CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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Wow 25 years already.

Can someone remind me. Wasn't there a possible area she could possibly be found in. I sent to recall something about it. Perhaps to do with Bernardo but not sure.

Bernardo is over 50 now too. Soon the sob will start collecting his cpp payments while in prison.

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you know i dont live far from toronto and the thing that amazes me is how he/she /they hid the body its not like theres alot of bush around that area so who ever did it must have drove quite a distance to have been able to hide her body so well...unless its in someone house till this day but i dont think those are very good odds.


Never considered the possibility that EB might be in someone's house or cottage, but now that you mention it, very creepy, but maybe...
Not sure why, but sometimes wondered if she was hidden in a culvert. imo.
Anybody got a line on a cadaver dog.
Can't seem to get anyone to come down with a cadaver
dog to search a pretty small area.
All the handlers or trainers seem to be tied to the police either
Directly or indirectly and don't want to get involved in a search for
Elizabeth's remains.
The police won't come, and the rest basically depend in the police for their livelihood so they don't want to step on their toes.

Glad to see that moral conscience is at a high level, so sick.
Anybody got a line on a cadaver dog.
Can't seem to get anyone to come down with a cadaver
dog to search a pretty small area.
All the handlers or trainers seem to be tied to the police either
Directly or indirectly and don't want to get involved in a search for
Elizabeth's remains.
The police won't come, and the rest basically depend in the police for their livelihood so they don't want to step on their toes.

Glad to see that moral conscience is at a high level, so sick.
Where are they trained? Perhaps you could get a dog in training? Border patrol and Corrections Canada train their dogs in Quebec but they are drug dogs. Where is cadaver dog school?

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Where are they trained? Perhaps you could get a dog in training? Border patrol and Corrections Canada train their dogs in Quebec but they are drug dogs. Where is cadaver dog school?

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Maybe one of these places.

"'Cadaver dogs' specially trained to sniff out human remains"

"After his retirement from the CT State Police, Andy started K9 Specialty Search Associates in 1991. Marcia joined in 1993, and together they have taught seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic and Japan.

Courses taught include basic and advanced cadaver, trailing, wilderness area search, disaster search, water search and crime s"cene search. Andy wrote the Cadaver Dog Handbook, while Marcia produced the Water Search DVD. Both are available in the store."
Back in 1990 I had been previously for many years, and still was a very good friend of the Bain family, primarily their son, EB's younger brother. Her brother and I were in high school together at the time.

I visited the Bain home 3-4 times a week, for years before and after EB's disappearance. I still remember those days so clearly. I was there when they got the news about the car being found.

I attended and helped out on pretty much every search that took place for EB.

EB drove me home many times in that silver Toyota Tercel which I remember so very clearly.

In the early 90's I moved away and have since lost touch.

It still saddens me to this day that this case is still ongoing and EB has not been found. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.

I guess I just joined to say thanks to the members of this forum for keeping this investigation alive and never giving up hope.
Back in 1990 I had been previously for many years, and still was a very good friend of the Bain family, primarily their son, EB's younger brother. Her brother and I were in high school together at the time.

I visited the Bain home 3-4 times a week, for years before and after EB's disappearance. I still remember those days so clearly. I was there when they got the news about the car being found.

I attended and helped out on pretty much every search that took place for EB.

EB drove me home many times in that silver Toyota Tercel which I remember so very clearly.

In the early 90's I moved away and have since lost touch.

It still saddens me to this day that this case is still ongoing and EB has not been found. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.

I guess I just joined to say thanks to the members of this forum for keeping this investigation alive and never giving up hope.

Welcome to Ws JohnPaul!

So glad you have joined us JohnPaul :welcome:

We would certainly appreciate hearing any of your thoughts about Elizabeth's case. If you are comfortable doing so, is there any information you can provide us in addition to what has been in MSM through the years?
JohnPaul, what can you tell us about EB's boyfriend at the time? Do you remember there being any other bf's or guys interested in her at the time? TIA
Welcome John Paul. I hope you can give us your theory on what you believe may have happened to Elizabeth 25 years ago.

