CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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That's a lot of great effort eyesonly. I can see TPS wanting to protect themselves first - finding they were wrong would be painful rather than a happy ending.

Where is this property? Private or public property?
Can you take us through the day the car was found from your point of view. Where you were, who found the car, just a narrative from your view please.
That would be awesome.

2) approx how many searches were done in total between the police and Mr. B.

3) How many searches did EBs brother MB help search on. ( I believe you said you were there for most all of them)

In the meantime eyesoney, can you advise where the property is that you went to so much trouble to have some LE interested in searching? Why was Durham PD interested in a TPS 'jurisdictional' property?
After Toronto PD refused to bring a dog in, the evidence was presented to the Durham Region PD because part of this case is in their jurisdiction, in fact Toronto PD believes eb is somewhere in the pt Perry area possibly.
Durham felt the evidence presented to them was a no brainer in respect to bringing a cadaver dog in to see if it detected any remains in the area the gpr picked up an anomaly where a long lost witness that we located about 4yrs ago pointed to as to where eb is buried. This witness was sought out by police and the newspapers at the time but never located.
Durham can only come into Toronto area with permission.
The location of this area is a sensitive issue right now, we are trying to let things calm down and decide what our next step will be without getting ourselves in trouble.

It's very possible she isn't there, but there is more than enough evidence to warrent bringing a cadaver dog in as the next uninvasive step.
OK - Port Perry is in Durham region - so not where you want to bring in a cadaver dog to further check an area where ground penetrating radar detected an anomaly, as Durham Regional Police are on board according to you.

Where you want to check further is in the greater Toronto area - and TPS is saying no way according to you.

If it's private property then TPS is not a problem - just start digging. Have to assume it is not property owned by the Bain's - otherwise the use of ground penetrating radar would not have happened imo.
If it's crown land - just start digging. Finding human remains in TPS jurisdiction will prompt them to act - it's part of what they do.

Hard for me to get excited if you can tell but not tell. Jmo. If it's the driveway where EB resided at the time she disappeared - TPS jurisdiction - (and the property has changed hands), you would have my attention.

Who is the long lost witness tracked down 4 years ago? Can you toss some sort of bone this way - even a small one? Many very much care what happened to EB.
Digging is basically our last and only option. It is on city owned land, and we have gotten advice from different professionals, from lawyers to cops to private investigators and we have to be careful. It's not as easy as you'd think. First off there could be trespassing charges, and we have no idea how the police will react if we actually found her.
There are lots of things to weigh. The city wouldn't give permission for us to dig.
We will make a decision soon as the weather will be turning colder soon.
The person they were looking for in 1990 was someone with the nickname Spinner. Someone called into a radio show that was asking for any info on what happened to EB and a person called in on two different occasions and said "Spinner is the guy you want to talk to" and "Spinner is your man" .
Took us 2yrs to slowly gain his trust before we broached the subject of EB.
Trespassing - how much is the fine? The judge may even waive it due to circumstances.

Now that 'everyone' knows you want to dig somewhere on city land - it will be next to impossible to get much time in before LE shows up.

Can you remind up about 'spinner'?
Moving forward post #413 from page 28 as a reminder on 'spinner'.

you guys are assuming that the news articles are 100% accurate in their details regarding the "brain matter" amongst other things they report.

for instance the quote below about the cab driver spinner. well spinner is not a cab driver, nor was it ever said by the person who called into the
radio station that spinner was a cab driver. the caller said " every cabby knows who spinner is ".
and they've taken that and just assumed he was a cab driver.
spinner has be located and he is not a cab driver and never was, of that i can guarentee

""By John DuncansonTORONTO STAR

A cab DRIVER nicknamed "Spinner" and a witness who saw a man park Elizabeth Bain's car the morning she disappeared may lead police to her killer, detectives say.""
Off the top of my head, was "Spinner' ever a sort of street person with a " side-kick", who walked, spun downtown, Yonge Street, 25-30 years ago?
Can you take us through the day the car was found from your point of view. Where you were, who found the car, just a narrative from your view please.
That would be awesome.

