2010.07.14 Investigators re-interviewing people who saw Kyron; Kyron seen w/out Terri

God. Just this morning I thought I was finally off the fence for good. I'm getting splinters from climbing up and down on it.

Here I go back up again...
I feel for your splinters. I personally have none.. I have a huge hat and will gladly eat it...but I don't see me munching on it anytime soon. MOO.
That's how it has been looking.

I think what was significant to me was that TK, the newest witness to come forward from that day, saw Kyron with a group of his (Kyron's) friends.

This case is like a old car trying to crank up. The starter motor makes that "rrrrRRR" sound and you think it will catch... and then nothing. I keep hoping that soon will be the time it catches.

Also significant (at least to me) is that this is not a little 7 year old. This is an older child.
right and that comment indicates she was in the gym.
Kyron was in the Gym at this time, so IMO Nothing yet points away from Terri. Maybe the boy didnt see Terri but I bet the pictures his family and others have turned over show her there.

We have confirmation now that Terri was in the gym? That wasn't just a rumor?
I have said this before, logic tell us someone had to have seen him leave, yet no one did and he is gone from the school, so Somehow he got out of the school with out being seen.
Beleive it or not the more going on the more crowded the less we notice.

Exactly! We know Terri left the school that morning even though no one saw her leave.
I am thinking that if he was with friends someone would've seen him leave with Terri or he would've said "I have to go get something from the truck." The gym was crowded, someone had to have seen something IMO.
And, IMO, someone did. The school system superintendent said early on that two Skyline teachers saw TH and Kyron leaving. We do not have all of the information that LE has...they have countless witness statements from the students, teachers, and parents who were at Skyline that day...and they have indicated after interviewing all of these witnesses (including the "cool electronic exhibit" deskmate and the kid quoted in this story) that TH is the last known person to have seen KH...and until they amend that statement, I'm going to reason that the people relaying their eyewitness statements (that they have told to LE) saw Kyron before the last sighting with TH.
And, IMO, someone did. The school system superintendent said early on that two Skyline teachers saw TH and Kyron leaving. We do not have all of the information that LE has...they have countless witness statements from the students, teachers, and parents who were at Skyline that day...and they have indicated after interviewing all of these witnesses (including the "cool electronic exhibit" deskmate and the kid quoted in this story) that TH is the last known person to have seen KH...and until they amend that statement, I'm going to reason that the people relaying their eyewitness statements (that they have told to LE) saw Kyron before the last sighting with TH.

The two teachers said they saw them and thought they left together, but as far as I know, they didn't actually see them leave together.

IMHO, LE has no one who can verify that Terri left with Kyron, and that is why LE sent out the questionnaire. At the time the questionnaire went out, LE had already interviewed hundreds of people. If they'd gotten what they wanted, in that they had someone corroborating Terri's timeline or disproving it, the questionnaire would've been unnecessary.
This isn't the first time we've heard Terri and Kyron not being together while in the school. Remember Lt Mary Lindstrand of the Sheriff's Office said Terri went up different stairwells and when they both reached the top floor is when Terri said she last saw Kyron.

I think it's very interesting that TK seems to say he was in the gym and saw the truck outside. I could be wrong, but it's my impression that the windows in the gym are too high to see out to the parking lot. Maybe there is a window in the gym door to the parking lot. Otherwise the only other windows to the side parking lot are the basement ones, you may be able to see a truck through them. If you can't see the side parking lot through the gym, maybe that means Terri was parked in the back.

I'd really appreciate some feedback on this. Does anyone have a link to gwenabob's pictures?

Edit: I wonder if there is a stage in the gym.
Well, we do have one person who says he saw her leave the school - the little classmate.

I guess I meant, actually saw her outside of the school or getting into her truck leaving.
And, IMO, someone did. The school system superintendent said early on that two Skyline teachers saw TH and Kyron leaving.

Do you have a link for that please? I've never been able to find that. I did find the quote that the two teachers saw them together and thought they left together, but I've never seen them say they saw them leave together. I've posted the quote I did find a number of times.


A spokesman for the Portland Public Schools said two teachers saw Kyron with his stepmother and thought the two left school together.
I wonder if the gym is were the older grades were displaying their science projects? Does Skyline have 8th grade as well as 7th?
How does a child know what the Horman truck looks like?
Exactly! We know Terri left the school that morning even though no one saw her leave.

