50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #3

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hi guys,

i have a feeling someone may have checked out him ... but as im nearing the end of my last semester of college (aka millions of papers, exams and job hunting) i just don't have enough time to go through all the threads !!

anyway here's this picture ... i saw a striking resemblence !!!


and he's missing from indiana. and was opening up a business (maybe it was a restaurant?)
hi guys,

i have a feeling someone may have checked out him ... but as im nearing the end of my last semester of college (aka millions of papers, exams and job hunting) i just don't have enough time to go through all the threads !!

anyway here's this picture ... i saw a striking resemblence !!!


and he's missing from indiana. and was opening up a business (maybe it was a restaurant?)

Great idea, but Benjaman was found in 2004.
Haha...2 other people submitted Mr. Smith as a possible match to BK. I even did a side by side for them. I think we finally ended up ruling him out because of acne scars and ?? Now I find out he didn't go missing until 2006..hmmmm, what kind of sleuth is that? LOL

Great idea, but Benjaman was found in 2004.
Is there anything new on Benjaman? Is there anything I can help with?

Lion is putting together a flyer with the age regression photos, and then maybe we can strategize how we want to roll them out...media, local schools, orthopoedic surgeons in Colorado and Indiana...I am game for whatever...

In the mean time, we are trying to get him representation and a means to obtaining legal ID. If anyone has close contacts with attorneys or legal aid, maybe they can run BK's scenario by them and see what their thoughts are...we have a healthy intelligent homeless man who cannot work or drive legally, much less obtain benefits without declaring himself an illegal alien. There has to be a better way, people, for him to be able to live and work until he is identified...:waitasec:
i posted the below on another BK post on here a few days ago but no one responded . Do ya'll think this could be a match?

Hi. I am new to was. I discovered it a couple of weeks ago and have just been reading. This is my first post. I read this thread and later was thumbing through John Walshes book No Mercy and came across a picture of wanted fugitive Vernon Henry. He looks like BK to me. same nose. hair color and height and weight match but says eyes are blue.Vernon killed his wife and daughter and has been on the run since Aug 96. I may be way off but the two looked alike to me. Here is a link to a site offering a reward for vernon Henry's capture.


Hi Guys,

I'm new to WS and the BK case fascinates me. I have several thoughts on it. First, I think the ears are a great feature to compare, as they don't change with age and are pretty unique to each person.

Of course, I don't have access to the case files and don't want to imply that the police etc. haven't already thought of these things, but here were some of my initial thoughts on reading about BK:

1. Why was BK found in that particular location, Richmond Hill in general and the restaurant in particular? As the police theorized, he might have been traveling on I-75 (or, if he was abducted, his abductor might), but not necessarily. If BK was driving for personal reasons or business and was somehow assaulted, say at a rest stop, why would his attacker(s) take him along afterward and then dump him? And why behind a restaurant? I think the BK location is less significant. Any out-of-the-way place would have done as well.

2. More interesting is the fact that he was found completely naked. Why would an attacker take his clothes? Perhaps his clothes were taken later, after he was beaten and dumped, by transients who knew he was helpless to prevent them from taking them. But if that were the case, would they take even his underwear? It seems possible that his attacker took his clothes because he thought they would make BK easier to identify, and he probably believed BK was dead or would shortly die.

But clothes don’t usually do a lot to help an identification unless they’re very unique. A uniform, perhaps? Or perhaps the attacker left some of his blood on BK’s clothing and disposed of it to remove his DNA.

3. One of the most interesting facets of the case is BK’s amnesia. When his eyes were repaired and he was able to see himself for the first time, he was shocked at how old he looked. He says he seems to have about a 20-year gap in his memory. Though it certainly seems unlikely, I’m wondering if he might have actually been missing that long. Was he kept somewhere against his will for 20 years, i.e., did he escape from a foreign jail or kidnappers?

4. Another fact of interest is BK’s near blindness from overexposure to the sun when he was discovered. I believe I read he was also sunburned. How quickly can a person become “sun-blind”? Could the blindness have started before he was dumped (i.e., he was staring at the sun during captivity, or perhaps there was a glare from water into his eyes)?

5. Although BK seems sure his name is Benjaman (and the “a” spelling is fairly uncommon), he could be mistaken. Benjaman could just be a name from his past, i.e., the name of one of his children, a brother, etc. I wonder if perhaps he was adopted, and thus had two identities, which is confusing him now as he tries to figure out who he is. Perhaps adoption records in Indiana and Colorado could be checked for his fingerprints and/or the name Benjamin or Benjaman. I think investigators should be careful not to get hung up on the name Benjaman.

6. BK is of the right age to have been eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War. Since the military has no record of his fingerprints, he must have had a draft exemption or was perhaps living outside the U.S. at that time. Draft exemptions could be obtained for college students, certain professionals (firefighters, police, ministers), and probably for some other reasons. He may have flunked his physical, but in that case I’d think they might still have his fingerprints on file. Or, possibly, he just had a high enough draft number to never have been drafted at all.

Well, those are some of my initial thoughts. One more thing--the poster says BK was found covered in fire ant bites. Does that mean he was just covered in the bites (suffered in some other location), or were the ants there biting him when he was found?

Last thought--I'm a genealogist, and DNA is the coming thing in our hobby. There are several websites where you can submit your DNA and run a search to find matches to surnames. It depends on how many markers you have tested, etc., but...and this is remote, I admit...BK might be able to get an idea of either his own surname or of another related surname if he did this. Here are some of the genealogy DNA websites:

Relative Genetics yDNA-Search hosted by Relative Genetics

Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation

Y-Base hosted by HeritageDNA

Y-Search hosted by FamilyTreeDNA
More interesting is the fact that he was found completely naked. Why would an attacker take his clothes?

I have a very dear friend who was mugged while out walking one morning before daybreak. The mugger stole his clothing. I think they took it to hinder the victim's quest for help. He had to hightail it home as he was only in his skivvies.

My brother was mugged once and his shoes were stolen.

Bluestarr - doing a side by side with the younger picture in Lion's link above shows some similarities. You may be on to something here.

What does everyone else think?

On Liles' information it says he has brown eyes. If he truly does have brown eyes, he wouldn't be BK, as BK has blue eyes.

Bluestarr - doing a side by side with the younger picture in Lion's link above shows some similarities. You may be on to something here.

What does everyone else think?

Well darn! :crazy: I didn't go back and check the worded description, I just put the pictures side by side. Disappointing.

With all that has happened on this case, I just don't understand why he can't get a break. BK must have been compared to at least one hundred missing men. And, because we actually know what he looks like, you would think it would be easier. We don't have to just rely on descriptions from the various databases.

Somebody must know this man.......... I guess its back to the drawing board........

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