Her family and friends deserve answers. But most of all Elizabeth deserves justice.
thanks for the kind welcome,

i will touch a bit on certain subjects here, but i dont think its fair to the bain family that i provide all inside details about this case, i have great respect for the bain family even though we have lost contact for many years, i will choose what i feel is right to share, and i hope you all respect my decision, i will however answer any specific questions if anybody has any,

i will give a bit of an overview about the situation, please understand it is hard to remember specific details now, but certain things still stand out in my memory,

i remember sitting on the front porch with EB's brother and chatting, which we did quite often, many times a week. he came out and said to me "my sister did not come home last night". i asked which sister because he had two sisters, and he said elizabeth.

I asked if they had heard anything from her and he said no. elizabeth was very family oriented, she would always tell her family where she was going, and what time she would be returning home, in particular her mother. if she was going to be even a half hour late she would call home.
i knew right then this was a big red flag, even though i stayed positive at the time. i knew there was no way she would stay out a whole night without calling, because she wouldnt want her parents worrying about her, and she knew they would be.

elizabeth was one of the nicest people i have met in my life. she was very friendly, kind, caring, compassionate, and she would go out of her way to do anything for anybody, especially her family and friends. her whole family was the same way. she would offer to drive me home, and her brother (my friend) to work all the time. she would even lend her brother her car when she did not need it. her brother and i were about 16 at the time.

her father was strict but fair.

i did not know a lot about elizabeths personal life, our conversations were limited. we talked general talk like weather and school, but never got into personal things, i was very shy at the time, and elizabeth was much older then i was, so we did not really have a lot in common to talk about.

during the investigation the police were very helpful, and i feel they did a good job, they stopped by the house often, they provided the family with heat sensing equipment/binoculars, computers,
cadavour dogs to use on the searches, and even 4-5 cell phones which at that time were a new thing. i think that was the first time i ever saw or used a cell phone.

the searches for EB did not turn up much. the key chain EB used for her car was actually made for a boat, i remember this clearly because it was so big and odd. it was white foam so it would float if dropped in the water, with a blue anchor printed on it. the entire key chain was shaped in an anchor shape, it was never found (to my knowledge).

there was obviously a lot of sobbing when the news came in about the car being found, i remember getting a sick feeling to the point where i thought i was going to vomit. i did my best and i think a good job to stay positive for the family. i didnt want to put negative thoughts in their minds even though that was my thinking, it was a lot for me to handle at such a young age. i tried to stay strong for them, and comfort them.

anybody who ever entered EB's car (including myself) were asked to go to the police station to be finger printed, which i naturally agreed to. not because we were suspects, but so they could exclude our fingerprints from the car/investigation, and concentrate on the fingerprints in the car they could not identify.

as far as the accused RB goes, i can not really say much. i only met him a handful of times, maybe 5-6 times at family picnics/outings. he seemed like an average guy, we just chatted about general things. it would not be fair for me to form an opinion of him, as i did not know him well enough to do so.

the only thing i will say is that he seemed to be very controlling of EB. he would make her call him 3-4 times a day, between every one of her classes. in that day and age without cell phones this could be quite a hassle. however in his defense, this behavior does not automatically make somebody a murderer.

RB came over to the bain home about a week after the disappearance. he said he had to get some personal items from EB's room, which the family agreed to, at this point he was not a suspect and still co-operating/friendly with the family. after he left (maybe not immediately) the parents/family noticed he had ripped out some pages from EB's diary and taken them with him, this i found a bit odd.
Hi JohnPaul - you must have been in close touch with the Bain family to know EB was required to call RB 3-4 times a day. How did the Bain family feel about that requirement from RB? Were they OK with it, or was it considered OK within the family?

What was the older M brother like, specifically how did he get along with EB?
as i said previously, the family was very close and all got along very well, and that includes the older brothers relationship with EB
Forgive my skepticism - EB is reported to have placed one call to RB mid to late the morning of the day she went missing. No other calls from EB to RB are reported to have been missed in order to make him concerned. While he could not find her that night - missed calls have not played a part in her disappearance - including calls to her parents.

Don't quite get the picture on that yet. Jmo.

