17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #16

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How does GZ have the power to intimidate TM and "make" him be afraid? He can't control TM's reaction. Was TM afraid and intimidated when he was pummeling GZ?

MAYBE? Fear sometimes makes them get all puffed up.

I would be scared if someone was following me but I am 5 feet not 6'3"
STILL - IMHO with those long legs he would have or could have been home
if he was just interested in losing GZ.

So if some neighborhood kids are making fun of a chubby kid, THAT is a crime that he should have reported?

Personally, I have no problem with him shooing them away with a stream of water from a hose. Good for him, imo.

Why not? He reported everything else.

Instead he took matters into his own hands .Seems he does that with people he can bully.

Definitly a pattern here.

Right, so it's almost at the same exact time. GZ says he went running when at the same time TM is telling the GF I'm not going to run.

He said I am not going to run, I am going to walk fast. So perhaps his attempt at 'fast walking' was seen as trying to run away. IDK
And there are other lawyers and legal experts who disagree with Hornsby, even the ones who know most about it, the ones who supported the bill.


Thank you button was insufficient. Several of the bill's authors and supporters have stated use of this law in this circumstance is not appropriate and they are very concerned that the SYG law is being improperly applied across the state.

I find this alarming.
Expert? He's biased, he's a defense attorney!

IMO he's not biased, but he's going to interpret the law in a manner that would best help the people he serves (defendants). Prosecutors will also have a different take on the law.

The only "expert" I would trust would be a judge, since they are supposed to be neutral...The people who wrote the law disagree with it being used in this case...granted, this case makes their law look horrible...

Why is the media reporting that SA Wolfinger denied having that meeting with Chief of Police when he really didn't deny it?
We have heard it said, past behavior predicts future behavior. GZ has demonstrated in past behavior that he is violent and volatile based on charges of assaulting a police officer and a woman. Though he wasn't prosecuted or convicted he did demonstrate that. The murder of Trayvon supports that theory, imo. I think justice will be done with a conviction and society will be safer.

If GZ get charged, none of that stuff would be admissible in court per RH.
And I guess neither would be the rather petty school suspensions of Trayvon.
I honestly do not think that GZ will be charged/convicted under FL law.
Only if the Feds bring a case against GZ, will we see justice. I just read that the cops that shot the black folks on the bridge in NOLA, got 6 to 65 years, but that again was a Fed. civil rights case and not a homicide case prosecuted under Louisiana State law. There were no convictions under local law when the case ran thru that court system..
All IMO.
Why not? He reported everything else.

Instead he took matters into his own hands .Seems he does that with people he can bully.

Definitly a pattern here.


So he is now 'bullying' kids who are bullying the chubby kid? I see it more as protecting the chubby kid. It is weird to me that it is labeled now as him 'bullying' kids who were bullying that poor kid.

He reported kids in the street and windows left open because those are safety issues.

I am NOT team Zimmerman. I think he should have been arrested that first night for Manslaughter. But I really think that people here are piling on and not being objective about who this guy was, imo.

People claiming that HE was the one responsible for those burglaries or there were NO burgalries, when LE ARRESTED 4 people for them.

My Dad was a defense attorney and I saw personally what happened sometimes when people piled on and jumped to conclusions, unfairly.
They don't have anything to sue for, yet.
but they will. I am OK with that completely...
I am just not OK with GZ being so vilified and hung, with out a full investigation.

IMO hosing down neighborhood kids who are behaving in a way you find inappropriate or mean is a very immature act for an adult to indulge in.

While I applaud GZ for noticing a child being bullied and wish more people would get involved when they see bullying, I don't think hosing down bullies at all changes their behavior and may encourage them to seek out retribution from their prey at a later date.

Immature action that did nothing to solve the underlying problem this bullied child was experiencing.

:cow: :moo:
Any evidence of him peddling his yet-to-be-determined influence? Any evidence out there that his friends in high places would be willing to cover up a supposed murder? Such ridiculous accusations imo.

I really hope the justice department is looking into this.
How many people run from their car to the house when it's raining? What do most people think when they see people running in the rain with their hood up? My first thought would be that they don't want to get wet. jmo
Kubatons may be very gray-area or illegal in some jurisdictions. JMO

tell me about it, I'm in the UK and you're not allowed to carry anything for self defense, they consider everything offensive and if I carry this, I would be charged, if I used it on someone attacking me, I would be charged etc.

absolutely ridiculous, I suppose I believe kennesaw GA has the right idea (everyone must be armed, they have very low crime rates)
Does anyone have the link to that article that was discussed this morning, the one that showed that those burglaries were not all committed by black kids, as Taffe tried to say?
GZ obviously thought TM was acting suspiciously. He did the right thing by calling LE. There were 8 recent break ins in the neighborhood so why wouldn't he be suspicious?

Five of which were young black males so Trayvon fit that profile.
But TM said he wasn't running. His GF actually told him to run and he said he wasn't going too. Did he start running, stop and then say I'm not going to run anymore?

Who do you believe, GZ or TM?

I believe I heard GZ say on the 911 tape TM was running...and he was concerned he was going to get away. Is he lying or telling the truth? Who knows? With GZ one can't be sure... :dunno:

As for TM, I have not heard him say anything given he is deceased and unable to give his version of what happened. :cry:
Does anyone have the link to that article that was discussed this morning, the one that showed that those burglaries were not all committed by black kids, as Taffe tried to say?

The incidents occurred over 14/15 months.
~"City officials posted police reports to the city website detailing eight burglary reports in the neighborhood in the 14 months prior to Martin's February 26 death." ~

~"In three of those incidents, black males were implicated by witnesses or arrests. A fourth incident was less clear."~

~"In the other four incidents, there were no witnesses or suspects, according to police reports."~
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