GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Police Believe Video Was Taken at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cadaver Dogs Search for Giddings' Remains

Police Are Not Questioning McDaniel in Giddings' Case, Defense Lawyer Says
Buford has requested bond for McDaniel. A bond hearing is scheduled for Friday, July 14.

Macon Police Press Conference

Lauren Giddings Parents Return to Macon
Lauren Giddings' parents entered her Macon apartment Thursday, a week after her body was found nearby.
Police cleared the family to go inside the apartment and remove their daughter's belongings. They arrived around 2 p.m. and spent much of the afternoon at the apartment on Georgia Avenue.

Giddings' Father Speaks Out
What seemed to be everything falling into place has turned into a nightmare," Bill Giddings, the slain woman's father, said Thursday in Macon, where her family had gathered. "We can't wait to find who did this and we can't wait to find the rest of her. It's just wrenching in both cases."

Lauren Didn't Really Know What Hit Her
wo weeks ago, sometime around 6:30 on Saturday evening, someone who authorities believe was Lauren Giddings, alone in her car, pulled up to the drive-through window at a Zaxby’s restaurant in downtown Macon. The eatery’s surveillance camera captured a clip of her arm reaching out to grab her order.
Macon Police have Giddings on Video
Macon police say they've obtained video of Lauren Giddings on June 25, the day she was apparently last seen alive...

That's according to Police Chief Mike Burns, who spoke to the media Friday morning at 1058 Georgia Ave., Giddings' home.
Burns would not say when the video was taken or where.
Her family told 13WMAZ's Lauren DiSpirito Thursday that Giddings visited friends on June 25 and used her phone and email until around 10:30 p.m.
Burns said he hoped to have results of FBI forensic tests of evidence "the first of the week."
Macon Police Saying Little On Week-Old Killing
Lauren Giddings’ dismembered body was discovered on trash pick-up day at Barristers Hall apartments, but so far police aren’t revealing whether anyone who lived there may have had a role in her death.
For days now, Macon police have said there are two “persons of interest” in the recent Mercer University law school graduate’s slaying, but no one has been charged with Giddings’ death.

Wednesday, July 7, 2011

Macon Police Update

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MaconPolice News Conference
Update: Police Asks for Public's Help in Giddings' Slaying

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Evidence in Giddings Case Headed to FBI
The Macon Police Crime Lab will send evidence from the Lauren Giddings investigation to the FBI crime lab, according to a Macon police news release.
Incident Report

Interview with District Attorney Greg Winters Video

Monday, July 4, 2011

Missing Agnes Scott Grad Likely Murdered
The president of Agnes Scott College, Elizabeth Kiss, sent an e-mail to parents over the weekend:
"The Agnes Scott community is deeply saddened by the recent news surrounding the disappearance and reported possible death of Lauren Giddings, class of 2006..."

Mercer President William D. Underwood issued the following statement on Friday:

"Today the Mercer University community joins the family and friends of Lauren Giddings in our support of the determined efforts of law enforcement authorities to investigate the disappearance and apparent death of Lauren, a recent graduate of our law school..."

Law School Dean Gary Simson released this statement:

"Words cannot adequately express the grief and sorrow that the law school community feels in these tragic circumstances..."

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Macon Police Search Apartment of Lauren Giddings
A police news release issued by spokeswoman Jami Gaudet this afternoon said: "The apartment area will continue to be a focal point of the investigation. We are retracing our steps and are continuing to collect evidence."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Police Treating Remains as Those of Mercer Law Grad
On Friday, police charged Stephen McDaniel, 25, a neighbor of Giddings’, with two counts of burglary. A bail bond of $8,450 that had been set on the first burglary count was revoked.
McDaniel admitted to police in a “voluntary statement” that he’d committed other burglaries at the Barristers Hall apartments, where he and Giddings lived next to one another, said Greg Winters, district attorney for the Macon Judicial Circuit.

Giddings Family Lays Flowers at Crime Scene

Giddings Friends, Mercer Community Speak Out
Friend Jason K.
"I remember her as very hard-working. Very fun-loving. She plays hard, she works hard. Very smart, very dedicated to who he was becoming and who she stood for."

Friday, July 1, 2011

Update: Body Found Outside Apartment of Missing Mercer U Law Grad
Neighbor jailed on burglary charges; landfll closed for police investigation.

