GUILTY Canada - Taylor Van Diest, 18, beaten to death, Armstrong, BC, 31 Oct 2011

Looking forward to a conviction of MF's father - mostly hoping this will require he submit a DNA sample to the National DNA Databank.

Curious if the apple fell far from the tree or not.


Wondering the same thing..
A day after Matthew was arrested and brought back to BC, he was interrogated by the RCMP Sgt. Mark Davidson. The session was recorded and played in Court.

During the session Matthew's brother and sister tell him to be honest and do the right thing. If they both knew Matt was guilty before he was arrested, wouldn’t they too be charged for being an accessory after the fact?

In the first link below, there is a 2-minute video in which Matthew confesses to causing the injuries which killed Taylor. Foerster is sobbing as officers tell him how his family members are worried about him, and how he needs to take responsibility for what he did to repair his relationship with his family.

Matt’s brother Mike enters the room and has a heart-to-heart conversation with Matthew.

Sgt. Davidson also played a recording of Foerster's younger sister crying, telling him that she loves him, to be honest and do the right thing.

When asked during the video interview by RCMP Sgt. Mark Davidson if he had been following Taylor Van Diest on October 31st, 2011, Foerster admitted yes he had; he had seen her earlier walking along the road.

“Did you follow her onto the train tracks?" asked Davidson.
"Yes," replied Foerster.

"If she hadn't fought and screamed, would she still be alive today?" Davidson asked.
"Yeah," mumbled Foerster.

Sgt. Davidson then asks Foerster, "What did you do to her (Taylor) Matt?"
"I hit her with a flashlight," says Foerster.
"How many times did you hit her?" asks Davidson.
Foerster's reply to Davidson was not audibly clear.
When asked what else he had done to Taylor, Matt replies: "I choked her."
Davidson: "What did you choke her with?"
Foerster: "My hands," and then goes on to tell Sgt. Davidson that he had also strangled her with a shoelace.

Throughout the video, faces in the courtroom were fixed to screens, listening intently to what was happening between police and the accused, Foerster weeping and sobbing audibly throughout the duration of the video.

For Marie Van Diest, it was tough to hear the details surrounding her daughter's brutal attack. "I'm kind of numb, really, I try not to think about it, I try to keep that image out of my head," Van Diest told reporters outside the courthouse.
Not sure what the time frame is for MF's siblings knowing what he did. It could have been soon after the murder, or was it closer to his arrest when LE would have been asking questions of the family? Did the siblings provide help to MF in some way?

Hopefully this will come up during the fathers trial.
Police say Matthew Foerster had assumed a different identity when he was arrested and charged with second degree murder and sexual assault in the death of Taylor Van Diest. Foerster was found in the ski resort town of Collingwood, Ont., just north of Toronto in April, 2012.

Matthew’s father, Stephen Roy Foerster, now 60, was arrested the same day at his Cherryville home.

Both son and father remain in custody.

Stephen Foerster, Matthew’s father, faces charges of accessory after the fact to murder and obstruction of justice and was ordered to stand trial last October. The courts are currently in the process of setting a date for that trial, and his next appearance is May 5.

Matthew Foerster’s next court appearance is on May 5 in Kelowna. He elected trial by judge alone on both matters.

Although Matthew was charged in two other criminal matters, this information was kept from the jury which consisted of seven men and five women, to avoid tainting their judgment. However, on November 24, 2011 when a sketch of the suspect was released after DNA collected during the investigation of Van Diest’s murder was matched to suspect DNA from the Kelowna case, it was public knowledge.

RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dan Moskaluk said police handled a total of 500 tips since Taylor Van Diest, 18, was murdered on Halloween night in Armstrong, B.C. and they received more than 150 new tips in 24 hours after releasing a sketch of a male suspect in the murder of a British Columbia teenager.
None of the reports I read on this case said Stephen Foerster has a criminal history.
Police say Matthew Foerster had assumed a different identity when he was arrested and charged with second degree murder and sexual assault in the death of Taylor Van Diest. Foerster was found in the ski resort town of Collingwood, Ont., just north of Toronto in April, 2012.

Matthew’s father, Stephen Roy Foerster, now 60, was arrested the same day at his Cherryville home.

