Caylee Anthony 2 years old #12 General Discussion

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right, & this girl Tara doesn't know a "nanny" that's babysat for Caylee for a year & a half either.....

There was no nanny. I think the theories that "Zanny" ie., Xanax, was the nanny are correct. It will be very interesting to learn where/how Casey came up with Zanaida Fernandez. Did Casey also look at the apartment that was available for rent? Was she actually the Zanaida Fernandez that looked at the apartment? Perhaps she uses that name as an alias.
I'm jumping ahead to toss this out. Do you think Cindy called to report the car thinking casey was just being stubborn about letting her see Caylee. You know I'll call she will tell me what I want and go get the baby and when it didn't happen she got scared. Then casey tells her the lie and she goes off because she was in that car and she smelled DEATH.
No need to apologize for having a different opinion- but then how do you account for the dirt and Casey borrowing the neighbor shovel up to 2 weeks prior?

Sorry - been watching Nancy Grace and am just catching up here.

Digging Caylee up and putting her back in the trunk and disposing of Caylee at another location.
There was no nanny. I think the theories that "Zanny" ie., Xanax, was the nanny are correct. It will be very interesting to learn where/how Casey came up with Zanaida Fernandez. Did Casey also look at the apartment that was available for rent? Was she actually the Zanaida Fernandez that looked at the apartment? Perhaps she uses that name as an alias.

ah, ok.....i just found it really odd that in the 911 call, you can hear the GM say to someone that "Zanny" took Caylee.....
Sorry - been watching Nancy Grace and am just catching up here.

Digging Caylee up and putting her back in the trunk and disposing of Caylee at another location.

i do think Caylee was moved from the backyard to another place, but i find it surprising that LE state they have no plans of going back to the home again....since the dog hit on human decomposition, but no body, maybe that's all LE really needs?
ah, ok.....i just found it really odd that in the 911 call, you can hear the GM say to someone that "Zanny" took Caylee.....

I think that's what Casey told Cindy in the time between the two 911 calls. Cindy is clinging to that possiblity. Wouldn't it be something if it actually is what happened - not that I believe it for a second.
Quote from Cricket:
* Cindy stated several times in interviews that she had spoken to her daughter, but that Casey always had a reasonable reason for why Caylee couldn't talk to her on the phone. It wasn't until the day of the 911 calls that she realized that Casey's explanations weren't making sense - and she called LE.

If she did talk to her daughter several times, then WHY in the 911 calls did she say her daughter and granddaughter have been missing for a month????
This is what I have been saying, after the fact, after the calls, she began the campaign to say the right thing, unsupported by evidence. This woman did NOT know where these 2 were.. imo, she says June 2 on the 2nd call, and says the last time I saw her... not, I was speaking to her on occasion, texting her, .
I do not believe that she saw Casey or had any contact with either as she stated; what I do not get is why protect the one person that can end this madness? How selfish can she be?
well, what's the big deal of posting here till it's locked....:confused:
Because we have already gone way over the length a thread should be!! When this goes to trial and we need to look things becomes a nightmare with all these running threads especially when they are sooooo long!!

Besides, I asked nicely as I always do to move the conversation to ONE thread where everyone can participate. This way, you are leaving out half of the group who will have to now come back here to figure out what is going on in the next thread.

I also explained there are no mods or admins on to LOCK this thread at the moment. They could be gone until this thread goes to 40 pages for all I know!!
I think that's what Casey told Cindy in the time between the two 911 calls. Cindy is clinging to that possiblity. Wouldn't it be something if it actually is what happened - not that I believe it for a second.

yes, it would be, but would be great to find that Caylee is alive...(although i don't think she is).....wonder why GM would call the woman Zanny though? maybe Casey said i've had this babysitter named Zanny for almost two years, so that's why the GM called her that name????......set me straight please....has the GM said that she had ever heard of this "nanny" prior to July 15th??
I don't understand why everyone thinks Cindy should be charged with perjury or obstruction.

  • It's irrelevant to the investigation what Cindy thinks the smell is.

