OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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It's been quite interesting to get everyone's take on what has happened with my brother, Bill Comeans. Hope that soon all the pieces will fit together.

Welcome! I hope they do also. I having been thinking of your family since I read the article about Bill's Twitter account that you started. My heart aches for all of you and I am hoping that we can help in some way. We would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to become "verified", it's just something that we ask of those who are family members, posting in some professional capacity or have information in a case that may not be in the mainstream media. It helps to protect the integrity of what we do here.

I will let a mod know that you're here and they can explain the process. We would love to hear more about your brother as well as gain any insight you can give us.

Take care
I know this is probably a real stretch, but from the first I read of this case, all I could think of was the Circleville Letters:



The harassing letters in the Circleville case started in 1976 and continued for at least a decade. Google maps says that Galloway, OH (Comeans case) and Circleville, OH are only about 40 minutes apart. It's hard to find relatively straight-forward info on the Circleville case because it was featured prominently on Unsolved Mysteries (and thus gets caught up in all the "Ooooooh, spooooooky!" over-dramatized nonsense)...but it does seem like quite a coincidence. I don't mean to suggest that the two cases are connected, since they both seem to be of a personal vendetta-type to me, and I can't see there being a connection between Billy Comeans and Mary Gillespie, but I wonder if the note-writers in the Comeans case (both Alean Tope and the locker-note culprit) were maybe copy-catting from hearing about the Circleville case.

Thanks, Mouse. That's a really interesting coincidence. As far as I can tell, with this case nothing is too unbelievable.
It's been quite interesting to get everyone's take on what has happened with my brother, Bill Comeans. Hope that soon all the pieces will fit together.

Kat welcome to WS!! We have some questions up thread if you and Bob want to jump in! :seeya:
It's been quite interesting to get everyone's take on what has happened with my brother, Bill Comeans. Hope that soon all the pieces will fit together.

Welcome, Kat. It must be very, very strange to read the thoughts of strangers as we try to put together the pieces that have puzzled you so long! For your family's sake, I too hope they fit together soon. I can't imagine how you all have lived with this for so long. Thanks for joining. We're all looking forward to you and Bob adding anything to help the process along.
I know this is probably a real stretch, but from the first I read of this case, all I could think of was the Circleville Letters:



The harassing letters in the Circleville case started in 1976 and continued for at least a decade. Google maps says that Galloway, OH (Comeans case) and Circleville, OH are only about 40 minutes apart. It's hard to find relatively straight-forward info on the Circleville case because it was featured prominently on Unsolved Mysteries (and thus gets caught up in all the "Ooooooh, spooooooky!" over-dramatized nonsense)...but it does seem like quite a coincidence. I don't mean to suggest that the two cases are connected, since they both seem to be of a personal vendetta-type to me, and I can't see there being a connection between Billy Comeans and Mary Gillespie, but I wonder if the note-writers in the Comeans case (both Alean Tope and the locker-note culprit) were maybe copy-catting from hearing about the Circleville case.

Thanks for posting that, Mouse. I wasn't familiar with the case. It is strange that the letters were mailed from Columbus ...
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I appreciate your work on this, pdxmama.

I just had a chance to look at it and I'm even more confused now (which has nothing to do with the quality of the map)! The span of these three locations suggest someone very comfortable with a decent expanse of terrain. Did the assailant(s)/killer(s) travel on foot? If they were driving, what would they do with their car in these cases? The descriptions of the individual attacks make it seem like the assailant(s)/killer(s) may have known Bill's route and laid in wait for him. The way the three pushpins form a sort of diagonal trajectory jumps out to me as the shortest distance between school and home. And it does sound like Bill walked/biked to and from school ... but perhaps he stopped doing this after the second attack and that's why they had to catch him at home? (Because clearly, notes or no notes, they wanted Bill!)

The final site, C, is not far at all from the BC home (if you move left from that pushpin to Maple, the residence is 2/3 of the block south toward Kanard -- or more specifically, nine lots north of Kanard on Maple). Unfortunately, we don't know how this buildout differed in 1980. However, the homes do look like 50s/60s tract houses -- and this 'burb is very close to Columbus -- so the development in this neighborhood may be somewhat the same. Perhaps at the time the industrial complex across the tracks was open land? It's also possible there were more open lots on Buena Vista, since it's a border of the neighborhood?

