CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #3

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Oh, WhyaDuck, thanks for that OT. I do love those McKenzie brothers!

I'd feel terrible if he is innocent and we've all been pounding away on him. I try to go with my gut and everything seems to be pointing at him, though. But, you never know.

I said in an earlier post that I have had second thoughts (maybe Hasanni really was grabbed behind that store) but I no longer do. I'd also feel terrible if he is innocent and I wouldn't hesitate to open my mouth and insert foot, but I really don't believe that will happen. Heck, the police suspect foul play, according to the search warrant, so it's not just us being suspicious of his story!
I said in an earlier post that I have had second thoughts (maybe Hasanni really was grabbed behind that store) but I no longer do. I'd also feel terrible if he is innocent and I wouldn't hesitate to open my mouth and insert foot, but I really don't believe that will happen. Heck, the police suspect foul play, according to the search warrant, so it's not just us being suspicious of his story!

I just can't help being influenced by how rare stranger abductions are, and how often kids (and all people, really) are actually harmed by family members or friends. But, I do try to see past that... but, in this case, LR is not helping me see too far past that...
I said in an earlier post that I have had second thoughts (maybe Hasanni really was grabbed behind that store) but I no longer do. I'd also feel terrible if he is innocent and I wouldn't hesitate to open my mouth and insert foot, but I really don't believe that will happen. Heck, the police suspect foul play, according to the search warrant, so it's not just us being suspicious of his story!

I will eat my words along with everyone else's on this thread if it's proven that LR did not harm Hassani.
I just can't help being influenced by how rare stranger abductions are, and how often kids (and all people, really) are actually harmed by family members or friends. But, I do try to see past that... but, in this case, LR is not helping me see too far past that...

I think all of us here start out giving these people the benefit of the doubt. You are so right that LR is not helping here!
Thanks for the update, Forensics Fan! Tell your wife thank you, too! Did she get any pics this time?

She did get some photos. My hands are full right now since it's my turn to cook, but I'll ask her to transfer them over to our home computer tonight.
One thing I do find odd, though, is this proclamation that they will hold a vigil every week until Hasanni is found... If this were my son, I am not sure I would allow myself to face plans like this, as my mind would not be able to wrap around weeks and weeks of him being gone. That's just my own feelings, though - to others, announcing they will hold one every week might be their way of projecting resolve. Hard to say.

bolded by me.

I think it's odd, too--it sounds so staged. In other cases of missing persons, I never heard any proclamations like that. Too planned out.
I just can't help being influenced by how rare stranger abductions are, and how often kids (and all people, really) are actually harmed by family members or friends. But, I do try to see past that... but, in this case, LR is not helping me see too far past that...
I feel the same way and honestly I'd really love for him not to be involved at all. I just can't get past my disbelief that Hasanni was abducted or wandered away from *wherever* the car was parked. :( MOO
She did get some photos. My hands are full right now since it's my turn to cook, but I'll ask her to transfer them over to our home computer tonight.
Thanks so much ~ I'll look for them tomorrow evening when I get home from work!

'Night all! :seeya:
I'm back 2 pages from eveyone else, but wanted to answer everyone's question what date this videos is is Thursday, August 13, 2009

From this article Missing boy's foster father talks to ABC7:

Here's my individual post with many other videos from the same article(*NOTE: 5th article down!).
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Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA-Hasanni Campbell - MISSING - Links, photos and articles ONLY - No discussion

watched this video of LR for 1st time, he calls police immediately.. much too quickly in my opinion, 1-2 minutes, which includes the time it took to put Lil' Sis in stroller and have JC coworker watch her. he never mentions calling out for Hassani, a 5 year old could have followed a butterfly to the opposite side of the parking lot, (I say Little Man was not in that parking lot at all that day)

and JC video tells a different story of the same 5 minutes of time. (we discussed that some earlier today, here)

thanks "ANGEL" for the help on the date of JC video
I was sitting here trying to think of one reason either one of them has given for anyone to believe them and I cannot come up with even one! And the story about him being the one to convince her to take in these kids? B.S., in my opinion. If it really were true then I believe it was only because he had something to gain financially from it!
Noway I brought up them having a dog earlier today & IIRC it might have been mentioned by others in the past too. The dog is barking in several of the earlier videos done at home. He sounds like a big mean dog if you ask me! Here is my post from earlier today with several points that I find interesting. I'm bumping it here for those who missed it! :wink:

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Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA-Oakland - 5 year old - Hasanni Campbell - Missing Since 8/10/09 - THREAD #3

Makes me feel so sad for Hasanni...hardly anyone there...

Me too. Regardless of what people may think about LR and JC this is not about them, It's about Hasanni! He's a beautiful little boy and at the very least he deserves the love and efforts of anyone and everyone to find him. I promise if I was anywhere near Oakland I would be out there every day looking for "our lil' man."
Hasanni baby, where are you!
Maybe that's the way they talk at Standford. You know, so they sound more "Canadian." :cool:
Ummmm, no. Leland Stanford (the founder) was not Canadian that I'm aware of...:confused::rolleyes:
Also, my nephew graduated from Stanford, and nobody there speaks like a Canadian, except those who are from Canada.
Ummmm, no. Leland Stanford (the founder) was not Canadian that I'm aware of...:confused::rolleyes:
Also, my nephew graduated from Stanford, and nobody there speaks like a Canadian, except those who are from Canada.

I'm pretty sure Steadfast was merely poking fun at me... No one was trying to cast aspirations on dear Leland's parentage.
Me too. Regardless of what people may think about LR and JC this is not about them, It's about Hasanni! He's a beautiful little boy and at the very least he deserves the love and efforts anyone and everyone to find him. I promise if I was anywhere near Oakland I would be out there every day looking for "our lil' man."
Hasanni baby, where are you!

Same here. Just breaks my heart that hardly anyone shows up. I just recently moved out of that area and I'm now about 2 hours away by car, but if I still lived around there I would be out there every day too!
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