Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

KN did his job. He is not hired to pamper and babysit this convicted killer. I wouldn't want his job for any amount of money, but someone has to do it. Her 12 page rant is typical for her diagnosis..its all about her, HER and how she is mistreated! Its always someone else's fault. I truly believe she thinks (and thought) she should get off for what she has done. I mean she thinks they should let her walk. Thats why she had to trash people would understand why she just had to kill him. She is a joke. The princess is not happy!
I doubt that Cole Bartiromo and Newsball would be in any way considered mainstream, much less media.

Here is an article about his own previous exploits and adventures in prison:

Published: Dec. 10, 2010 Updated: Aug. 21, 2013 1:17 p.m.

Former teen swindler tries to start over
Cole Bartiromo, now 26 and out of prison, seeks a new and legitimate career as 'The Dollar Scholar.'



"Bartiromo went to prison for 33 months in 2004 for two frauds he committed after the Internet scam. In November 2009, just weeks before his probation was about to end for those crimes, he went back to prison for violating probation by using a cell phone in a halfway house.

He got out of prison in late July and ended a mandatory stint in a halfway house in late September, and no longer is under federal supervision.

However, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service continue to chase Bartiromo for fines that now total $2.8 million."

Quite a long and interesting article.

He's Maria Bartiromo's (the Money Honey on CNBC) brother or cousin. I know they are related.
Page 9 - What "developments in the case" is KN keeping her in the dark about, lol? There ARE no developments dingbat, the trial is over - you are a convicted murderer, and a cruel one at that...

ETA - page 10 - "it is easy to see why he has not yet moved to withdraw" - Um, He has been BEGGING for YEARS to withdraw. :floorlaugh:

Hi PMLsmom. I wrote an answer to what she said about Nurmi. Your response is exactly what I meant. She doesnt yet realize the case, the trial, is over! This upcoming is simply sentencing. Nothing will change as to getting out! How she could not know he has tried numerous times to get off, so has Willmot. She only pays attention to her own wants. She has nothing to say about her future unless she wants to accept a plea.:jail:
Nurmi probably would like to file a motion to get rid of her!
Looking back on it, Nurmi is probably wishing that he said "*advertiser censored*" just a few more times during the trial. :floorlaugh:
JA didn't write the final draft of this letter. Somebody either edited the heck out of it or assisted her in doing that herself--unless she has been studying college English in jail for the past five years, which I doubt. :floorlaugh:

This is not the creation of a high-school drop-out, whether or not she has access to a law library or a decent dictionary and thesaurus.

I teach English at a university. The sentence structure is not perfect, but it's far from anything I've seen so far in her journals, and it exceeds that of most incoming freshmen. The ellipses, the brackets, the gerunds...She was trying to master the relative pronouns in her journals, if I remember correctly. This is relative pronoun construction on steroids! :floorlaugh:

I'd like to think that anyone, even JA, could improve his/her writing skills in jail so quickly, but I can't help but think that someone helped her write this.

Who did? Was she passing things in and out of jail? Was some wordmeister inmate assisting her? It surely wasn't Nurmi or Willmott. :floorlaugh:
Well they are only ABA "guidelines", however he does still owe her some duties. Didn't Nurmi want to be fired?

No, he wanted to be released from representation by the Court. What duties do you think he owes which he has not upheld?
JA didn't write the final draft of this letter. Somebody either edited the heck out of it or assisted her in doing that herself--unless she has been studying college English in jail for the past five years, which I doubt. :floorlaugh:

This is not the creation of a high-school drop-out, whether or not she has access to a law library or a decent dictionary and thesaurus.

I teach English at a university. The sentence structure is not perfect, but it's far from anything I've seen so far in her journals, and it exceeds that of most incoming freshmen. The ellipses, the brackets, the gerunds...She was trying to master the relative pronouns in her journals, if I remember correctly. This is relative pronoun construction on steroids! :floorlaugh:

I'd like to think that anyone, even JA, could improve his/her writing skills in jail so quickly, but I can't help but think that someone helped her write this.

Who did? Was she passing things in and out of jail? Was some wordmeister inmate assisting her? It surely wasn't Nurmi or Willmott. :floorlaugh:

From the MCSO website:

Inmate Legal Services will research the requests for civil statutes, court rules and case law and file motions for habeas corpus, civil rights and civil response matters for inmates with the appropriate courts.

