17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17

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What is wrong with any of these instances??? A speed bike doing wheelies, putting himself and others in danger - he shouldn't have called LE? Why?

A pickup cutting people off - was the guy drunk? I've called LE at least three or four times in my life on drunk drivers and obtained the license plates on the ones I could see.

I can see calling LE but not following people. If you follow someone you are creating another hazard.
I heard on the NBC nightly news that Zimmerman was at a class for neighborhood watch and the officer who was teaching the class told everyone not to carry a gun.

This is probably my most favorite article that I found posted earlier in the case because it details exactly what Zimmerman was supposed to do and not supposed to do while being in the neighborhood watch program. Everything Zimmerman did in relation to his neighborhood watch program "captain" went against all the training that he was part of when the community decided to start a program at the complex.

Sorry for the snark but it is getting kind of silly, imo, the way the people are piling on. I mean if I say I am running to Target to get milk, and than later I say that I am going to Target for groceries, is that really a change in my story? I think it is pretty consistent.

And saying that one is running out for milk may sound too specific, but many many people run out for milk and a few other things on Sunday night to prepare for monday mornings. When someone says they are going out for 'milk' it usually means 'milk+somethingelse+somethingelse.' Or in other words = GROCERIES.

Thank you, and sorry for calling you on it. :)

I understand where your coming from, but for me it's the little details that bring things together. Devils in the details as the saying goes. In my house running out for milk means we are out of milk and that is what we are doing and will be back in a few minutes. Going to do our grocery shopping means we're going grocery shopping and we'll be back later.

When someone is giving a run down on what they were doing isn't it just as easy to say either one? It's how I gauge if someone is being honest and forthright.

Not sure I am explaining that well enough but in my mind it makes sense. :)
That's a good point ! I was one of the first in my neighborhood to get a blue-tooth headset. My hair covers my ears and since I was focused on arguing with my husband, it wasn't until I hung up on him to pay that I realized everybody in Quick Trip was staring at me like I was a total psycho. Oh yeah, I was arguing with him in Spanish so they probably thought I was walking through QT yelling in tongues !!

That is soooooooooo funny....I would be the woman in Walmart who ALWAYS turns around to answer the person behind me (whom I am positive is talking to me) to find that they are on a phone attached to their ear....I am always mortified as they look at me like "what is your problem",LOL.
Sorry for the OT.
I can see calling LE but not following people. If you follow someone you are creating another hazard.

and I have to wonder what would have happened if he had caused a wreck in his pursuit of these people? I guess it would have been okay and that would have been excused as well.

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For the time being, we are not treating The Grio as MSM. We're looking into this and will let you know ASAP if there's a change in this policy.
Can't find the post to bump up from the mods right at the moment but we are unable to post articles/links from The Grio at this time. They mods are reviewing whether or not they fit the criteria as mainstream media.

What is wrong with any of these instances??? A speed bike doing wheelies, putting himself and others in danger - he shouldn't have called LE? Why?

A pickup cutting people off - was the guy drunk? I've called LE at least three or four times in my life on drunk drivers and obtained the license plates on the ones I could see.

I dont think anyone has said he shouldn't have called the police in the instances listed. I think what they are saying is Zimmerman has a history of wanting to be more involved than just reporting problems and in doing so could have put even more people including himself in even more danger.
That's a good point ! I was one of the first in my neighborhood to get a blue-tooth headset. My hair covers my ears and since I was focused on arguing with my husband, it wasn't until I hung up on him to pay that I realized everybody in Quick Trip was staring at me like I was a total psycho. Oh yeah, I was arguing with him in Spanish so they probably thought I was walking through QT yelling in tongues !!

I remember the first time I saw someone talking "to themselves" - I saw the thing in their ear but didn't know what it was. The mystery was solved that night when I saw an ad on TV for the ear pieces. I felt like such a dweeb since I'd never heard of that kind of attachment for a cell phone! :blushing:
Thank you, and sorry for calling you on it. :)

I understand where your coming from, but for me it's the little details that bring things together. Devils in the details as the saying goes. In my house running out for milk means we are out of milk and that is what we are doing and will be back in a few minutes. Going to do our grocery shopping means we're going grocery shopping and we'll be back later.

When someone is giving a run down on what they were doing isn't it just as easy to say either one? It's how I gauge if someone is being honest and forthright.

Not sure I am explaining that well enough but in my mind it makes sense. :)

I understand what you are saying. They should be more exacting. I guess i was reading between the lines a bit. He said going to Target for milk. I assumed he meant 'milk + bread+cereal' because he was going to Target and not 7/11. If I ONLY need milk I'm not going to go into Target.

I think going to get milk is a way of saying 'groceries.' But maybe that is just me because I do that myself.
This is probably my most favorite article that I found posted earlier in the case because it details exactly what Zimmerman was supposed to do and not supposed to do while being in the neighborhood watch program. Everything Zimmerman did in relation to his neighborhood watch program "captain" went against all the training that he was part of when the community decided to start a program at the complex.


I guess one would call GZ a rogue neighborhood watchman (chuckling to self)
I understand what you are saying. They should be more exacting. I guess i was reading between the lines a bit. He said going to Target for milk. I assumed he meant 'milk + bread+cereal' because he was going to Target and not 7/11. If I ONLY need milk I'm not going to go into Target.