So brother M was not upset with EB regarding a letter she supposedly sent to his then girlfriend, urging her to break up with M? If they got along so well, why would EB interfere and sent such a letter? Or is the letter a myth?
i was speaking about their relationship in general terms,

one disagreement is not a good or fair indication of the overall status of a relationship,

i have had disagreements with my siblings before, that does not mean we do not have a good relationship in general,

and to be honest i never heard of any such letter, as i said previously, i was not involved in EB's personal life and knew very little about it, and the same goes for brother M
Were you still in contact with the family when RB went on trial? Did you have any personal doubts about it? I know you wrote that you didn't know him all that well but what were your thoughts on his conviction and have they changed since RB being cleared?
Welcome johnpaul.
Fisrt off the letter is not a myth, it is an absolute fact. I have read it. EB encourges her brothers gf not to put up with his abuse and to leave him or all she will ever know is abuse.
Also, you need to elaborate on your statement about eb having to call rb several times a day. Makes no sense. In 25yrs ive never herd those words uttered. No one has ever stated tht, nor in any police report or court document. The rown would have surely had a field day with this.
You say you rarely talked to eb and only met rb a couple of times yet you are stating this intmate detail about tir relationship. Where did you get this info.
Rb took couple pages of her diary to read them, never "ripped" them out. He returned thm to mr b. No diary pages were missing, they were found in the police files.
Mr B, hit cathy across the face amd brother MB came to her defense and put mr b on his arse. Mr B lied on the stand that this never happened yet EB clearly writes about the incident in her diary.
EB was borderline anorexic at 14 or 16yrs old as detrmined by a specialist doctor. This doctor was quite perpexed in her letter to EBs family doctor that after her meeting with EB and her parents, that she never heard from them again for follow up treatment and help for EB.
EB states in her diary that she wanted nothing to do with her dads life once she got out of the house on her own.
This was not your average family. There was alot going on in that home that the public was not aware of, as well that friends were not aware of.
Thanks johnpaul for getting the discussion going again and please keep posting. Please elaborate on whervyou got this idea thst eb had to call rb several times a day, after evry class, ehich makes no sense back then because rb would have had to be in one place all thevtime for eb to know where to call him.

Please post more thoughts and memories. The smallest thing can be of the greatest help.
Thnks again johnpaul, looking forward to hearing more from you.

Sorry for all the misspellings on a small tablet with big fingers lol
Update on the cadaver dog issue. Toronto police have flately refused to bring a dog into the area despite all the evidence given to them. We had Durham region police very excited and fully willing to come in with their dog but Toronto denied their request to come on to their turf.
Anyone else in the cadaver dog industry are tied tomlaw enforcement in some way and nobody will come in unless invited by toronto police, even from outside canada.
We have a reporter who had gotten the go ahead to do an article for the globe and mail and on the day it was to be printed it was suddenly pulled by the editor after a talk with toronto police.
The star paper expressed interest in the article then that wassht down suddenly under similar circumstances as well.
There is no such thing as freedom of speech? Only the speech the powers that be want us to hear and read.
We had a great bulldlog cold case detective raring to go to follow up on all the new info but he was suddenly removed fromm it after he put his initial report in and now nothing.
It all has to do with the boyfriends 13mil lawsuit, and the police will not waiver from him being the guilty person. They will not entertain any other thoughts because it would make them look bad. Its all about their egos even 25yrs later and new ppl on the job.

We have credible info on the area we want to bring a dog into that it was never thoroughly searched and def not with a cadaver dog. The toronto homicide detective (not the cold case detective) told durham police "do you think we are fking idiots, of course they searched that area and they would have noticeda gravesite.".....not verbatim
This is the attitude 25yrs later. What is the big deal with bringing a dog in to clear it up, would only take an hour. What are they scared of.
An upper mngt cop said early this year in regards to the new info that "if the original detective said the boyfriend did it, then he did it, end of story".......again not verbatim.

This is what we are dealing with. They have no interest in finding a missing girls remains, their only focus is protecting their egos and the blue wall, whatever the cost.

All we want to do is find Elizabeth Bain and bring her home to her mom, thats it.
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