Conrad Murray trial -Day one.

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The amount he would have to drink would have been massive and impossible to take in that amount of liquid (4 gallons).
I also believe Propofol would burn the esophagus and will ask my DR next time I see him. It has to be mixed with Lidocaine because it burns the veins so it would make perfect sense it would not be palatable to drink a huge cocktail of it.


And a huge cocktail wasnt found in his stomach anyway..the high level was found in his blood.

Imo after death a small amount of propofol leaked into the stomach once the vital organs shutdown.

I had to laugh at Jinkosaruas street guy interveiw.

She asked the man 'How will you feel if Conrad is found guilty"

Street guy says" I will be devastated i will hurt,Conrad needs to be out here ,he has kids to support ,he got alot of kids."

Not exact but it was funny.

I had to chuckle when I heard that too, Soul! :floorlaugh:
And a huge cocktail wasnt found in his stomach anyway..the high level was found in his blood.

Imo after death a small amount of propofol leaked into the stomach once the vital organs shutdown.


I cannot wait until Walgren brings out that pesky AR to the world. :great:
Propofol was found in his vitreous fluid for pete sakes.

Respectfully I think it shows the opposite.

Here MJ is in the presence of his high priced personal physician and this doctor is taping his patient when he is at his most vulnerable. I have never heard of a ethical doctor taping someone and MJ certainly would never have agreed to such invasion of privacy so it makes the taping seem all that more sinister and mean. It brings into question why was it done.......what was he going to do with it? Blackmail?


It does make one wonder, especially when the target has been blackmailed before and has exhibited the willingness to pay to make something go away.
Michael's body worn out,No Way.If you want proof watch "This Is It" For a 50 year old,
he showed those 20 yr olds how to do those dance moves.All I could think was how can
he still perform like that at his age.

If that is worn out............I WILL TAKE worn out!:floorlaugh:

And it is so hard to even realize that MJ was 50 years old. I have watched This Is It three times.....and he looks like a young teenager at times or maybe in his 20s but never close to 40 or 50.

He had his smile back and it lit up the room again.

It does make one wonder, especially when the target has been blackmailed before and has exhibited the willingness to pay to make something go away.

That tape really makes me very uneasy and MJ telling his spiritual advisor that 'they are trying to kill me' sure doesnt help that either.

trial has started has it, no buffering issues like cnn

i can't listen, boss is here, but thought i would tell everyone

Day Two Thread

[ame=""]Conrad Murray trial -Day two. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Michael's body worn out,No Way.If you want proof watch "This Is It" For a 50 year old,
he showed those 20 yr olds how to do those dance moves.All I could think was how can
he still perform like that at his age.

Drugs. Michael said he's a machine.
Day 2

I have seen it, will probably watch it again. My 42 yo daughter hasn't seen it, so we'll watch together and with her 6 yo too!

I watched it with my son (19 years old) and my husband....both die hard "rock and roll" fans....they both downloaded some MJ songs after watching the movie. :)
agreed but i actually think the tape can be used by the defense to prove that mj was clearly taking god-knows-what when CM was NOT around.

there comes a point where the body just gives out.

Well, that't possible, but nothing showed up at autopsy except the drugs administered by Dr. Murray.
The amount he would have to drink would have been massive and impossible to take in that amount of liquid (4 gallons).
I also believe Propofol would burn the esophagus and will ask my DR next time I see him. It has to be mixed with Lidocaine because it burns the veins so it would make perfect sense it would not be palatable to drink a huge cocktail of it.


It would also be broken down by the gastric fluids and a first pass metabolism through the liver, making it almost useless.
Michael's body worn out,No Way.If you want proof watch "This Is It" For a 50 year old,
he showed those 20 yr olds how to do those dance moves.All I could think was how can
he still perform like that at his age.

Agree, he was not worn out. He was an artist and they do have their own quirky ways. There had to be some period of time prior to plans for the concert, that MJ was composing and working on materials. I don't think he would have done this very well being stoned out of his gourd. I do know that certain drugs do open up and enhance a persons creative abilities. MJ would not be the first artist to use drugs to help with his creative abilities.
Agree, he was not worn out. He was an artist and they do have their own quirky ways. There had to be some period of time prior to plans for the concert, that MJ was composing and working on materials. I don't think he would have done this very well being stoned out of his gourd. I do know that certain drugs do open up and enhance a persons creative abilities. MJ would not be the first artist to use drugs to help with his creative abilities.

He weighed 115 pounds........115 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!

That's not healthy any way ya slice it.
MJ traveled with an anesthesiologist before. This was nothing new. MJ got exactly what he paid for.

Is Murray Guilty? Probably.... But in all honesty, I just don't care....and I doubt I'd convict him. Malpractice definately. Criminal Liability, no
I feel exactly the same way! Murray is most likely guilty of negligence, but considering what a despicable person MJ was, I really don't care if Murray serves much if any time, MJ got what he deserved, IMO!!!:twocents:
I feel exactly the same way! Murray is most likely guilty of negligence, but considering what a despicable person MJ was, I really don't care if Murray serves much if any time, MJ got what he deserved, IMO!!!:twocents:

MJ did not deserve to die like that. IMO.
I feel exactly the same way! Murray is most likely guilty of negligence, but considering what a despicable person MJ was, I really don't care if Murray serves much if any time, MJ got what he deserved, IMO!!!:twocents:

I dont think MJ ever got what he needed ,which was help. For all the issues he had from youth until his death at 50.

He never learned important skills to cope. He never learned to heal his wounds. He never recovered from whatever trama left him unable to sleep.Instead he hide from everything good in life and

I dont feel sorry for him , I feel ashamed for him. Someone should have said or did something to prevent what the whole world has seen coming from the 80's. He may have been the king of pop. And then who was he? No one knew ,not even him.
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