It is hard to tell if this means they will help with the writing as well.

I agree with you that the writing style shown in this motion departs significantly from her journals and she most likely had help with this.
Nurmi probably would like to file a motion to get rid of her!

The more I think about this, the more I'm convinced that she filed this thing just because she is determined to be in charge. Her narcissistic personality won't stand for anything less. There is no way Nurmi is going to drop her, she is going to fire his azz. It's a control thing, and part and parcel of her sociopathy. Every guy she latched onto likely experienced it, and Travis paid the ultimate price for pushing back. He wasn't going to let her control him, and she couldn't STAND it.

She is scary as he//. I will never like Nurmi, I still get the skeevies when I think about his demeanor and behavior in court. But I bet she will be the most INTERESTING client he ever has in his "career". Yo, Nurmi<mod snip>, we feel your pain. LoL.
Oh yes, I remember this. She smiles fondly at him and relishes that moment. Is it because she is psychopathic that she smiles when other people smile and cries when other people do?

She was certainly *with* Nurmi at that point. Who or what changed her mind?

i don't think anything has changed her mind,i think she's just doing it because she didn't get her own way (being found NG) and now wants to drag this out for as long as possible.
From the MCSO website:

Inmate Legal Services will research the requests for civil statutes, court rules and case law and file motions for habeas corpus, civil rights and civil response matters for inmates with the appropriate courts.

It is hard to tell if this means they will help with the writing as well.

I agree with you that the writing style shown in this motion departs significantly from her journals and she most likely had help with this.

Thank you, gcharlie! :tyou:
i don't think anything has changed her mind,i think she's just doing it because she didn't get her own way (being found NG) and now wants to drag this out for as long as possible.

She has had difficulty realizing the seriousness of her situation since she killed TA. I'm not sure that she even recognizes it now. :facepalm:
The more I think about this, the more I'm convinced that she filed this thing just because she is determined to be in charge. Her narcissistic personality won't stand for anything less. There is no way Nurmi is going to drop her, she is going to fire his azz. It's a control thing, and part and parcel of her sociopathy. Every guy she latched onto likely experienced it, and Travis paid the ultimate price for pushing back. He wasn't going to let her control him, and she couldn't STAND it.

She is scary as he//. I will never like Nurmi, I still get the skeevies when I think about his demeanor and behavior in court. But I bet she will be the most INTERESTING client he ever has in his "career". Yo, Nurmi<mod snip>, we feel your pain. LoL.

Sorry Fran, no more names for Mr. Nurmi :angel: :seeya:
Spellbound, is this the Jake from State Farm? I couldn't resist! :floorlaugh:
I only hope you've seen the commercial.:floorlaugh:

Lordy, I hope not! :floorlaugh:
Well they are only ABA "guidelines", however he does still owe her some duties. Didn't Nurmi want to be fired?

The 2003 ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases are incorporated into Arizona statutes overning legal representation in capital cases, so they become more than only guidelines, they are the law in the state.

The document for the ABA Guidelines is a lengthy one at 178 pages. Now I understand why CMJA has not read many books this summer.

The timing of this motion is interesting, especially since CMJA has effectively refused interaction with Nurmi since the penalty phase began. Most of what she has alleged will probably be determined as baseless with the exception of her "feelings" that come from her being a difficult or uncooperative defendant.

CMJA is not the first and won't be the last difficult and/or uncooperative defendant encountered by Judge Stephens or Nurmi. Unfortunately, due to the gravity of this being a capital case, both the judge and Nurmi have to spend considerable time and energy responding to this motion. CMJA will not enjoy reading what is written about her in their responses to this motion.
JA wrote letters and begged the judge to keep Nurm* on as her defense attorney. She clearly stated all the reasons why.

And now she says she didn't want him?

BPD much?
JA wrote letters and begged the judge to keep Nurm* on as her defense attorney. She clearly stated all the reasons why.

And now she says she didn't want him?

BPD much?

Sorry if the comparison is rude, but its like bringing KY into the relationship and then saying that she didn't like anal sex.

She just doesn't get it.
I think she is doing this now to try to delay the new trial. If (huge if) the judge does grant her motion and they have to appoint a new attorney the new attorney will have to be brought up to snuff on details, etc. that Nurmi already is familiar with. It is all a maneuver on her part. jmo

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