Conrad Murray trial -Day one.

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Did you hear Gongaware testify that all 50 shows were sold out almost instantly and 250,000 people were still wanting tickets???????????

No one ever has had the draw and appeal like Michael Jackson did. Even though I was never a big fan of his........I certainly knew he was an amazingly gifted entertainer.


I saw him in concert twice. The "Bad" tour and when the Jackson's reunited briefly in the mid 80's at Dodger Stadium.

He was phenomenal!!
Did anyone ever hear why the tour was just going to be in London and not the US or anywhere else?
And I thought I understood that the recording was done after Dr. Murray sedated Michael. There is something very very sick about this, if not federally wrong.

Nothing but nefarious and sinister reasons.
I would like to know how many tapes he made and who else he might have taped?

I know full well I have never been recorded when I wake up in the recovery room. :rolleyes:

Did you see the movie "This is It"? It's REALLY good, and worth renting.

It really shows the true Michael.

Yes and I agree.I always loved the soft spoken way he handled himself.He connected so well with others in the art.MJ's performance was outstanding.
Does anyone know why the pharmacy in Nevada was shut down? Did it have anything to do with this case?

I am not sure why but the State of Nevada shut it down.
You can request the reason from the Pharmacy Board website.

I do not believe this is over concerning any possible drug charges.
Defendant did not have a CA DEA license and he ordered Ativan, Versed and Valium which are all controlled substances. We all know how SLOW the FEDS move.

I am not sure why but the State of Nevada shut it down.
You can request the reason from the Pharmacy Board website.

I do not believe this is over concerning any possible drug charges.
Defendant did not have a CA DEA license and he ordered Ativan, Versed and Valium which are all controlled substances. We all know how SLOW the FEDS move.



That is usually b/c they get every single of shred of evidence before they even bring the charges! You can be sure if someone has a Federal charge, the Feds have all of the evidence. Which bodes well for getting rid of all the other doctors in this matter.

And for MissJames;

I too feel so sorry for the Jackson family members. All of this is such a horrible thing to have happen to any family. I don't think I would be able to be in the Courtroom for fear I would harm the Dr (b/c I would only be able to blame him, period), and/or the prosecutor that will bring up things the family will have to deal with and explain to the children. I just would not be able to think logically or to handle it at all.
Did you see the movie "This is It"? It's REALLY good, and worth renting.

It really shows the true Michael.

I have seen it, will probably watch it again. My 42 yo daughter hasn't seen it, so we'll watch together and with her 6 yo too!
Oh man, this is just terrible. And his children will hear that drug induced stupor, I just found it online. Man, the entire family is going to learn a lot of things they did not need to know and have to live with those things. Whew, this is just bad....

i feel for his children. but i believe his adult family members share culpability here, not criminally mind you, but the culpability due any family member who chooses to remain in denial bc it is the path of least resistance and in this case, at least, the one most financially beneficial to them.

i loved michael jackson. but he was a drug addict. i was angered by all the family and friends who came out after his death and claimed not to know how bad it was. maybe if those same folks are forced to hear the slurs of a man absolutely crippled by drugs they will not turn a blind eye the next time.
I am not sure why but the State of Nevada shut it down.
You can request the reason from the Pharmacy Board website.

I do not believe this is over concerning any possible drug charges.
Defendant did not have a CA DEA license and he ordered Ativan, Versed and Valium which are all controlled substances. We all know how SLOW the FEDS move.


Hi Boz. I did a look up on Applied Pharmacy and it seems there was a bankruptcy filing, so don't know how much of this case played into it. I did notice in the article that Texas and Nevada have no laws that define where a drug can and cannot be given. So, in Texas and Nevada it would be ok to give anesthesia at a patients home! Can you believe that?
I had to laugh at Jinkosaruas street guy interveiw.

She asked the man 'How will you feel if Conrad is found guilty"

Street guy says" I will be devastated i will hurt,Conrad needs to be out here ,he has kids to support ,he got alot of kids."