Bail Revoked for Missing Woman's Neighbor
(Complete Video of McDaniel's First Court Appearance)

A magistrate judge revoked $8,450 bond for Stephen McDaniel on the original charge after he was charged with a second burglary of apartments in his building.
A police news release said that with a second charge, only a Superior Court judge can set bond. Police said the next Superior Court bond hearings are scheduled for Thursday.
Earlier today, police said McDaniel is a "person of interest" in the investigation into the disappearance of his neighbor Lauren Giddings.

Police Treating Remains as those of Mercer Law Grad
“We can’t say positively that it’s her because the FBI is still doing tests,” Burns said. “We’re not sure when we’re going to get those back. All I can say is we’re pretty sure she’s going to be the (homicide) victim.”

Thursday, June 30, 2011 (Updated July 1st)

Police Carry Out Two Searches in Woman's Homicide
There were more new developments Thursday night in the death of a woman whose body was found Thursday.

Full-Stephen-McDaniel-Interview-June-30-2011]Full Stephen McDaniel Interview Video

SuperSleuth's Post -- Contains Links to Full Audio, Short Video, and Full Video of Stephen McDaniel Interview

Police Update


Lauren Teresa Giddings
April 18, 1984 -- June 26, 2011
Rest in Peace

I don't see what's so interesting about that? Looks like he was just being defensive of his friend. I have almost gotten myself in trouble for similar reasons when I was up in arms over the way a cop was treating my mother over a traffic violation. If this guy is a law student I can imagine he popped off at the mouth over what he saw as unfair treatment. How on earth does this suggest he'd be capable of murdering and dismembering a young woman, especially given the fact that he has been cleared by MPD which likely means he has an alibi?

I didnt' get that out of it, just that he's no saint.
I don't know if I should suggest this but maybe we need a thread for only newspaper articles, tv interviews and such-without commentaries. It might make it easier for reference and research.
This is a good suggestion. I've started one in the media forum, but I'm only up to July 9th. It will take me a little while to work through today, so bear with me. Here's the link:

Media Thread -- Links Only, No Discussion
Yes, but the offense they arrested him for long pre-dated Lauren's murder and frankly is a lot creepier. The point I'm making i just that having a misdemeanor arrest record amounts to a hill of beans, even the most innocent of people involved in this case has an arrest record. It was in super poor taste for the MSM to run that article and it was inappropriate and irresponsible for any poster to suggest we dig into this poor guy's past, as if we should be doing McDaniel's dirty work.
AA - Love you for saying that!
Not sure if this has been posted yet but...

Report: Hacksaw linked to Macon murder suspect

The Telegraph of Macon reported Thursday that the arrest warrant served on 25-year-old Stephen Mark McDaniel says investigators found packaging material from the saw inside his apartment. ...
Tests on the hacksaw by FBI experts revealed traces of Giddings’ DNA, the Telegraph reported, citing an unidentified law enforcement officer.
Owners/Property Managers/ WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? If someone manages the day to day details of their own property, they are BOTH. How hard is that to understand? Also, I think she and her brother are the owners.

If I'm using media statements the B's have made to try to figure out how many admittedly authorized persons have or had master keys to those apartments and the identities of those individuals, based on media statements the B's have made, it makes a difference.
If I'm using media statements the B's have made to try to figure out how many admittedly authorized persons have or had master keys to those apartments and the identities of those individuals, based on media statements the B's have made, it makes a difference.

FYI, she (BB) is not one of the owners.

Um, are you talking about the same BB in this article? She is one of the owners.
This idea that McD planned this to "show his superior intellect" has been brought up several times now.
I'm not following this logic.
How could his getting away with murder accomplish this?
If they know, he didn't get away with it. :waitasec:

He hasnt been tried yet:sick:

I agree, but I certainly don't think this was part of any plan of his :)

I'll also say, somewhat in defense of this observation...
Although at this point I'm personally beyond any "reasonable doubt" in my mind that SM is guilty, given what I know at this point,
if I were in a jury box and the only evidence I had to make a judgment was what has been "released" so far,
my vote would have to be "not guilty".
I have no doubt this evidence is coming, but this is something we should all keep in mind. IMO :peace:

p.s. I have no clue what BBM means :waitasec:
Um, are you talking about the same BB in this article? She is one of the owners.