Both son and father remain in custody.

Stephen Foerster, Matthew’s father, faces charges of accessory after the fact to murder and obstruction of justice and was ordered to stand trial last October. The courts are currently in the process of setting a date for that trial, and his next appearance is May 5.

Matthew Foerster’s next court appearance is on May 5 in Kelowna. He elected trial by judge alone on both matters.

Although Matthew was charged in two other criminal matters, this information was kept from the jury which consisted of seven men and five women, to avoid tainting their judgment. However, on November 24, 2011 when a sketch of the suspect was released after DNA collected during the investigation of Van Diest’s murder was matched to suspect DNA from the Kelowna case, it was public knowledge.

RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dan Moskaluk said police handled a total of 500 tips since Taylor Van Diest, 18, was murdered on Halloween night in Armstrong, B.C. and they received more than 150 new tips in 24 hours after releasing a sketch of a male suspect in the murder of a British Columbia teenager.

I wonder what that identity was. Wouldn't that be helpful for the public to know in case they had an 'incident' with him or saw something suspicious but that could only have been put in context once knowing about his 'background'?
Looking forward to a conviction of MF's father - mostly hoping this will require he submit a DNA sample to the National DNA Databank.

Curious if the apple fell far from the tree or not.

Media attacked outside by Foerester supporters

A CTV cameraman and a freelance photographer were attacked outside a Vernon courthouse Wednesday by supporters of the Cherryville, B.C. father facing charges in Taylor Van Diest's murder.

The assault came after 58-year-old Stephen Roy Foerster made his first court appearance via video feed on charges of obstructing justice and being an accessory to murder in the 18-year-old Armstrong girl's death last Halloween.

The accused's wife Deb was escorted out of court by an unidentified man, who charged at CTV cameraman Curtis Allen and pushed him after members of the media approached the pair to comment on the case.

Video footage of the confrontation also shows Deb Foerster apparently pummelling the still photographer with her hands and purse before being shuffled off by her associate.

The photographer walked away from the attack with a cut hand, but neither he nor Allen was seriously injured and they do not plan to press charges.

The Foersters' 26-year-old son Matthew has also been charged in Van Diest's murder, and faces separate counts in connection with two other attacks on women in the Okanagan dating back to 2004.

Read more:
Stephen Roy Foerster was granted bail on the 13th or 14th of May 2012.

A 58-year-old man charged with being an accessory after the fact in the Halloween night slaying of Armstrong teenager Taylor Van Diest has been granted bail.

Read more:

At a hearing one month after his arrest, Stephen was granted bail which was set at $100,000 but did he?

Van Diest's still-grieving family said hopefully the price will prove prohibitive for the accused Cherryville resident.

"We're not pleased about that but it is what it is," Van Diest's mother Marie told reporters outside the courthouse. "We're hoping that perhaps bail won't be made and he'll stay exactly where he is."

Matthew Foerster also sought bail in BC Supreme Court in Kelowna where he also applied to have his trial venue changed. The man charged with the Halloween slaying of a B.C. teenager has been denied both bail and an application to have his trial moved to Vancouver.

Bail is almost never granted in first-degree murder cases.

The Crown plans to have Foerster tried in Kelowna.
Good question on whether the $100K bail was prohibitive or not.

I've been wondering on a possible 'tentative' DNA match in the National DNA Databank for SRF. I'm not sure what the rules are regarding checking MF's DNA against other offenders to see if a relative exists in the db. It can be done with today's technology.

Either way a conviction on the accessory charge is needed first.
Media attacked outside by Foerester supporters

A CTV cameraman and a freelance photographer were attacked outside a Vernon courthouse Wednesday by supporters of the Cherryville, B.C. father facing charges in Taylor Van Diest's murder.

The assault came after 58-year-old Stephen Roy Foerster made his first court appearance via video feed on charges of obstructing justice and being an accessory to murder in the 18-year-old Armstrong girl's death last Halloween.

The accused's wife Deb was escorted out of court by an unidentified man, who charged at CTV cameraman Curtis Allen and pushed him after members of the media approached the pair to comment on the case.