2) approx how many searches were done in total between the police and Mr. B.

3) How many searches did EBs brother MB help search on. ( I believe you said you were there for most all of them)


you have to understand its difficult to remember details,

i was either at the house when the car was found, or i arrived at the house very shortly after the news came into the family,

i believe it was the police who found the car, if they were tipped off by somebody before hand, i am not sure,

the car was found about a 5 minute drive away from the house,

i would estimate Mr B organized 15-20 searches on his own, i would say i attended 80-90% of them,

from what i remember EBs brother M was at every one along with his girlfriend at the time N,

i dont recall EBs sister C being at any of the searches,

Also, you need to elaborate on your statement about eb having to call rb several times a day

i don't have to do anything
i don't have to do anything

My apologies johnpaul, totally worded that wrong. Was simply curious as to your source of that particular info about EB having to call rb several times a day at his request.
My apologies johnpaul, totally worded that wrong. Was simply curious as to your source of that particular info about EB having to call rb several times a day at his request.

my source is myself, and EBs brother who i was very close friends with at the time
... of course they searched that area and they would have noticeda gravesite.".....not verbatim.

Snipped by me -

Have to agree with this TPS thought from post #1040 eyesonly - how did many searchers miss a fresh grave?
Guessing the property is the park a few steps from where EB's car was seen by RB and one witness on 19 June 1990 but gone later that night?

EB would have to be some deep in order not to surface or partially surface after 25 years. That would have taken a lot of time with a shovel - assuming 'whoever' had one at the time. What would work imo, is to place something heavy over a shallow grave - like patio stones.
Snipped by me -

Have to agree with this TPS thought from post #1040 eyesonly - how did many searchers miss a fresh grave?
Guessing the property is the park a few steps from where EB's car was seen by RB and one witness on 19 June 1990 but gone later that night?

EB would have to be some deep in order not to surface or partially surface after 25 years. That would have taken a lot of time with a shovel - assuming 'whoever' had one at the time. What would work imo, is to place something heavy over a shallow grave - like patio stones.

The area we are looking at was never searched as per a witness who was there during that time and is still there today.
As for a freshly dug grave, youd be surprised at just how much ppl miss on searches. You can walk right past where a body has been buried, look to the left for a few seconds while walking and missed it on the right. It has happened. Even with bodied laying above ground. This is why most missing persons are found by accident, someone walking their dog or something like that.
Spinner revealed to us, without any prompting, that he was taught in the military how to camouflage a gravesite so you would never know it was there.
On one of the searches, one of the guys who worked for rb's PI, laid down behind a log or something and Mr B walked right over him talking to someone and the other person didn't see him either.

If EB is buried where we are looking and will eventually dig, to tell you the truth I will be absolutely shocked. But there is overwhelming evidence to at least make sure we clear it up.
We decided today we are going to go ahead and dig the area before end of Nov, the positives outweigh the negatives by.......well there really is no comparison.
Will let you all know the out come of the dig.
Are you serious with that reply or just having some fun?


if you had any further relevant information i would hope you would share it in public in this thread,

why would you need questions from me?

i am sorry but i am not understanding your logic here, or maybe i should say lack of it,

if you had any further relevant information i would hope you would share it in public in this thread,

why would you need questions from me?

i am sorry but i am not understanding your logic here, or maybe i should say lack of it,

Ok then, the illogical eyesonly is outta here.
And BTW johnpaul, I doubt who you say you are. You say you were very close friends with ebs youngest brother PB, and yet you don't know who found the car, even though you were at their house on the day the car was found and you were such a close friend to PB that you have no clue that it was in fact PB that found the car.
Thinking you have some issues you need to deal with there buddy.

See y'all.
The most important thing in all of this, imo, is to find Elizabeth Bain.
There was a recent case out west, where a missing young man turned out to be " hidden " in plain sight. Sadly, tragically he was obscured by the big tree he was atop.
Could it be possible that EB is also high up, or obscured at the side of a cliff right in the GTA, maybe even the Scarborough Bluffs?
imo, speculation.
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