Sorry, my bad. The property record I viewed makes it look like MB and another female person are the sole owners, but I see BB on another screen also as a one-third owner.

I have no idea how many people have master keys: At a minimum, we've got 3 owners, plus 2 property managers during the past 3 years that may or may not overlap as owners.
This was a hypothetical situation based losely on the facts. I do know that the FBI has very strict analysis units that can tell LE very specifically what they should be looking "guesstimate" was losely based on what they might have said based on the exact same evidence that everyone else has. I know exactly what you know.
The very basic statistics are things like (and maybe Angelanalyzes can elaborate)
Serial Murder: White Male
Murder with Poison: Female
"Going postal" : White Male
and so on...
If Macon LE said that there was NOT a serial murderer around, it is because the FBI can tell them with certainty whether there is or not.
They can be very specific about a profile based on the way the body was disposed of and other elements of the crime.
They can almost garantee that certain types of perps will insert themselves into the crime investigation. I just can't see how anyone could brag that they could pull off the perfect murder, because that is almost impossible.
If McD did do it, and he wants to try to pull off the perfect murder again....he needs to remember NOT to do it near a college campus. The FBI might have tripped him up. Although, I don't think this was planned as much as I did before.

I am familiar with the concept of profiling. Was only trying to learn if two of the facts supporting the example profile you gave -- specifically, quoting your post here, "the TOD was over 48 hours"and "there are signs of post mordem sexual assault on the torso" -- were ones that had been supported on this forum for this case.
IMO one of the only people who can clear this up suddenly has done a complete 180* turnabout in her up til now having been so very willing to speak to media daily.. BB, the now holder of relevant information that people are interested to know and she is mum.. Go figure..

One reason IMO for why she possibly had the sudden 180* turnabout from her usual chattiness with media I suspect could be ill personal feelings toward DD.. IMO she most likely does not care too much for this young man as it's been stated that it was due to his underperformance as "resident contact" *as to why he was relieved of this position.. Therefor I could easily see that some bitterness toward him for not being the worker that she desired him to be could possibly be fueling her motivations to stay mum on the subject of him all together..

Being a disgruntled employer of a former employee's work ethic would possibly set a tone for allowing a little public's judgement to reign down on this young man who she feels did not live up to her expectation as a "resident contact".. I definitely believe that is both possible and plausible especially given what has been seen of BB's personality and attitude..

BB could have very easily within mere hours of this false accusational web of lies thrown out by GM stating they were the words of her alleged murderer son, SM.. BB could have quickly negated and therefor totally debunked a massive portion of the web of lies put out in the media by Glenda..

BB could have, and IMO should have stated that her "resident contact" DD did not have a masterkey to access all of the apts at the complex as is stated by Glenda and literally the entire crux of the allegation as to how this young man framed her son.. As she says in her own words it was due to DD's access to all apts, both LG's and her son's is how he was able to plant the evidence against her son..(now knowing DD did not have a masterkey to even be able to access SM's apt to plant the evidence.. I'd say pretty much takes the air out of the balloon that is her theory of her son being framed)

BB could have also easily stated as well that this former employee(which at the time of the crime and beginning investigation he was still an active employee).. She could have stated that this employee was already questioned and had an alibi for the times in question..

As well as several other issues such as.. did he even have access to a maintenance or storage room(sense it's now known he infact was not a maintenance man but rather only a resident contact) I find it quite likely he didn't even have access to the maintenance room where the hacksaw was found.. Either way BB is the one who could very easily clear this issue up along with many more..

But sadly IMO she seems to me to be the bitter, grudge holding type from what i have seen and heard of her in these last several weeks.. And IMO it's likely that this type of bitter, grudge holding type attitude is exactly why she is mum and allowing this young man to be thrown to the wolves(so to speak) feeling in her opinion that it's somehow deserved for not be a good employee in her opinion..

Jmo, tho!

