AZ AZ - Alissa Turney, 17, Phoenix, 17 May 2001 *stepdad ARREST in 2020, acquitted*

I am 14 minutes in and I need a break for a moment... he also said she spoke so him on that call from CA but I am pretty sure we have heard different a few times, that there was no speaking on the other end.
He said on 20/20 the conversation was "scrambled" and that she was screaming and cussing at him to "leave her alone". Another attempt not only to portray her as a runaway but to make her out to be a bad, disrespectful kid - it's common knowledge that killers who commit domestic homicides and cover them up tend to claim to have seen or heard from the victim when no one else did. It doesn't make sense that she would call him but not her friends, brothers, etc.

His lies are so well-rehearsed, you know he's been lying for years. He told the police in 2001 that Alissa ran away to her aunt's house in California, which is why they didn't investigate. He knows police procedure very well, and he was able to manipulate the case, telling anyone who would listen that the police weren't doing anything.
If she wanted to avoid her boyfriend, then why did she tell him at school that day that MT was picking her up early? He's still putting Alissa down, just more subtly. He knows that he was made to look bad in court, so he's trying to say, "See? I'm not such a bad guy, I did love her, she was just frustrating sometimes." He's way too quick to answer these questions. He's still persisting with the "Alissa needed to be watched" B.S. And everyone else lied, lied to his kids, turned them against him, gah.
MT is pushing the human trafficking angle, you know his attorneys took information from him. He says he tried to teach Alissa modesty, yet he put a video camera in the vent of her bedroom, and those insinuations that she would streak naked through the house in front of her brothers - he's vile. John (Alissa's brother) manipulated her to get CPS involved. What a load of bulls**t.
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If she wanted to avoid her boyfriend, then why did she tell him at school that day that MT was picking her up early? He's still putting Alissa down, just more subtly. He knows that he was made to look bad in court, so he's trying to say, "See? I'm not such a bad guy, I did love her, she was just frustrating sometimes." He's way too quick to answer these questions. He's still persisting with the "Alissa needed to be watched" B.S. And everyone else lied, lied to his kids, turned them against him, gah.
I can't with this man... ugh.
He doesn't waste any time, does he?

Oh, he's such a victim, other people turned his children against him, blech. Trying to portray himself as a loving father, gag. He never really looked for Alissa, he just wants people to think he did. The police are always to blame, etc. He wants to go after the detectives because he claims that they lied and turned his kids against him.
He doesn't waste any time, does he?

Oh, he's such a victim, other people turned his children against him, blech. Trying to portray himself as a loving father, gag. He never really looked for Alissa, he just wants people to think he did. The police are always to blame, etc. He wants to go after the detectives because he claims that they lied and turned his kids against him.
What was the point of that softball interview?

Platform of one.

Leaves me with a sick feeling.

He doesn't waste any time, does he?

Oh, he's such a victim, other people turned his children against him, blech. Trying to portray himself as a loving father, gag. He never really looked for Alissa, he just wants people to think he did. The police are always to blame, etc. He wants to go after the detectives because he claims that they lied and turned his kids against him.
I found that really disturbing. The lecturing, the preaching, the control..... I can't imagine growing up under that .... the sovereignty of the family unit, chilling. Scary dictatorship.

I feel so bad for Alyssa, Sarah....

He doesn't waste any time, does he?

Oh, he's such a victim, other people turned his children against him, blech. Trying to portray himself as a loving father, gag. He never really looked for Alissa, he just wants people to think he did. The police are always to blame, etc. He wants to go after the detectives because he claims that they lied and turned his kids against him.
He is really playing that victim card so hard. The pitty me. A lot of times it feels like he is speaking for Sarah's benefit. He keeps saying he will never give up, but yet he passed everything off to Sarah a long time ago. If someone has only heard these interviews and the court statements, you might believe a lot of what he is saying. He makes it sounds like the cameras and security only went up a few years before Alissa went missing but he was recording things before he even met Alissa's Mother. These interviews annoy me because even if he did not take Alissa's life, he was not a good parent from what his own children have said. I cannot imagine how they are all feeling watching these interviews.
Right now, I refuse to listen to anything more this monster has to say. However, I may come back and listen at a later time. Appreciate the transcripts provided by others. Moreover, unless MT says where he put Alissa my ears are closed to his bs.

We have an eye roll :rolleyes: (located in the above smilies icon bar menu - just click on it)

Posting this for those who choose to listen in. MOO

SITTING DOWN WITH MICHAEL TURNEY: We talked about the day Alissa disappeared, his reaction to hearing he was acquitted, and his plans now. We couldn’t fit everything into our story for TV, so we posted the full interview on our app. We have also shared a link to Sarah Turney (Alissa Turney’s sister) full statement. She shared an emotional message to Alissa, saying in part “I just hope you know I tried.”

When 17-year-old Alissa Turney disappeared on the last day of her junior year, it initially looked like a classic runaway case ― there was even a goodbye note. But over time, authorities grew suspicious that something more sinister had happened. 20/20 'Since You've Been Gone' full episode with John Quiñones explores the recent twists and turns of the case, including a false confession from a serial killer, the discovery of pipe bombs, and a murder trial acquittal, building on original ABC News reporting from when Alissa disappeared in 2001.

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