A Walk in Weleetka

Thank you for doing that, as well, KSGirl! Lauren, I'm with you! We won't let them be forgotten!
you guys ROCK! Thank you for sending info to the media.
It was very sad that NG didn't do a 6 month bit. Just one more reason for me not to like her :(
As much as it saddens me that another child was murdered, but enough is enough with the Anthony story on Nancy Grace. Nancy, we all know who murdered Caylee. We don't know who or why Skyla and Taylor were murdered and we need to focus on this case to help solve it. Caylee's murderer is tucked safely behind bars. We can't say the same for sure about this case now can we?
I also want to thank you all, what loving caring hearts you all have. Tricia again I thank you because without you and WS none of us would of ever met one another online. When I went to Orlando I met a few of our wonderful WS members in person. It's so heart breaking with the loss or death of a child or a adult and my heart aches for their family's and loved one's.
Tricia what you and WS stand for imo is a large group of members joining together to try and help in away that we can. Of course there are always going to be a few bad seeds but look at all the love we share here for the victims and their families and for one another. I think it is just amazing how something so sad and heart breaking take's place and our loving hearts join together and try to bring change so that it doesn't happen to another innocent child or adult. We reach out and try to bring awareness to others we don't want any victim forgotten.
but look at all the love we share here for the victims and their families and for one another. I think it is just amazing how something so sad and heart breaking take's place and our loving hearts join together and try to bring change so that it doesn't happen to another innocent child or adult. We reach out and try to bring awareness to others we don't want any victim forgotten.

Windchime, it is amazing isn't it? I guess I'm so focused on the girls that I sometimes forget there are other victims and families who are hurting because of their own loss. I just wish the media would be fair and focus on everyone out there who has lost a family member and needs answers. Not just one family especially when they know who did it. We can't let our innocent children be forgotten. They didn't deserve to die.
All I Wish For Christmas Is That Justice Will Be Found... And They Will Find Who Ever Did This!!!!
Thank You Ladies For Going The Distance For Those Of Us Could Not Make..God Bless You.
I haven't visited this thread in a very long time~ClayCat how wonderful for you to take a walk with fellow WSers. For those of us who live across the country, our prayers are with these 2 girls and that justice will be made.
Any word yet, on the composite sketch that was ID'd by witnesses. Any motive yet? Is LE sticking with random?
KR2tonenow, thank you! One of the things we have learned about the sketch is that it isn't very accurate. I understand the perp. is younger than the sketch portrayed. There is even the possibility that a hat with a fake ponytail was worn.

Many believe the killers are local, because the road is isolated. Since we have been there, we have to agree that it would be hard for an out-of-towner to find! I really don't know what LE thinks at this point. I think they need to think about it more. I still think it was payback/revenge. For what, I don't know.
Since we have been there, we have to agree that it would be hard for an out-of-towner to find!

Indeed, CC! We were on our way to the site and had the news media on the cell phone trying to explain to them how to get to Bad Creek bridge. I felt like a moron because I had no idea where I was or how to get there (but at least I had a cell signal, until we got to the bridge, then it was gone). :p
Since we have been there, we have to agree that it would be hard for an out-of-towner to find!

Indeed, CC! We were on our way to the site and had the news media on the cell phone trying to explain to them how to get to Bad Creek bridge. I felt like a moron because I had no idea where I was or how to get there (but at least I had a cell signal, until we got to the bridge, then it was gone). :p

I could not get a cell signal while I was out there.
Hi, I wonder where VP was when she made the 911 call? She was, I feel certain, on a cell phone and not a land line when she called. I also believe she was out in the open by the way it sounded - but, since we've been there and understand the lay of the land - could she have been in the front yard of the home? The house is considerably higher than the crime scene. Guess I never stopped and wondered exactly what her location was when she made the call.

After I typed all of that - weren't there others in our group who did place/receive cell phone calls at the scene? Now, I've confused myself.:confused:

Boots, yes others were able to place and receive calls although AF had to move around while she spoke to GS.

I always pictured Vicky running from the house, headed north to the murder scene as she placed the call. Looking at the distance, it didn't appear to be as far as the media suggested. I was quite shocked at how close to safety those girls really were. :(
Boots, yes others were able to place and receive calls although AF had to move around while she spoke to GS.

I always pictured Vicky running from the house, headed north to the murder scene as she placed the call. Looking at the distance, it didn't appear to be as far as the media suggested. I was quite shocked at how close to safety those girls really were. :(
Yeah, I showed some people at work a picture taken from the driveway looking back toward the bridge, and nobody could believe just how close they were. :(
I can't even think about it KP. I hate to think what was going through their minds knowing how close they were and maybe hoping someone would come to save them?
I can't even think about it KP. I hate to think what was going through their minds knowing how close they were and maybe hoping someone would come to save them?
If they even had time to think about that. Jeez if I could just get this bloody time machine working... :(
Well we do know that Skyla knew her mom was on her way. Even in that brief second, I would think she would be thinking about her mom.
After going over posts here for about 8 today hours, people here seem to be split on where things stand: OSBI has suspects and are close to a solution, or they have quit and gone home, letting the killers off the hook. Some think we should ease up on OSBI, some think we should turn up the pressure. Some even think LE was involved.

Almost all agree that the lack of publicity has hurt, and that OSBI is directly responsible for that, although other factors are also noted. All express a desire to get this case solved.

What has drawn attention to this case? Release of the 911 call. Partial release, of course. A feeble attempt to solicit information which only served to cause a minor ripple in exposure, gave everyone false hope, and surely must have made the families feel even worse. What else drew attention? Release of the autopsies, which yielded the same results. A third event, the GJ - pretty much the same outcome. And still unsolved (unsolved - a derivative of solvable).

What subsequent event drew both local and national coverage, rekindled feelings of love for the girls, and showed positive support for the families? The "Walk" that some extraordinary people participated in last November. Isn't their dedication the brightest light of the last seven months?

So now, there is nothing looming on the horizon except maybe another GJ. If it convenes, this case might not even be discussed. The one year anniversary will produce a couple of local newspaper articles and maybe some quick national blurb or two. We won't see anyone named Ben or Jessica trying to get some camera time. Shame, shame.

The letter-writing campaign is still ongoing. After a dozen sent, two standard-type replies came back. There will be many more going out as time allows.

Back to the main point. The "Walk" was a great thing. Could it become an annual event? We're all trying to do something here, and I would be honored to lend support to any such future event.

Having participated in the journey to Weleetka I can only speak for myself, but suffice it to say that it was a very positive experience for me. Not only did I make forever friendships with several beautiful, caring individuals but I found the visit to the memorial site very uplifting and brought me peace. I was not expecting that. I actually felt at peace there. There were so many wonderful memories I took home with me, it would take me hours to recount them all. I will never forget this experience. Sometimes taking a chance is worth it. I took it and I haven't looked back.

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