly, perhaps Tamerlan was not excelling in school and not making friends the way he wanted to, etc.

I think it’s the convergence of all these factors that precipitated Tamerlan’s need to find an immediate solution to the family plights and thus he became more radical in their religious anti-American views. He was desperate to find a way out of the hole they were in so he sought refuge in the wrong place – radical extremists. My thinking is that when he left the US last year for 6 months and lived in Russia, he met up with extremists who trained him further in their terrorist tactics. And when he returned to the states, he taught his younger brother, Dzhokhar, and Dzhokhar who was said to adore his older brother Tamerlan, followed Tamerlan’s lead, as is evidenced in the video put out by the FBI in which Dzhokhar tags behind carrying his knapsack of explosives, almost skipping happily behind, Tamerlan.

In many ways, their outraged uncle, Mr. Ruslan Tsarni was correct. The two brothers likely felt like "losers" and outcasts even within their own kins. Tragically, it is this very low self-esteem that might have motivated the brothers to seek power and vengeance against the "cruelty" of an "unjust American society". I think their bombings at the Boston marathon as well as the shootouts last night at MIT and Watertown are the brothers’ “F U” to the world.

Perceptive post, IMHO.
CNN was showing about their father ... he is in Dagestan .. and is saying that it was a setup .. and wants Russia to plea US to save his younger son's life
These brothers were going to expensive schools, living in an expensive city...the older brother had a wife and child. Now reports of extensive travel to Russia. Who was funding all of this? Where was their money coming from? Any reports on this?

Ah, I now see Bourne's post. Sorry, no sympathy for their hardships. They placed one of those bombs next to a child. They were given scholarships, public assistance and help from kindly American neighbors. And they respond with carnage.
The suspect may be hiding out at the uncle's home or at the home of another extended family member.

The uncle walked outside surrounded by police when he gave his statement, I think he is cooperating and I seriously doubt he is hiding anyone. I am glad police were there and have every right to be, the media has no need to harass people or not respect their property. The uncle was asking them to respect his property so I assume they were to close for comfort.
Wow two guys being interviewed at UMD who knew DT, are completely, completely shocked that he is involved. I mean, we have all heard friends of suspects say they'd never have thought they were capable, etc, but wow, these guys are in complete disbelief. Never talked politics, loved soccer, was a crazy driver, normal student, etc.
Friend is traveling west on Mass pike. Just saw lots if LE heading toward Boston going about 90. Whatever that means! Maybe nothing.
Red Sox just cancelled home opener. He's doing some damage if you will. Shut down an entire city. Unbelievable.

Amazing, I've never seen one city (a big one at that) grind to a halt at the hands of one man (a teenager).
The suspect may be hiding out at the uncle's home or at the home of another extended family member.

There seem to be a lot of family/extended family members in the Boston area. They might not all be on the same page about what to do in this situation, so it's possible that someone is harboring the suspect.
These brothers were going to expensive schools, living in an expensive city...the older brother had a wife and child. Now reports of extensive travel to Russia. Who was funding all of this? Where was their money coming from? Any reports on this?

Very good question. Also had enough money to take off from school and train in boxing. None of that is cheap.
These brothers were going to expensive schools, living in an expensive city...the older brother had a wife and child. Now reports of extensive travel to Russia. Who was funding all of this? Where was their money coming from? Any reports on this?

That's a working class neighborhood in Watertown, not an upperclass area at all. :twocents:
Those who guessed this was connected were dead on. Hard to see how it wouldn't be.

I love how the uncle called these brothers "losers". But did the dad threaten all hell breaking lose if his baby killing sons were killed? If so, he should be jailed for terroristic threats.

What evil jerks, those two creeps. They can't blame isolation. I heard several of their friends from high school talking about them. And it's harder to make friends in high school than in college.

If they hated it here, why not go back to the hell hole of Chechnya? Why kill innocent babies and other innocent people?

They are bastards and I want the one to remain alive so he can face justice and see what a coward we think he is.
Great, he used to get rides to soccer. Making us soccer hooligans look bad. Both guys that I just saw interviewed said there was no way they'd think he was responsible for this. No way.
ROFL!!!!!!!! Ok that is plain hilarious. Lets take people from huge dictatorship countries and have them here and suddenly expect them to forget the thorough indoctrinations and horrible things their government does to citizens of their country. Right. This comment is just shows the steretypical North American thinking and lack of understanding. My great-grandfather and grandfather to their dying days had fear of American government and paranoia thanks to their years in Germany. Sorry-it NEVER went away! Empathy and genuine attempts to understand why they act the way they do is needed instead refusal to think outside the assumptions.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I have a completely difference experience, as an English person living in Germany. There is great mistrust of Russia here, and something akin to hero worship of the US - even among former Stasi members.

The greatest mistrust seems to be between eastern and western Germans. The former (older generation) speak Russian and German, the latter speak German and English. They call each other Ossies and Westies and many Westies haven't even visited the former DDR states in Germany, even now. I honestly haven't met a single person with any fear of America.

But I could be missing something. I live here but my German's rubbish.
These brothers were going to expensive schools, living in an expensive city...the older brother had a wife and child. Now reports of extensive travel to Russia. Who was funding all of this? Where was their money coming from? Any reports on this?

Follow the money.
CNN is p*ssing me off somewhat .. lol ... -- their "BREAKING NEWS" alert with that music is starting to get on my nerves :)

They go to commercial .... and when they return they put this "BREAKING NEWS" alert thingy .. as is there is something new .. BUT nothing is new ...... :rolleyes:
I am still not sure if it was bombers' mom who was arrested for theft ....

Daily Mail says "mom" .. but then refering to the original article .. but original article didn't say it was their mom .. they said "possible relative"... Here it is, again:


Possible Relative of Bombing Suspects Arrested in Natick Last Year

BuzzFeed reports the woman shares an address with the suspects.


Natick Police arrested Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, 45, last summer at the Natick Mall, after a charge of shoplifting.

According to BuzzFeed, Tsarnaeva shares an address with the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

Read more: http://natick.patch.com/articles/possible-relative-of-bombing-suspects-arrested-in-natick-last-year


So it's best to wait for the official confirmation on this.....
He also stated that they were just there in Russia and stayed for approximately 6 months (per channel 5 local news here in the Boston area). He also stated that he is/was very close to them and they are angels.. I personally don't feel they are angels. They have put the state of Massachusetts in fear..
They murdered and injured innocent people
My niece spent the day on lock down at her company. My other niece was in fear because they apparently bought materials for bombs at a store near her.. I have a niece that is a professor at Dartmouth,which was also locked down. My grandchildren's school cancelled all out door activities,and they are scared.. I personally feel that some of these relatives knew what these terrorist were up to,not all but some.

There I appolagize in advance and will give myself a timeout !!!:banghead:

Well, the father has been in treatment overseas for brain cancer. That and even a 'normal' dose of parental denial could easily add up to these sorts of irrational statements. I personally would hesitate to assume anything more at this point (that they're covering up or conspiring to hide what they knew was terroristic behavior in the works). I'm reserving my outrage for the perps themselves, not for any of the people around them over the years, who've almost unanimously affirmed they both seemed 'normal.'
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