Caylee opening the sliding glass door photo

so can anyone who murders someone just make sure the body is hid long enough to not be able to tell COD and just claim they drowned and they tossed the body.
seems really bizarre when u think about it.
the whole tossing of the body should be a crime in itself. how is that legal? we are talking about a dead child. how is it legal to stash a body so one one can tell how the person died? what a mess. this jury turned a pic of a door and a ladder into a COD when even the ME could not. you know, cuz its ok to toss your daughter in the woods. no biggie. just a drowing with no 911 call for help. nah, thats not child abuse in any form. totally cool to let the mother walk free with no responsibility for what she did.

..i guess anyone could TRY it, of course they would then need "their jury" to let them get away with it.

..improper disposal of a body IS a crime---this jury, along with every other dot they couldn't connect, couldn't figure out who actually threw the body in the swamp------but gee, george was very fidgety on the stand, and he was the "owner" of the duct tape after all.

..and kc "seemed like a good mother".

..everytime i think i'm over that jury, i'm not.

..they should all be charged with "Stupidity in The First Degree".
..i guess anyone could TRY it, of course they would then need "their jury" to let them get away with it.

..improper disposal of a body IS a crime---this jury, along with every other dot they couldn't connect, couldn't figure out who actually threw the body in the swamp------but gee, george was very fidgety on the stand, and he was the "owner" of the duct tape after all.

..and kc "seemed like a good mother".

..everytime i think i'm over that jury, i'm not.

..they should all be charged with "Stupidity in The First Degree".

Let's hope they are about to get educated......the hard way. jmo
i cant say with certainty if the pic is caylee or not. all i know is something seems off. in the bday pic, caylee is chunky with baby fat. in the door photo caylee appears to have lost the baby fat, appears lean and her arms and legs appear to be long. i also would like to know when cindy changed the furniture next to the door. the piece of furniture does not match photos taken in the house after Caylee disappeared. knowing this would help us establish at what point prior this photo was taken. if she changed the furniture 6months before Caylee disappeared then we are left back with the chubby Caylee with the cute baby fat. does that make sense? for this photo to appear to be Caylee it seems it would have had to be taken very close to her date of death as she was thinning out.
still that arm positioning does not look like Caylee was opening a door. just looks like she was grabbing it. she may have been trying to open it further than it already was.. but she did not get it to that open position herself IMO

this makes me sad. Caylee as such a beautiful child. She was so cute in all her her videos. yet someone knows what happened to her and refuses to speak. i dont know how casey lives with herself. also..if i see one more post on TMZ, People mag or other place saying "get over it, Casey was found innocent" i may lose my mind. #1 you are not found innocent and #2..innocent of what? her actions were deplorable and illegal no matter which theory you believe.

Caylee was truly lost in this trial. No one spoke up for her as a victim advocate (not talking about SAO). no one painted a picture of her life. the only video of her shown was with casey playing perfect mommy. i think that video did more damage to the prosecution than it helped in establishing when the shorts were worn and if they could still fit. i wish Caylee's picture could have been shown daily. I wish video of her singing her sunshine song the day before her death could have been shown. her sweet moment with her Great grandpa should have been shown. I feel HHJP made a grave error in keeping Caylee out of the trial. This was her moment for justice and she deserved to be present somehow. (would it have changed the jury was letting casey go regardless..but Caylee deserved to be shown and respected and the jury should have had to see her photo as they released the woman who was last seen with her alive)

question...i cant remember..did JB use the pic of the door or the pool in closing arguments? if he did he he did not abide by the ruling not to use Caylee's photos in closing arguments.

when the verdict was read in the darlie routier trial the jury had placed photos of Devon and Damon in front of darlie lines of sight so she would have to see them as the verdict was read. obviously their photos were allowed to be shown in the trial. why was Caylee kept hidden?
I don't know if that is really Caylee, I don't know if she could actually open the sliding door. However...if she did open the door and walk out, she would be in the screened patio, not in the backyard. She would then have to negotiate that door. My screened patio has doors with the handles up at the top, ordered that way so my kids could not easily get out. I also kept them locked for additional safety. My kids could not open my sliding glass doors when they were that young. Standard doors have locks that are a bit confusing (turn one and push the other), plus it is rare for people in areas where there is significant crime (and Orlando is one of them) not to have more significant locks. I have pin locks, they are at the very top of the door and there is no way a child could open them.

