Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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Mark NeJame resigned today. Link is on www.wftv. com and also www.orlandosentinel where you can read his public statement/resignatiaon letter. As much as I didn't care for him too much....they are now only left with Kid Fingers.

Fellow astrologers - has anyone looked at GA's mercury aspects. Interestingly he lacks the severe challenges to mercury that CA and KC have. And he wants to be spokesperson for KFN. Neptune.

Beat me to it, Kaitland! :blowkiss: I was coming here to post about this.

I am absolutely blown away by this news. So many different things going on.

Re: KidFinders, did you hear about Milsteads criminal background and such?
Hi Lovejac -yes I did see the video about the Milsteads background. Geez, is about all I can say. It seems as though all of the credible organizations, supporters, concerned people have taken big steps backwards from the A's. PR people and atty's know they are giving "spin", but they also need to know they can control their client's ability to do more damage (blab away at the mouth!) so they don't have to "spin" every single week! I suspect JB was secretly relieved when KC went back to jail....a very controlled situation and NO talking. I am not so terribly surprised. In fact I wonder why it hasn't happened sooner. Now, the letter he released....well, that is a little surprising. Do we have MN b'date?
Kaitland, regarding Mark NeJame all I have found so far is 1955 in Orlanda, Florida.

I still have another place to look.
Found it! Mark Elias NeJame, born in Orlando Florida on January 3, 1955
That was fast Lovejac! Quick review of his chart (late running errands, again!) shows Mercury & Sun in steady, serious Capricorn, Moon in stable Taurus. He has earthy, calm demeanor, pragmatic, plodding. Not at all happy with having rug pulled out from under him. I suspect this "bombshell" has been baking for a while - from the time of the Grand Jury, with t. Mars attacking his Saturn, t. Uranus approaching his n. Mars in Pisces, and t. Saturn in Virgo opposing it. Then Mercury sat right on Saturn. The last straw. His mind just couldn't take anymore. He is madder than a wet hen. Also sorrowful. T. jupiter in Capricorn thrust him into the spotlight. Interesting to note that he has Neptune square Jupiter/Uranus in Cancer - in extreme wide T square (Tuba, Soul, AKS - is this too far apart to count) with Merc in Cap. Amazing he did not drink any Kook Aid. But he did get snookered in for a while.
Yes, he has the signature of one easily fooled, Jupiter square Neptune, and that is somewhat unusual in a Capricorn. And he has seemed angry in his television appearances of late. He was always prickly, even when he first hired on.

This is the horoscope for the coming Baez motions hearing. Casey's Sun is at the Ascendant, CA's Mercury at the nadir! Whenever you seen H. 1 and H. 7 intercepted, there are hidden factors both personal and legal; issues emerge out of nowhere.

Prosecutors will present one motion, for a gag order and JB will present a series of motions. CA's Mercury is therefore well situated as part of this hearing due to her continuous extra judicial comments and vocal media appearances. The positions on the gag order, Mercury quintile Saturn, will be so well presented that the court camera should capture them.

The judge has a strong disposition to keep the contention civil and, as seen in the past, he has great Libran balance in his views, Jupiter trine Saturn and sextile Uranus. Those big planets also offer him strong support in his control of the courtroom and in his rulings.

The Moon in her fall and square the Moon's node at the same degree is silent testimony to crime. She rules the House of the child and is in the Sign and House of death. Moon ° = Node ° from H. 8, the child is dead. Caylee's natal ASC is here opposite the significator of the prisoner, Neptune.
bump -- this is an awesome thread. Thank you to all the wonderful astrologers!
:snake:One feature of the motions chart that has shown up several times now: Saturn is in the Sign on House 7 but from House 6. This means Saturn is performing a DISservice. Saturn rules H. 11. A friend of the court? A friend of the prisoner who does a bad turn? Many Web Sleuths have bad vibes from some of KC's boyfriends; I'm one of them. Not Jesse Grund but the others.

This individual by rights should be much older though. Saturn is past mid-life. In H. 9 of a parent, it could be Capricorn Nejame who just quit (opposite Uranus) but that does not disserve the interests of the court or the defense. He didn't slur the clients he had just represented. Saturn in Virgo would certainly indicate paid expert witnesses who are frequently not objective nor disinterested but they have not yet begun to play their part. If they continue to chin wag on t.v., however, they could damage the equities of a fair trial. And that would happen before the proceedings against the prisoner get underway.
Ooh Tuba what do you think of JB?? Might it be him that the stars are talking about? He and KC's relationship is certainly 'closer' than the average client/attorney if he had to be reminded about hugging numerous times at the jail.
:snake:One feature of the motions chart that has shown up several times now: Saturn is in the Sign on House 7 but from House 6. This means Saturn is performing a DISservice. Saturn rules H. 11. A friend of the court? A friend of the prisoner who does a bad turn? Many Web Sleuths have bad vibes from some of KC's boyfriends; I'm one of them. Not Jesse Grund but the others.

This individual by rights should be much older though. Saturn is past mid-life. In H. 9 of a parent, it could be Capricorn Nejame who just quit (opposite Uranus) but that does not disserve the interests of the court or the defense. He didn't slur the clients he had just represented. Saturn in Virgo would certainly indicate paid expert witnesses who are frequently not objective nor disinterested but they have not yet begun to play their part. If they continue to chin wag on t.v., however, they could damage the equities of a fair trial. And that would happen before the proceedings against the prisoner get underway.

