50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #3

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Ruled out- he has scars on his body, acne scars, broken teeth...
I know it wasnt Karen Jo Smith I know what she looks like and I remember her story. This was a young girl, and I think the channel was fox 59 wxin But that man looked so much like BK it really caught my attention. Then I figured I would just be able to go to Indiana missing people and look it up later. I dont see them on NCMEC though grrr wish I could find them.
I know it wasnt Karen Jo Smith I know what she looks like and I remember her story. This was a young girl, and I think the channel was fox 59 wxin But that man looked so much like BK it really caught my attention. Then I figured I would just be able to go to Indiana missing people and look it up later. I dont see them on NCMEC though grrr wish I could find them.

Phen call the station, see if they can tell you...or look on local websites....what day was this again you saw it? Maybe we can narrow it down by missing-news-date w/searching?
We all know that most people get shorter as we age, if someone went missing in 1996 and was listed as 6'1" when they went missing could they have lost enough height to have ended up at BK's height when he was found in 2004 or would you rule the 6'1" person out as being BK?

I'm talking about Gary David Poole who is one of the possibles for being BK. So far he is too tall to be BK and is listed as having hazel eyes but I don't want to rule out on just eye color alone because they can look completely different at different times.

What do you all think??
We all know that most people get shorter as we age, if someone went missing in 1996 and was listed as 6'1" when they went missing could they have lost enough height to have ended up at BK's height when he was found in 2004 or would you rule the 6'1" person out as being BK?

I'm talking about Gary David Poole who is one of the possibles for being BK. So far he is too tall to be BK and is listed as having hazel eyes but I don't want to rule out on just eye color alone because they can look completely different at different times.

What do you all think??

i have been having a ponder on the same subject-NB actually brought up height shrinkage herself...I think that BK has a rounded stance, so I wouldn't rule on 6'1" alone.
Would you all agree that if a person being compared as a possible for being BK was born in the late 50's or in 1960 they would most likely be too young to be BK?
Yes, but not necessarily by very much, RKnowley.

I would think that BK is in his mid 50's to mid 60's by looking at him. Is that your impression Lion?
Yes, RKnowley. I think he looks to be about in his mid 50's to mid 60's.

Also, when it comes to height I wouldn't rule out a man who was reported some time ago as being 6' 1" either. A person's height can decrease over time as we know, and the initial height could have been reported slightly inaccurately as well.

The photo of Douglas Alan Mueller was a stunning resemblance to me, anyone else think it is possible? Doe case #

Hello everyone! I am new to this thread and I'm amazed at what you all have done here - wow! I have looked at all the side-by-side pics and have to agree with InterestedNHelping regarding Douglas Mueller. The facial features are remarkably similar. I agree with others who feel it's a mistake to rule him out based on hair color. Mueller was a young man when he went missing and it's quite common for the hair of a natural blond to darken over the years. Happened to me and both of my brothers! Does anyone know if he has been or can be ruled out by DNA?
I agree that Douglas Alan Mueller resembles Benjaman. For me, this is the only possible match where the noses are similar and there doesn't seem to be any conflicting characteristics concerning facial structure. Yet, Douglas Mueller would be turning just 50 next month. So, it seems he may be too young.

I said previously that chances are anyone born in the late 50's to the early 60's would likely be too young to be Benjaman. But, I can't bring myself to rule out Douglas just yet. I googled and looked at all I could find about Douglas, and there is very little. I wish I knew more about him.

Here is a link to The Doe Network with a pic of Douglas


Also, when it comes to height I wouldn't rule out a man who was reported some time ago as being 6' 1" either. A person's height can decrease over time as we know, and the initial height could have been reported slightly inaccurately as well.


Very good point Lion! My husband's mum routinely refers to his height as 6'1 when in fact he is 6'4. So lets assume that sometimes people remember others are being either taller or shorter than they actually are. I know that sometimes people's personalities reflect how we remember them in stature. For instance a powerful man who had a presence can be remembered as much taller and larger than he actually is. I hope this makes sense. haha.
I agree that Douglas Alan Mueller resembles Benjaman. For me, this is the only possible match where the noses are similar and there doesn't seem to be any conflicting characteristics concerning facial structure. Yet, Douglas Mueller would be turning just 50 next month. So, it seems he may be too young.

I said previously that chances are anyone born in the late 50's to the early 60's would likely be too young to be Benjaman. But, I can't bring myself to rule out Douglas just yet. I googled and looked at all I could find about Douglas, and there is very little. I wish I knew more about him.

Here is a link to The Doe Network with a pic of Douglas



Hi Lion,

The nose is what did it for me too. You're right about the age, but do you believe it's possible that BK may have been leading a lifestyle over the years that may have caused him to age a little more quickly? Just a thought. Like you, I wish there was more info on Douglas. Surely someone out there knows more about him!
he was ruled out because of piercings, burn scars and a crushed heel...BK has none of the above-no tatoos or piercings of any kind, and only the scars listed previously...
i am going to give Scottsdale another try tomorrow-this time I won't leave a message lol...
I am rather new to websleuth's and came across this thread a few days ago. IIRC it was said that BK does have a regional accent. Does this mean he has an accent relating to the Georgia area? Southern, Midwest, West ? Most people acquire their accents as children and young adults and even if they change regions as an adult they will not change their accent.

So can someone say what was meant by him having a regional accent ? It would narrow the area down by quite a few States if his accent can be placed to a specific region.
Thanks Snowbird
I am rather new to websleuth's and came across this thread a few days ago. IIRC it was said that BK does have a regional accent. Does this mean he has an accent relating to the Georgia area? Southern, Midwest, West ? Most people acquire their accents as children and young adults and even if they change regions as an adult they will not change their accent.

So can someone say what was meant by him having a regional accent ? It would narrow the area down by quite a few States if his accent can be placed to a specific region.
Thanks Snowbird

His accent is not southern, and depending on who you talk to they will give you an opinion. I think he speaks as if from the West but not the Southwest. I do not think he is from the traditional midwest simply because he does not broaden his A. Another opinion that has been posted is the chance that he was/is from Florida but was not perhaps raised there.
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