Trying to imagine what it would have taken to get from the BC house to site C, I am dumbfounded. The properties are clustered very close together, with no alleyway between the homes on Maple and Buena Vista. I see only three possibilities:

(1) The killers either got their car VERY close to the BC house, snatched BC without causing any reaction on BC's part, and drove north on Maple with him.

(2) Or they took him on foot through backyards along Maple and Buena Vista (wha-?!?!). We did this all the time when we were kids, as there were few fences in those days, but how could they do this without being seen?! Without BC making a fuss?! And if they immobilized him, how would they carry him?!?!

(3) Or they snatched him on foot and went through Bill's backyard, and the neighbor's yard behind the BC house, out onto Buena Vista, where a car was waiting for them, or they boldly ran down the street to the tracks.​

My mind is officially blown. I am going back to tweets. Maybe we just don't have enough information.

Forgive me as I navigate thru posts and try to respond to any that I can.

Regarding Kanard Ave dead ends in to Beuna Vista Ave, however, there is a bike path that connects to Deerfield Rd. This cut-thru was often used to get from our house to any friends that lived in the next neighborhood.

Taking a short cut where the railroad tracks are was never an option, then or now. Houses (with fences) line the tracks. Most of the houses in the neighborhood had fences.

The layout of the neighborhood and the industrial area on the opposite side of the tracks remains the same today as it did 34 years ago.

The area of woods where Bill was first attacked is still the same also. It is behind Prairie Lincoln Elementary School.

The area where the attacks occurred are about a 1 mile radius.
That's right. In fact, in the video his sister said that she wasn't ready to leave so he went back home, took his dad some coffee out in the garage and then disappeared.

I haven't seen anything about time of day. At first I thought it was during the day but I looked it up and it was a Monday, an unusual day for a child's birthday party unless they were still out of school for winter break. Of course it could have been a late afternoon/ early evening party. If early evening, I wonder if it was already dark. We are at a similar latitude her and it is pretty dark by 4:30 or 5:00. I wonder if he was picking his sister up at the same time that other parents were.

It's amazing to me that he could have been abducted from in front of his house while his father was in the garage and other parents were possibly pulling up two doors down to pick their kids up from a party.

Also, Bill was not a small kid. He looked very strong and healthy. I just can't wrap my brain around how this went down.

Children's birthday parties were much different in 1980 then they are today. My friend's birthday was that day. Her family was having cake and ice cream and invited me over. It was after dinner time, on a school day, it was dark out.

I talked to Bill at the side door and told him I wasn't ready to go yet, and he said he'd come back, God I wish he had.
Hi, KatCo. My condolences on your brother's death, and I'm sincerely hoping that your family can find justice.

Two things:
1. The garage where your father was working on the car--was it an attached garage, or was it detached and sitting back from the house a bit like a lot of older houses in the midwest are situated? Was the garage door up or down while you father was in there working on the car, do you remember? (Or maybe there's a picture of the house somewhere in the thread that I missed?)

and 2. Have you considered maybe submitting the case to the Vidocq Society? I think it has to be officially submitted by someone in Law Enforcement, but maybe the new detective coming onto your brother's case could do that?


Interesting article I read recently about their work on a cold case:

My notes from the articles I posted in post #128:

Article 1:

Not a lot of new info here but it really goes to show the disconnect between what the police said and what the neighbors felt was really going on.

"Although the distraught families claimed the sheriff's office has ignored their pleas for help, deputies said they have spent 'thousands of hours' staking out the neighborhood since letters began arriving in July."


"However, when approached by The Dispatch, two unnamed uniformed sheriff's deputies in the neighborhood said they had not idea what was going on. 'We were just told to meet you guys out here,' one deputy said"


Article 2: I covered in a previous post

Article 3: The neighbor that sent the letters (A. Tope) also sent them to her own home and gathered with neighbors to talk about the threats. It was determined that she was not responsible for the notes BC received before he died, the ones found in his locker.

Article 4: The letters were mailed and taped to car windshields. Nothing about the leather belts that we heard earlier. I can't believe she was only fined $50. I would be livid if I were that family.

Thousands of hours staking out the neighborhood in July 1980? Where were they September & October of 1979? Where were they January 1980? They couldn't find answers to this mystery... were they even looking? Seems they were quick to dismiss it as anything other than murder.

