17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #26

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Did ya'll enter the Twilight Zone last night while I was sleeping? It sure looks that way to me. Wow, that's about all I can think of to say.


Trayvon Martin's family appeared on ACooper yesterday afternoon..I did tune in for a bit..

Also, MO'Mara appeared as well via video...he doesn't think this case will go before a judge for at least 1 1/2-2 years...and still hasn't spoken with GZ about the facts that night...

Up to two years? Why do defense lawyers want to drag cases out so long? Ugh. Up to two years. I do not like that. I guess GZ waived his right to a speedy trial...

Trayvon Martin's family appeared on ACooper yesterday afternoon..I did tune in for a bit..

Also, MO'Mara appeared as well via video...he doesn't think this case will go before a judge for at least 1 1/2-2 years...and still hasn't spoken with GZ about the facts that night...

O'Mara hasn't even spoken with Zimmerman about the events of that night yet he is willing to go to court to beg the judge to let him out on bail? That's real nice.

Up to two years? Why do defense lawyers want to drag cases out so long? Ugh. Up to two years. I do not like that. I guess GZ waived his right to a speedy trial...

My hubby is fitting to kill me. He just got me back from that other fl case. :banghead:
George Zimmerman not charged in Trayvon Martin killing over public pressure: governor

Florida’s governor says they are looking for justice for Trayvon Martin’s family
Comments (9)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10:50 AM

SANFORD, Florida — Florida’s governor rejected any suggestion charges were filed in the Trayvon Martin case because of public pressure.

Gov. Rick Scott said he doesn’t believe special prosecutor Angela Corey is influenced by anything but the facts.

He says his focus is the same as hers — securing justice for Martin's family and due process for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer recently charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 shooting of the 17-year-old.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...sure-governor-article-1.1062881#ixzz1sObGd29m
Up to two years? Why do defense lawyers want to drag cases out so long? Ugh. Up to two years. I do not like that. I guess GZ waived his right to a speedy trial...

They want to put as much time between the crime and the trial because people's memories dim, tension over the case will dissipate and passion disappears. Sad but true.

I don't think it will happen in this case, however. Too much is at stake for our nation, our brothers, our sisters.

<mod snip>
I don't have a big problem understanding the motivation behind the carefully crafted story and version of events apparently being stated by George to the police and his father and brother to the media. I understand why they are all, so dilligently, trying to keep George up on that "main" sidewalk going over to the other street.

Although they are not Rhodes Scholars, they seem to have a very good grasp of the title of the law being touted as George's defense. They are clearly aware that the law is called S T A N D Your Ground, not Chase Your Ground, not Follow Your Ground, and certainly not Pursue Your Ground.

The moment George Zimmerman turns down that sidewalk, he is not standing his ground, but following his ground and the laws become a whole new ballgame.

I don't fault them for their efforts, but you can't tell a story having George being brutally attacked at a time that would be BEFORE he even got off the phone with 911, and you surely can't have him being found by the first responding officer 100 feet down that back sidewalk with a dead body and a gun.
We have no PROOF that GZ did anything in the way of provoking a physical confrontation.. they asked him not to follow Tray,he said OK and then he went in the opposite direction to get the address from they next street. By that time, it was dark. He would not have been able to see Tray if he was half way down that sidewalk. It was on his way back that the confrontation happened. He was attacked from behind. We have saw photos, we have seen/heard witness accounts of the bandages he had, and of his swollen/bandaged nose. My goodness, what more does one need to make an assessment of who was the aggressor here?

I agree with you. I can&#8217;t wait for the reports and Ducu dumps to verify things. <mod snip>
Don&#8217;t forget when I saw the photo of the young 12 year old and the husky guy I immediately huffed and puffed about it too.
Then I saw who got involved and decided to look into it more clearly.
George Zimmerman not charged in Trayvon Martin killing over public pressure: governor

Florida&#8217;s governor says they are looking for justice for Trayvon Martin&#8217;s family
Comments (9)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10:50 AM

SANFORD, Florida &#8212; Florida&#8217;s governor rejected any suggestion charges were filed in the Trayvon Martin case because of public pressure.

Gov. Rick Scott said he doesn&#8217;t believe special prosecutor Angela Corey is influenced by anything but the facts.

He says his focus is the same as hers &#8212; securing justice for Martin's family and due process for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer recently charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 shooting of the 17-year-old.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...sure-governor-article-1.1062881#ixzz1sObGd29m

I think that Rick Scott is making up stories. I also think he has to.
<mod snip>

Trayvon Martin's family appeared on ACooper yesterday afternoon..I did tune in for a bit..