Could this be someone involved in Forensics? Is that implied anywhere?
As for questionable past boyfriends. two in particular stand out and AL isn't one of them. I think he was a lightweight in comparison to the other 2.
:snake:One feature of the motions chart that has shown up several times now: Saturn is in the Sign on House 7 but from House 6. This means Saturn is performing a DISservice. Saturn rules H. 11. A friend of the court? A friend of the prisoner who does a bad turn? Many Web Sleuths have bad vibes from some of KC's boyfriends; I'm one of them. Not Jesse Grund but the others.

This individual by rights should be much older though. Saturn is past mid-life. In H. 9 of a parent, it could be Capricorn Nejame who just quit (opposite Uranus) but that does not disserve the interests of the court or the defense. He didn't slur the clients he had just represented. Saturn in Virgo would certainly indicate paid expert witnesses who are frequently not objective nor disinterested but they have not yet begun to play their part. If they continue to chin wag on t.v., however, they could damage the equities of a fair trial. And that would happen before the proceedings against the prisoner get underway.

Is this a good thing for the prosecution or a bad thing - I'm having a hard time understanding...likely because I lack the expertise our lovely experts have. What's tripping me up is this person is doing a disservice to the courts and defense. If the disservice was done to just the defense, I'd get it but when the courts is bucketed in here...seeing them as screws me up. Thanks for answering/explaining in advance. :blowkiss:
Unless AR was born at midnight, he shares KC's Cancer Moon placement. He has a most unusual exact Sun Uranus opposition & his Uranus sits on KC's Saturn which relieves her of inhibitions and conscience. AR's Sun opposite her Saturn relieves any gloomy moods and brightens her outlook. But his Mars Saturn conjunction in Scorpio has cruel potential and his Venus at the same degree as the lunar node is alarming.

His Pluto is at 29° Libra, an active point in KC's life even if it is not her ASC. As a II, his Mercury is more important and it opposes his Mars, a cruel tongue and not scrupulous about truth. He is error prone. Since his Neptune is zero Capricorn, he will feel the re-entry of Pluto into that Sign on 26 November.

A long term relationship would suffer from AR's retrograde Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. I'm going to respect his privacy and refrain from comment on that.

AR born 1 June, 1984.

Thanks, Tuba. That's the birthdate I had for him. After analyzing his chart two nights ago, I do understand about his privacy. I've always been more of a personality analyst type of astrologer.

Just from his statement to LE alone, I had my assumptions about this guy.
Saturn can be any type of person in a position of authority so doesn't need to be older. Also, the 11th could indicate some type of group endeavor, even a child kidnapping or pedophile ring, a gang, any type of group endeavor.

November 24th is the deadline for the State to announce whether or not it will be seeking the DP. It's interesting that we have heard nothing about this from anyone. Have any of you taken a look at whether or not the State will go forward with a DP case?
If that is on the prosecutions agenda for the date of this hearing, it is a good possibility. Mars rules the 8th/death, and is in mutual reception with Jupiter, the judge. That could bring that request. Moon is parallel Mars and also makes a sextile though this mutual reception. I'm not at all sure they can get it though. With Mercury being combust, evidence may not be strong enough at all.
Thanks, Tuba. That's the birthdate I had for him. After analyzing his chart two nights ago, I do understand about his privacy. I've always been more of a personality analyst type of astrologer.

Just from his statement to LE alone, I had my assumptions about this guy.

Would someone explain what AR's retrograde Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio mean if that doesn't go against allowing him his privacy? TIA
Is this a good thing for the prosecution or a bad thing - I'm having a hard time understanding...likely because I lack the expertise our lovely experts have. What's tripping me up is this person is doing a disservice to the courts and defense. If the disservice was done to just the defense, I'd get it but when the courts is bucketed in here...seeing them as screws me up. Thanks for answering/explaining in advance. :blowkiss:

I have to agree with misheley, I need clarification, Tuba. I get the astrol jargon, but what I need help with is the explanation (second paragraph). My little brain can't grasp it. Thanks.
:snake:One feature of the motions chart that has shown up several times now: Saturn is in the Sign on House 7 but from House 6. This means Saturn is performing a DISservice. Saturn rules H. 11. A friend of the court? A friend of the prisoner who does a bad turn? Many Web Sleuths have bad vibes from some of KC's boyfriends; I'm one of them. Not Jesse Grund but the others.

This individual by rights should be much older though. Saturn is past mid-life. In H. 9 of a parent, it could be Capricorn Nejame who just quit (opposite Uranus) but that does not disserve the interests of the court or the defense. He didn't slur the clients he had just represented. Saturn in Virgo would certainly indicate paid expert witnesses who are frequently not objective nor disinterested but they have not yet begun to play their part. If they continue to chin wag on t.v., however, they could damage the equities of a fair trial. And that would happen before the proceedings against the prisoner get underway.

Could this be someone involved in Forensics? Is that implied anywhere?
As for questionable past boyfriends. two in particular stand out and AL isn't one of them. I think he was a lightweight in comparison to the other 2.

Intuition brings to mind the recent addition of Mr. Lee ..... He is capable of taking the forensic evidence and creating "reasonable doubt" even before the trial begins...... just a thought.
I don't know how much stock people will put into H. Lee's forensic expert capability since he got into trouble in another high profile case some time back. His testimony wouldn't sway me, that's for sure, but then many on the jury may not have heard of him previously.

Just for the record, the astrologers had said there would be something happening during this week on this case. While we don't have any word they've found anything related to Caylee, we certainly have seen some action this week! Lots of changes going on around this bizarre case and the grandparents are still putting on a show! :eek:
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