CO - James Holmes Trial Discussion - Begins April 27, 2015 #16

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Ohhhh after a quick break..they will be addressing Jh to ask IF he understand's his right to testify...Bet?? He'll say yes he understands and NO he will NOT be taking the stand??

Closings to start 1115 Tuesday...their time..115 EDT and 615PM Maisie time (UK) ..BTW Maisie have dinner by then so you can listen to Master Brauchler..LOL Tuesday of next week...

Taking a 15 minute break now ( should be back around 645 EDT) ..and will come back and talk to Mr. Holmes...Ohh man that was even hard for me to type this evil soul!!

I will have my meal prepared for me that day by my lovely husband. He won't be able to pry me away from this chair on Tuesday!

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I have ALWAYS missed the verdicts lol.. except for the First Arias Trial...and that's only because I had a text sent to my phone telling me when it came in! lol

Me too!!!

I missed the Casey Anthony verdict while I was on vacation... at a lake in the middle of nowhere VA... with no cell reception or TVs. & I'd been watching the trial every day that summer because I was unemployed at the time. Then when I finally found out she was found NG... on ALL charges (except lying to the police)... and that she was already out of jail, I FLIPPED OUT! I was in such shock... & seriouslyyyyy questioned the effectiveness our justice system. Heck... I'm still shocked over that one.
I think it is correct that the alternates cannot be present during deliberations but I am not sure why they could not just be sent home and told to not talk to anyone like normal.

Kinda strange they have to be present in the courthouse.

Would an alternate be brought in if a juror became too ill to carry on deliberating?

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Yes Dr Reid was amazing--and I think part of the reason he was so amazing is that he doesn't have an agenda. No bias towards prosecution or defense. He did his evaluation without influences---and it was honest and truthful. Yes I do think JH has a mental illness---but I am leaning with Dr Reid towards schizoaffective disorder with APD thrown in. And, according to the statutes of the state of Colorado he is not legally insane...I think he is a very angry young man and has been for most of his life.And, he would kill again

Would an alternate be brought in if a juror became too ill to carry on deliberating?

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If a juror cannot continue for X number of reasons, the alternate would be brought in and then the jury would have to start deliberations all over from the beginning.

We had lots of discussions about this in the JA 2nd trial because it almost happened. There was a juror that should have been kicked off the jury and we were discussing this. So I think I have this right how it works.
Me too!!!

I missed the Casey Anthony verdict while I was on vacation... at a lake in the middle of nowhere VA... with no cell reception or TVs. & I'd been watching the trial every day that summer because I was unemployed at the time. Then when I finally found out she was found NG... on ALL charges (except lying to the police)... and that she was already out of jail, I FLIPPED OUT! I was in such shock... & seriouslyyyyy questioned the effectiveness our justice system. Heck... I'm still shocked over that one.

I have to admit I won't be very happy if JH gets NGBRI. I totally believe the prosecution have proven their case. I truly hope the jury thinks so too.

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Yes Dr Reid was amazing--and I think part of the reason he was so amazing is that he doesn't have an agenda. No bias towards prosecution or defense. He did his evaluation without influences---and it was honest and truthful. Yes I do think JH has a mental illness---but I am leaning with Dr Reid towards schizoaffective disorder with APD thrown in. And, according to the statutes of the state of Colorado he is not legally insane...I think he is a very angry young man and has been for most of his life.And, he would kill again


I really liked Dr Reid for the same reasons you mention. He was an absolute professional. And his memory was excellent! I believed everything he said when he testified. I trusted him. I had none of these feelings with Dr Gur.

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If a juror cannot continue for X number of reasons, the alternate would be brought in and then the jury would have to start deliberations all over from the beginning.

We had lots of discussions about this in the JA 2nd trial because it almost happened. There was a juror that should have been kicked off the jury and we were discussing this. So I think I have this right how it works.

Thank you! I've learned so much during this trial :)

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Why not use tape, voice tape, the sessions. Not use a video cam. That would have been better then relying on memory minutes, hours, days, weeks or months later.

Exactly -- even if it is audio & video -- let the pt. know that it's being recorded -- panic -- then just kind of ease into it, etc., and everyone in the room will eventually fegeddaboutit. Even if it clicks & clacks. That's what happens nearly every time -- at least that's what my psychiatrist friend tells me. She has always video'ed her pts. But she does have a little "get acquainted" time before she starts it rolling & not usually in the same session if budget allows. JMO.
Oh my life!!! Where is the stream?! We are missing the judge address JH!

It's back. My goodness!

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Thank you Chelly and Lyndy :)

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See you tomorrow 9 a.m. - rebuttal
Lots of yes/no answers but no 'your honours' tut!

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I am sorry but the younger schizophrenics I worked with could not have carried this out during a full psychotic episode. The intricate planning--heck most of them would have blown themselves up just setting one incendiary device in the apartment- His home wiring was very intricate--what did it take--2 days to defuse the place. Throwing a "smoke bomb" before shooting to confuse people--also it would burn the victim's eyes and further limit their vision and ability to get away..That's not a psychotic episode. It's cold methodical plan by an unfeeling killer. And, yes I want to see this kind of evil get the DP.
That's my rant of the year. IMHO.

Excellent & informative post, dr dona -- thanks -- again my psych friend says in a full episode, her pts have trouble getting to the loo -- driving down to the theater would be impossible -- and loading a gun without getting carried away and shooting a picture off the wall in his living room, not evah.

IMO, organizing something that big which took days requires someone with a lot of concentration, determination, carefulness, etc., etc. I don't see a florid psychotic being able to do this if given a list and a month to do it. Never. JMHO>
How can the shooter make this choice not to testify? He's insane, right?
Here's a thought - if Gur was positive about her opinion, then why did she have to argue & yell? Why didn't she present her opinion in an intelligent manner? She was so casual about it, "someone with that high of IQ (that really wasn't that high), would never write such bizarre things."
That doesn't sound like a medically sound statement by an expert! IMO, KWIM?
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