At least, not that we've been told if anyone saw her... :banghead:

I have felt all along if we could just hear what that teacher has to say about the whole thing, we would have more clarity. Then again, as LE doesn't seem to, maybe we wouldn't.

Seriously starting to think a reenactment would be enlightening.
And, IMO, someone did. The school system superintendent said early on that two Skyline teachers saw TH and Kyron leaving. We do not have all of the information that LE has...they have countless witness statements from the students, teachers, and parents who were at Skyline that day...and they have indicated after interviewing all of these witnesses (including the "cool electronic exhibit" deskmate and the kid quoted in this story) that TH is the last known person to have seen KH...and until they amend that statement, I'm going to reason that the people relaying their eyewitness statements (that they have told to LE) saw Kyron before the last sighting with TH.


This is not directed to the poster quoted but...

This is the first I am hearing this - anyone have a link to this statement or article that would verify this? TIA
This isn't the first time we've heard Terri and Kyron not being together while in the school. Remember Lt Mary Lindstrand of the Sheriff's Office said Terri went up different stairwells and when they both reached the top floor is when Terri said she last saw Kyron.

I think it's very interesting that TK seems to say he was in the gym and saw the truck outside. I could be wrong, but it's my impression that the windows in the gym are too high to see out to the parking lot. Maybe there is a window in the gym door to the parking lot. Otherwise the only other windows to the side parking lot are the basement ones, you may be able to see a truck through them. If you can't see the side parking lot through the gym, maybe that means Terri was parked in the back.

I'd really appreciate some feedback on this. Does anyone have a link to gwenabob's pictures?

Edit: I wonder if there is a stage in the gym.

He could have meant he saw the truck when he got to school.
How does a child know what the Horman truck looks like?

I think that would depend on if he'd been to their home and how into cars/trucks he is - some kids are very into vehicles, even from a young age.
If all LE has is children that put Kyron in the school alone, and Terri out of the school, they may well have made that statement to pressure Terri or pressure witnesses who hadn't yet come forward to give more definitive info.

Doesn't mean a thing to me that they didn't ask new questions. Timeline questions are standard.

Where were you when you saw the person?
Who were they with?
How did they look (demeanor)?
What were they doing?
What time was it?
How do you know it was that time?

If the person is consistent and clear, there's no need for new questions.
IMO, if they didn't ask new questions, it's an indication that they are merely trying to firm the timeline, not that they are readjusting it or readjusting movements of other potential perps. Timeline questions might be standard, but if they have new information, chances are they'd ask specific questions (i.e., LE was pretty darn specific in the flyer asking about Kyron, Terri, and their truck...they didn't ask "what vehicles did you see that day", they asked specifics).

The fact that they are re-interviewing witnesses in no way means that kids saw Kyron in school "alone" (i.e., Terri may have been there and that fact is backed up by numerous witnesses, but the kid being quoted didn't notice her)...it doesn't mean that the kid saw Terri out of school alone...it doesn't, IMO, point to anything. We do not know why they are doing this, as we do not have access to LE's data. They could merely be firming the timeline before they make a decision on whether or not to charge TH for anything criminal. Or they have new information...but we don't know, and their behavior in re-interviewing a student whose information they already had before establishing the "TH is the last known...etc." does not tell us anything.

This is not directed to the poster quoted but...

This is the first I am hearing this - anyone have a link to this statement or article that would verify this? TIA

This is the only one I've ever found:

A spokesman for the Portland Public Schools said two teachers saw Kyron with his stepmother and thought the two left school together.

IMHO, LE has no one who can verify that Terri left with Kyron, and that is why LE sent out the questionnaire. At the time the questionnaire went out, LE had already interviewed hundreds of people. If they'd gotten what they wanted, in that they had someone corroborating Terri's timeline or disproving it, the questionnaire would've been unnecessary.

The problem with HO's is that we actually don't know what LE has. In fact, the questionairre may have only supported what they have. We. simply. do. not. know.

I do most certainly respect your right to have your own opinion, however. I just tend to play the devil's advocate... somebody once told me I'd have been a great atty cuz I love to argue :innocent: Not so sure about that tho'.

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