But...none of this matters, because there was no accident, Caylee was killed by her mother and her grandparents did their best to help cover it up. That's the sad, sad truth that none of us can seem to get over. Caylee deserved so much more than the family she was born into.
this has been on my list of things to do LOL who remembers the video of Cindy babysitting that kid briefly, the camera shows Caylee's room and this little girl is sitting on the floor playing with Caylee's toys. i think Cindy was sitting her which didnt last long. Someone called the authorities and that came to an aburpt end. Was wondering if that was the girl in the pic of the sliding glass door. Anyone?

And notice the left shoe...something is up with that shoe, I dont know what but something is not right in this pic!

I agree dizzychick. something is off in that pic. I thought that the first time I saw it. It just happened to turn up at the most opportune time for the DT. You can do anything with photoshop! your first reaction if Caylee really was going to open the door would be to run and stop her, not grab your camera and take a pic? Kind of like puppy traing a dog, you run to stop them in the act, not wait til they poop and grab your camera. I know stupid analogy, but similar. I don't believe the pic is even of Caylee
I agree dizzychick. something is off in that pic. I thought that the first time I saw it. It just happened to turn up at the most opportune time for the DT. You can do anything with photoshop! your first reaction if Caylee really was going to open the door would be to run and stop her, not grab your camera and take a pic? Kind of like puppy traing a dog, you run to stop them in the act, not wait til they poop and grab your camera. I know stupid analogy, but similar. I don't believe the pic is even of Caylee

BBM-There are three things that look off to me.

1)Her left arm is skinnier than the right
2)The left shoe looks stacked as if a copy/paste was done in photoshop
3)The position of her feet are off. Her planted foot is pointing straight ahead, she wouldn't be able to use her body weight to push the door.

I wonder if there is any legal way of getting the original video or picture. If this picture really was altered then whoever did it needs to spend some time in prison. That picture was part of the reason the jury bought the accident theory.

..i guess anyone could try it, of course they would then need "their jury" to let them get away with it.

..improper disposal of a body is a crime---this jury, along with every other dot they couldn't connect, couldn't figure out who actually threw the body in the swamp------but gee, george was very fidgety on the stand, and he was the "owner" of the duct tape after all.

..and kc "seemed like a good mother".

..everytime i think i'm over that jury, i'm not.
..they should all be charged with "stupidity in the first degree".

imo imo
The bottom picture with JB showing the picture in question is clear as a bell...and it proves that Caylee was able to open that door on her own. That is a beach towel laying of the back of the patio furniture. You can see Caylee's knuckles where her hand is wrapped around the handle and the coloring on her sneakers match. Zooming in makes the picture blurry and distorts it so you can't identify specific points accurately.
While I agree with you that the original shown in court was not Photoshopped, and I too use Photoshop, it does NOT prove Caylee was actually able to open the door and get out it and into the pool on her own! All it it is a photo of her with her hand on the door handle, not actually pushing or pulling it!!!
And I do believe it is a photo of Caylee and those are the same shoes she was wearing in the birthday party video, just now with a sundress.
I agree dizzychick. something is off in that pic. I thought that the first time I saw it. It just happened to turn up at the most opportune time for the DT. You can do anything with photoshop! your first reaction if Caylee really was going to open the door would be to run and stop her, not grab your camera and take a pic? Kind of like puppy traing a dog, you run to stop them in the act, not wait til they poop and grab your camera. I know stupid analogy, but similar. I don't believe the pic is even of Caylee

First of all GA is a former police officer and knows better than to NOT put a bar in the track of the door. How easy is that? I think they did and that is why the door is only slightly ajar. The dogs were probably let outside and the door was left slightly open for when their returned. Anyone with half a brain who took that picture of Caylee and would have realized..."OMG, she can open the door herself." If this is what happened and this is their new story how bad is it that you admit taking a picture of Caylee opening the door, herself, to the pool area and you did nothing to protect her??? How can you possibly explain that away????? Do I think this happened, no? Do I think the bar was there, absolutely.