  • She made a mistake regarding the date she last saw Caylee, but that seems like an honest mistake on her part.

  • It sounds like she did see Casey and Caylee on Sunday June 15th when they went to see Cindy's father in the assisted living facility. Isn't it possible that Casey and Caylee spent the night with GM and GP and the GM did hear Caylee in her room that morning? Whatever happened to Caylee probably happened after June 16th.

  • Cindy stated several times in interviews that she had spoken to her daughter, but that Casey always had a reasonable reason for why Caylee couldn't talk to her on the phone. It wasn't until the day of the 911 calls that she realized that Casey's explanations weren't making sense - and she called LE.

  • In regards to the car, it was in the parent's names - we don't know if Casey took it without permission or not - but even if they had given her permission to use it - at some point they could have told her to return it and she didn't. At that point, they could claim that Casey stole it. My ex-husband did the same thing with our son when he did not return our phone calls and didn't return the car, even after we left several messages telling him to return it and that if he didn't, we would report it stolen.
IMO, this woman desperately wants to believe that the smell was pizza and not a body.

ITA, this is a very good post. I really don't believe LE are even looking for Caylee and are just setting back waiting for forensics results.
im not aware of anyone claiming the dogs are wrong, im certainly not saying that. i think it is completely likely that caylee is in fact dead and that her body was in both the yard and the trunk at some point.

liljim, that is NOT my post you have quoted!!!! You need to go back and look at it.

Next time you want to quote me, please make sure it is MY post. Thank you.
yes, it would be, but would be great to find that Caylee is alive...(although i don't think she is).....wonder why GM would call the woman Zanny though? maybe Casey said i've had this babysitter named Zanny for almost two years, so that's why the GM called her that name????......set me straight please....has the GM said that she had ever heard of this "nanny" prior to July 15th??

That's a good question. I don't have the answer. Anyone?
This is what I have been saying, after the fact, after the calls, she began the campaign to say the right thing, unsupported by evidence. This woman did NOT know where these 2 were.. imo, she says June 2 on the 2nd call, and says the last time I saw her... not, I was speaking to her on occasion, texting her, .
I do not believe that she saw Casey or had any contact with either as she stated; what I do not get is why protect the one person that can end this madness? How selfish can she be?

i was amazed to see the GM say today that she's got more faith in Casey now than she ever has, & that Casey is innocent.....wonder how come she has "more faith" in her now???....just amazing
i was amazed to see the GM say today that she's got more faith in Casey now than she ever has, & that Casey is innocent.....wonder how come she has "more faith" in her now???....just amazing
My guess is the supposed Caylee sightings in Georgia. Cindy believes they're real.
Quote from Cricket:
* Cindy stated several times in interviews that she had spoken to her daughter, but that Casey always had a reasonable reason for why Caylee couldn't talk to her on the phone. It wasn't until the day of the 911 calls that she realized that Casey's explanations weren't making sense - and she called LE.

If she did talk to her daughter several times, then WHY in the 911 calls did she say her daughter and granddaughter have been missing for a month????

exactly....correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't the GM state that she "found my daughter, but can't find my granddaughter"......on the 911 call....i think if she talked to Casey at any point during the 31 days, it was very brief, & Casey wouldn't tell her where she was....jmo

all hell broke loose when she (the GM) got the notice about the car being towed....she was able to trace where Casey was then...
LOL, the dogs only work, they arent allowed to take the stand:)
If anyone knows anything about Cadaver dogs, there is alot of training involved. The first thing they do is get used to human remains scent which can be quite repulsive to some at first. They become VERY used to this scent, which ask any homicide det. there is NO smell like it. Thse dogs are usually 95% right when they make a find. I am surprised that some think 2 Cadaver dogs could alert in same area of yard could be wrong!
The Anthonys, IMO are hiding alot. Unless Casey is real good at being sneaky and they hadnt a clue Casey had been there. :rolleyes:

liljim, this was feddup's post that you attributed to me. I am not sure how you made it look like it was mine!
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