Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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How unoccupied/desolate is it between SL house and where the phone was found, then up the road to where the purse was found? has anyone got that little walking map so I can see it? It kind of appears on the street map that he turned right out from her road, made the next right and that is where the true control/attack probably got ugly. I think whomever this was began the attack right away after pulling out of her block....IMHO
Great question. I've also been wondering that.

The perp. had to be studying the window of time where she would be isolated.
So Marlene tells us she was meeting up w/someone and now the text tells us. Has LE confirmed this text as accurate? Mom says she talked about it with her the night before and was excited.

I have to wonder if Marlene gets info from others or the media and repeats it. Well, wouldn't she have to leave earlier if meeting somebody. And, if not, there wouldn't be time, unless she was picking up homework, copying it or delivering her work to somebody else. I'd be on that like white on rice. As a mother I would want to talk to this person BIG TIME!

I never heard Marlene talk about the text saying it was homework related. Where did you hear/read this? TIA
We need to know if Sierra had a BF. She was ready to have one, imo. The hair, the make-up, etc.

Most of these cases, the media doesn't tell. You never hear from the BF either. Look at Holly Bobo...not once did they interview him on TV. He has never spoken one word. It is like he vanished into thin air...

In this case, we won't hear a word if he was a minor. BUT Sierra looked way beyond her years and may have liked older guys.

I really like the way Sierra looked. To me she looked her age. I didnt think she tried to make herself look older and found that refreshing. None of the photos I have seen shows she tried to be seductive.

From what I have read Sierra didnt have a boyfriend.

As far as this perp not being organized... what is there at this point that points to disorganization?

She was abducted from her home in a cul de sac. That shows organization. The person wouldn't just randomly be there at the exact time she was walking out of her house that morning and decide to take her. No clues have been found other than the ones the perp wanted found. The phone could've just as easily been smashed or had the battery and SIM card removed. Both it and the purse could've just as easily been thrown in a random dumpster and never found. Her body has not been located. There is nothing haphazard about the crime at all.
So @ 7:11 am, she is texting a person to meet w/them about homework before school. This is very interesting to me. Very important since she was excited about her essay/homework and now she is texting to meet w/person about homework.

It shows me that she had full intentions of going to school that day.

That is why she had her books with her.

As far as this perp not being organized... what is there at this point that points to disorganization?

She was abducted from her home in a cul de sac. That shows organization. The person wouldn't just randomly be there at the exact time she was walking out of her house that morning and decide to take her. No clues have been found other than the ones the perp wanted found. The phone could've just as easily been smashed or had the battery and SIM card removed. Both it and the purse could've just as easily been thrown in a random dumpster and never found. Her body has not been located. There is nothing haphazard about the crime at all.

I have said I think this person is VERY organized and he may just get away with this.

Teens messing around with Stainless Steel Cuffs? :what:

Oh boy, I need to crawl under a rock somewhere. The things I am learning about teens is way too upsetting for me. I have a 21 yr old and have never heard such carp as I have in this case. I'm hearing her texting and tumbler is normal. This girl spoke of alcohol, drugs, foul language, rap, hip hop and I'm told this is normal.

What exactly is her group like? More, how many in her school are like this?

I am not naive enough to think there aren't kids who do drugs, drink, etc., but if this is the group she hangs with, there is a BIG problem. When my son and friends spoke of groups like this it was never in a good way. It has only been a few years since high school. Have things changed this much?
"Neatly folded" clothes also shows control by the perp. This is going to be someone that no one would ever really suspect because they control their anger in their every day life. They may have a family and have never lost a beat when all of this occurred. They are likely following the case, but it wouldn't be to the extent where it'd raise any red flags. And they do have a steady job, but their job affords them some mobility during the day so no one would notice them missing from an office for an extended period of time.
We need a crime scene to say disorganized or not. So far, throwing out evidence in view could be construed as disorganized. A competent organized criminal would hide those things from LE.

.....unless he is playing cat and mouse...and believes he is smarter than the average cop.
We need a crime scene to say disorganized or not. So far, throwing out evidence in view could be construed as disorganized. A competent organized criminal would hide those things from LE.

.....unless he is playing cat and mouse...and believes he is smarter than the average bear.

Disorganized offenders would generally leave personal affects with the body because they aren't considering potential identification. They dump the body and whatever else there is in the first convenient spot they find (i.e. the side of a deserted road).
Teens messing around with Stainless Steel Cuffs? :what:

Oh boy, I need to crawl under a rock somewhere. The things I am learning about teens is way too upsetting for me. I have a 21 yr old and have never heard such carp as I have in this case. I'm hearing her texting and tumbler is normal. This girl spoke of alcohol, drugs, foul language, rap, hip hop and I'm told this is normal.

What exactly is her group like? More, how many in her school are like this?

I am not naive enough to think there are kids that do drugs, drink, etc., but if this is the group she hangs with, there is a BIG problem. When my son and friends spoke of groups like this it was never in a good way. It has only been a few years since high school. Have things changed this much?

I am right there with you. I am horrified how some teens talk nowadays and put it all out on the internet for everyone to read.

Thank goodness all of our grandchildren that have a FB accounts have me as their friend and I would faint if I ever saw any of them say such vulgar things and talk about drugs and alcohol.

But I do feel teens are under a lot more stress now and may just talk the talk trying to fit in with their peer group. It is sad that it has come to that but I do believe a lot of them are just trying to act like they are worldly and thinks its the only way to be 'cool'. :(

Just wondering why Tricia said on Levi's show that there was evidence the bag and phone were thrown from a fast moving vehicle? is this something I have missed in MSM or info Tricia has been made privvy to or is it a misunderstanding?

I think it could be anything from her jumping in the car happily at the end of the driveway because it's someone she knew to one or more people getting her into a vehicle by force. It'd take under a minute to scoop someone smaller up with your hand over their mouth and chuck them in a securable part of the car, get in yourself and drive off. The biggest threat being a neighbour seeing the vehicle or struggle. If it looked like a reasonable "out of place" type of vehicle such as a tradesmans van etc it would only look suspicious in retrospect. If they used a weapon she most likely would have gone silently if told to do so.
I am just pondering and guessing at this point, But I cannot help but feel that she entered the vehicle willingly, and things went wrong almost immediately. I think he tossed the phone first enroute to where he was taking her, then out went the purse, question is where then, I notice that if you turn at Laguna where the purse was tossed you can get over the tracks, is there a way onto the hiway there or a way to a more desolate area. If he continued on straight from where the purse was tossed he would be getting into a city area, meaning people at that hour of the morning, I think where the purse was dumped is where he turned to head out.
As far as this perp not being organized... what is there at this point that points to disorganization?

She was abducted from her home in a cul de sac. That shows organization. The person wouldn't just randomly be there at the exact time she was walking out of her house that morning and decide to take her. No clues have been found other than the ones the perp wanted found. The phone could've just as easily been smashed or had the battery and SIM card removed. Both it and the purse could've just as easily been thrown in a random dumpster and never found. Her body has not been located. There is nothing haphazard about the crime at all.

Is there evidence that shows 100% that she was abducted? Could it also not be that the perp wanted to be rid of the items ASAP and tossed them not cleverly placed them in those locations to be found? You seem to have a clear idea of what exactly happened, i on the other hand, am still thinking there is more than one possible scenario.
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