When I contacted the Sheriff's office in October 2011, the detective I spoke with asked some of the older detectives and they responded, "Wasn't that a suicide?"
Hi, KatCo. My condolences on your brother's death, and I'm sincerely hoping that your family can find justice.

Two things:
1. The garage where your father was working on the car--was it an attached garage, or was it detached and sitting back from the house a bit like a lot of older houses in the midwest are situated? Was the garage door up or down while you father was in there working on the car, do you remember? (Or maybe there's a picture of the house somewhere in the thread that I missed?)

and 2. Have you considered maybe submitting the case to the Vidocq Society? I think it has to be officially submitted by someone in Law Enforcement, but maybe the new detective coming onto your brother's case could do that?


Interesting article I read recently about their work on a cold case:


The driveway went to the side of our house back to the detached garage. The garage door would have been opened while our dad was working on the car.

Our driveway was side by side with the neighbor's.
Original post TBM (i.e., "trimmed by me"):
Forgive me as I navigate thru posts and try to respond to any that I can.

Original post TBM (i.e., "trimmed by me"):
Here is a link to the FB post above ... When the gray box of comments appears on the screen, it's the second to last one.

The way I read the first time was that the person is suggesting there have been three OTHER unsolved murders in the neighborhood; that the victims went to Westland High School, like BC did; and that the perps may be long-term residents. However, you make a good point, the suggestion could be that the students are the perps. That's the problem with short cryptic posts! Also, we have no timeframe for what she says.

This is the ONLY place I've seen three additional cases mentioned and I am skeptical of it's factuality until we can verify it. Another post mentions the death of an older woman on the block in the year after BC dies, but I have not verified that either.

BBM1 (i.e., the first part "bolded by me"): Hi, Kat -- that was an impressive first foray into the thread! Thanks for those replies. I will look more closely at your anwers in a moment. Since you seem to be making your way through the earlier posts, I won't repost any Qs until you finish. But if you prefer, just say the word, and we can bring earlier Qs forward and spare you the reading. Your choice --

BBM2 & 3: I don't know if you remember seeing this post on your FB page. Do you understand what other murders the poster is referring to?

BTW, the pic you chose for your avatar is adorable :)
Forgive me as I navigate thru posts and try to respond to any that I can.

Regarding Kanard Ave dead ends in to Beuna Vista Ave, however, there is a bike path that connects to Deerfield Rd. This cut-thru was often used to get from our house to any friends that lived in the next neighborhood.

Taking a short cut where the railroad tracks are was never an option, then or now. Houses (with fences) line the tracks. Most of the houses in the neighborhood had fences.

The layout of the neighborhood and the industrial area on the opposite side of the tracks remains the same today as it did 34 years ago.

The area of woods where Bill was first attacked is still the same also. It is behind Prairie Lincoln Elementary School.

The area where the attacks occurred are about a 1 mile radius.

BBM1: I think I see what you are saying -- I could almost make this path out on the map, but it was blocked by tree cover. So on 9/7/79, Bill was taking a sensible route home. He would have left his friend's house, wound through a few neighborhood streets to the back of the elementary school property, cut through the campus on the east side of the woods, then turned right on Amesbury -- and from there it was a straight shot home: Amesbury, to the bike path, then Kanard, and a right on Maple.

Thank you for the other details as well.

BBM2: This confirms an earlier thought for me: The night the attackers spirited Bill away from your home, they must have had a vehicle. Based on what you are saying here, they couldn't easily walk him north on Maple to the tracks OR cut through the back of your property. Just thinking it through out loud ... Every time I go through this in my mind, I am struck by how bold, how fearless, how brazen his attackers were. It is true of each of the attacks, but somehow, especially this one. It just blows my mind.
Thousands of hours staking out the neighborhood in July 1980? Where were they September & October of 1979? Where were they January 1980? They couldn't find answers to this mystery... were they even looking? Seems they were quick to dismiss it as anything other than murder.

When I contacted the Sheriff's office in October 2011, the detective I spoke with asked some of the older detectives and they responded, "Wasn't that a suicide?"