Not exact but it was funny.
Those recordings of Michael were very disturbing!!!

agreed but i actually think the tape can be used by the defense to prove that mj was clearly taking god-knows-what when CM was NOT around.

there comes a point where the body just gives out.
i feel for his children. but i believe his adult family members share culpability here, not criminally mind you, but the culpability due any family member who chooses to remain in denial bc it is the path of least resistance and in this case, at least, the one most financially beneficial to them.

i loved michael jackson. but he was a drug addict. i was angered by all the family and friends who came out after his death and claimed not to know how bad it was. maybe if those same folks are forced to hear the slurs of a man absolutely crippled by drugs they will not turn a blind eye the next time.

I agree, somewhat, but how much did they know? How much did he hide from them? I honestly don't have any idea.
Great start for the defense. They can't even spell "Michael" on their own visual aid. And, they are going for the "he drank it" defense--IMO the weakest defense.

the "we're inept" defense has worked in recent history.

and as for the "he drank it" defense......sadly, an addict would do that in a nanosecond. it may or may not have happened here, but it's certainly not a stretch to suggest it could have.
Hi Boz. I did a look up on Applied Pharmacy and it seems there was a bankruptcy filing, so don't know how much of this case played into it. I did notice in the article that Texas and Nevada have no laws that define where a drug can and cannot be given. So, in Texas and Nevada it would be ok to give anesthesia at a patients home! Can you believe that?

Here is the website Isabelle

Its a crying shame about Propofol but I guess even the FEDS never believed anyone would do such a thing. There were numerous laws broken with the procurement of the controlled substances. I bet that pharmacist knew darn well about that DEA license too.

agreed but i actually think the tape can be used by the defense to prove that mj was clearly taking god-knows-what when CM was NOT around.

there comes a point where the body just gives out.

Why would Michael be taking God knows what when defendant was not around?
Defendant clearly had no problem ordering boatloads of drugs and then administering same drugs.
No I simply do not believe that and the tox report from the AR proves what was in Michael's system. The deadly cocktail.

i feel for his children. but i believe his adult family members share culpability here, not criminally mind you, but the culpability due any family member who chooses to remain in denial bc it is the path of least resistance and in this case, at least, the one most financially beneficial to them.

i loved michael jackson. but he was a drug addict. i was angered by all the family and friends who came out after his death and claimed not to know how bad it was. maybe if those same folks are forced to hear the slurs of a man absolutely crippled by drugs they will not turn a blind eye the next time.

Michael was living on his own and if you know about drug addiction,the addict hides from the family with little or no contact when he is full blown using.That's what they do and I believe the Jackson's suggested an intervention but to no avail.Michael did not fall to the point of despair,where he would want or need help.He was protected in a bubble.We cannot blame family members,only the drug addict himself can stop, or ask for the help he needs.
the "we're inept" defense has worked in recent history.

and as for the "he drank it" defense......sadly, an addict would do that in a nanosecond. it may or may not have happened here, but it's certainly not a stretch to suggest it could have.

The amount he would have to drink would have been massive and impossible to take in that amount of liquid (4 gallons).
I also believe Propofol would burn the esophagus and will ask my DR next time I see him. It has to be mixed with Lidocaine because it burns the veins so it would make perfect sense it would not be palatable to drink a huge cocktail of it.

agreed but i actually think the tape can be used by the defense to prove that mj was clearly taking god-knows-what when CM was NOT around.

there comes a point where the body just gives out.

Respectfully I think it shows the opposite.

Here MJ is in the presence of his high priced personal physician and this doctor is taping his patient when he is at his most vulnerable. I have never heard of a ethical doctor taping someone and MJ certainly would never have agreed to such invasion of privacy so it makes the taping seem all that more sinister and mean. It brings into question why was it done.......what was he going to do with it? Blackmail? Hold it over MJs head in case MJ decided he no longer wanted Murray because he had been feeling ill while under his care? I think it opens up a whole can of worms when it comes to Murray's character.

What it does show that even Murray was very well aware of MJs condition he decided the answer was to reorder more large quantities of propofol.

Michael's body wasnt worn out. He was rather healthy for a 50 year old man when Murray filled him with benzos and intoxicated him with propofol which Murray bought by the 'boatload", imo.

Michael's body worn out,No Way.If you want proof watch "This Is It" For a 50 year old,
he showed those 20 yr olds how to do those dance moves.All I could think was how can
he still perform like that at his age.
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