Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #107

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Actually I don't agree 100%, I believe LE would release everything thing they have unless they have another POI or suspect.

In this case, if only for it to "not go cold" I would agree, but I think their case is tight, minus a body, imo.
Lisa Stebic disapeared a few years ago...her DNA was found in the form of blood in the cab of her husbands truck...this evidence was released a month after her disapearence..Her husband was a "person of interest" but he was never formally charged with is still a missing persons case! I have other's but it will take some digging...

On the opposite side Debbie Hawk.
In this case, if only for it to "not go cold" I would agree, but I think their case is tight, minus a body, imo.

I'm not sure If I agree. I believe they have the results back from the car -- and they were inconclusive. That is why they went after the clothes.
Kinda hard not to bother when she was the last one to see Caylee. Bounty Hunters dont pull people out of thin air.

Well, I think if Casey didn't tell momma and she hasn't told the police or FBI (which are also involved) I surely doubt our 'tough old bird' BH will get a darn tootin' thing outta Casey.

Her atty won't allow it and it's just not going to happen. At least as far as Casey giving information to a BH! So, if he wants his media attention, I'm sure they would follow him and even respect him more if he just set about using this 50,000 he gave to his nephew, to hunt for Caylee.

That's a nice nest egg to use for searching, cover a good bit of expenses. Still wonder how much he owed IRS, he has 50,000 to throw at Casey but sits a year for tax problems. Sorry just makes me scratch my head.

I agree that BH prolly wont get anything out of here. But that doesnt change the fact that thats what they are there to do. I seriously doubt 50 grand has came out of his pocket unless im missing something. All 500k came from Tony Padilla the the form of credit. Then he had a licensed bondsman in florida put up the bail. And Casey somehow runs, then Tony has 500k to come up with.
Mr. Padilla believes that he is going to get Casey in a room tomorrow or whenever she gets out, get the true story -- then go find Caylee himself.

He will then look like a huge hero when he finds her.

The only problem is -- she's going to send him on a wild goose chase . . . filled with more fantasy.

Like I've said : Cadaver Dogs hitting on two spots independently and the odor of death in Casey's car all add up to one ending.

I see some trips to Georgia and Puerto Rico for sure.
everyone that I talk to about this case gets so mad at me when I tell them what I think...that I am waiting to see all the evidence before I make my decision...if people can't understand that...sorry for them
I agree with you Tiffer and I am also waiting to see the evidence.

ETA: Don't worry about speaking your opinion here! All points of view are welcome.
This is not about Caylee. It's all about Casey....... the media, BH, NG, Gretta, and the rest of the clowns out there for the ratings. Trust me, if Casey died tomorrow of natural causes in her jail cell the BH and the media would just walk away and forget about this child. That's the harsh reality of this case. Caylee will just be another missing child and the case will go cold.

You knocked me back a minute with that, Deb. Took my breath away a second, really. That's prob'ly the saddest, most truthful thing I've read on this board. Thank you.
Lisa Stebic disapeared a few years ago...her DNA was found in the form of blood in the cab of her husbands truck...this evidence was released a month after her disapearence..Her husband was a "person of interest" but he was never formally charged with is still a missing persons case! I have other's but it will take some digging...

BTW, the Stebic case is before a grand jury.
This is not about Caylee. It's all about Casey....... the media, BH, NG, Gretta, and the rest of the clowns out there for the ratings. Trust me, if Casey died tomorrow of natural causes in her jail cell the BH and the media would just walk away and forget about this child. That's the harsh reality of this case. Caylee will just be another missing child and the case will go cold.

I know that as well as anyone. As soon as I saw the news about Caylee I was reminded of Trenton Duckett and Madeline McCann. I've followed so many since the Laci Peterson case I couldn't count. I'm always afraid of opening the located forum.
I'm am not related to anyone in this case...I just don't follow along well with the whole mob mentality thing...I like science...Science doesn't lie!!

Glad you like science, I agree as well--science doesn't lie. It won't lie in this case either, mark my words. Just because the media isn't pumping out information doesn't mean anything. I can tell you from experience.
I thought the bail bondsman made 10% even if the person shows up in court. That's how they make the majority of their money. But I'll admit I'm still puzzled as to why Casey's family hasn't bailed her just seems like they could have come up with the needed amount by now, unless they were just leery. Folks bail out of jail every day all day long.

The Bondsman makes 10 percent, not the bounty hunter.
Passin Through and All -

found this old article here

snip -It was only three days later that, Jesse said, he spoke to Casey again and she told him that Caylee was with a babysitter, so she would be free to go to the beach the next day.

The family acknowledges that Jesse is a friend and said they were not surprised he's making the claim. - snip

Some sites timelines are saying that they did actually meet up and go to the beach that weekend - still not sure though - but the beach is not just where she said Caylee and ZG were.

How bout that last line - the family is not surprised Jesse is making a claim? Why? If they know him to be a friend of Casey's why would they think he would make a false claim against her?
Lisa Stebic disapeared a few years ago...her DNA was found in the form of blood in the cab of her husbands truck...this evidence was released a month after her disapearence..Her husband was a "person of interest" but he was never formally charged with is still a missing persons case! I have other's but it will take some digging...

No need to dig. If you've followed other cases then you already know that they don't just arrest someone over DNA alone. LE steadily builds their case, with or without DNA, and then they turn it over to the DA for charges. LE doesn't need to arrest Casey for murder right now because they already have her where they want her. jmo
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