I have no knowledge of why BB is silent now. Possibly, IMO, she has retained an attorney due to liability issues who has told her to shut her mouth.
Seriously. The way this case is going, I may need an attorney before this is over :silly:
Friday, July 15, 2011

Mayor Robert Reichert Talks About Lauren Giddings Case
Video and Article

Video: Memorial Mass

Mom Asked McDaniel If Relationship Was Possible
Glenda McDaniel said she has visited her son at the Bibb County jail, but she has been allowed to see him just once a week.
“He is very upset,” she said.
Jail records show McDaniel’s father and grandfather also have visited him in the two weeks he’s been behind bars...

The Bibb County District Attorney’s Office hasn’t responded to a court motion filed Wednesday by McDaniel’s attorney asking that a judge determine whether local prosecutors should be disqualified from prosecuting McDaniel based on his work as a law clerk in their office.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Police Chief: No Arrest Imminent
He said they still haven't gotten forensic test results from the FBI, although they've exchanged emails with the federal investigators. Police said they thought they would have results back this Monday or Tuesday, but now say they don't think they'll get a full report this week.

Master key Found in Apartment of Giddings' Neighbor; Refrigerator Removed from Apartment
One of Stephen Mark McDaniel’s neighbors said Wednesday that on the same day Lauren Giddings’ body was found, she learned that McDaniel apparently had means of accessing other residences.

ES, who lives in the apartment beneath McDaniel’s, said that on the evening of June 30, several hours after dismembered remains of Lauren Giddings’ body were found near their streetside apartment building on Georgia Avenue, a Macon police detective came to her door.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Giddings Investigators in McDaniel's Apartment for the Second Time Video

Reward Offered in Lauren Giddings' Slaying
Macon police announced a $12,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in the Lauren Giddings slaying.

FBI Agent Discusses Involvement in Local Cases

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

While in Macon Giddings Called Police Twice
Once, in early 2009, when her dog was struck by a car, and again last November when someone swiped a dashboard GPS from the console of her tan Mitsubishi Galant.

No Forensic Results Yet

While in Macon Giddings Called Police Twice
Nothing in her calls -- or, for that matter, those of any other residents at her Georgia Avenue complex dating back to 2008 -- from the looks of police-dispatch logs obtained Monday by The Telegraph, points to any threatening brushes with anyone who might have wanted to hurt her.

Sunday July 10, 2011

Hundreds Attend Memorial

Slain Mercer Law Grad Remembered as "a servant to strangers and friends".

Karen Giddings Remembers Her Daughter's Intelligence, Independent Spirit

Lauren DiSpirito Talks About the Latest Lauren Giddings Developments Video
This is a good suggestion. I've started one in the media forum, but I'm only up to July 9th. It will take me a little while to work through today, so bear with me. Here's the link:

Media Thread -- Links Only, No Discussion

Thanks, Bessie. So -- do we post our links only there, or continue to post them here and then you post them there ...? How does it work?

eta: now that I've looked at it (sorry - duh), it would appear that you will post them there
<Modsnip> a son charged with felony murder....

IMO, it is very possible that questionable parenting played a role in the life choices of this pair.
THEY DO NOW, but one can never tell what kind of person you might be dealing with in the younger generations, so running a background check doesnt' always help, becuase they may not have been caught in any crimes I think that becuase one has NO RECORD at some point in life, doesnt' mean they won't murder next. Or just becuase one DOES HAVE A Criminal record, doenst mean they WILL MURDER ever..............

I agree completely, an arrest record only indicates what a person has been caught doing :) Plenty of murderers have never seen the inside of a cop car until they finally do get arrested for murder.
So, while looking into a person's background is a useful method of determining any conduct problems they may have and oftentimes may turn him a history of violent/sexual/dangerous offenses, it's not like the moment you find any sort of arrest on someone's record they immediately become interesting as a possible suspect.
For instance, if DD had an arrest record for burglary, assault, rape, any of that...he'd be "interesting" but an offense totally unrelated to the circumstances of the LG murder amounts to nothing and does NOT "earn" him public scrutiny much less sleuthing from people on this forum.
Thanks, Bessie. So -- do we post our links only there, or continue to post them here and then you post them there ...? How does it work?

eta: now that I've looked at it (sorry - duh), it would appear that you will post them there
Continue to post them here, and I'll do a recap each day in the media thread. If someone wants to read the news articles in chronological order without searching through all of the threads, they'll be in one place. Not each and every article, of course, but a good sampling.
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