Video footage of the confrontation also shows Deb Foerster apparently pummelling the still photographer with her hands and purse before being shuffled off by her associate.

Read more:

Snipped for brevity -

The apple fell close to this part of the tree? It was good of MF's mom to give us insight into some of the family behavior.
Media attacked outside by Foerester supporters

A CTV cameraman and a freelance photographer were attacked outside a Vernon courthouse Wednesday by supporters of the Cherryville, B.C. father facing charges in Taylor Van Diest's murder.

The assault came after 58-year-old Stephen Roy Foerster made his first court appearance via video feed on charges of obstructing justice and being an accessory to murder in the 18-year-old Armstrong girl's death last Halloween.

The accused's wife Deb was escorted out of court by an unidentified man, who charged at CTV cameraman Curtis Allen and pushed him after members of the media approached the pair to comment on the case.

Video footage of the confrontation also shows Deb Foerster apparently pummelling the still photographer with her hands and purse before being shuffled off by her associate.

The photographer walked away from the attack with a cut hand, but neither he nor Allen was seriously injured and they do not plan to press charges.

The Foersters' 26-year-old son Matthew has also been charged in Van Diest's murder, and faces separate counts in connection with two other attacks on women in the Okanagan dating back to 2004.

Read more:

Wasn't there a similar incident when the Foersters were originally charged? What is wrong with these people? Do they think that they are the only people that matter and that it is o.k. to disregard the rights of others, including murder?
Wasn't there a similar incident when the Foersters were originally charged? What is wrong with these people? Do they think that they are the only people that matter and that it is o.k. to disregard the rights of others, including murder?

Perhaps it is time for CTV to press charges of assault ..... it would be appreciated by the community
Father and son were to appear in court today on other charges - Matthew on prior sexual assault charges and his father Stephen on accessory after the fact for the murder of Taylor.

Do not see any reports yet.
According to this article, a guilty plea by Stephen Foerster is expected tomorrow.

Stephen Roy Foerster, 60, is scheduled to enter the guilty plea to charges of obstruction of justice and accessory after the fact, relating to the 2011 murder of Armstrong teen Taylor Van Diest, said Crown counsel David Grabavac.

Sentencing recommendations for those charges will be heard in the Kelowna courtroom at that point as well.
This latest article doesn’t say whether Stephen Foerester posted bail or if Stephen and Matthew are in the same institution.

It says “other than the charges very little else has been revealed about the senior Foerster's role”; however, one of the conditions imposed upon Stephen at his bail hearing was that he was not to have any contact with a family friend who Matthew identified himself as when he registered with an employment agency in Collingwood. This is why I believe Stephen was charged for being an accessory after the fact – he was directly involved in obtaining a fake identification for his son from a friend. No indication as to whether Stephen provided food and shelter for Matthew after October 31, 2011.

Matthew apparently had a significant amount of cash on him when he was arrested in Collingwood in April 2013 so I wonder if he was working for the employment agency under the fake id he gave them? There was reference to disposable mobile phones being used to contact Matthew in Collingwood.
Yesterday, I e-mailed the Kelowna Capital news asking if they would include in their follow-up articles if SF posted the bail he was granted last year and if a DNA sample is part of the sentencing.

I believe MF used his real name and social insurance number for employment in Collingwood (a local painter which is his father's trade), and a fake name for lodging, meeting people etc. That was the local rumor in C'wood after MF's arrest so no MSM article to back that up.
MF was arrested by the RCMP using a swat team back-up at the motel he was staying at, a day after an arrest warrant was granted. It follows that a check of the SIN showed where he was using it. Jmo.
Any idea what Stephen Foerester's sentence will be?
Seems the judge is not impressed with the 3 years put forth by the Crown.

Crown counsel is seeking a three year sentence for the 60-year-old Foerster, less the 336 days for incarceration time already served.

Justice Peter Rodgers questioned the sentence put forth by Crown before defence put forth its sentencing submission.

"Given the heinous crime this fella (hid)... he let a killer loose," he said. "I'm having a hard time with three years."

The article also states SF has spent 366 incarcerated since his arrest in April 2012. So has been free for 1 out of 2 years?

The defense will get underway in about an hour.

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