The A's were both meticulous and anal retentive in the care and safety of their home I do not believe for a second this slipped by them. Careless would be more of KC's style. jmo

ABC messed that one up.Nothing like posting a picture that's skewed! They clearly changed the ratio.
Unfortunately 90% of the discussion on this thread is discussing a picture that has been skewed (not the original), and probably not by the Defense Team. If you look at the original that was shown in court, it is NOT pixilated nor skewed in aspect/proportion ratio!
We ought to be analyzing the court version shown in Eleni's posts- NOT the skewed proportion one!
Wonder why SA never asked to see the original if this was from a video?
I don't know if that is really Caylee, I don't know if she could actually open the sliding door. However...if she did open the door and walk out, she would be in the screened patio, not in the backyard. She would then have to negotiate that door. My screened patio has doors with the handles up at the top, ordered that way so my kids could not easily get out. I also kept them locked for additional safety. My kids could not open my sliding glass doors when they were that young. Standard doors have locks that are a bit confusing (turn one and push the other), plus it is rare for people in areas where there is significant crime (and Orlando is one of them) not to have more significant locks. I have pin locks, they are at the very top of the door and there is no way a child could open them.

But...none of this matters, because there was no accident, Caylee was killed by her mother and her grandparents did their best to help cover it up. That's the sad, sad truth that none of us can seem to get over. Caylee deserved so much more than the family she was born into.

I have pin locks on all sliding doors leading to the backyard pool. I always have a hard time putting the pins back. I think they are one of the best safety features if you have a pool.

Wonder why SA never asked to see the original if this was from a video?

I've wondered that myself. I can only speak for myself. I think the SAs thought the jury would understand that a child touching a door is a far car cry from opening it. There were mothers/fathers on the jury that should have picked up on it right away. In fact, the sliding doors usually have fingerprint all over them from the child trying to push open the door.

Since that door played a big part in their deliberation, the jury should have taken a trip to the A's house and tried the door for themselves.

Prof: Okay, to be clear. THe above are quoted pics from this thread. The pic below is what I have provided. What I have done is downloaded the trial pic from,0,
Then I simply zoomed in and cropped that trial pic to show the part in question. I added the arrows, and that is all I did.

What I noticed aside from the unnatural left arm was the blue patch on the outdoor furniture. The blue patch with the red border looks like a paste job with cut sharp edge and all. Compare it to the quoted pic on the right above.



Unfortunately 90% of the discussion on this thread is discussing a picture that has been skewed (not the original), and probably not by the Defense Team. If you look at the original that was shown in court, it is NOT pixilated nor skewed in aspect/proportion ratio!
We ought to be analyzing the court version shown in Eleni's posts- NOT the skewed proportion one!
F.Y.I. people, the bottom picture is the original, not distorted/skewed that we should be discussing- no other versions!!!
BBM-There are three things that look off to me.

1)Her left arm is skinnier than the right
2)The left shoe looks stacked as if a copy/paste was done in photoshop
3)The position of her feet are off. Her planted foot is pointing straight ahead, she wouldn't be able to use her body weight to push the door.

I wonder if there is any legal way of getting the original video or picture. If this picture really was altered then whoever did it needs to spend some time in prison. That picture was part of the reason the jury bought the accident theory.


I agree about the prison time. We KNOW at least one witness perjured herself and many believe she should be in prison. But if a picture was tampered with, someone should definitely pay for it. But, if JB can lie in his opening statements maybe he can lie about a picture.
I tend to agree on this being a different child. See my post earlier in this thread here with picture of Caylee wearing similiar shoes.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Caylee opening the sliding glass door photo

For the sake of comparison only, here is the original post in this thread with the child in question:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Caylee opening the sliding glass door photo

This is not Caylee.

I totally agree. The girl looks much too tall for a 2 or even a 3 year old.

I don't think she could open the door.

The reason I wanted the jury to ask for the original pic/video is because it would have shown JB was trying to mislead them. IMO, the picture was just a snapshot of a video and there is no way Caylee opened the door.


I know where you are coming from. I was being sarcastic, sorry. You know what else is weird about this photo coming into evidence and supposedly causing reasonable doubt?...

...We can't see the girl's face!!!

How do we even know it's Caylee? And how would the jury come to the conclusion it is Caylee in that photo? They needed all the dots connected for them on every single piece of evidence the SA provided. So how is it that they connected the dots regarding the photo, and assumed it was Caylee? I mean, one would have to do that in a photo showing her back only...right???

ETA: The jury was not convinced of decomp in the car even though two cadaver dogs on two separate occasions hit on the car. Yet, they easily believe Caylee may have gone into the pool herself and drowned after seeing the photo of a child presumably Caylee, presumably opening the sliding door.!
According to the jurors, this picture was not the deciding factor, but it bothered me too, at the time.....
Remember back when publicist Michelle B*rt, had a Caylee is missing webpage and flyer that talked about Caylee being big for her age - claiming she was much bigger than other girls her age? I now wonder just when the defense obtained this picture.

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