CA - Foster parents arrested in connection with murder of Hasanni Campbell - #2

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Might as well face facts. It's over. The city wants this case to go away because Social Services put that child in that home. They knew Ross was there and you will never convince me otherwise. At least, if they were doing their job, they knew. The sooner it goes away, the better for the welfare system. I think I am going to puke.
Even though this new development makes me sick to my stomach with disappointment, it's better to wait to prosecute than to lose a case. I had really hoped they would have enough evidence now to locate Hasanni and put the perps away. It's going to be hard to bear hearing Ross and Campbell get all self-righteous when I don't believe them. Just keep Scott Peterson in mind. Justice will come.
Might as well face facts. It's over. The city wants this case to go away because Social Services put that child in that home. They knew Ross was there and you will never convince me otherwise. At least, if they were doing their job, they knew. The sooner it goes away, the better for the welfare system. I think I am going to puke.

Don't give up hope, Shutterfly. I have great faith in LE and I don't believe they will stop looking for evidence. Someday soon, whoever made Hasanni disappear will be brought to justice. Just hang in there.
Everybody get your web players warmed up and ready. LR TV should start pretty soon!!! LOLOL
Wow. I was really hoping they had something. What was the angle - to play good cop/ bad cop on them for a while? Hint: That works a lot better on TV than in real life.

This is kind of a *advertiser censored* up all around.
Maybe the DA is just preoccupied with 'relay-SHUN-ship" problems of his own.....

I simply cannot believe this! I am always very defensive of LE and FBI, but this is FUBAR!

Why would LE take this chance? Now they will be open to a civil suit by Louis and Jennifer. There will not be any shutting Louis up now and I just cannot bear this guys voice.

Look, he called Burris very early on. This guy is a scam artist and I have to wonder if he planned all of this. Is it a hoax? What does LE have on him? Clearly not enough evidence to charge him with murder. Something is very, very wrong here, IMO.

I am NOT giving Louis a pass just because he has not been charged. Or giving Jennifer a pass either, for that matter. Louis did not pass his polygraph, and even before he had taken it I thought he had done something to Hasanni.

Did this sell Hasanni? I would not doubt it at this point. Sorry! I am just rambling now and will shut up.

Prayers that Hasanni will be located!
D.A. won't charge foster dad in Hasanni case
Tuesday September 1, 2009
(09-01) 09:21 PDT OAKLAND -- The foster father of a missing 5-year-old Fremont boy will not face criminal charges and will be released from jail, an Alameda County prosecutor said today.

Louis Ross, 38, was arrested Friday on suspicion of murder in what police believe was the killing of Hasanni Campbell. But there was insufficient evidence to charge him, Assistant District Attorney Tom Rogers said.

Rogers declined to elaborate, but said the investigation by Oakland police was continuing.

The decision came a day after Rogers said there would be no charges brought against Ross' fiancee, Jennifer Campbell, 33. Campbell, who is six months pregnant with Ross' child, was arrested Friday on suspicion of being an accessory to murder.

John Burris, an attorney who has been consulting with the couple, said today that he was gratified that prosecutors had opted not to file charges.

"I'm not surprised," Burris said. "There never was evidence linking him to a crime. At best, there was some suspicion that the police may have had, but that suspicion wasn't supported by any evidence. So I think now the attention should go back toward finding Hasanni. It was a travesty that these two people were subjected to this kind of humiliation without just cause."

Campbell's mother, Pamela Clark, 62, of San Francisco agreed, saying today, "The focus should be finding this missing boy." She said of the attention on the couple, "It's like a terrible witch hunt."

Ross was expected to be released from Santa Rita Jail later today.

Well... perhaps they couldn't charge anyone because they are innocent... sigh... yeah... I hear that groan, and that rotten fruit hitting your monitors... Just trying to be encouraging here, folks. :rolleyes:

However, after a mourning period, we should pick ourselves up, close the arrests thread, and start a general one, I think. Back to where we were last week.

Grindstone, meet noses.
"They didn't have any evidence to hold me. They shouldn't have any evidence to
hold him either," she said. "We wouldn't hurt (Hasanni) for anything in the world.
Anyone who knows me knows that. Anybody who knows (Ross) knows he's not capable either."

and there in lies the problem,... who really knows them,... as I've mentioned before
Where are the friends and supporters, where are the people who know/knew this couple
and have been around, seeing and participating in the lives of the Ross/Campbell family
on any sort of level. To me that is still one of the oddest things....

Hell, I'll even take someone who doesn't know them that well........
Or someone who has known either in the past 2-3 years..........
it's almost like if there is anyone they are scared .........

Or maybe i'm lookin at this all wrong.....

red lettering by me
Wow. I was really hoping they had something. What was the angle - to play good cop/ bad cop on them for a while? Hint: That works a lot better on TV than in real life.

This is kind of a *advertiser censored* up all around.

This is definitely what I think happened. They had no leads, so figured they might as well pressure these two, maybe one would offer something up. This is a real shame that there are no leads to what happened to this poor little boy.
Someone, somewhere knows something.
"They didn't have any evidence to hold me. They shouldn't have any evidence to
hold him either," she said. "We wouldn't hurt (Hasanni) for anything in the world.
Anyone who knows me knows that. Anybody who knows (Ross) knows he's not capable either."

and there in lies the problem,... who really knows them,... as I've mentioned before
Where are the friends and supporters, where are the people who know/knew this couple
and have been around, seeing and participating in the lives of the Ross/Campbell family
on any sort of level. To me that is still one of the oddest things....

Hell, I'll even take someone who doesn't know them that well........
Or someone who has known either in the past 2-3 years..........
it's almost like if there is anyone they are scared .........

Or maybe i'm lookin at this all wrong.....

red lettering by me

This is definitely what I think happened. They had no leads, so figured they might as well pressure these two, maybe one would offer something up. This is a real shame that there are no leads to what happened to this poor little boy.
Someone, somewhere knows something.

I wonder if LE also thought they would give up their ruse because of the Jaycee Dugard case just being solved. Seeing the Garridos brought to justice might have put some pressure on LR and JC's minds and made them crack? Obviously it didn't...
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