Also, MO'Mara appeared as well via video...he doesn't think this case will go before a judge for at least 1 1/2-2 years...and still hasn't spoken with GZ about the facts that night...

WOW! I wonder how this attorney can represent GZ and still has not spoken with him about what he is representing him for ?????
And that is what GZ did. He did not follow Trayvon. He did not assault and murder Trayvon, knowing the Police could arrive at and catch him in the act. JMO.

YES he did follow Trayvon - GZ even TOLD the police dispatch that he was following Trayvon - we have ears we have all HEARD GEORGE's own words.
Um, if he didn't follow TM.....and stayed on that sidewalk to the next street over to get an address.....and was brutally attacked by TM where the sidewalks intersect.....any thoughts on how George was found, by the first SPD officer on the scene, so far down the sidewalk between the townhomes with a dead body and a gun?



A location that was also confirmed by the SFD Fire and Rescue dispatcher as being in the back yard of 2831 Retreat View Circle?

Trayvon Martin's Body Location 2 Per Sanford Fire and Rescue - YouTube

I saw a street fight in NYC yesterday.
It started on one end of the street, but ended on the other end of the street.
What I saw was that both of the guys fighting were not standing still.

So If I was to call 911 I would have had to say they are on west 68th street, but when the cops would have arrived they would have found them on west 67 streets.

I do not think that GZ and TM stood still either.
Good Morning, Grandmaj

Apparently you are monitering this thread at the present. I know you are familiar with the 10-20, 10-4 type jargon contained in scanner talk.

This is the full recording of the SFD Fire and Rescue dispatch. To my untrained ears, it sounds like some of what's coming across is from LE officers on the scene. Would you listen to it when you have time and translate what's being said?

I'm mainly interested in knowing if I'm hearing correctly that SPD has secured the scene and is directing the SFD units to respond by way of 2831 Retreat View Circle as opposed to Twin Trees.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrKBO9n0Yck"]Trayvon Martin Ambulance Audio Recording - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for all you do.

This week, Recksiedler is on temporary assignment from the Florida Supreme Court and is hearing oral arguments at the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach, Florida, court spokeswoman Michelle Kennedy said in a statement Tuesday. Recksiedler will issue a written order on the matter no later than Friday, Kennedy said.

As to his client, O'Mara said he speaks "at least a couple times a day" with Zimmerman, whom he described as doing well physically but "frightened."
Originally Posted by mommakk51
We have no PROOF that GZ did anything in the way of provoking a physical confrontation.. they asked him not to follow Tray,he said OK and then he went in the opposite direction to get the address from they next street. By that time, it was dark. He would not have been able to see Tray if he was half way down that sidewalk. It was on his way back that the confrontation happened. He was attacked from behind. We have saw photos, we have seen/heard witness accounts of the bandages he had, and of his swollen/bandaged nose. My goodness, what more does one need to make an assessment of who was the aggressor here?

I agree with you. I can’t wait for the reports and Ducu dumps to verify things. <mod snip>
Don’t forget when I saw the photo of the young 12 year old and the husky guy I immediately huffed and puffed about it too.
Then I saw who got involved and decided to look into it more clearly.

Not according to ACorey...read the charging document..it's clearly laid out..I don't get how in the heck folk can back this guy who took a teen's life for no other reason than HIM deeming TM a criminal...up to no good, on drugs or something...What the hell is wrong with America these days...:banghead:

We now blame the victim and praise the perpetrator???

I just don't follow that logic...:maddening:

I believe this is why our judicial system is in an uproar...blame the victim seems to be the mantra these days...when in fact, GZ should be held accountable for his actions...You both are just taking GZ's words as facts when his facts don't match the evidence...especially speaking on how and where this murder occurred...or the SP would not have brought charges she thought would not get to court...and the Judge who signed it agreed...there is probable cause to move forward..so we now say the judge and SP don't have a clue on the statutes? That we know more than they do? That this is to just appease the public pressure..:what:

I think not!
I'm not sure what Natasha Richardson's head injury has to do with this case, she died. George Zimmerman is alive. jmo
They were talking about GZ brother saying one more hit to the head he would have been wearing diapers.
Hits to the head are never minor, too often people have no idea how sever it can be.
If you follow the conversation it would make sense why I would bring that up.
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