BBM: Yes, it seems that way to me as well. I think the case is perplexing, but they could have just left it open. They had the option of just saying they didn't know who did it, rather than tying it up with a bow that made no sense. FWIW, you are not alone in this. In other cases I've read about, particularly the older ones, getting a satisfactory response from LE could be a bit of a crap shoot. That had to be incredibly frustrating for you. I hope the new CC detective turns that attitude around.
Regarding other unsolved murders in the neighborhood of Westland students... I do not recall any.

In the Sept 1, 1980, Ronald Steven Capehart (18) and Gary Lee Trudell (16) charged with (stabbing) murder of Edith Bridenstine. Both boys attended Westland High School (along with Bill).

Trudell is serving a life sentence will parole coming up in 2018. To my knowledge he has been questioned regarding Bill's murder. However, I'm not sure how extensively.
BBM1: That's my thinking as well.

BBM2: Totally agree.

Earlier in the thread (post 26) I mentioned that I thought it might be "the early experiments of a psychopath." I kind of got away from that since then (with the whole high school bully connection), but I am returning to it. My sense now is that it's someone who knew BC peripherally.

I mean, take the car -- yes, aqua cars (and who knows what someone means by aqua, so I'm including all strains of light blue in my mind) may have been more abundant then, as more cars from the 60s were still on the road and this was a more popular color then. But it still would have been easily picked out. As heavily as LE was investigating this, I think they would definitely have followed that lead. To me, that means no one at the high school had such a car, or those who did were eliminated by alibis and character.

Perhaps one of the two killers lived in the neighborhood, and the one who owned the car lived outside it. Or maybe one of them only lived in the neighborhood formerly, and knew Bill as a golden child in former days, which may have made him derisive out of jealousy. If these two creeps wanted to experiment, I could see the thinking going, "we'll bring him down a peg." Or maybe they just thought he'd be an easy target.

There could be a third individual that went to BC's school -- or maybe knowing BC's locker number (and those of his BFF and GF) is an argument that one of the killers did indeed live in the neighborhood. (I am assuming the school notes are connected, but the later notes are not.) But then again, in those days schools weren't as well protected. During a HS's after-school activities, anyone could walk in ... I'm just not sure, in this case, how someone from outside the school would know which lockers to put the notes in. Would finding them in an unlocked front office be a stretch? They would have been in a hard copy folder back then, not on computer.

The thing that bothers me is that I can see no reason for anyone to be THAT angry at BC or that determined to kill him. I think they may have plucked him from the range of people they barely knew (and slightly resented) to carry out their sick little agenda.

However, the other strange thing is the fact that there are TWO assailants and presumably killers. Who was leading whom? Are they friends or relatives? Do they share a motive? Or was one more motivated to kill Bill than the other? Are they both young or is one older? The success rate of their efforts suggests both young and fumbling, but I think one could have been more eager, aggressive, or in charge. Another possible motive could be jealousy over a girl. It sounds like BC inherited the paper route from his brothers, so I don't think it was someone who formerly had the route.

Just thinking aloud ... I think I would look at neighbors who moved before 1979 and who had sons in the age-range of 17-21 in 1979-80, then at the kids those sons were connected with socially. Did they remain connected with anyone still living in the neighborhood? Not sure of course how you would even do this.

Okay, off to work --

This part so reminds me of the Skylar Neese murder. Until that, I would never have considered that school kids could be so brutal and evil. Or that children could kill for such a trivial reason.

Although I have open mind with regards to Bill's death, and I think there are one or two theories that seem to fit, I certainly wouldn't discount a couple of kids from school.

I do think that he may have known who was doing these things, but he was too scared to give their names, descriptions or even correct details of the car, unsurprisingly. Perhaps they had threatened to get one of his family if he said anything.

I think he had to speak to the police because of the serious nature of the attacks, but at least by giving them wrong information, he could hope to convince the people behind the attacks that he hadn't told on them.
BBM1: I think I see what you are saying -- I could almost make this path out on the map, but it was blocked by tree cover. So on 9/7/79, Bill was taking a sensible route home. He would have left his friend's house, wound through a few neighborhood streets to the back of the elementary school property, cut through the campus on the east side of the woods, then turned right on Amesbury -- and from there it was a straight shot home: Amesbury, to the bike path, then Kanard, and a right on Maple.

Thank you for the other details as well.