I think going to get milk is a way of saying 'groceries.' But maybe that is just me because I do that myself.

Hey I'm with ya on that one. If I just need milk I don't go to well...I use Walmart not Target and I wouldn't go there for one thing. When we just need milk, usually, my daughter and I will go and she'll run into the Safeway to get it. It's way cheaper there than the convience store but it's not nearly as crazy busy as somewhere like Target or Walmart, and for us it's right down the road.
Great perspective from teenagers who are dealing with the aftermath of Trayvon's murder. Quite an eye opener for me personally.

Teens say their life has changed because of Trayvon Martin...

“It's forced me to look at the world as black versus white, and not people versus people,” shared Orlando teenager IT.

“I'm going to say that, I'm gonna start looking out for this type of thing,” Roberts added.

“I've never really cared about the looks people gave me or anything, but seeing how people look at you, feels like you're being judged now based on the color you are,” shared Altamonte Springs teenager MVB.

“I don't feel safe. I don't feel safe because we're still in the same mindset that we were back in the 1960s when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech... 'I have a dream',” T told News 13.

&#8220;I don't feel safe as a teenager anymore,&#8221; T<modsnip> reiterated.

T<modsnip> continued that he is typical teenager who likes to hang out and spend time at the movies. However, recently his theater attire has changed.

&#8220;I have actually refrained from wearing hoods because it's that fear factor that comes into play. You don't know what... well you know what people are capable of nowadays it makes you wanna watch out on the types of things I wear.&#8221;

We have discussion here at home about just how cold it is outside. Overweight hubby with high blood pressure thinks 60 is comfortable, me with my normal weight and low blood pressure is freezing my butt off when its 60. I have been an adult Floridian for 42 years.

Well thank god I am not overweight and don't have high blood pressure, and am under 50 (not saying by how much, LOL), lived in FL off and on most my life to me 60 is "cool", 72 is perfect, 80 better have the air conditioning on at least 72, but I would NEVER classify any of that as dressing for an artic outing.
BBM Really???? Hmm I live in Florida and I never dress as if I were on a polar expedition, why it even went down into the 40's last year and I didn't even wear gloves. 60 degress is not considered cold here, cool yes, but cold, get real. jmo, imo (and personal experience) and all that jazz

What I have found throughout my travels is that the humidity levels seem to play a role in the level of cold I feel.

Whethere there is any scientific studies to back this up I have no idea. This is simply my observation during my travels.

LE has said they have Trayvon's phone - Crump said the phone was in TM's pocket, with the skittles, 22.00 and the can of tea.

I get so vexed when I read that the police had Trayvon's phone. Then why did they let him sit there in the morgue like an unwanted child after his death? <modsnip> if his skin was white the cops would have sympathized with his parents and made the effort to find them.
RBBM: I can't understand it either teh. It just boggles my mind that anyone thinks that this is in any way acceptable, because it isn't. And after reading some of the posts here, I just want to bang my head on my desk because I don't understand how anyone can defend GZ's actions.

Hitting the "thanks" button wasn't enough for me to do about this post. You have summed up exactly what I've been thinking!

I too, came into the this case late. I saw it on the news, but basically didn't pay much attention to it. Then, for some reason, I started reading the threads here. I really didn't have an opinion about GZ's guilt or anything until I started reading the threads. I quickly realized that GZ was clearly guilty of manslaughter. This shooting was in NO WAY justified, no matter how many ways GZ supporters try to spin it. He should have been arrested that night.

I can't bring myself to listen to the 9-11 call because I will probably end up hysterical myself. This was a clearly avoidable homicide that didn't have to happen. GZ had NO right following TM after the dispatcher told him he didn't need to continue doing "that."

I feel so terrible for TM's family.

GZ family is doing him NO favors by continuing to spin the story about GZ being beat so bad that he was a step away from ending up in a diaper. If he were beaten that bad, he would have been taken to the hospital.

JMO, IMO, :moo:, and all other disclaimers.

Thank you for this post, I feel exactly the same way. At first I was giving GZ the benefit of doubt, I still support the SYG law, just don't feel GZ is in anyway justified in trying to invoke it. Then after reading more news reports and here am absolutely convince that GZ is at the very least guilty of manslaughter and very, very possible 1st degree murder. jmo, imo and all that jazz
I was responding to your comment:


I provided examples where GZ did NOT just "do anything more than call LE" as you claimed. In the examples I gave he followed people for various reasons AFTER he called LE.

IMO, JMO, etc.

Yes GZ does have a penchant for taking the law into his own hands doesn't he? jmo, imo and all that jazz
I am not quite understanding self defense and a fight. Amongst the many things i have read the past couple days on that subject, I am still wrestling with something I read somewhere. Here goes:
A fight is a crime, both participants are considered guilty of that crime.
The one claiming self defense must have tried to end the fight in a peacefully manner before he took a more aggressive step in trying to protect himself/herself.
I hope I said that right.
I was going to add more, but it will just work its way out of context. So I'll stick with just wondering if that is true when your fighting and feel you have the right to claim self defense.
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