CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #36

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This show probably won't even air until March. Very depressing, the entire pace of this case. Even the dogs, coming in three months later.

What places would the family have suggested to this dog handler that they would not have suggested to LE?
respectfully snipped:

As far as the search dogs...I've seen and heard of them getting amazing results when LE dogs haven't been able to find anything. Of course all dogs are different, like all people are different. I'm hoping that Ms Wendy is determined and painstaking and her dogs are everything this case needs. My biggest fear is Dylan is not in the search radius. There were a lot of hours between 8 pm and the following morning...not to mention the entire afternoon, but maybe that nap was just a necessary rest due to lack of sleep the night before. Still, that leaves 11-12 hours unaccounted for. That's a lot of territory. Like MR said, "He could be anywhere". Creepy words, but true.

A lot of time and territory indeed. I'm not so sure if he is anywhere nearby either. His work as a trucker might only enhance this aspect, imo.

Also, didn't he have access to special "piping"?

I wonder what the avg. stats say on this distance of grave to home, and other details relating to this, as listed in cases such as those upstream in supermom's citations, compared to random perps.
A lot of time and territory indeed. I'm not so sure if he is anywhere nearby either. His work as a trucker might only enhance this aspect, imo.

Also, didn't he have access to special "piping"?

I wonder what the avg. stats say on this distance of grave to home, and other details relating to this, as listed in cases such as those upstream in supermom's citations, compared to random perps.

That's a very good question! Wish I knew the answer...
I swore I'd NEVER talk like my mother when I got older. Dagnabbit!!!!!

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
I am my Mother After All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek :great::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

It happens to all of us! And then one day you realize, that's not such a bad thing. :blushing:
I have never been that broken. There are grand parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that are still in the picture. And they are a very important part of the picture, the family. You can't just exlude blood relatives. I don't know it just wasn't a part of my divorce. jmo

There are many reasons that people get divorces. A divorce to remove yourself from an abusive situation is a horse of a different color. If two people have simply grown in different directions and are no longer a match, maintaining contact is reasonable.

A woman separating herself from an irrational, narcissistic (sp?) man can not and should not maintain that kind of relationship. People who have never experienced this tend to think that something could be fixed. For example, by going to mediation. That would be true, if both sides were rational people.

IMO mediation would be a horrible idea for Elaine. It is not surprising MR suggested it. Mediation would be one more venue to rant about her and how miserable she has made his life. One more way to drag her into a controlling situation.

Allowing the boys to form their own family with MR if they chose, is only right. But she has good reason to keep distance.
Even if MR is the most honest person ever, and has not breathed an untrue word, Dylan could have been gone as long as ten hours before police were called, anytime from 7:30am on. And if he was abducted by a "random", he could have been taken anywhere. If by a local predator,probably within twenty miles or so. Still almost impossible to search everywhere.
Does anyone know if you can watch Dr. Phil online? I don't have TV.

meant to thank you the other day for some links you left

one of which was nais

good group & reference -- (was once a

Thanks! Cool you were a member. You have a lot of insight.
It happens to all of us! And then one day you realize, that's not such a bad thing. :blushing:

It truly was meant lovingly... I lost my dear mother 2 years ago today so it is bittersweet... but nevertheless, the memories, the words of wisdom, the preaching... it remains embedded and will surely be carried on to my daughters. (lucky them...)
Oh, I respect them also. But like I said I wonder WHERE they will start their search
by Mark's house
the lake
Florida Road
totally some place not previously searched??

I have often wondered why they never (if they did, not aware of it) searched east/northeast of the lake.

It brings tears to my eyes knowing three months have passed. Where do you Start ? The Father if Responsible, had from 8:30 PM Sunday night till whatever time he drove the following late afternoon to the Police or whatever Department their refered by.

With no solid proof Dylan was at the house that night or following morning, The Father could have driven to the house or close by, and stashed his cell phone, or remove the battery knowing it would leave a trail of his activites,_ And he easly could have driven a 400-500 mile round trip, If he's responsible, Dylan could easly be up to 250 miles away from that area.

And if he infact is responsible, and did drive a distance away from that area, all these searches will come up empty. He's a Truck Driver with knowledge and stamina to drive a great distance. His claim of sleeping after arriving back that Monday could be from Fatigue from staying awake the prior 24-36 hours.

And if infact he's done the unthinkable, and put Dylan miles from his residence, it would bolster his claim of leaving Dylan home, and Dylan set off hitchhiking, and was picked up by a stranger theory.
There are many reasons that people get divorces. A divorce to remove yourself from an abusive situation is a horse of a different color. If two people have simply grown in different directions and are no longer a match, maintaining contact is reasonable.

A woman separating herself from an irrational, narcissistic (sp?) man can not and should not maintain that kind of relationship. People who have never experienced this tend to think that something could be fixed. For example, by going to mediation. That would be true, if both sides were rational people.

IMO mediation would be a horrible idea for Elaine. It is not surprising MR suggested it. Mediation would be one more venue to rant about her and how miserable she has made his life. One more way to drag her into a controlling situation.

Allowing the boys to form their own family with MR if they chose, is only right. But she has good reason to keep distance.

I do appreciate your posts and you views, but I have/had no knowledge that ER and MR's relationship was abusive. Maybe I missed this. jmo


When they don't behave like one.


Okay, I will go along with that. What has MR done to indicate he is not acting like a Father who is concerned about his son? ty
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