BBM2: This confirms an earlier thought for me: The night the attackers spirited Bill away from your home, they must have had a vehicle. Based on what you are saying here, they couldn't easily walk him north on Maple to the tracks OR cut through the back of your property. Just thinking it through out loud ... Every time I go through this in my mind, I am struck by how bold, how fearless, how brazen his attackers were. It is true of each of the attacks, but somehow, especially this one. It just blows my mind.

BBM - That really changes things, doesn't it? I pictured them somehow forcing him a couple of blocks up to the train tracks but if that's fenced then they would have had to go quite a ways around to get to that path and then left him almost at the end of his own street? So many chances to get caught. They were either huge risk takers or, for whatever reason, felt comfortable knowing they would not be seen/ caught. I feel pretty confident that they were local.
Thank you to pdxmama, GoingByMyGut, Tulessa and others for the excellent job of presenting the articles, map, timeline, and facts. Thanks for your hard work.

My two cents for what it's worth:

1) The men or young men who killed BC were from the area or were legitimately in the area all the time. They were very familiar with the neighborhood and would not stand out. If you mark the triangle between all three sites of attacks, it would not surprise me if one or both of the attackers lived in that general area.

2) BC was watched. Someone was watching at least his evening routines. This means it was probably someone in and around the neighborhood. If the suspects didn't live in the neighborhood, they had reason to be there all the time and not stand out. (i.e. grandparents' house, girlfriend, etc.)

3) The notes left at the high school suggests that the two attackers were connected to the high school in some way. Were they students? Former students? Staff? I'm leaning towards students or recent students. It would be helpful to know if BC's friends noticed if BC had any reaction(s) to any particular people at the high school. Or if BC's brother ever saw BC have a weird reaction to any of his friends.

4) BC was noted as being somewhat deceptive on his polygraph test. I think he knew more about the two attackers than he wanted known. My gut tells me this may have some sexual undertones. Maybe something happened between the victim and his attackers before the first attack. It could have been sexual experimentation, sports or rough-housing that turned into something sexual. The two unknown young men may have been very scared of BC saying something. In 1979/80, being gay was not nearly as accepted as it is now. There was some reason LE thought BC was not being completely truthful. Maybe BC was protecting himself or embarrassed to tell the entire story. LE may have picked up on this and decided something was "off" about BC's report of the first attacks. I have faith in a cop's 6th sense (gut feeling) but sometimes they get the reason wrong.

5) Whatever the motive for BC's killing, it was something pretty horrendous. Something so potentially harmful that someone tried three times to silence BC. Someone watched and waited. Serial killers seldom, if ever, try three times for one victim. They're more likely to pick a convenient victim. This was deliberate. I don't think we're going to be able to tie it to any other murder. The two attackers might have some sort of criminal record after but it may not be murder (violent assault, fights, drug/alcohol issues). I think this was one reason LE couldn't come up with a motive. There was a motive and it meant a lot to those two attackers but it may not be obvious to the rest of us.

6) BC was on the porch the night he was killed. How did the killer(s) get to him? If they drove up, wouldn't he see the car? Was the killer driving a different vehicle? How did BC not see him/them coming to the porch? Even if the killer had a knife, why didn't BC make a sound? Maybe he did and he wasn't heard. If I'd been attacked twice like BC was, I'd scream my lungs out even if the attackers had a knife. BC's family members were in the house and his dad was only feet away in the garage with the door open. BC wasn't a small child that one could pick up quickly and silence with one hand over his mouth. How did his killers get to him at his own house?

7) At the scene of the third attack, one article mentions LE stating that there were 30-40 people at the scene. Did LE get the names of those people? Were any of them investigated? Did LE take pictures at BC's funeral or memorial service? Since BC had been attacked twice before, perhaps the killer(s) wanted to know if BC was dead. Plus, I don't think they would have stood out. I think the killer(s) blended very well into the neighborhood. LE probably didn't look for suspects in this way because they felt it was a suicide.

This is a solvable case. Since so much time has elapsed it may be more difficult now than it would have been in 1980 but BC deserves justice. LE needs to look at the aqua/teal colored car, high school students and people in the neighborhood. I think I'd also look at BC's polygraph test again if it's still in the case file.

The above is all MHO. I hope this murder is solved and BC's family can find some sort of closure of their terrible loss. I was a freshman in high school the same year BC was so it makes me sad to think of his life cut so short.
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